HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-07-01, Page 1TiliRH 4OIOVBT BER 1M.
New advertia•saents.
Manitoba -Thos. Greenway.
The Point Farm -J. J. Wright.
How to lac -Mrs. Sk$nusings.
Halt Dressing Mrs. T. Robertson.
Travelling Guide.
Pass. lisp's. Miz'd. MIz'd.
Ooderleh. Lv 7.00am ..1L06pei .. 3.16pm .. 9.00•m
Sealorth.... 7.50 " .. 1.10 " ..4.45 " ..10.50 "
Str•tford.Ar 8.45•m.. 2.15pm .6.39pm.. 1.00 "
Pees. Kips. Mlx'd. Mlti d.
Strat1ord.Lv 1.20am..7.50pm.. 7.0m..3.45pm
Seaforth...., 2.17 " ..8.56 " .. 9.15 " ..5.40 '
Goderich.Ar 3. Wpm .. 9.5s0ppin ..11.00am .. 7.15pm
Kett*. Mail. Ezp's.
Clinton going north...9.31am .41Mpm..8.75pm
Meng " south...L64 Btgam..7.24 ''
Lucknow Stage Nelle arr. 10.15am .. dap 4pm
Kincardine " " " 1.00am .. ' 7am
Benmiller " (Wednesdsy and
Saturdavlarrives 9.00am.. "9.15 "
TROT. Obllaeand residence, West Street,
three doors below Rank of Montreal, (Iode-
eloh 1752
She People's Solumn.
rant to a family of two. Apply for two
weeks, before eleven a. m.. to MRS. GRAmte
CAMaao!t. Fist Street. 1791,
.L reaping machine. mowing machine, 1
double waggon. 1 alnsle waitron, 1baggyj 1
plough, 1 sett bob sleighs and • good wont
marefor sale cheap. enquire at Curries Auc-
tion Mart, Kingston Street. 1791-11.
handle, name engrared. Tho finder will
be rewarded, the thief prosecuted. For either
purpose call at this omce. 1791.
calms against the firm of Scott & Van -
stone, please send them in immediately for
settlement. SCOTT & VA' ei0Na.
Kincardine. June 18th, 1881. ... 1799-2t.
near the square, a comfortable house con-
taining 7 rooms. with • stable and garden at-
tached ; also a good supply of hard and soft
water. Apply to MRS. ShIMM1NGS.
drews street, opposite St. Andrews
Church. It contains six rooms, and has both
turd and soia water on the premises. Will
be put in neat order for a good tenant Fur
further particulars apply to Rev. Chas Fletch-
er, Goderich. 1789.41.
Notice is hereby given that the partnership
heretofore existing tletween the undersigned
as farmers, on the 6th con.. Colborne was on
the 30th of April. 1381, dissolved by mutual con-
sent. George Levy w-tll collect all debts and
settle all accounts.
Geottoe Levi.
Cox. witness. M. 8. Levy.
Goderich, June 9th, 1881. 1791-3t.
Real Estate.
Lake Range. Ashfleld Huron County.
18t acres. 130 cleared and highly improved.
balance standing timber. Good orchard. new
frame house. barn 40x60 and all necessary
stabling. two wells. For particulars address
CH►s. licLEAN, Ambcrly. 1799-3m.
Tp. of Colborne. containing 112 acres, 30
acnes cleared, balance excellent timber. Soil
a good clay loam. As this property adjoins
the Point Farm it is in consequence most
eliglbrl g situated. For particulars apply to J.
J tth
Marc 1st 1881. 177611.
Dungannon, 12 miles from (Iodeech,
consisting oft of an acre of land, well fenced;
a frame house. a good well and pump are also
on the premises. The lot has been well im-
proved. Terms reasonable. Particulars can
be had from Mr. J. M. Roselyn, Merchant.
Dungannon, or R. E. BROWN, Nile P. O.
