The Brussels Post, 1969-05-08, Page 1„..7e.00 A Year In Advance - OM) To 1.1,14,
Tint; iiltt's8F.,‘LS POST, TiliTrtStrAY, MAY 8th. 1909 POST PUBLISHING, HOUSE
read. A, very thorough and de-
tailed study shows that. peltotion
.emptying into the Mailand Inver
froth the Village storm drains is sotioto 1969 levy 1t;6. el
quite dense, especially front the' Mrs. Joan Exel,
drain onTernberry St. "W"a Lei' RP- cleaning 1.80
sources recommends very strong- ('arl Itemingway, fox
ly the installation of a sanitary bounty 2.00
so-wer system. l'nitod Stationery Co,
71.r, ,T. A, "Nicklam of (;•, V, supplies Via
Kleinfeldt & Assoaia los, Pinto , .1. Cordon Workman
Ding Consultants for the County repairs 4.50
of Huron was in attendance to Tim-en County Municipal
acquaint the Council 'tivith the pro- Officers 1000 fees 20,00
liminary plans and to get direction W. L. Walsh, cleaners 17,04
on Lilly partienlar problems in our Po yteon Lighting P ro.-
municipality. di n bulbs 20.04
Moved by. J. 1,, meCutcheon. 'Prank Cowan (.'o. Ltd
Seconded by P. 1 Tennis that insurance 109,00
the accounts as approved he paid. .1. M, "AlcDowild 1...mnber
P.V.C. streetlights Ltd,. material 26.93
and library 302.78 Maitland Teleservices
Business Men's Assoc., rates and tolls 43,63
donation to fire lteceiver General of
works 10,00 Canada, Tax deductions
Meehan Hdive., and C', P. 1 0.84
cleaners 7.75 0.M.10.11tS, pension
Gordon Stiles. garbage, fund (14,12
dunce and oil 253,60 1'ost Office. -CIS .....„, .... 7.00
Douglas J. Calltinder, April Win, H. King, Muni-
Nursing Acct. 1219.00 cipal meeting 10.00
MeCulcbcon :Motors, liorlicultural Society,
gas 0.S0 1960 grant ....... ,„......„„ 100,00
Oltilit McKercher, digging Agricultural SociotY,
and graNei 68,60 1969 grant ...,„,..„.„.,„... ii50.00
C.X,R„ rent 2i,170 Recreation Conintittee,
George 11,Tuttor, Mel 41.15 1969 grant, -,. ..... ,.„.,..-..- 600,00
'George Radford, excavetion Moved by R. W. tc2eittiody, see-
and back fill ,... ........... , „ 1889.05 onded by L -Cr.. CAM:Obeli that the
Safety Supply CO., meeting adjourn, to Meet again
june 2, 1000, or at the .0;41 of the
*Orkmen's COMpeo, Iteevo
The regular meeting Of the
Inge Council was hold in the
Municipal office on May 5th, 1969,
all members being present.
The following motions were
Moved by 1, 0. (lampbell, sec•
onded, by 3", McCutcheou that
the 1111110es of the meetings Of
April rrand April 21 be adepted
OA read.
Aforcti. by H. ,T, TenPas,
muted by R Kennedy that
littilding Permits lo' granted to
141nTaggart, ,rata. Yuill.
J, MeD(mald an a Albert.
Schmidt as per applications.
Moved by R. j. TenPas, sec-
onded by R. W. Kennedy that
the Horticultural Society be gmut-
eded $100,00 for the year 1009.
that The Agricultural Sociey he
granted $150 and the 'Recreation
Committee be grented t95e0.00 for
Moved by S. L. McCutchnon. see-
onded by I. G. Campbell s lhat Ily-
Law No. 4-1969 be introduced tool
read a fitst and second lime and
passed, This being a By-Tilw to
assume the Street Lighting Plant
in the Village of Tlnissels,
Moved by iZ.. W. Kennedy, sec-
onded by H. .T. TenPas that By-
Law No. 4.1969 be read a third
time and passed and the Reeve Arthur Rock is home from has-
and Clerk be authorized to sign itital
and sealed with the
and -,,ivi cicoltope he is able to
spring weather seal. soon.
A. report front the Ontario Water Melvin Rock ot Windsor visited
Resouces Commission on the his n ailer at h ome, on set-melee,
sewage condition in Brussels Was and Mrs. Oran clock and
family visited on Sunday with
1\1r, and Alt's. Rock and Mari.
5ii pplies • ....... 84461
In "Pirates of Penzance"
Cathy Cousitu., London, a ppeO red
in a starring role in the preset'.
lotion of the Operetta "Piratos of
Oeneanee", given 1)y students of
the 1,1i:rclyn Ilarcisutt School, Lon- d, 1.
Cathy, daughter of Air. and MrA.
