HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-04-02, Page 6• ciiir....iie<A54gfiiit,,woityi) '31•Alq v. . . . (). (1(.)11(.1.rs ;;'-•!!:'..;;.; A:5 • • • . aot iratiVeft.131(3.3 cite 1.5,r• Axil; liSSC••r-• •• 4.• '3. • It's called a Commerce Growth Savings Certificate. And we're presenting it to people who want an easier way to save money. Just walk into any Commerce branch and we'll sell you one right on the spot. For just $6.50 you can buy a certificate that grows to $10 in only 6 years'. That's more than a 50% increase in value. And we've got other denominations right up to $5,000. There's a free hie insurance fea- ture, too. And instant cashability at any branch. Commerce. Growth Savings Certificates are a great gift idea, too. After all, where else can you buy a $10 gift for just $6,50? brae rate is 8.97°6 ample annual interest when held to rnimmty. Commerce Growth Savings Certificates with an exclusive free Re insurance feature. CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE LET US PREPARE YOUR 1969 INCOME TAX FORMS I-Zeasonable Rates Guaranteed Service Phone Early Fol' An Appointment RONNENBERG INSURANCE AGENCY NOW PAYING 9% ON INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES (Guaranteed Call on i[:[t.'sdaya and FridaP,i :how .0.30660, BVirtfVic, 'rl-CURSDAY, APaill, -2nd, 1.980, 1.3ENTLEMEN'S CLUB 'THE 1.3•TtlYSSELS POST IIRTSSELS, ONTARIO Were presenting s eoaI.-cOtifitAte to people who want to save ..move AOLAN 'IMPERIAL_ Al' K. X31 cONIMERCE :Frola •0 araig.S rerhiteate.:,' I guess itstints; I unit biting 'this NEWS FROM ONTARIO NEWS ITEMS T o c,t1-11 1“1110, I,Ou1.011 '6'011[101111n, 1\ .1-• hot the Irn.p' k.ess it mos. ..-tr;,posed tI, he. It -1 tunny thite.; that peop)e •-0,o1 lft,ten ..\:sont's 11:11'1 • Tlers prOciOlott Ind yet at least four. smneitme.4 mon% Neill conic lip and \\731 lw partner: who :ha\ e 1 pLiyet's can spod the whole night for 12 tab. and that :s e\actly hut hap• pt ,ried rho 1:est held. Slow' ilutn the so\ on years itch. The Idble get tired wailing pass bye them itahl , ;mop upset the N Polo -;;tern. There no ilooht Alr.:,0 oouldn't ha Yr 1•ow411! n-• woh a greyhound. so‘o, ,•:rrds: \\ ore in :4,11011 11 Moss • '• -hock then: aveurato,.. mi o 'had played apple.. aim. Cliff \larks was high cut ith choir )111, points \(,w ni mo i nu. 1,1 I1 Lmn o nt tar .111 this confa.-:io:1 'hut not lip 11111) 'held tip rhe work-. 11 ;vo ,: time he eamo a-whoopin. and “-hollerim: and very argatnoutatil I'. I To found fault with (•‘oryiliiti2.. Ite chal- ionaed ovory The lablos wer-n1 placed propi.rly. Tho score cards wi•ro not right The 1VPZIthOr WZIS nutty he wound up vas,- :ng Primo mini,ter Trude:tit, flut played his i'wHv.• games, Well, rim, more gam. ;Ind for heaven'" sake,. lot's' got things straight. Pay tentIon, .t• all 1 11 I , la 1151 Of Ill'. .,4:31 to ploy cords. Wil1,11 T.On TrfiUt- 11111 finds fault with Prime Min- ister Trudpau, sate llr'its well fold up. What a bitter dis- appointment that mull has been, see today be is going to raise the salary ;or ,Ti members of Parlia, ment ;tensions . for their 'idows and children. To whoIn tiro, Diefenbaker bad hiS chine,' dud muffed it. so it's No repression . Party, nailed the Nir. • Truden .and • -Mr. Alton Minister • of Agriculture. were •drivinw along the. Rideau ca'ttal• when their big lirneinsitte slipped into the icy waters. jeihn,- 1ly Brown. aged 12 managed- to get them out, rhir Prime. Minister said, ,yott :11'0 a furtive lad and want to reward you. A pony. a hi- cycle, a ski ion. Just name it. Johnny -:larted to cry and said, all I Wn71: it (II old ra,:h.ionerl hustle like my great. !?..reat. grand- mother wore. Mr. Trndean very smrprisod asked why he Would want that. \Veil. says. Johnny when my Dad finds out out I sav- ed your life Pll got ono beck Of •a kicking. '11'e have two ministers of Agri. culture, .:Mr. Rua orsod, nominion and -Air. 1Vm. Stewart, provincial. Just what has either of fh pap men ever' done for the farmer. Just One word. nothing. li-efore you (,0111• Milt y01.1 1-sPi f to the Tories ask -Ntr, Stanfield. regards 1-rOaVy 'hater plant he sponsored in Nova Soot in. rt has cost p, 11111 )1, Wolria kid in tho provineo almost T,1',0 Al.,' innottre II ProrooVe,t)Fq In trlit.t. It ‘nr)... tow. p Itifq/c.; pencil too. No the ext Not' n and last game; of Euchre 'Legion c's Gentlemen, Mon', day exening April 11. 'Pile game will not be disappointMent be- cause we are enforcing rules. and regulations, Even if we have to gag a feW. Rave just been notified that Lubatts reprosonative will lo.; ;it the Legion Rail, holiday, April to distribute the prites. So please lry and be there. Truthfully yours, The teache asked hot' clac:s Ituv Noalt spent his time on the .1r1c, r4 r'1.411f.'. act N•F•p(111:0:•, SWF; p(t. (.11,i1 110 suptanw he ditl a lot. 1'01'11 thtl p i1r11 tat:' ..;101 only .tiett Wttflitis" FEDERATION OF AGRI, Th(.• government should pay farmers financial comprmsation for tho banning of a cliemitml. The goVerpMellt, when tannin;' a pest- icide, most make sure that no pro- duct is allowed into the province or country that may have been sprayed with the chemical that is thought to be dangerous to our consumer.; "rig 11!'1'11111011 must make slIrp that r4.1 11 i a1.4' not ;penalized by a change which is 1-n ell lit to 11,:.Th) co It SOciety.- said Mr, 1111 1.He goes on to explain that farmers will have. to be aware of what is going on in order to pro- tect themselves front the wild and itre,:pmsilde persons who appear eter111 11 Pd to panic goVertillient D11.0 01111,11 P11(Mgh thongt for consequences 'The (1["A l'resident says+ that farmers, Into all other Merithp..-: r.oidelY, timid tie, ettoeollitki lilt bollutinli ;no tlihp11/1MiNI 'hit pest icicles ar(. banned hecause they 010 thought to be a clangor to the enviroment. or wildlife 01' to t110 Colls11 -11'e farmers di, not want to en- danger any Qi• 111('Sf.` groups, but it' ono posticide is banned this will mean that VI II)'(' 1.';,po114iv0 or less errocrtve ch.cinictos will have ,o tAntemotoLemerra.geraw...F.,deestr. be used 'which will increase pro- thietiol costs or reduce prodactiou puts 11.8 at a dis. advantitge"".. 111.. I I ill says,.. Ile eunclitclos that ()Iflarip Partners must. not he ',taped, at a major (liso (Iva o a go conipare0 with coinpr'Llt.ora in other countr- ies or other provinces, S 02632