HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-07-01, Page 7r•rar•eerrevere ±co p rN w;g orowOo THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JULY i, 1881. Fun anb Fancy. W the wosid has decided that the leas MO Ne bettor, ii ale°yi proceeds dlreetly to My everything is 't` utter- most ebandance that it can �o ss1bly think 'of. It is one of the privileges of Llebrity that the person celebrated, nth never wash his Windsor open an umbrella with- out being soeredited with some 000uh reason for his proceedings. A little bow entered a fish -market one ;day, and Ing for the first time a ,file of lobstersging on the counter, looked intently at them for some time. when be exclaimed, "By gracious ! them'a the biggest graashtxtnpers I've ewer seen !" The fair daughters of this i tad ! May they add virtue to beauty, subtract envy from friendship, multiply amiable ac- oomptishmenja by sweetuea of temper, divide time by sociability rand eoiniony, .td rodeos ss.eda1 to its lowest denom- ination. "How shall we train our girls 1" asks an exchange. Trsin 'em with about twenty-two yards of black silk, if you want to please your girls. A silk telvet train would also make 'em happy. --'Nor- ristown Herald. A CHERTS ED RELIC. the eeateere *ramie rr a..meed Agalaat Jews. The following is a copy of the most memorable judicial sentence which has ever been pronounced iu the annals of the world, namely, that of death against the Saviour -with the remarks which the Journal Le Droit has collected, and knowledge of which must be interesting in the htgltest degree to every Christian. It is word for word as follows: Sentence pronounced by Pontius Pilate, intendent of the Lower Provinces of Galilee, that Jesus of Nazareth shall suffer death by the cross. In the seventeenth year of the reign of the Emperor Tiberius, and on the 24th day of the month of March, in the ,most holy city of Jerusalem, during the pontificate of Anna* and Caiaphas. Pontius Pilate, intendent of the Pro- vince of Lower Galilee, sitting in judg- ment iu the presidential seat of the Pre - tun, sentences Jesus of Nazareth to dtath on a cross betWeen two robbers, as the numerous and notorious testimonies of the people prove: 1. Jesus is a misleader. 2. He has excited ibe people to sedi- tion. 3. He is an enemy to the law. 4. He uaW himself the Son of God. 5. He calls himself, falsely, the King of Israel. G. He went into the temple followed by a multitude carrying palms in their hands. Orders the first centurion Quirrillia Cornelius to bring him to a place of exe- cution. Forbids all peraen., rich or poor, to prevent the execution of Je. BUR The witnesses who have signed the execution of Jesus are: 1. Daniel Robani, Pharisee. 2. John Zorobabel. 3. Raphael Robani. 4. Capel. Jesus to be taken out of Jerusaleut through the gate of Tournes. This sentence is engraved on a plate of brass in the Hebrew language, and on it are the following viords: "A similar plate has been sent to each tribe." It was discovered in the year 1810, in the city of Aquilla, in the Kingdom of Naples, by a search made for Roman an- tiquities, and remained there until it was found by the commission of ars 'n the French army in Italy. Up to ,tlie time of the campaign in Southern Italy it was preserved in the sacristy of the Carthusian' near Naples. where it was kept in a box of ebon•-. Since hen the belie has been kept in ,he the chapel of Caserta. The Carthusian• obtained, by their petitions, that the plate might be kept by them, whuh was an ackno.vlet)- meat of the aacnfices which then' mace for the French army. The