HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1970-04-02, Page 11.2.50 A Year In Advance $3,50 To U.S,A. TrIN 1;icti.ssELs PoST liSHAV, APRIL 21)(1, 19(19 KIST puilifjsmucc, HOUSX• "1 O1 P1...E WE KNOW Alr , tuI Alt,„ 1:' le Robinson Of Bloomfield. Hills, and 1Ir 'MUSIC FROM THE MOVIES" BY FIGURE SKATERS al,(1 svoq Davidson or Clerk. ,1111 w'e'ir. w e ekend -,,isiPers Robert i)1tvidSon. 1 1r ,e1(1 :NB's. 'Robert .‘Vilhebn of Hrantford. were Easier visiter;.. INCLEMENT WEATHER MARS PRESENTATION OF BRUSSELS 4-1-I CALF CLUB ELECT NEW OFFICERS On Ah ir e!) ostttli, at two o'eloek, in the F. R. :Madill Secondary School, Wingham, J-Tuyon County I-11 Clubs mei at nu Organization meeting. ry ilowos, mxt en sion ASSifit- n i'01 ill 1'0 n County, had a small program. He showed a, film on things done in 4-H for the new 111111liter:4. Cary also explained the different positions in After this clObs Separated and met their new leaders for the new year to votne. Pamphlets Wore banded out to help new members. This year's leaders are Fred Uhler and Charles 'Bray, Officers for this year are: President Nell Hemingway flee Pros. ..„,,,„„ Warren Knight SeeretarY ..... Ray Hemingway Reporter ... r3ill Beneschansker I would also like to say that new members are welcome, Bill Bonesehansker MARKS 90th BIRTHDAY Robert Davidson or Brussels recently celebrated his 90th birth- day at his home here. Members. of his family were present to honor him on that happy °erasion. life, Davidson. who lives albite, keeps house for himself. prepares his own meals, and enjoys a daily walk downtown, At present he. is looking forward to planting his garden again this season., He au ardent reader and fre- (uent user or the facilities of the local library. Hi 13)11 ny friends and acquaint- ances wish him many mere years of health and happiness, r n, a\li!e-; Mina Baker wtts n patient in Sealorth liospital and has been tratisfPrt 0(1 to 'Victoria Hospital, London. • Mr, and Mrs. Gerald fluether anil daughter Sandra, fit„ Cathar- ines. have Been snending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Merin Thinner. nertild is having enforced holi- days while recuperating from an emergeney appendeetomy. Mr. and Mrs. Winston 'Arr.- itlachern and daughters Sharon and faun, Gall, spent the holirhiy w'pPketiml wi tit 'Mr. and Mrs. :Wes Al (4.1nel-tern. Miss Mary ‘'TcDontild, Toronto, was home for the Weekend with her parents. -Mr. and Mrs. Martin McDonald, Mc. and •Mrs. Bill Armstrong, i'eYgltS, were weekend viSitOrs with Fred SMalldon and Other t'elatl i veg. Mr. and -111r8. Allan' ltiekey and Bonita, Mr. arid Mrs. Don Jacklin, Tracy n.nd Danny, ell el' Bleenlingdnie, spent Easter -with 'Nit,. and Mrs, Mir] Dunn, .4,qtaity, i,,Nteksrtq, itll-MUT , WWI drittOitrV, StAigfi, MEN'S BROOMBALL TEAM WIN THE NORTH MURON CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY Congratulation.; to the Men's 1lroomb,111 Team on capturiti_, the North ilnron Broomball (Th:ortriitie by defeating Jamestown 3-1. and 1-0, in tt three ganee, write:. They were the only leruss•tig train to bring home at trophy thi, :war;on. wris Broom:holt Team failed this year, for Ito first Hine, fo \ Vi 11 the trophy. Better luck next year girls, MAJESTIC W, I, ANNUAL, MEETING • Tht , ;111111.1al !fleet [lig rite Al ji'StiC W. I. is to he held in the St. Am hrose (einem Ca Heine Church en April nth Dinner will .sereed tit. 12.30 p.m. eff you wish u ticket please. let Doug 1 lemingwriy kilter by Saturday, April lilt, The District. presideue .11r,i. Lyle _Murray Will he there to install tin officers for litTe.7 1, Reports of the seerefary, treasurer and ronvener.