76, corner of Victoria and East ,trete, in
the town of Oodertch, for sale cheap, or will be
exchanged for farm property. Forparticulars
.pply to JAS, SMAILL. Architect, office Crabb's
Block. or J. C. CURRte, auctioneer.
good substantial story and a halt house,
containing 6 moms and kitchen. Garden ex-
cellent soil. well planted with choice fruit trees,
good stable corner lot, in one of the best lo-
oalltles In 4oderlch. As the propertymust be
d of It will be sold cheap ony a part
of tae purchase money required town. Apply
Oso. SHEPPARD, Baron School Book depot
(J sale 60 acres, 50 acres cleared and well
fenced. Reck Cottage 25130. stone cellar full
else of bona.. A large creek runs through
the lot, no waste land on the creek A very
fine orchard surrounds the Fouse. (food barn
and other build legs. Terms very.asy Appty
to R. T. Harem, lot I6 Lake Shoe Read. Col-
borne Township, or to Oswnnw & Caput,.
roar. 1766
OOP- 13, Colborne, about seven muss trout
Dederick, nomprlsing 59 acres. 50 cleared. A
Afore holiestand a new frame Karn 50x36 and
• stable and other outbuildings are on the
premises. A young nrehard, rood pumpetc.
on the tars. The farm has • nod nn two
sides of it. Four acres of fall wheat are sown.
owes call 1 mile from a post office For
•rgc O r•
sew se Wm. Neater tr. Shwppaed
Pest 0111m, Inc sale or to rest,, with l sere
lead. Stock •11 fresh sad good. W ill sell es yen
awayWowngrther other al beelpneeoe 10 Re
Enna. Abe Nf bents of Issw1. West half al
Heart a the ttrd toe.. R. n Aslts.M Gond Or-
el . Mtaw BtNek aad smear. Patty bores
elasreA OSA OTC Mebd. Apply b OAtraow
t Parx'nrvrnr 1725.
iwit a. ('de V Towed* et Colbrws•, Co.
Roaenn+ef,, vottteintwa to sores 7a o whteh are
cls red sad in • trona item of cnktvtkm.
There M • heats Room sees with reit., nnAer
the wttNs_ klMl.ew MOM warm she* 19.31,
keahl. 1 for horses. alae now stable tttIS.
Them le a wwll with • 'sever tailing wtMng,
miA ape,dTn ne nro.•rd wltk ahnnt In trees,
eek•Z, Terttr wary_ Inc p•rticnlars apply
re Tatou AP VP TIN proprle4+r, ()nciowr re to
Aawenw * PRISrvie ri? Goderich
"A chlel's amens ye, takia' notes.
An' faith he'll petal It."
The comet can now be seen very dis-
tinctly with the naked eye.
Miss Emma Cox is visiting friends in
London and 8t. Thomas.
Mr. S. Grigg. of the Grigg House,
London, was in town yesterday.
We regret to learn that Mr. James
Thompson is down with a spinal affec-
We are glad to see Mr. Geo. Acheson
around again after a short but severe
We are glad to learn that Mr. James
Watson, who was so low last week, isim-
Mr. Janies Trow, M. P. accompanied
the excursionists on Tuesday. He look-
ed hearty.
When at the average strawberry festi-
val one is forcibly reminded of the value
of small things.
Mrs. Hewitt, wife of Dr. Hewitt, K' n-
ington, Envland, has been visiting her
sister, Mrs. F. Graham.
The latest arrivals at the Point Farm
are: Col. Sam. Boyd, Mrs. Boyd and
Miss Consby, of New Orleans.
The Widow Squire, the death of whose
husband provoked a newspaper discussion
last fall, was married last week.
Mrs. Gibbons, wife of SheriffGibbons,
left last week on a trip to Pennyelvania.
She will reside at Meadville during her
visit. •
The audit of the Government and
County accounts will take place in the
office of the Clerk of the Peace on Mon-
day, July 4th.
An impudent thief stole a choice
roast of beef from constable Sturdy's
poreh on Saturday. To steal from a
constable is to add insult to injury.