French translation was made literally by nnem- ben of the commrapion of arts. Denon had a frac simile of .he plate en;raved, which was bought by Lord Howard, on the sale oi.hia cabinet, for 2,810 francs. There seem .o be no historical doubts as to the authenticity of this. The reasons of the aeateaoe correspoad exactly with those in the Gospel. There the RMa ,rraee. If a man is on the can and sees a young lady he doesn't know (rota Eve and neral saw before, trytas to let dos .) the window, lie throws down his paper, takes off his hat, bows himself double, smiles ele.r fir iu .d 'o Ma seer colter button, says tweedy, "ADaw me ?' and closest" window wish graceful skill and charming cow • ny. If his eig. er says, "Tom, won't you plow kt this window down for me 7" he tucks his pope- sav- agely under his ems and stalking across the shale stands on hejhet while h. bangs the window down 'frith a slam and f Us her face and hair with dust. And 11 his wits, holding the baby in one hand and the inneh basket in the other. tries to let down the window, and says timid - 1y and suggestively, "Oh, dear, I don't holiest* I stat get it blown," he grunts; says, "Eh 1 oh I" and buries himself still deeper in hie paper. That's whet you' el coining to isura.--(Bwrlington Hawk- efw i01'dt3 of Rftso01'YI. The tetttptatiwt that at best is but a little cloud as big as a man's hand may quickly overspend the whole beaten. Our iadulgiug in evil is as the motion of a stone going down hill; . it alrentithens itself by Poing, and the longer it runs the itaore violent that motion becomes. Nothing ie. oourtesy unless it is meant for us, and that friendly and lovingly. We owe no thanks to rivers that they carry cur beats, or winds that they be favoring and fill our sails; f r these are what they are necessarily. ries carry us, trees shade us, but know i nut. Pour people have more time to be syui1ethetic than their rich ueighbots. Lieu objwtte of love and esteem hve lunger iu the feelings of the•puor thew of the rich, since the former have 'kw other resources of gtatificetion to fill up the void, while the latter are pussesed of a great nein ber and variety. A hived, who Ioveth at all times, through evil and through good report; through sorrow into joy; through sinand suffering uuto repeutance, is more beau- tiful then the stars in the firmament Mimic; more to be desired than the wealth of Golconda. A pure heart is the crown of all beautiful •things. d It is a beautiful thing to frankly ac- knowledge an error we are conscious of c mitturg toward another; and a more enjoyable thing to know we are wiping away the tears of pain our thoughtless words have caused. The ready smilea cheerful spirit, and the encouraging words of a titre -tied companion are beau- tiful things to the eyes of angels. Gratitude. Hi.w can we, who are in perfect pos- sessiou of all our faculties, find suitable words to express our gratitude? A mind in full, vigorous exercise, an aspiring soul reaching out after a higherg , and the heart appropriating to itself se nourishment the genial smiles of friend- ship, and the warm, ecstatic joys of love, until it cannot be otherwise than that the innermost sanctuaries of our nature are softened and moulded into the truest type. of confidence and trust in our fel- low beings. For all this ie should truly be thankful. Like some ruined fortress is a shatter- ed mind. ' Once it was the proud strength of its royal owner; now it is all bereft of beauty ; the trellis work on which was trained the beautiful bowers of thought has crumbled to decay for want of the natural props