Cousins, formerly of
,BruSsols, and a ute R. student,
(MVP (I deiiigbtrui nerfOrtnane:e
all abundance Ill' oat-
ape) talent as ax tress 'and soloist.
Kenneth McFarlane. Grey Town-
ship farmer. is in Stratford llos-
pitid with ;1 dislocated hip. crack-
ed ribs and head injuries -;tifforelt
when he was run over by a.
tteeidell1 occurred about
pin,.Priday when Ali-, McFarlane
mit off tln , tractor believing • it
had slopped The Woo. kept on
into iat.aC. ran ovm' his hip and side
of his head. ID , was found by hi:;
wife and taken to. Sea forth Here
pita!, later removed to Stratford,
Ili: Nettleton was reported much.
improved (et ',Vednesday.
Former Brussels Gir! Stars BREAK-IN AT Brussels Student Scores Area Girls Receive
Success With Original Pit4.-y Provincial Honors MOTORS
Sortie person, or persons, must
hove been short of cigarette
money in the early how's of Sat-
urday morning,
Vandale, smashod tie plate
glass III the front door of Bridge
Motors and niad,:, off with a few
pay karmic of cigarettes..
The theft Wae not worth the
mess they loft behind. Mess eels
scattered over the entire °Mee.
Appareally the culprits did not
have a "sweet tooth" as they pas-
sed up ihe choeolaie
T 0 PP of the. Wingliton
detacipor,nr investigated.
Friday afternoon. May 2ad
vi s met in the church
Ilrlont: for their 1'e2:111ar monthly
meeting,. The Oresident opened
the meeting with -0' abet hymn
405 was • sung. A poem was riortf
and secretary's and trea,surross
reports Were reeeitvoil and adopted.
'The roll call was responded to, by'
a Seriph-ire verse' including the
Word "work" and calls on the sick
were enumerated.
very infcresting paper on.
Hong Kong, written by 'key. M.
ltrmsom, was read by Mrs. Mat he-
F.:ast and West inrq,
and. every phase or life is depleted
from extreme poverty to greet
otealth, where 12% 0 e popu-
lation is Christian Lad the Clench
of Christ brings help .and. comfort
to the teeming crowds.
The topic from, the Study Book,.
"'MAY Ael.s it1 Mission" Was divid-
ed iuto three earls. Mrs, .Steiss
took the first Not illustrating the
"Goad 'Neigh-boar" iYy the story
of a Pastor in Ta ipi, who took the
Christian Way of Life to the Mae
in the street, looking for a .sells:
to the migrant: to the lonely and
those in need. He was also able
to continuo his pastoral duties in
his. own congregation.
Mrs,..Arrus trong look the second
part • ..Mission fu Industry". In
Japan the church has established
e.abour Ccotres. Their program
ineludes spiritual uplift of the
-working people English sehools.e.,
neelleal clinics, Bible Study
groups. In Osaka the majority of
the Labour rnion of a National
r.illway company meet every Sun-
day for worship and Study.
The •National Christian Council
Of India have a team of industrial
Missionaries who visit. factories,
labOtIr UnionS, illannger's meetings.
bringing the gospel to the inthisi-
vial centres.
Tile third part, -- Christians
Citizens, prepared by
Mrs. :Hemingway and rend by Mrs.
'Bowman. What. does it 11-101111 trl
Ile' a Christian in all the differ-
ent cultures the world? The
Answer; We' interpret Christ to
all the people, by the extent to
which we show for them.
The Cross is the. Weasel.° of This
love to us.
The Meeting, eleSed with a
hymn Mitt the Mizpoll bone,
di tied
Congratulation to 'Miss Ann
Oldfield otl the iilleeeSS of the
original play. "Some Funny
Things; .Happened U>I The Way To
Graduation", The play ,ca
ten by Misk Old.fje d ,tart pre!-fent.,
ed by the students of the 131, PI.
Madill Secondary School. Wing-
ham, in the school auditorium on
Friday and Saturday ovaninr, to
capacity audiences. Ann, a grade
1:1 .student, daughter of 'Mr. and
Mrs, Al'. Oldfield of Brussels, wok
also associated with the direction
and rmisical direction of the pre•
The play flashed back t o ya,..
ions incidents during their years
in High School, on the way to.
Cmoir gradna I ion ; and involved
cadets, and football
players as 000t tis the main cast.
Among Brussels students of lb-
school who were inemieere: of the
east wo.‘re Linda Wilson, wliti
one of the soloists, Ann DavidSori,
George Valle oce„ioan
Pauline .cleCutcheon. :Julie - Val-
iance, Ch e• .fit' and. Doug
Elliot t,
An interesting snort course,
Fashion Cues For You, sponsored
by the Majestic W. 1 was held ill
the Brussels Library, Ma.3r 2nd,
wilh IS ladies from Br‘os,,::els and
community attending. Mrs. Befty
Elles, ?Tome P,conomics, bramh.