Mr. Henry Duncan, has taken up 323
acres of land, situated on the banks
of Long River, about seven miles from
Pembina Crossing.
The town band will discourse music
to -day (Dominion Day) on the band
stand at 8 a. In., and will play at the
Park for an hour this evening.
The enumerator. of North Huron
have all completed. The population of
North Huron is but 27,134 -this shows
an increase of over 5,000 since 1871.
The entranoe examination for the High
School will take place at the Central
School on Thursday and Friday next
week, the 7th and 8th of July, beginning
at 9 a. m. each day.
Hata-neawiwn.-Mrs. T. Robertson
has removed to East street, and is now
carrying on hairdressing in all its branch-
es. Our lady readers are invited to tall
and examine her work.
Excrmoon. -About 1,000 persons,
principally from Stratford, came up on
the G. T. R. excursion on Toesdey.
The day was warm and pleasant. and the
visitors seemed to enjoy themselves very
A FALL -Mr. C. Crabb last week fell
through an opening in the floor of one
of his buildings, last week, a distance of
twelve feet, but with the exception of a
momentary shaking up he sustained no
The town authorities are putting a
wooden fence amend the Square, and a
contemporary takes exceptions to it.
Perhaps a "stone -fence" would be more
in accordance with the taste of the News
O .C. O. F. -The Goderich Court of For-
esters, No. 32, will meet next Tuesday
evening for the installation of officers
and to receive the report of delegate to
the late meeting of the High Court of
Mr.. T. Nicholson, dentist, will take CILIUM MATCH. -The return match
his trotter "Bonner" to Exeter naves on between the Seaforth and Goderich
Dominion Day. cricket clubs will be played at Seaforth
Wears sorry to announce that the pro- on Friday, the 8th inst.
union Sunday School pic-nic ha* The M. E. Strawberry Festival will be
ellen through. hell in the basement of the church to -
Rev. J. Russ, and wife, of Port Lamb- night. Admission free ; visitors getting
ton, spent a few days in Goderich ss many saucers .,f etrawbemes as they
during the week. choose to pay for.
Dwiwwte DAY. -The day will peas off The cool opinion of the Emperor Ves-
of our pasian in regard to the comet which ap-
quietlyr in town, and the majority
townsfolk will likely seek amusement brad during his reign may here be of
elsewhere. The Point Farm is now in value. "That hairy star,' said he,
tip top running order, and the energetic "don" not portend evil to rue. It mea-
propnettor gives • cordial invitation to aces rather the King of the Parthuns.
all to spend the day with him at that He is a hairy man, but I ant bald."
pleasant retreat. RrTL'RNED.-The smiling countenance
PtacATosiAL -Mr. Loftus Dancey re- of Mr. James Vivian can again be seen
turned from a week's tushing at Michael's on West street. He informs us that the
Bay on Monday. He had splendid luck,
and succeeded intitin too whopping
trout weighing 14 lbs. He also landed a
two pound speckled trout and a large
number of small ones. He has our
thanks for s mess of the pretty speckled
ones. P. C. Bazatr_--The bazaar under the
auspices of the Ladies of St. Peter's
church began yesterday 'Thursday) in
the vcaant store immediately west of the
Post Office. A large number of articles
are on exhibition, andthe excellence of a
some of the exhibits is only equalled by
the importunities of the fair saleswomen.
got up to 'discuss the expected end of The bazaar will be continued to -day and
the world." to-morr .w. The prizes will be awarded
Tres PANORAMA. -Bengough Bros. am u_ -morrow evening.
about to begin the publication of an THE TOLEDO rho:Le-The principal
illustrated weekly devoted to news andevent at the Toledo races was the 2.21
artto be called the Panorama The race, for a purse of $8k5 five entries
If an efficient committee were now ap-
pointed to get up games and sports for
the civic holiday we think two or three
thousand visitors could be brought into
town on that occasion. Let us have
one big day this summer.
