HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-04-17, Page 1tIll') itlt.1.713SELS L'US'T', 'I' I Y, .4,,1'Itlf4 17th, 1.9611 $«.uo A Year hi Advance P.00 To U.S.A. POST PUBhlSHING HOUSAI
The Wemea's Missionary See,
iety met in the church parlor v at
Melville Church. on Friday, after,
noon, April lith.
The president, MrS'. Gibson,
°netted the meeting with a poem
and a hymn_ The 1311)10 study was
taken by Mrs. King and Mrs, Math-
eson led in prayer. The topic
which Wits on the restirrection
the real message of Paster for
our generation was given by Mrs.
George Elliott.
Tinting the business portion,
conducted by the president, plans
were made for the, Synodical bold
iii Goderich this week and Mrs.
Mc Ca rro 11 was p poi fed dele-
gate. Also for the PreshYtorial
Which is held in Kincardine in
VIM roll call was responded i
by a Bible verso containing the
word "Resurrection". Galls on
the sick were enumerated and the
offering was received and deal-
trINAhlg otofind with
it"ttdil'ii 1111){ 111104
Horticultural District 8
Convention To Be Held Herc
Saturday, April 19th, the
Brussels Horticultural Society arr.
hosting the District. S Convention
in St. john's Anglian Church.
Registration 1 2.3 0 to 1.30.
Highlight of the tiftointoon
will he a floral demonstration by
the Garden Club of Guelph.
Supper 5.3a p.m., $1.50 per
plate. Horticultural members
please plan to attend. if desired
bring an interested friend,
Mrs. John Mooney, died March
31st in it nursing home in 'Victoria
[3.0, The funeral took place April
2, Mrs Mooney was the forme]
Myrit10 McDonald of Cranbrook.
Mrs. L P, loran, Edmonton,
passed away recently, She was the
former Julia Baker of Cranbrook
and lived Where Ef,t,r1 Dunn now
Mrs, John Schnock fell at her
home on Monday and sustained a
spine injury besides cuts and
bruises, She is a patient. in List -
owel Hospital.
A number of members of tho
After11.0011. .and Pvening GrOupS 01
the W.M.S. attended. the Waste)
Thankoffering of, the
Moncriof 'United Church on Sun
(LIY evening, April 1.3th, Mrs
Stewart Miner was guest sneaker.
Miss Beverley Evans, Kitch
O)i(% Wag home for the weekend
Mrs. \VIIria,(I IPiScher is in List,-
OWel "hospital undergoing tests, •
The SocraThent of the 1.401!tt'S
S14/Vet Will be observed on Sun
tatty, :111`ri1 27 01i al .:„.)30 p,in. it '1.‘hat the minutes Or 't-h(' reguhr
Knox Presbyterian '.•Charch,' Meeting anti special incetings of
March 21th. and M k113011 251.11 be
adopted its read.
That the itilugineer n report FTC
the Schude 11n.nicipa.l Draw he
provissioually adopted and By-Law
No, 10 of 1990 be given a first ant
second reading.
• That the report or D. nibson
Ltd., Consulting -Engineers. dated
December 1 3th, 'I 963 or the Me-
Ewan Municipal Drain he provis-
ionally adopted,
That the petition of Gerald
Smith and others to change the
Knox Award Drain. dated the ?'1st
clay of January, 1909, to a 11Tunici-
oal Drain he accepted and that Fill.
2:1110e13 E. TT. rderstpdt. 0.L,S. and
Drainage Engineer of Titen-Ein ,.
:Zit-leering Services T.,1t.1.. °ange-
l:111e, Ontario. he appointed to
make a survey and orenare plans
profile On(1 report in aecordance
with The Drainage Art, .1 9 62-6 ft
That the request of Elden 'Wil-
son. owner of nart Lot 5., (lances-
ion 9 .and. others he accented and
that:RTI, nderstadt. L. S. and
Drainage ITIngineer ofTriton ,En-
gin eerin ..qP130003z Ltd.. Orange-
vine, Ontario. be ;)pointed To
make a snvvey and prepare Plans.
atonic, and report for the repair
and improvement necessary) of
the A r mstrong n nicipal Drain
and Armstrong Extension Drain by
combinin2: said drains into one
municipal drain in accordance tctilt
'rho Drainage Act, 1962-63,
Thai the request for the rein&
and improvement of the :Michel
Municinal 'Drain be al' ropted and
that 1+';n: ineera Hayes Lim-
ited. Kitchener, Ontario, be. an-
untitled to make a survey nnd p.130-
Imre plans, Profile and report in
ae,Cordanc.0 .with The Tile Drain-
age Act, 1962-03, •
that the ,reltnet of John -Seili7
noek.•.owner of East half or Lot 19,
Concession 1.2, and 'Donald Cotten,
owner of Lot 10, . Concession 1 1 ;
tor the repair Old iMprovement or
the it‹.rauter Municipal Drain and
Extension be accepted and Eingin-
cers E. Hayes Limited, Kitch-
encr: outerie, be appointed to
make a survey and prepare. plans,
Profile and report, in accordance
with The Drainage Act 1002-0:t.
