HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-05-01, Page 7Want
a home?
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you need for your residential
or farm property may
cost less than you think
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(YNT*1110 TlirAttiDAV, MAN RIO
Huron County council has
approved th e hunting of deer
from Nov, 3 ter 5 this year pro-
iding adjacent counties set the
?ant(' Opon season,
Tile dePartment of : lands and
forest is recommending opening
of those dates,
The department reported that
4.1 ricer were' shot during the 190-
isenson in the Lake Huron Dist-
rict, A total of 545 hunters were
contacted for information by
department, officials during the
hunt. The department sets up
check points to, collect data on
the hunt,
COUI1(r1 Nvlis laid that costs of
trey planting; in Huron County
forests in 1965 war:, slightly less
than $600, A total of 28,470 trees
Ware planted.
COUnail 1\--SH tffid 1.11:)1. 'nalx as
inant of turonview, the county
home, is advertising for a new
d in in i sitra tor, Ha rvoy; Johnston,
present administrator retires Oct,.
Urices to remain steady in May,
c co i to the 'Canada none r t-
ulna of Agriculture's May Food
OLUIr. ii, i' 1.1;
.:re expected to rise but eggs.
broiler chickens, apples, hothouse
tomatoes and encumbers will he
.\ sparagas .and riothirb -wilt he
available in larger quantitieS fly
tho,pild of the mouth and plentiful
Supplies of canned and frozen
peas make these vegetables u.
good buy;
A, M. litirpor Coderich MU;
(.10elefl president, of the Huron Lihorai Am,s(),,i a.t ion (provinciaill
the annul meeting held TlitirS,
d Ile succeeds 11000hor
Menzies id Clinton.
Area presidents elected were:
11 ,s, 11. 1, :Murphy, 'Airs,. A, M,
Harper anti .1, Kenneth Ihunter',
111 of (lottericii: Paul, Steckle and
Albert 1)iecert, both of Zurich.;
ni '1 .10,1111 rta 1, Bruce,
.1. HoWard Aiken of Goderieh
was °tooled secretury and Harry
1-11.1%111g, iltrll,sall, Irseasurer.
MAY 4 — 10, 1969
Canada's high and rising level
of accidental child fatalities and.
injuries is a black ,mark On toe
conniry's record. the Canada Safe-
ty Council says,
The Conneil's national Child
8i.1 rely Week caniplaign. ronning
from May 4 - 10 is aimed at
parents who can prevent a mai-
ority of these by proper super-
vision and, ehild safety education.
World ITealth Organization
statistics show that Canada's rate
of accidents suffered by children
under the ago of one and between
tin ages of five and tune is the
highest of all developed countries,
only Japan lies 0 higher accident
rate for children, between the
llgOS (If One and four,
The Canadian statistics 'show
that 2.108 children under the age
nif t5 died in accidents in 1907.
Canadian health authorities esti-
mate that 50(1,000 Canadian child-
ren suffer accidents of nil kinds
every year.
Accidents kill or cripple more
children than all diseases com-
bined. The leading killers are
traffic accidents, suffocation,
drownings, and explosions and
fires in that order,
Census figures show children
under the ago of 15 make, up t(8
per cent of the population. Yet
more than 40 per cent of pedes-
trians killed in traffic accidents
are Children,
Next to traffic, the home claims
the most fatalities and even
more injuries,
'chose comparisons and statis-
tics illustrate the scope of the
problem, The Canada Safely
Council says recognition that this
Ions nt('a rnica's mast precious
,f:ssets \v lal'gely preventable
needed to bring home the full
gravity of the child accident
The e! tant of parent respons
thility for a great number of thriiie
accidents is confirmed by statts-
ties showing the most dangeons
ages for child accidents aro two
and three and the worst times of
day are in the Into afternoon and
P vr , I' g,
)1 it ti.initit't haten to my
rhilcl is the till-km-common re.
action 01 parents to rouorts
accidenal child fatalities and in-
juries, the Canada, Council says,
Yigilancy by narents must, be
unceasing lo prevent tots ri•tiln iI
ing strati: by cars while playing
and traffic safety education must
be taught early and often, To
mako the habi t, safer, the Council
says tire basic question parents
should ask themselves is "what.
changes would I need to make if
wero going to leave my child
no here for an hour,
1 -1nron County council' set Its
portion of the 1969 tax rate at
22,25 mills, an increase of 3,4,15
mills over last year, on PridaY,
The county board of education
budget is not set.