An entertainment will be given in the
lecture room of the North Street Meth-
odist church, on Tuesday evening next,
by the S. S. Temperance Society. A
good programme will be offered. There
will be no charge for admission.
Mr. A. F. Bush, of Medina, N. Y.,
formerly in business in Goderich, is re-
visiting old friend* and scenes here-
abouts. He is the guest of Capt. Dan-
cey. His friends will regret to learn
that he lost his wife in the spring.
Mr. R Campbell, Inc ten years fore-
man of the Seafnrth Erpreitor, left on
Sunday nn the Ontario Inc the North-
west. We understand that M has been
offered a gond "sit" in the job room of
the Winnipeg Free Prue. He IS a Rood
printer and a decent fellow.
T. O. O. F - Brothers 1. F Toms, of
°Merit*, and W H. McFadden, trf
Brampton, were registered at the Grand
Secretary's ntsoe, Toronto, last week -
Maitland L 119 and Maitland En-
campment , of Winghatn, reeenty
presented P P O. M Millard with arl
illuminated address and a P. G. and P.
C. P collar
CANADA Twun.M. -"Take notice that
re are required to tee down all Canada
thistles growing on lands or roads owned
nr occupied by yon in this road division
within five days from the *pewit* of this
notice," is what is being handed to the
honest yeoman hy the mtwlntarter nowe-
days. The notice tines net appear to de
any good from year to rear for the
thistles are as bad as .ver
trip across the ocean, as well as the re-
turn hone, was very pleasantly made,
and that the cattle arrived in good con-
dition. He greatly enjoyed his visit to
the Old Land,but seems 'luite content to
he home ngain,
A Wingham newspaper last week had
the following 'There was a gathering
in the town hall, Wingham last Friday
night, called a ball. Most of those pre-
sent were from Listowel, Goderich Kin-
cardine, and elsewhere. It was a silly,
dreary affair. Some people think it was
name of the Messrs. Benguugh will be Toni Keeler drawn. The Goderich
sufficient to ensure a ready sale of the
first numbers, and after that the merits
of the publication will be certain to com-
mend it. We wish the P.rnormn i a esir- th field. Summary:
cessful career. Risen 31vGregor.............. . 1 1 1
Lacy ......., ................ .... ........2 2 3
Mr.' W. Donald, High School student,. Powers ........................ :,.,......3 3 2
who left on Tuesday G. complete his 8°S° die,
studies in Toronto, was on Monday I Time -296,221}, 214.
- We have just learned by telegraph
froth Columbus, Ohio, that at the races
held in that city on Wednesday after -
and a happy evening spent, a wish noon, the Goderich mare "Lucy" took
Mr Donald, who is a most estimable first money, $1,000, in three straight
young man, every success at college. haste. Time, 2.22}.
CALLING A Mrwrarzs.-At a congre-
gatiof oox nalChurch, ben Wednesday f last week, it was re-
to ask the Presbytery to moder-
ate in a call to J."A. Turnbull as assist-
ant and successor to Ret-. Dr. Ure.
Messrs W. Kay, J. R. Miller. and J.
Buchanan were appointed • delegates to
lay the matter before the Presbytery.
It is quite probable that before many
weeks have passed, Mr.'Turnbull will be
ordained and formally installed into his
position as assistant pastor of Knox
Church. The choice is a good one.
FoRLwreY.-The High Court of the
Canadian Order of Foresters met at Tor -
14 by Wmgham and 11 by Clinton. The onto last week. Nearly silty Courts
charges were: -19 were for being drunk were represented. Mr. Alex. Saunders
17 for assault or fighting, 7 fraud and was the delegate from Goderich Court.
perjury, 8 frequenters or keepers of A number of important changes were
houses of ill -fame, 6 for putting Raw- made in the ritual, t.v-law-s and endow -
dust in streams, 5 vagrancy, 5 bad Ian- meat law. The following gentlemen
trotting mare, -Lucy, took second money,
beating Powers and So So. Robt. Mc-
Gregor was the favorite at $40 to 18 for
evening entertained to a "strawberry
tea" by a number of fellow students and
friends at the residence of Mr. Geo. Cos.