and stimulants of early progress ; the pruning knife lies in rusty idleness, while the dews and bright sunshine s3arcely penetrate the thick mould of mildew and dry crusted .oil. An occasional ray from the dim lantern of the soul arouses some early dream or half forgotten tenderness. At such times a regiment of untrained ideas stalk wild- ly through the soul without either pur- pose or aim. t" Let us be grateful for this loving gift, and manifest our value of.it by a judi- cii.us regard for the brain development in our children. ' Precocity is not healthy. The physical and mental pow- ers should go hand in hand like sisters ; they may be differently organized, re- quiring a fine distinctive capacity to guide their development ; yet both need the sunshine -one, it may be, the mellow light of repose, under the exhilirating witchery of motion ; the breeze that lifts the golden ringlets from the brow tones anew the delicate organs beneath. Exercise is another name for .medicine -not the stunted exercise of a prim lady - ism on Broadway, but that hearty over- flow of vitality which exhibits itself in a good romp. Put a cross child in the batt: tub, this is a neutralizer ; it will come out refreshed and good-natured. A healthy child is a picot of motion. A rood rough and tumble for a few min- utes with a mischievous one will balance the forces and bridle effect uallythe super- abundance ut animal spirits remaining after the outlet. After being surcharged with air and exercise, they are ready for books, or auy tame duty. In a word, let us see to it that child- hood has a being practically it our little ones. The friction of lit.'s inachir.ery will, sooner or later, dry +out the wine from their nature, and cool off the glow- ing heat that now seems to scorch us,but only intensifies their happiness. Se rat the oo'y et.ecle•d by the senator .lectic',a at. albeit/ is that Garfield and Granit "don't speak." "Must say it's the nicest thing I ever used kr the teeth and breath," says everyone having tried "TRAEsadr," the ne. toilet gem. Get a 5 cent sample. A healthy man never thinks of this stomach. The dyspeptic thinks of noth- ing else. Indigestion is a constant re- minder. The wise man who finds him- self suffering will spend a few cents for a bottle of bop aa, from Entail, the new and remarkable compound for cleansing and toning the system, for assist- ing the digestive apparatus and the liver to properly perform their duties in assimilating the food. Get a 10 oent ample of Zops,n, the new remedy, of F. Jordan, druggist. A few doses will surprise you. he Juni a Besslag. For the speedy curs of Consumption and all diseases thee lead to it such a stubborn Coughs, neglected Cobs, Bron- chitis, Hay Fever, Asthma, Fein in the side and chest, dry hacking oough, tickl- ing in the those, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, and all chr anic or lingering diseases of the thoat and lungs, Dlt. Kiwo's New Dm- CovreT has no equal and has established for itself a world-wide reputation. Many leading physicians recommend and use it in their practice. The formula from which it is prepared is highly recommend- ed by all medical journal& The clergy and the press compliment it in the most glowing terms. Go to your druggist and get a trial bottle for tea mets, or a regular ease for $1. For Sale by F. Jor- dan. Gederioh. BaehlelaAawles Salve. The best Halve in the world for Outs, Cribble, Tetter, Hands, Chilblains, Ont7sa, sed all kinds of Sim eruptions. This Sates is guaranteed to give perfect aatmilaOtioe in every nes err money refunded. Pries 26 cents yes has For sahib, F. Jade.. ()odurish ' Srn'iCooOA.