That the petition of :Ross Smith.
Lot, 21. Concession 11 and Goldwin
iCnight. Lots 21 and 22, for a
drainage works by a Branch of
I:Tauter Municipal Drain consist-
ing of field tile accepted.
That 1Vieivitie L. Lamont be
appointed as Onnunissionei- on all
'Municipal Drainage repair.
Tbat an application be made to
The Ontario Municipal Board. R,
S.O. 11960, Chapter 249, for relief
from the obligation of this Cor-
Derntlon to rohnild a bridge on the
Townallip RilitelAllowanNit brdwe.
clrey Township
IVUS held on April 7th, Do.
It03,,1,1 Uth Ms pa 1.18 tql 115 1.0 ULM'S ;
A lovely dinner, ,!erved by thu
butler, of Melville Presbyterian
Church brought Cho yonten's 111^
Slit:1UP illombers .tligether foe' their
Annual Meeting on April Olin
Special . guest at the: dinner meet-
ing W1134 :NB's. Lyle •iNturvay of
Clifford who 'le the East Iturati
Dist ri President,
Altar the Institute Otto and.
Mary Stowill`t CO 11001 %WO tetieat,
1,11, Tito PreSideut, Aire'. Janice
Smith said a word .or \vele:tine to
the visitors anti former member5
'who were present,
Mrs. Amy Speir road the minutes
tont treasurer's report, The Dist-
rict .Annnitl will be held this year
in Wroxeter on. May 1 301 he
at 9.F.0 :t,m, Fool. voting citel.
agates front Brussels will aftend
„along with anyone else Who is
able to go.
. • On May 2nd 'a short course
-Fashion. Ctio;4 .fott You" Will be,
1101(1 in the 1 IruSSEdS Library from
10 a.m, until pan. Anyone in-
terested in at t could con •
tart Mrs, James Smith, Mrs, Amy
Speir. or Mrs. Carl Hemingwa'.
The ladies arc each • ask tO bring
a tape measure, pewdl and "taper,
and a box lunch to pool.
Mrs. John Campbell presented
the motto "Don't talk about what
yon are going to do, do it and it
speaks tor itself.- "rho Convenors
or standing committees then la(
ented •their reports of the pas
year's work,
Mrs, Lyle 'Murray, Distriet. pre-
sident, gave an intercsiinat ad-
dress tind left. touch "food roc
thought" with the members. on
being good W. d. members. Mrs'
In mos A mnst g toresserl
thanks to Mrs, 'Murray fer her in.
spitting 00k and pesentrd her with
a gift,
utheors were in-.
stalled. 'by -Mrs. .1.1urray for itt00-
70.: •
Ptes id an .
1st Vice Pre At
Jatnes Smith
;NMrs, .James
•Mvs.• Plaid
Secretary- freasurer
Clavente MeCutel t,.1o1611..
Nstrict, Director Airs, James
Alternate Mrs, .11tra(•1:
Branch Iiirectors Mrs, Toni
Strachan, Mrs. T.,orne Nichol.
rs. Archie En f4.01
nist ....... 'IVni ter Kett'
Auditors 'Mrs. Frank S110
Mrs. John S
Clonveners of
Standing• Committees
A!,t,rictilltire and Ca tiatttit
dustries .1irs, Carl 11'emingwa -t7
Milli i'f;:i1 1r 141t1
Alir and Mrs. Thomas Lowry cif
New Liskeard .renewed actputinD
t‘,,(t:,{.with Brussels friends last l
Martin Bann of Walton flew to
Winnipeg last Week to attend the
turnp.day, tliltil Jubilee Congress
of the Co-Operative [Dijon of
In t rid 0 1110111t1 a, W110 1S. In
‘Vinghain and i}lstric't Hospital
following It heart altack suffered
lash week, is reported kit; showing
itaprovoment the last few
Mrs. NV. Sottivan has return(-1
home after spending the winter
months in Cleveland with .\i', and
Mrs. M, Lowry and in London with
Mr, and Mrs M.. Smith,
mv, and Wilfred Hoy of
Ethel, have returned Trott). a 'Winter
vacation in Florida.