Speeches, songs, etc., were indulged in,
Knox CRosra S. S. Plc -stir. -The
date for this picnic has been Sttally
placed for Wednesday, July 6th., in
Bingham's Grove. Efficient committees
have been appointed to manage the affair,
and every effort will be put forth to
make it a successful S. S. gathering.
The school children and parents and
friends assisting in the picnic will be ad-
mitted free to the grounds; others will
be charged 20 cts.
COIINTY Coln•lt-rlons. - The list of
convictions by the magistrates of the
coanty for the quarter ending the 14th
inst., foots up 84. Out of these 17 were
by Goderich magistrates, 16 by Seaforth,
A. F. AND A. M. -At the regular
c ommunication meeting of Maitland
Lodge No. 112, A. F. and A. M., on St.
John's day, 24th inst., the following
officers were installed :-R. Radcliffe, W.
M., W. Rhynas, S. W., James Green, I
W., F. F. Lawrence Treasurer, H. Clu-
cas Srecretary, W. Phillipe S. D., W.
H. Murney J.D., W. Craig LG., M. Mc-
Phail, Tyler. After installation the bre-
thren adjourned to the refreshment
room and spent a pleasant half hour.
heartily endorse the following from the
Sarnia Observer: "While under ordinary
circumstances, and knowing a corres-
pondent to be in the right, we would not
reveal his name even upon threats of a
libel suit, we should have no hesitation
in giving our aid to procure the punish-
ment of those who indulge in the prac-
tice of malicious paragraphing."
SMASH-UP. -On Wednesday afternoon,
• buggy belonging to Mr. G. N. Davis
was driven into by another vehicle,
driven by a little daughter of Mr. D.
Fisher, of Colborne, and had one of the
hind wheels taken off. Mr. Davis and
Mr. Geo. • Acheson were sitting in the
buggy belonging to the former, reading
a document, and had no intimation of
the accident until the vehicle bean to
tilt over. Fortunately Mr. Davis horse
kept quiet and made no effort to get
away or the consequences would have
been far more serious.
KNOx CwrR,'R B.C.STRAwasasi Fsa-
TIVAL -The members of the above malltheir comfort during the station.
Bible Clem held a very snooessful
strawberry festival in the school morn A HISS'S SENTENce-The lad Whiting,
of Knox Church on Tuesday eveeing. 1 who pleaded guilty nn Wednesday last
The strawberries were served up in ex- to keeping a purse containing $60, which
oellent style by the obliging waiters, and j he had picked up was sentenced to six
were evidently well relished bythe vis- months in the Central Prison, Toronto.
iters. Dr. Ure occupied te ehair. The prevailing impression is that the
During the evening suitable and pointed sentence is on the heavy side Whiting
addresses were made by Rev. J. A. hss heretofore home a good character,
Turnbull, Mr. J. R. Miller, teacher of and was coaxed into keeping the money
the Bible Class, and Mr. T. McGilliofd- by • companion named Menser who ex -
d] superintendentof Knox Church S. R. *reined onns,derable influence over him.
ma hy by Messrs Mitchell,Camp- He was committed h] the magistrate f.'r
hell and Williams and Miss Seegmillsr, trial when the equal fy, if net more guilty • "V1 a are r,rr7 7011 inn t bks nut paper enamelled granite iron preserving kettles,
were all wall appreciated, and an organ Mener, novelly speaking, was las eff We publish It amply to please you. We at the Invest prte.ir lepsevud carpet
solo hy the young lady )'oat named gave Pent tree. A petition signed M 100 of I a1ould ask you to come to the otics and sweeper, $2 75. Ws sell everything at
evidence of a enhivatsd taste The vn- tM most pmmtneet twtidents or preemie edit it, only, if we did, crime iniquitous the lowest notch. Maunders variety
cal music h Mis•w Meldrnm and For- where Whiting belongs, testifying to his I peeow might wrtteand tell yen how much , stow.. th• cheapest house under the sun,
first and Mr. Saunders, and Miss premien. gond character, was brought to dotter he could do it himself, and that next to the P 0
1<ete litenere and Mr t'rasswslles gave f;,oderlch by the anfnrt,mats tiny's father staisid a►nny a nervous person like you."