-d&ATEFOLA1DOsg Marenla. Br a thsrweg► knowledge of the amoral lap which govern the operations of dt� sad Nutrition. and sJ. carotin a $taatua ei the dee properties of welieala-ted Cowie, 111, try km pro%ided our b reakfast tattles with a WI Aossed beverage may Hare srTdoctor's WW, lthe Jodi - ticking Ise of such articles of dist Chet a cos- stitatios way be graduallybulk up until ddemi . ns to resist every H reds of subtle maladies ars mound puready-5 attack wherever there sais vY• may moans macer aMal d aft by keeping ours.lves well (wtiaad with pure °ilea sad a°owrlshed frame.' -Celaalijileakeite labled �Sler.it. mut`e o. ctientista ram"- en of to Em.a°e for anseww� use. p R. ss titres Mahn The great sect' of obtainMgrieiee, is and first to practice economy, as good old Demon Snyder says, "It used to worry the life out of arse to pay enorm- ous doctor's bills, but now I have 'struck is rich.' Health and happiness reign supreme in our little household, and all simply because we use no other medi- cine but Electric Bitters, and only emits �y Dents a bottle." Sold by F. Jor- Nature, after all, is the great physi- cian. She hides all the secrets of health within her broad, generous bosom, and man needs but to go to her intelligently for his every need. The discovery of theg'eat Cough Remedy, Gs.ar's Seater OF RED Sr&ucg Gum, is an apt illustra- tion of this. Al • cure for Coughs, Colds, Loss of Voice and Hoarseness it stands unrivalled, while its low price and readiness of moms places it within the reach of all. Try it and be convinced. All chemists keep it in 25 and 50 -cent bottles. --ad FLOWERS AND PLANTS. ALEX. WATSON Florf.t, South street, wishes to inform the people of �d chand pleendid a eortment of that he hese BEAUTIFU FLONEAING PUNTS of almost every variety. and also a choice collection of BEDDING PLANTS, AND SHRUBS, and all kinds of VECI1llTg33LE PL.NTB in their season. The public are cordially In- vited to examine the stock. Remember that the earliest purchasers have the best choice. ALEX. WATSON, South St. P. 8. -Also for .ale, a heatingapparsto., suit- able for amateurs consisting of boiler, four - inch pipes, and expansion tank. 1751. 1-8-ff NEW FRIIITS.1681 NEW VALENCIAB, NEW LAYERS, NEW CURRANTS, S. S. ALMONDS, WALNUTS, FILBERTS, CHESSNUTS. sm LAKE SUPERIOR ix TROUT, WHITE FISH & HERfiING. o1- SALT WATER -tot HERRING AND CODFISH. ALSO, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Teas, Sugars, Abid General Groceries; CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, A N D CHINA. Dr. Pnte•><s Cream Baking Powder. Dr. Paid s Lupulin Yeast Gems. Chas. A. Nairn, TUE SQUARE. 1730 W. S. Hart & Co. PROPRIE70RS OF THE Goderich Mills (LATE PIPER'S.) Peg to return rn the- thanks to tate public for patronege •ece'ved during the pier year, and to stains they ire prepared to do C+RISTINCi-„ on the shortest not ice. or :or the convenience of parties living at a distance will exchange kr'ste at their town more (Late W. M. Hiliard'a,) Masonic block. East St. Goderioh. JIM -Highest price paid for whest..1W Reoord of the LYMAN Barb. FIRST PRIZES AWARDED TEE "LY�idAl�" Four -Barb Wire Fencing at MGN i ttEAI, QQUE. HAMILTON, 0/1 f )1 lJ NC1NNATI. OHIO. EXHIBTLOwi. SYRACUSE N. Y. 11 DAVENPORT. IOWA. FOR al 33 LL?if th a sad SUMMON? f Ow all Competitors. Tle Meat & Bet pock IN TRH W ORLI . Adopted sad In me on 15 Railway Liam 1a the U. S. and (y►naeta. Ree that our trod. mart. "Lumen Rana,- Is stewMlled nn each reel Act OimsenH,, Send (°r prloa. sad ern esha R. W. Mq 9edwtairlswg. DOMMINION BA/tle WIRE P C)<7V R M.. $72 WIZ J S:stir&sm. /iwsy IWO Mina C UGGH$ C4OOLLDATH.'A, Alt7V.117, JRONOHITIiS LOSS OF VOICE HOARSENESS AND THROAT AFFECTION& .t.e."