Cotinty conned's budget totals
'$:1,268,353 including a, foreep*
surplus of $54,3712.
Thy increase appeared in the
geinerat rate, which went up to
12.25 mills. The highwity account
stayed at 10
Clerk-treasurer John (1, Berry.
said the rise in the general rale
Was nevessary bemuse of increas-
ed health, Children's Md Society
and library lmdgets,
in the incrase Also reflected
is the $107,425 cost of setting lip
a Nullity EISSeSSTn011t, department,
Although the department is being
set ap by the county, it will be
taken over next year by the prov-
Chairman of the executive com-
mittee, Reeve. Alvin Smith of
Turninry Township, told Council
the financial picture will he:
brighter in 1970 when Thirenvi0V,
the county home for the aged,
will be free of debenture debt,
Council approved the budget by
a 24-15 vote,
Mr. and Mrs. J, Posthumus and
son of 'Kitchener, were recent
viisitors with Mr. and Mrs. George
0 I C E
BY ORDER of Brussels Council , dorjc within the
Corporation are to be kept from running at large, effecive May
1st, and until the 30th of September, 1969, Day or Night.
Failure to do so Will result in a $50 fine or the possible de-
struction of the animal,
The co-operation of all dog owners will be appreciated in
helOinct to eliminate animal nuisance during the garden season,
DAVID HASTINGS, By-Law. Enforcement Officer.
Student in olomenlary and sec-
ondary schools iiironglum,t Ont-
ario will he given the opportun-
ity to prodnee their Own educat-
ional television programs in an
unique competition announced
April 24th by the ETV Branch of
the Ontario Department of Katt
The do-it-yourself series will
give students, classeS and schools
the (unce to see their own pro-
grams pa television screens
aCross the Province. The pro-.
grains will be from 5 tO 1.5 min-
utes in length and students
pick their own sobject.
The winning programs will be
seen on ETVO'S new Seritli
'Creative Talent" ,which will he
shown during tile 190-70 sonnet
A winner • will he picked trout
each of the 10 educational regions
in the Province. The programs
will be judged by student commiy
tees in each region.
100 feet of bait' inch plastic -
pipe;110 volt D.C. Generator:.
6 foot Bulldozer blade: 900 bales
of straw; 25 gallon Steel water
tank; -Used Steel shingles: Allis
Thalmers 5 foot Combine pickup;
Stone-picker; Cast -Iron sugar
kettle, about 50 gal.; Debeaker
Propane Gas Incinerator; 3 sect-
ions of Spring Tooth Harrows;
Avery Tractor with. Corn Scuffler:
9 foot Chisel Plow, new teeth;
the 6 section Harrow; Pig crate;
pro- Block and Tackle with new rope;
of Harry Jacklip Phone 356W:13.
Helr production and the problems
they oilcan n eret,
Southern Ontario students in
Regions four, five and night have
until May 30 to submit entries,
fey gions ono, two and three in
N1orthern Ontario have until Sept-
niter .1,10 and students in districts
sti, seven, 'nine and ten have until
tile end of octobor.
Mr Al Fasan, PTY Vdilcation
Stinervisor, in Toronto is in
charge of competition. Fasan
said that a brochure giving de-
tails of the competition is being
sent to eagle elementary and See'
ondary school in Ontario.
Mrs, Welland Krautor and Mrs.
William Campbell itccompanied
Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Kranter on a As part of each telecast,
recent trip to Stanford and New students who produced the
York City. gram will discuss the aims