good readings. Every nnmhwr of the and math,- nn Satnrdsv last. and laid -ILL The Rev C Barker, who for many
me was well rec.nved. Knox I before the Judge, but they were in- "Don't you think that a g ..d likeness pester was nnnneoted with the pries as
nrvh Rible elites hes naw an averageformed that sentence heti been passed of me r' says the pretty wife to her hue- ( editor of the (Mercer nevi ,MereAnie. in
attends nen or 40 young min and women I and that no reversal of judgment melt; hand 'Very good " he answers. "ex Rowmanviile, was presented with an ad
and has an excellent teacher .n Mt .7 he had *tend by •enItestiee to 9h. (d„•- rept that there is a little err mnch n drand gold watch by the mtlesnsew
R Miller ern Men . p' w` •M •,• th. month •he
afts •.•n+ .f Au Ieavin1 foo L.nndwna
from Huron are among the Llewlyelected
officers :-P. Robb, Clinton, High Vice -
Chief Ranger ; D. Stewart, Bluevale, R.
W. H. S. W.; Rev. J. Pritchard, Man-
chester, Chaplain. The High Court will
meet at Guelph next year, on the second
Tuesday of June.
INSANE-Geo. Whittaker, an insane
person, was brought from Brussels on
Sunday last by Constable Kippen, to be
placed in Gaol for safe keeping.
Through some hocus-pocus work no war-
rant of commitment arrived with him,
and the services of Mayor Horton had to
be called into requisition before ad-
mission to the "stone house" could be
obtained. Since his incarceration Whit-
taker has been staking it lively for the
gaol officials, as he is unremitting in his
efforts to knock his brains out -if such a
thing can be done. The Gaol is no
place for unfortunates of the Whittaker
We are in receipt of a circular from
the Celebration Committee of the I. O.
0: F., of Brantford, which gives us an
account of the provision being made to
entertain the grand encampment and
grand lodge on the second week of Au-
gust next. The week will be of conoid-
er..ble interest to the town, and the
opening of the Opera House and other
attractions will draw a crowd of visitors
from all partst.f the country. Over 3,000
members of the Grand Lodge of the I.
O. O. F. are expected in Brantford this
year as representatives of the 13,000
Oddfellows in this Province, and every
aoc.mmoiation is being provided fur
The Pupils iatertala+t eat Be her the The Tewa's Representatives In selems
Sew* mer Vaeftlef.
On Wednesday evening last, a very
pleasant entertainment was held at the
Riverdale School, which assumed the
shape of a parlor concert by the pupils.
The attendance of spectators was large,
most of thus present being friends,
or relatives of the pupils. The walls
of the schoolroom weretastefullydecorat-
ed with drawings and paintings by the
pupils, many of which gave evidence
of a facile pencil, carefully trained.
Mayor Horton was called to the chair,
and presided during the evening. The
entertainment was of an exceptional
kind, and success was stamped upon
every effort made on the platform. Mr.
Lloyd on the violin, and the Misses
Goode on the piano, ably assisted in the
musicial portion of the programme
Following is the full
Part 1.
1 -SONG . "Over the Summer Rea."... ....
By Singing Claw.
2-INSTRUMK TAL LO .............. ...
Miss Daisy Johnston.
Miss Fannie Lawrence.
4 -SONG.." be SSu¢'ss Ga Beam."tnng.
Misses C. Slack. M. Strachan. b1. Malcotnson.