Mrs. T. W. Terbush and daugbt-
r Krestin Ann of Oklaholna
City are with her mother, Mrs', C.,
'Mr and Mrs,NOrin an Parish
aria Mr, and mri4, David Kennedy,
'Comm,. wore visitors with .Mr.
awl Mrs ft. Kennedy,
Visitors last week at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, J, Pervie Were
Mrs. Edgar Hollinger and Mr. anti
Mrs, Larry Schnell of Fruitland
and Rev, James Petrie B.A„
Cecil Parker is in Wingham, arid
District Hospital where 110 was
taken by ambulance after suffer-
ing a coronary thrombosis, The
tacit occurred Saturday morn-
after Mr, Parker had been raking
his lawn.
Mrs, Winnifred Wright is
patient in Winghani. and District
ifospital. Mrs., 'Wright was found
collapsed on the sidwalk about
a ILIA. Thursday by an uniden-,
lined motnrisi. She Was attended
at tile scene by Mrs. T. P,
Donald Iteg. N. and Pr. Pozyk an
removed by atlibillanee hospila',
It is believed she suffered a
Mr, and Mrs. Eric Alcock
Ethel ave happy to a 1111011 nee the
engagement of their only daught-
er, Donna Jean, to Robert Lowes,
son of Mr, and 'Mrs, Martin Lowes
of Peterborough. Marriage to take
place. Saturday., May :17th, 1,969
in St. John's Anglian Church-
F:russels. at 7,110 pni,
Mrs. lf, he vpios, Mrs. Adrian
ilistorical Research atha CUr-
rent Events — 'Mrs, Toni Stra-
chan, mrs. George Davis
Home Economies and Health --
.Mrs. Earl ("wintery, :Mr's. Norman
cLa rty
Public Relations 'Airs, John
Resolntbins Mrs, Don d Per ,
vie. Mrs, 'Wm, Petrie
Mitio4 rre 1'.'011
;,inutht: .Lallit-s Night" or
lIrassE-Is Chili was
at the floyal • Canadinn Legion
I tall 00 Monday night,
Lieu President Jan van Vliet .
pin'sided and, welcomed the .t-tiests.
At the conclusion of the dinner
served by the Legion Ladies Aux-
Lion Henry Exet proposed'
a toast to the ladies, -responded to'
by Mrs., Leona Armstrong..
Lion Kon Scott led in .sin-song.q.
The ladies responded to their
husband's 1'1111 earl.
Business included arrangements
for the Zone Rally. Two carloads
fvern the Brussels Club will attend,
Lion Cal Smith presented the
nominating committee's slate of
lacewing officers as follows •
Past President .. Jan van Vliet
Cal. Ki'auter
W. J. Armstrong
Isl. Vice Pros,
2nd Vice Pres. Henry Exel
3rd Vireo Pres ,Fames Knight
Di rectors Ross McCall
Gordon Mcgavin. Frank
Ca rtes Albert: TenPas
Co. McFadden Secretory Co.
Tr ea sit rer Cec. Parker
Tail Twister Gordon McGav'ta
John IlTla :icnatlm5
A SE.313-31,ant Gerritt K\ealtin Veen
Audi tors Cal. Smith
george Mutter
Thore.were no nominations from
the floor and these officers were
elected, • .•
f-Tank. Ten Pas ttnct MI'S. Jan
van 1711.et went' 311 charge of enter-
tainment :which provided a good.
deal of fun,
Mrs. Doris -McKinley. who was
a .guest.. provided 311 11011 enjoyed.
president ;inn van Irliet
thanked an for their participation
in dies Night"
Mrs, John Ei."Evans, 78, died
irsdny in Seaforth Goninvonity
She was the former Maggie
Clark, daughter of the into Mr,
anti NTDS.: David Clark, Before re-
tiring 'to Brussels she lived in
(Zrey Township,
She is $311.13VIVed by het. sister-1u-
taw. Mrs. James ("'lark, grey
The funeral was held front the
1), A, Tt.atin Funeral Homo here
on Monday at 2 p,m, Burial wms
in"BitnsselS cemetery,
Pallbearers were Tim Dilworth,
Iiornian Whitfield. Max- Mallet&
,J01111 Seirnoc'k, Alfred Knight,
and Gordon Spoiran,
TUAT 50c?
time is panning oat' to take
aaVontage of vow-wing yellr Pngt.
tai tho old, 011,1.0 Of The laq
ithi• 10010. A.p11111