....lai.. .nlad hoer���'' tl +..ideal a3t 7 a .��.Myei�"1 seeWee •� ".wif a •sett en= wefts ems M los t*1• hop broil Wile wow Anoka ef Moe vas ..d tad, Pima! /. *wimp of Say Iles ahs rho paw& Wow maw l4. swart Oasis • ell. s.ytd,s woa4 `feu wild. wn •kw nods /roma eh• 3.,.•• ria GRA ''S SYRUP 88 RED SPRUCE GUM. Its rensarbable eswtainfoerans of almost 'reside epee in curing ob- stinate Making Coughs,is now well known to the public at large. said ie� +t.,eIttt resntaidaM. aA•w4Ra. Mee, ffi and p of Ws ewe r/tw4 etvd ihosOwe" iari, and ufrown.. a, e aa.naa/a an, sae rryiaterrd. KERRY, WATSON d• whel•rL Dr?,esfw., Sala POopriarwr owed Nan.Jhcenra., Montreal fer.pra- q• the ewle. wow ••aw.01 e. •5• tta1 a 51 p rolwear •r• pre.. • iL This An. /foss •are •�Y r6 at one taw. pore how, •e.Isiw• s a • 0(15.� sr.`..i' y i•S•d 0.n. /w a .wpten en, in relieving /titin, and its -VtCT"ORIA- BUCHU&UVAURSI THE CREAT SPEC/FIC OISCAS[S41"tns►\1 ONEYS Inc UR /NARY ORGANS. LOVELL'S Province of Ontario Directory FOR 1881-1882.. TO BE PUBLISHED IN NOVEMBER 15N1, Price $5.00. , • LOVELL. at the request of several Merchents.nd others of the Province of Ontario of the (Pty of Montreahis Inn will l. ice, begs to VVI▪ NC� Of that DIRECTORY, inPRO- No- vember next. containing an Alphabetical Directory ANI) A THOROUGH • Classified Burin ; Directory of the ltostne u and Professional men in the Cities, Towels, cad Villages of Ontario. with a C aseifed Business Directory, ()V THY CITY OF MONTREAL. The same care and attention bestowed on the Dominion and Provincial Dir.ctories of i871 will be given to this work. Subscribers names respectfully solicited. Terms of Ad- earthiest made known upon application. JOHN LOVELLlk 807 Mastzed, Leo. 11R. Publisher's. 1750 hlyti 1'. •PJOHNSTON'S`"t/ SARSAPARI LLA - L. �1 I(,,..-Inpner tl.lfrB Wt18YfiiillI NeIliL;r. , end for Purifying the Ileod- It kis been in ow for 50 yearn. cart has T'''rued to be the two prepare non •. ketforSiCK Hr.AI,A('HE, VAIN IN Tltlt SIM Ott IIACX. LIVER t WI- .VIET PIY1'LE3 ON THE FAt c, :FUME . l'tLLit. end all Dieeas t arise from a Disordered Lrer or an ire blood. Thosnd. of our best .;.r tato it and give it to their chil i •:L Physic -ism prescribe it dal'y. nose c“, , ems noon., recommend t m olbera. itis mad. front Yellow Dock. H „ne!u ras:lermps.l la. Wild Cherry, Stil!Ingia. Da+add{ioos,� smelafrs& t?1lntergn•rn, and ..mer w-8 have. ,Neat -,le moots and u.-rtna ItlasirIctly vegetable,. and can .t hurt 111s nisei delicate constitution. nae or the best medicines `use for it - -Lath-0Latert the 1nweit tc re sold by all rearmost. dregglsta al nee dollar foe a quart flat* or Pit NAL!. for ewe dollars. Thins who nisei* dada a WWI. of one madlelava how their drwtotklwt wlwy r,d s d ass cheer, aw. 0111 ail ft 1.. teas w J611WRCe s d, tnathat n ek Aawowwgaw Owr. TOT male ray .1 VW! Vt.n�+"x, Aemigt and LlreggiaL aTOaI ULLIE Chilled Plow • -AND- AGRICULTURAL WORKS. movies pwelhm.Nd the Oadwlch Fepdry, i or inksIse the lewh nrernee 1 sad s'sLp. ;LTi t 1. rest nn m Seale. Mill Work. ti.amral R.pairawg and Jobbing win be con- tteerrd. An week Resesakond, Nr. D. R smr-hies M the only sash asst5erbnd to se and adv. reeslpta tow boa of aha hie of Rieseiessa ! Ca, sad eretit e r...gis _.Msi es verthemves IL 411111611e= ANCHOR LINE. UNITED STATER MAIL STEAMERS Bail every 8.turda7 NEW YORK TO OLA3GO W CABINS, 11110 to ilea STEERAGE MN' These 8teaoered° not carry cattle, ahesposp(gs NEW YORK TO LONDON DIRECT. CABINS w to W. Excursion at Reduced Passenger accommodations are unsurpsasd. All Staterooms on Main Deck. Passengers booked at lowest rates to or from .a• Railroad Station 1a Europe or A erla► Drafts alowest ra..eof charge.) tkafa�ro Forboukaotlntormatlon, plea., fru. apply to HEIt1E1sON Bsous ras, 7 BOWUNObagstt, N. Y. Or to MRS. E. WARNOCK, Albion Block. 