Deo!. of Agriculture, Toronto.,
ems the instructor. Valuable hints
were given on What's 'sew in
Fashion. How to Select Clothing
end Accessories to suit Your Per-
sonality, Pif.ture, fInd Coloring,
Mr, and Mrs. 97, J. McFatizcan
are happy to announce the forth-
coming marriago of their
daughter. Susan Elimibeth, to
Mr. Alister Kenneth 'Mason, son
of Mr, and Mrs. R. H., M;ISOT1 of
Pieternmritzburg, South Africa.
The wedding will take place .inns'
7th in Melyese Park Presbyterial',
Church, Toronto.
Alt's, P. Burchell and Scott
llurchell of Perth Visited with
Brussels friends last week.
Dr, and hies. P, McRae and
Willowdalo spent, the
weekend liere,
Air, ;Intl Mrs. le Ti,
Mr. ...and \l i's, Jan van Vlitet Si'.
Mr. and 'Mrs. San van Vliet
and fancily. Mrs. loon Ca111 1111011
and Julie, George Cousins, Debbie
McCall and Mrs. Weig,a1 ?Mewled
a performance of "Pirates of Pell-
Zanee" lit L0111.1011.
,Jack rh ynno, Dave Tiastin
St„ 'Charles McLean, Mrs. .I;ircic
and Clark Johnston entertained
at 1Nrestmittster Itospital on 'Sun-
day. The hall was filled to eapacify
and their program Was notch
.flPiireci tett Borden Stiles Slip-
plied transportation
T 114 141 TIonlomaking Club.
Aphit ,s, eqnont. Pay was held in the
Spaforth i`ristrici iii h SclIooi on
Setnrdity, The theme of the pro.
Prein W,ott "Merit tit lifte Menu"
The t,rio girls in the 12 home.
Making dubs in the Seaforth area
of rittroa for the past three.
have been studying the'
verions eats of beef and pork.
learning to identify and locate the
cots on the carcass, Methods of
.cooking both tender and less tend..
er eats of beef and pork 'were dem-
onstrated at the meetings and the'
girls themselves have tried marry
of idle recipes.
-Satu'r'day morning va s devoted
to the girls exhibiting their record
books and recipe files as well as
a planned program of .quizzes re-
related 'to the project..In the after-
noon each cluh• put on' a. skit or
The `‘Brussids Gourmet Chefs"
attended the. Achievement T.Yay •
and put on a skit ''When You Buy -
Meat"". •
Provincial honor certificates'.
were presented to five girls who
have completed 12 projects. They
are: Angela Devereaux, RR. 4, Sta.-
forth; Sharon Fischer, RR 3,
BrnAsels: Laurel Hemingway, R.R.
3,'Brussols; Brenda. 'Nesbitt, BP.
3, Walton and Joan Carnrbell,
,• County - honor certificates were
presented to following.; Carolyn.
Lake RE 3 Brussels: Sharon Dit
channel, RR- 2, 'Brussels:- 7ani.5
Smith,.RR .2, Brussels; Barham
Lee, Lorideshoro;• .Betty lvicaTeg-
or, RR 1, Londoshorn; Lynn.
Saundercock, Londesboro; Nancy
Craig, RR 2.• Myth: Dianne .1Ten.
derSOn,. Rft 5, Seatorth ; Patricia
Murray. RE 5; Seaforth; Sharon
Shea, 3, Sea forth;,velyn
Storey, 11111, Dublin: Mary Ann
McGrath, an 3, Seaforth; Jean
Oevereax, ER 4, Seaforth: Joyce.
Haney, 'RR 4, Seaforth: Debbie
Wallace, 14-H A, Seaforth; Ann
Nobel, SOO:Orth; ROSelltitity van
den tiongel, R.d 3, Walton.
,Tolitt J. Krotz, $0, of ListoweL
died 'Monday in Listowel Memorial.
H ospital.
He is :mvvived by his wife, the
former Bertha Holmes: sons,
Kenneth: Borden; Froward, Van-
couver: daughter, Mrs. Ruth
Kirkby, Walton; brothers. Ezra,
Si:ratford; Albert, Listowel; sist-
) r.. Mrs. Mary Hooker, Durham;
Mr.. Melinda MeBride, Port Perry:
Mys. 'William Salter, Strathrey.
13-rhe funeral service was held at
,t':311 p.m. Wednesday from the
McLaughlin and need Funei-al
I tome, Listowel. T3urial WAS in
FairVieW (iletneteM,
_ p3ORRY!
Due to lack of space and late
copy interesting items had to be
al-bitted. They will be published
next week.,