6 -RECITATION...... ...
Misses Flo. Horton and Grace Polley:
Miss Clara Slack.
8 -SCENE giro*[ "Merchant of Venibe."...
Misses Georgie McMicking, ClaraGoode. time
Wynn, i4ephie Wilhlanas, Maggie Cameron,
Assggtle Row.
Miss Clara Goode
Part 1.
Misses C. Slack and D. Johnston.,
-R EC IT,ATION ..........
Miss Mary'Elwood.
Miss Goode and Mr. Lloyd.
4 -.SONG.. "I Love the Sunshine."
By Singing Class.
5 -INSTRUMENTAL SOLO .............
Miss Mattie Price.
6-R1:'CTf ATiON ......... .........
bliss Georgie McMicking.'
7 -PIANO DUETT, with Violin ad fd0.......,.
Misses Goode and Mr. Lloyd.
8 -SCENE from "lady of the Lake."...........
Misses Clara Goode Georgie McMlok ing, _Se-
phle Williams, Goode,
Wynn, Ethel W{dder.
--.SONG, in motion
B the Children.
10 -RECITATION,., ................... .
Mies Clara Goode.
At the close of the entertainment
Mayor Horton made a few felicitiona re-
marks, in which a high tribute was paid
Mrs. Fletcher, the superintendent, and
her assistants, the Misses Goode, for the
manner in which' their excellent school
was conducted. The pupils were evi-
dently being taught in a style which
reflected credit upon the teachers, and
the entertainment just closed showed
conclusively that they had one and all
availed themselves of the advantages-
dvantagesoffered to them at "Riverdale.." He
trusted that they would makegood use
of their vacation, so that when they
again returned to their studies, they
would be able to prosecute every branch
with vigor, and give evidence at any
future midsummer ending of as marked
progress and thoroughness of education-
al development as was observed hers
to -night.
An enjoyable evening _ was spent by
all who witnessed the proceedings, and
everyone present departed fully satisfied
that Mrs. Fletcher and the Misses Goode
have succeeded in making "Riverdale"
a model private school.
Fa1DAT, June 24.
The regular meeting of the Town
Council was held this evening. Present
the Mayor in the chair, the Reeve, the
1st and 2nd Deputy, and Councillors
Cameron, Campion, Danoey, Dunsford,
Edward, Humber,' Lee, Sloane and
The minutes of last meeting were read
and approved.
The treasurer presented a report,
showing: amount of cash received sines
last report, $124.11: amount paid out,
$1,597.26; balanoe due bank, *1,108.45;
which was referred to Finance oommit'
A communication was received front
the manager of the G. W. R,, in reply
to a resolution of last meeting, which
was ordered to be fyled.
A communication was received from
the Public School board of trustees, ask-
ing fur a grunt of $4,300. Referred to
Finance committee.
A communication was received from
the market clerk, resigning his position.
It was moved by Campton, seconded
by Dunsford, that the clerk be instruct -
ea. to notify the market clerk, that un-
less he paid arrears of rent due by hint
forthwith, and gave bonileforfuture pay- ,
anent, the market will be taken from
him. and sold, and that if any loss be
sustained, the Council will look to hint
to make it good -Carried
A petition weal read from Edmund K.
Land, asking remission of taxes on lot
It was noved by Cameron, seconded
by Johnston, that the petition be re-
ceived and fyled...
It was moved in amendment by Jor-
dan, seconded by Swanson, that the
treasurer be instructed to strike off one-
half of the taxes, against lot 838,
owned by Fa Iii:. Land.
The Mayor ruled the amendment out
of order.
It was then moored in amendment by
Campbell, seconded by Hutchison., that
before the motion be put, that Mr.
Land be heard.
The vote on the amendment stood:
Yea -the Mayor, Campbell, Hutchison,
Edward, Jordan, Sloane and Swanson -
7. Nay-Tohnatun, Cameron, Cam-
pion, Dace , Dunsford, Humber and
Lee -7. The amendment was declared
The vote on the motion: -Yea -John -
Mon, Hutchinson, Cameron, Campion,
Dartcey, Humber, Dunsford and Ise --8.