-t or grand- i rig (..oneu I t t•oes will 'ye given, WALTON Airs, [Sabel tatrke, Sheila and Stephen visited in tin holiday with 'Air. and Alt's. Ray Htiether and family. Norman Willinmson ondere cut surgery in Sealorilt Ifespital this week, Miss. Shirley Timmer and Vookor 01' London sponi weekend with Air. and Mrs. Win Timmer and J'amily. Airs. .1 Camp.' bell visited alt the sante home. The \Valton Public! Library will he closed for holidays front April 7 to April is. open as usual April 21, Atisses Rim ;Hid Susan Humph- ries sl)cnI the Easter :holidays with Mr, 0n(1 Mrs. Robert irmoph- dos and family of London, Mrs..fean Mottle- dint Mrs. Jell!, MeDonnid spent the Easter wook• end with Airs. Alvin 'Ale- Donald and Lynne, "n d lienaid I'Iaoily' of 1111 iiby sliertt the week- end with Mr. and i1Irs. Done Ennis. Miss, fudy Clarle London, was 1,isilor with Mr, and Mos. NAre are glad to report net Clary nrstITIOtt was able to return :home last Friday- from •Vietriria T.mndon, where he had been n patient surer his neeident a ro(t ow). Mr. ;!nd 11 rv. :Hong Kirkby were on vacation last week to Mexiee, and several southern points. Jen• oiler and faint Kirkby wory h o lt, &eying with their gretfulenrentg, and ,rohn Pfiroo ti-ubiltiti ,,o, Jtitfltlicl phge) e el! t. Ne d :Ike; vieatts end 11r. ,Ind. Mrs, John j. Riley': and attended rite wedding or their grauddalighter Bonnie, Ill (trand V.tiley. on Saturday. March 211 , Miss M. S'Itelteu and Miss Ienetht Mitchell wor , visitors ill Tr)l.'01110 last 1V001C, Lylle itrothers returned them aud visited in :Brussels for at few L, Workman has been a la'tie•nt in 11'estininster Hospital, Ifandon. 'Aft% and Mrs, Larry Lahti lianoVer wero Faster visitors iAlth 'Mr. arid Mrs \V. Al'. Smith. on ct. L ou is Ebel and family oi In! ersoll were Easter vhdlitr.-: with SIP, and 11r,.. J. Al ernieheon and othOr reln- Mr, and has. t'alvin Davidson of. Kitehener were :Roster vi.iters with Airs. t. :\It.Arter. ond a el: Fish a nil ,nobly~ or ntirlin.g;on visitors with. air . woir ,virs. ir na EV:11.'4 mill write!' relatives, Rolteri Kennedy And eitildr-it, Robert, Andrew and. Deanna, or 1)1 in Wtt. W;..1'(' Faster weekend visitor:, with his parotids, Air,. and Ales. It. W. KentledY, Mr. and :firs, tan :Matheson arid family, Ottawa. and .1tr , 1 Furrtn „Mathes :el and familY, and am! :Irs Ross,- 01111 family of surnia were I''f l.st c! i isil.rr a with their aerents 'Air, and Mrs. C. Roster visitors with Mr. Aire, :filth')' were nay :Miller and family png.t and Mrs. 11.oss t-teltioter and ,,r .Air. ;Ind Roo wbitr., and oi.ori,,viov...n; :qr. and -.Mrs. Lloyn efoeper ;t0(1 family, Plx.eter. and Mr. and 1Irs. Al 111(1 ,ioarno of arty Townshiii• Da‘id:kon or \Vine- ferne -rly Boverly 011(1 a former resident or rtrugseis ,uld(?(.11 ly Tuesday evening following a heart Enner,t1 .4erx lees will li t eondueled toridtiv. Richard elenel; who loos been patient iii \V-inetuil Hospital ler lily p,ist ft W'et'li.S l'IM11.11U.r1 home. \ VedneSaPy, Sa.in 111.11'grISS, who bar heel! in at hoodoo Hos- eh 1 is now le bVitieltani Hosnital: tti the same hospital. from. Bra,,eetis arc (hi-- Eder and George Bridge, BORN' 11''yt.\,'till) To ittr. and froward Prn•ng.0.1, tai' Elrtta5ial,, in Clinton Hospital 011 Thursdae, 11 o r (.11 ;Tilt! a ilautlitter Te en. V:iiM• 04OP iiiil. JAW, 11:'14 ft; 7`t,110W, late March storm that =evein !iris area with winds '11 feree on Thursday evening cur- tailed atta'ltdan(.'a of Drill( sneer: tors. niTf011net , a t ":11.itsic front the Movies" proseefed by the Ilrussels Figaro Skating Pbil) rower the direetion. of Mrs. Faye N.! el io teed id, iltr OW) Colored lights., 11 )111'0 PH are decerations and attrootive eosi- tones gave the performance at res• tivo appearance. .1 repeat performaitce wag give:1 the follinvine- afternoon to give those who had missed it .an Op- portunity in attend, Tile tiny tots. in spite of their lack in; skatitex rh•Nlighted th t , andienee, as usual. 