1781 Agent at Ooderlcb V OTICE. 1.11 Gibbing up PAtatogroepAie, i Gudet id. 1 1 In returning thdnks for past vers. Weald just Na] , those wishin s bcui4t Sal Please settee termer prices and cusses ' Precise t.iormet Life Sine Photos,•I • 111.00 $7.00 5x10 Photos, 1 - 1.50 100 11x4- Li • 1.54 t0 Cabinets Photo per do .. - 100 I.i 1.3. I Card Photo, per dos., - 1.80 And Frames to suit t obese at BOTTOM P Ia108. Come ooe.;come all! and hese your hearts gladdened by getting good and cbeaprhotos at 1755 E. L. JoHKAON'N. AT THE OLD STAND. D. C. BTRACIIAN HAA REMOVED Ulm GROCERY BUSINESS To the old stand in the Albion Block, formerly occupied by hiul. where he will be pleased to welcome all his old customers and the public generally. .\ lairg, ynaintity t 1 NEW, FRESH AY ('HEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. D, C_ STRACHAN, I HAVE BOUGHT THE HARDWARE STOCK. -OF--- MR. D. FERC -TJSON -AT A- VERY GREAT DISCOUNT ! Nearly all of said Stock, as well as my own original Stor k, was lwwaht hef.rr Ibr ldtewr of Hardware. I am therefore in a position to sell Cheaper then any ether Rorie la the create. MY STOCK OF �'a�lir�er�' Baild��ls' �c�l��l�ll II i I �i1111 (01111)111111., whlch'I avant to run off quickly, 00Z AND BUT AT SQOH.PRIOES AS WILL PLEASE TOU. Fresh Ground Water Lime in Stook. AGENT FOR BEST STEEL BARB FENCE WIRE. R_ W_ Mita= 1\TZIF 17.1-4m. HURON CARRIAGE WORDS. T. & J. STORY, (SUCCESSORS TO JOHN KNOX), MANUFACTURERS Or 'I. , ;),4arC_ ANY STYLE OF VEHICLE BUILT TO ORDER. REPAIRING and JOBBING done with Neatness and Despatch, and at Reas- CCM onable Rates. Call and examine beforo purchy,Ing elsewhere. T_ SC J_ STORY, (KNOX'S OLD STND. . HAMILTON STREET. . GRAND CLEARING SALE -OF Boots . and Shoes, GAMPBELL1S ROOT;i S1OE EM1ORIL\I, FoR ..1()NTIL Previous to Stock taking. My Stock is Lar`uaud well -assorted, and GREAT BARGAINS will be given. 'T:EaT~ S/ZS = C.E�SI3 WM. CAMPBELL. Guthrie', .141 . 13, 1881 17119 mewdeN Eieatfat tltimeeas. 1.t 54.011 ItI e" °. . '°X" Sod Iters. saws ate. naMaaal rub. mewls, to as wile , armgth sad .Mss, le mslat, sod aaYsaw O tt M :1a rorr.teel. Hoot lf,dkln. seer Fade. A .. :."at""1 et Mone. ilia 55n • rah DandSUon,oitn a l tm wt ...t• meas• u p -p.,ta of all other Werer_.k.s the trwate.t Piood Pu,tfIer, WHIR= .lege 1 r ..net If. Health 1 +nom en NI 111aa,a r taws ore ,. rag 5lnenu To u whose • ., a•h.... '.:-w as Appetiser nay barons ere la Zak a•i.•►whaareer • r• whoa the Anw•e air tar. Heel wait Nati' roe tr reel hs4 or altrrahb .11 ray ewe roar teen r..ndr loam wrist where Ho i,•o rental had porton uw thMr ed rte:r tote sp/ esteems raw tnegairl meaty o+'lt•••, At who no Tonle and valid aehlwh.t email, WIMPY, IMO* oiler, or vont I. OF R.. Mt r. .irk het y o n, thorn /owe •e .ar•1 h.&Arw4o soon eta ho peal for a Ire or helm Do eat wirer thr,Mf we and orae tarn new.ehw., 0';. fathom le so maws .es, -.at. MO the nowt • A'AIO err eerie the 1711? ilJ ,wA Me sow o• e1•r+aa er tem•!, •. W M etNM.wt Q.rp0. 1. aw ao nailer (y•nA-.'w�w.�r.' A...,. r. IlMlr a 84114•9114="41.. MAD Lit• -7, . ani 4.; M e,. h r., asaae.r x t s roe rat .N. (IN t t M ap els let riend tour NOP O ail-. e • ll -x .'E weer, "".