Nay -Campbell, Edward, Jordan, Sloane
and Swanson -5.
The motion was declared carried.,
The followingaceounta were present-
ed and referred to the Finance committee:
John Hillier, relief, 11.25; B. Hooker,
relief *2; D. Ferguson, relief, 514.48;
J. A. McIntosh, relief, *1.25; E. Gra-
ham, relief, *2.50.
FIr'eAwez eowurrreE's UMW.
The Finance committee presented the
following :-
The Finance committee would recom-
mend the payment of the following ac-
counts :--john Hillier, $1.25; E. Gra-
hen, *3; Star, 51; Tint SIOPAL, $9;
P. O'Rourke, $3.
W. CAMPExLL, Chairman.
Moved by Dancey, seconded Hum-
Fasklesable steddins ber, that the report be adopted -Car-
-- rigid.
The following, from the Toronto Globe PUBLIC w0EKM r'OMMIrTES'a REPOsr.
refers to an event which took place at The Public Works committee 'beg to
that city last week: oseport that they have received tenders
HYMENEAL. •Lor painting the belfry lately erected on
In Yorkville, yesterday mnrning7 con- the hose tower, and would recemmend
uderable interertt was caused by the the acceptance of that of E. R. Watson,
marriage of Daniel McDonald, Clerk of fist the sum of $311, for three coats of
the Crown, etc., Huron, with Miss Maud paint, and all wood work sanded except
Evelyn Brough, daughter of the late the shingles.
Judge Brough. The ceremony was per- CHAM. A. Ht-Mnze, Chairman.
formed at the Church of the Redeemer Moved by Campbell, seconded by
by Rev. Septimis Jones. The bride was Johnston, that the report be receiyed
attired in white satin, trimmed with lace. and adopted -Carried.
The veil was worn over a wreath of or- Dancey gave notice that at next regu-
ange blossoms. with pearl and diamond lar meeting of the Council he would
ornaments. The bridesmaids were Mw move for leave to introduce a by-law to
Brough, Miss Blake, Toronto; Miss amend by-law No. 5, of 1872, amended
Bown, Brantford; and Miss Brough, To- by by-law No. 7, of 1880.
ronto, and all wore cream bunting dresses The Council then adjourned.
trimmed with lace and blush rises, and
with cream silk hats trimmed to corres-
pond. The groomsmen were I)r. Mc -
De h, Goderich; Messrs L. Swinvard
and Theodore Brough, Toronto, and Mr.
A. A. Mackid, Brantford. After the
ceremony a large number of the friends
of the bride and groom, including Hon.
Edw. Blake and Mrs. Blake, Mr. J. K.
Kerr and Mrs. Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. S.
Nordheimer, Mr. and Mrs. S Shepley,
Mrs. Boulton, Mr. W P R. gere, and
Before Horace Horton. Esq., Mayor
June 23rd.
Willem Rutsun was charged by Wm.
Thrower with moulting and beating a
boy named Samuel Thrower, in the
township of Colborne, nn the 19th inst.
Defendant pleaded seilly and was fined
$2.00 and costs, in all $5.75, or 20 days
ethers were entertained hy Mrs Brough in gaol.
June 27th -
at her residence, and many hearty wishes Peter Shea was charged with being
were expressed fur the future happiness mink and disorderly on the 45th.
of the newly -wedded per, who will take Peter pleaded guilty, and was fined MI
a two months trip through ,the eastern
seehon of Canada, and then wait several and orb nr in r+etaeh 10 days in gaol.
places of interest in the United States. He didn t have the mosey, and went
Tea Sweet. joins in wahine the young down.
couple prosperity anti every happtnest Re 45.esSwans.
An editor thus retorts upon a critic Lamm The Darling fruit jars and