11 was it please tire to note, the improVernent. in many .of the senior skaters, 11ev, Eric LeDrow 1\-:is tnastPt or ceremonies for the `erosion. The Club Exei;utive. McCuteheon, president: Airs. R„ Richmond, `)('rotary ;lid Mrs. L. trcetsurer, along with ether members 1111(1. many of the loot:hers, pill- in groat deal of time and etort. as did the club profes- sional, to make "Mush; 'from rho ,hitvies" a sueeess and it. was re- re4retable that the weather was so 'nfavourable. Part I Birthday Clowns: Cindy Jill Mcenteheon, Janice Stnuf.?•rq, Joan Cardiff. Debbie Prier, Donald Dirks; Carol Wheeler, Karen Bridge. Vieki m.dry Ann ilernord, Jacente Workman. .f,it Itarine Cardiff. • Kittens Julie Maertonald, Cathy A.1 01111 in Swint] nigh t i Prim 4'I`iltti 'Ti, 115. MIXED BONSPIEL ENDS CURLING SEASON HERE Acivities etc Hie local t'urling The CRANBROOK PART It Olin r • Mtoliael Kernaglian Hitt;; and I s jeelrbie Fall' toady featuring Iiitinne \Ville... with Donna Willis. Brenda Knight, Ruth. 'flamer, Dianne, • ,(licit,. Jetotv ti14.1nheant f Cev,rgirls: Lynn Briagt , Joan \1e.\ rtes'. ,Untise • .licork, 1 leather Bolinie • Laugh/is. 1,liele elle AleCtitelteon. Katherine Card- (.;lbson.. jean fluetheta Jun nit .1 Smith. (ii) f.'owfiriy, /Welt- yet Kernagha Funny (tint: Donna Workman. .e Camelot; featuring Wendy Prior. also appearing. Janet Cardiff. Dorothy 13oneseharigkere Carol Raymond. Dianne Stephenson, Julie 'Me(lall, Coleen Raymond,: Jantee :Draper. Rhonda Keffer„ • tly,ten 13ernard, Julie -CMinpbell.. "Mickey Mouse's 'Wirthday Party" Birthday (.'anclies,,, Carol 1:111.e.-:' eler, Karen Bridge, \icicle ATeCall. Mary .A.nn tlernard, Jacquie Work,- matt. Pink Tom- Cream: Bonnie Evans. Brenda Itichtment, Afary Joan Pistale ; 1-,))tire (last. Nernaglitin. Debbip i-boll, Heeky L1101101.. 1)111111).1 : Carla Knight: Chip Dale ; Mamie Bernard, Earen Me- Cul-einem. Jerry Sr Trina \Vtitts. Ftremla 'l'oo'fas.. Music Man : Lynn Bridge, Joan McArter, Louise Aleoek, Heather Wilson, eceinie Richmond. MM.:men:eon, Susan Langlois, Juan ita, Smith. Chitty, r%hitty, Bang, Bang! c-lllest Soloist, Paul Mills, Paris Figure Skating Club, Thorough I y Moder n featuring as Brenda Jean Brentned of the EXeter Figure Skating Flub. 015(1 appearing, the Arovieg" inOtRied tte—nwen l'ernard. Julie ram 9 hell, 'Skaters Parttoittating -,11nsie Julie McCall. coieen Raymond, tar-it and guest perterre. Rhonda Neffer, Wendy Prior, ers Breed! Kingshary. Carol RAy- Inond.Mini(' e 1 Wo net', Dianne Stephenson, Hereilly 1:o7,esehan- ‘iker, Dianne Willis, Janet Cardiff, Peggy Gibson. Hey There. tirtorgie Girl t Guest Soloist, Alone Love., Paris Vigor e Skating Club. Dairy Croeket; Brian Metlavin ebb eame co or' end on. lArodnese fledkin. Ihiviti Dunhill', day, ';1•Ittreli :.?5,11, when the club rLolla Gorildri. held itss filial local mixed spiel fat' Whiffle the Heeh: the season, 'Fourteen rinks' ,Judy Ropy, Exeter Figure Skat eompeted in the two draws, in Chill, results V.*Vri"• follows; .Mickey .1fonse Jeffrey Knight, 1' O'clock Draw Kovin Wheeler. David Adano, 1st Neil Hemingway and rink Stewart Ca rdi Steve Knigh t, 3 Nom,: plus l ;ail Kinkily. end. Danny Pearson and rink 2 wits plus 14 ffngh Pearson and rink • 2 wins ulna 0 ConsolationHen :11 erionald and rink 11 O'clock Draw 1st. Max Oldfield and rink • wins plus Hi Intl, Milner Yettlig and rink • . !.! OM x loll Cti(17•111,11tIftia