The Brussels Post, 1969-04-03, Page 3Y. APial., 3111., 19(l9 131tifS4EI1,4$ POST,BRUSSE4LS, °NM** • e, A . • 4. Z ' . : af • ' mo a ion. This message is important. You are now required by law to register as Vendors, and beginning April 1st, to collect 5% Retail Sales Tax if you provide lodging in hotels, motels, hostels, tourist homes, clubs and other similar accommodation. You need not collect tax if you have less than four rental units. There is no tax on a rental period of one month or more. Register now with your nearest district Retail Sales Tax Office listed below. They will be glad to answer any queries you may have about these and other changes in The Retail Sales Tax Act. • ri If you have a vendor's permit now, you need not register' again. You will B be informed of the changes by'mail. DISTRICT OFFICES OttaWa Hampton Park Plaza, Kirkwood &Carling 729=5103 Port Arthur 229 Pearl Street 348=1294 Sudbury 102 Durham Street South 674-3151 Toronto 85 Eglinton Avenue East 487-7161 Welland 76 Division Street 732-1318 Windsor 374 Ouellette Avenue 252-4405 Belleville 220 Dundas St, East Hamilton 361 King St, West Kitchener 824 King St. West, 4th Floor London 1472 Dundes St. Eest North Bey 649 Casselis Street Orillia 26 Colbert-1e Street 962-9223 527-2786 744-6318 451-3000 474-4900 326-3519 Province of Ontario Department of Revenue of tlu boating Suason when the water is .cold anti. the weather Un- eeriain, The Ontario :4afety lie:iglu, also remind the early boater and .fisherman that clothing is a most tnanOrtant llOin. 101' Surety is well as 'comfort. Warm undOrelOthing and wind and waterproof outer elothing corn bined with a goy' et. IM3111: 1.11) proved lifejacket firmly meowed mid strapped over. II; .•makes an efficient survival suit, In this type of clothing will) Ow support of a good buoyancy aid. a por.s.ion can survive for up to two hours even in ice-eold water. TiLo League warns that it is the com bination of Walla clothing and a lifejacket. that is effective. With- out buoyauey of the liCojarket ur the warmth of the clothing, sur- vival i>1 cold 'water is seldom pus The,: record of spring boat- ing fatalities proves this state In...en.t. • HOW TO EARN ,!irlORE MONEY! I need a full or part time man to help meet the demand for a much ripsded service for motorists. Pleasant, dignified, good paying Work, No experionce necessary bat a ear. is. Pol. full information contact Marne Lee, Winglism, 35i-1.383. ,'.4abscribe •apv,, and save, BE PREPARED In most parts of Ontario, winter sports ac•th: are drawing to it close ttnd the outdoorsman is think of boats, tout- ors, and Upon wit ter., BaWeeb soilsomi is a good lime to get your b o w ;I nd moto r ready tor the first fishing expedition, If there is arty time of the yoar when a sea- worth!' hull and a motor in per- fect condition inportaut for surety. it is doling the first weeks qF0 CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENT The Ontario 10 (411'TM:ion of Agri- culture executive has asked cola) Davidson, 11 Ilrucefield area farmer, to chair a committee t Organize and spearhead it succts ssful vote for a 'new general farm organization in Ontario. The p,X.(1(.11ti V (1 I'N'0111111enti(qi lit t 1 11' t) more persons be added to the committee, •. . The proposol for the new gen- eralfarm. Organization is based on. chapter ten of the Report of the Special Committee on 'Farm in- come. The executive proposed a ten, tative budget for the committee of $1 0 ,0(W it) cover the cost. or a gen. oral office, staff, speakers, and travel and promotion expenses, It was agreed tiHit this $40,009. be raised by public appeal. GENTLEMEN'S CLUB NEWS ITEMS .•• (continued from last week) writing this in the Clenft,. • men's Club. Waller Seott has lust come In, a>nil I will have to quit, • IT(' will tell us 111)0111 every rare horse Finlay Santis Into ever 01,vn. f...et's just chat. What did, you thiult•about the hockey game ! it- ..VT.17SW,. Russia? They s..)end quorter of it million dollars to solid an inforior loam oversea.i •- • 1)0 laughed at by the whole world Nither send o good team 01. nono at all, 'Whoever is looking after this, and to the officials in charge, You are so stupid and so dumb you should he in Trudeau's flrit cab- inet. And to you -Mr, Campbell, of •the. NALL., why didn't 'Vancouver got InH the big time, Twenty two nations have protested to England and asked her to stop sending war material to Nigeria, Canod wouldn't 'mink or sending gulls and explosives to Viol: Nam. but what happens 10 all she sends to the Irnited Slates? Ontario has just borrowed six • million dollars from Germany and already is in debt. to Italy, You thought these countries were whip- ped in • the last war. didn't you? T'ifty years from now fritter will he a big hero, This morning I heard a robin, 1. walked. two blocks to see him and. it Was a starling. It' I could have ca ught 11110. T would have kicked his darn guts out. The crows have boon around for some time, They get the smell of these poor thin. tired race horses and [van Comp. hell's razor back hogs, If we get two days of rain Ivan will wish he was raising 'hippopotamus instead . • of pigs, or crocodils, something • that can live in water. The Ontario Government is ask- ing jobs for three himdred thous- and students. The. Dominion Gov- prnment is bringing in a couple of thousand workers from around the Oaribbean, Thompson and • Stephenson buy their lambs in. . : Zealand while Joe riaten, so toils nivtiy, ships his to Toronto. Truthfully Years, T. K. F. The lawyer WAN reading t,lie will •.• of a wealthy executive, recently -• deceased: "And to my n60110411 whom I proinised to remember; 'Hi there. Charlie.' Subscribe to Post. Now and Save