The Brussels Post, 1969-04-03, Page 2NOW IS THE TIME '0 GET YOUR SEED CLEANINC.. DONE ETHEL Harry Tunney has been a patient in 'Westmhiister JtospitP1, London, Mrs, 'William Mci(ay and baby of London, were visitors with her mother. ?Ti'. and Mrs, Andrew Bremner and Doris were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Jack Vic of I„Jondon. Dennis Earl was in 'Waterloo to attend the wedding Or .liruce Lets, where he was 0111' of the ushers Mr. and •Mrs. ,hint Clarbe,. Owen Sound were recent AriSH:01'S With Mr. and Mrs, Earl -Mills and Mr. and Mrs. John. Conley. of North Battleford, and in Fort .Ethel • UCW Meeting The 'rnited Church Women of 1.'4-10 hold their meeting in the church Sunday school room with Mrs, William ifewitt in charge of the devotional period,. The topic was given by Mrs, Frank Hiemstra. The president of the month, Mi's Bert Godden, conduced the business: Plans for the rummage and bake sale were colargid, sirs. conley, hostess, and .sirs, Sam Beirnes served lunch.. THE •BALTS$17LS .POST U[tUSSELS, owrawo APItiti 3rd, 1909 McGavin's Farm Equipment E SPECIALLZE IN A COMPLETE LINE OF Tf.A.RM EQUIPMENT WALTON 17th and Boundry "Unit raf Duff's UCW *Mrs. Herb NVillianiSort was host. 'ess for the meeting of the 17th and Boundry rnit of Duft"S. rOW, A "Thought for to-day" was used Mrs Murray to open the meet- ing, with eleven members present. The scripture reading, verses '9-14 of the 7th chapter of Reve- lations was followed by prayer by WS Murray who also read two poems "True Friend" and "Spring lay" "A. new vision for the new North" was the topic given by Mrs. Clifford Hoegy who ex. plained different views oil the future of :Northern Ontario, Its development of industries, cities and the future in store for the people, with the aid of our church, Mrs. -Martin Baan was in barge of the business period. Notes from Mrs. Ruth Kirkby, Mrs. George Williamson and Mrs.: John Bos were read, Mrs. Ilugh ,jelraston and Mrs. 'Clifford Ritchie will he in charge of the next meeting which will be held at the'home of. Mrs, John Bos Roll call response will be an .aster verse.. `The meeting closed with the singing of the hymn "Breath on me Breath of God" and prayer by Nirs. Wm, Murray. Brussels Hi' C's were guests. 1.1* Puff's church Hi C's. A short bus: Mess period was conducted by the. presidpiit, 'Kris Lee. Miss Comrie ('nulls and Gordon Mitchell were in charge of thr devotions. The guest st)(•-aker, Dr. Rodger .A. Whit- Malt of Seaforth was introcluced. by Douglas Steven of Eg- •: montiville. Pr, Rodgers gave an illustrated commentary on Africa where he had served on "Opera- liot Crossroads Africa". Mr. George Fox. who underwent eye surgery at St. Joseph's Hoe' aim], London, is home, Prize winners at the progres- sive euchre party SPensord by the Walton W,T. were Mrs, Ronald Bennett, Mrs Nelson Reid, Miler Dennis, Elarl Watson. and Lon- ar t( 1)ennis, Mrs, Ray Huether, MrS, Allan McCall, Mrs, Thor and Mrs. Earl Watson W charge of the evening. Malcoin Fraser, who has been a patient in Seaforth CotaniunitY Hospital for the past two Months has returned home. Mr. and Mips, Alexander Mint- Zen were visitors With friend in Hamilton, Mrs. IlMwarci Miller visited with Mr, and MrS. Roy Turvey of Brits- sets, Fronk Kirkby has been a pat- ient in Seaforth Hospital, Miss Ruth Ritchie Reg, N. was a 'visitor with her parents Mr' and. Mts. Clifford Ritchie. Mr, and 'Mrs, Ronald Ennis, who were vacationing in Florida. were visitors with Mt, and Mrs. DonglaS Ennis, GOLDEN WORDS HELP THE CHILDREN THE NEED 18 DiRkAT ex•eellent demonstration of of 'Easter Seal funds' 15 the Ontario. Society for Crippled Children's research into the crip. piing disorders o f children, Those continuing resea reh projects deal With pl'eventiVe MeaSul'eS callS' lag crippling conditions as as studios of new treatment techniques in the rehabilitation of children who linVP at physleal Throngli reSearch and. Study, now orthopedic, ,appliances' are being developed and nre being improved Year after year, The Faster Seals that have been sent to every home in. Ontario request financial support to con- tinue and expand this Programme of research as well ,as to provide the funds needed for the full pro- graMme of research is well as to provide the funds needed for the fell programme of care and treat- ment now being earried on by the Ontario Society for Crippled. Children and the service clubs who participate in the Easter Seal prograinirte. The specialized district nursing 6erviee, the treatment centres, camps. clinics, provisions of Special equipment and other ser- vices are helping more than 14,000 boys and girls and teen-. tigers to overcome their physical disabilities so they might partici- pate in the every day activities of life to the best of their ability, Contributions to the Easter Seal campaign assure the giver that they are helping all the child- ren like "Timmy" to attain as normal an existence as possible. (live to the .1969 Easter. Seal Campaign the need is greater than ever — $1,500,000. Subscribe to Post Now and Save AVOID THE SPRING RUSR HAVE IT DONE NOW BY LIMITED "The Most Value For The Farmmos Call 199 Brussels and Mrs. .1a n lee Testes and Mr, and Nrs, Andrew are grand. parents Of 4. grandson, !eel' Andrew. born ill troron to Western lippitni to Mr, Anil :\ r s, Wm. Bremner of Agincourt, formerly of Ethel, Mrs. Layton Smith is home from a visit with her son and his family, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Milne SALES AND SERVICE WALTONe ONTARIO "PHONE 365W6 OR 527-0245 BRUSSELS SEAFORTH IT IS NOT EASY T 0 apologize To begin over To admit errors To be unselfish ) fake advice be charitable To be C011 To keep trying To avoid mistakes To forgive and forget; To keep out of the rut To make the most of a little To maintain a high standard To recognize the silver lining SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street For all kinds of upholstering Brussels Representative: SELWYN BAKER Phone 4 or 79 Brussels 1 YOU CAN'T AFFORD NOT TO Are you financially able to stand a total crop loss this year? If not, you need crop insurance. This time it could be your crops that fail the result of bad weather, insects or disease. Don't take the risk — protect your investment, and your farm future, with low-cost crop insurance from The Crop Insurance Commission of Ontario. Find out how from your local agent — ask your local Agricultural Office for his name. Or cornplete and mail this coupon today. THE CROP INSURANCE COMMISSION OF ONTARIO Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario Please send me complete information on the latest crop insurance program. NAME • ADDRESS ••••• . • ositiosei 000 000000000 o eeOti#060.00.40004i0 00000 ••••••44isiiie•see•se 00000 00440'