HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-06-24, Page 8DOORS SASHES, BIANDf$iHtl_ MOULDINGS, • every Description of Interior Finish. - STAIRS, HANDRAILS, NEWELS gad BALUSTERS A Specialty. Send for Price Lists. SHINGLES LATH & LUMBk& Lptti nates on &whi a- ddrein FRANCIB 3SM R, Gudseia t THE WORLD OVER. Prince Leopold took his seat in the House of Lords on Monday es Duke of Albany. The steamship companies and the ut- most difficulty in providing room for the vast number of enugranta leaving tier many for America Quaoo lighthouse, on the Bay -of Fun- dy, was completely destroyed by fire on Friday morning last It was built about thirty years ago. By the explosion of a torpedo on board the British ironclad Muo.trch, at Tunis, one officer was killed and several sailors wounded. A tenant named Simeon has been aw- arded by the Land Session at Castlebar, County Mayo, the sum of £2,954 as compensation due him by his landlord, Lord Human, fur improvements. 'Simeon claimed £5,895, and his Lordship refus- ed to pay anything. 12,000buanels of grain have unaccount- ably disappeared from the elevator at Keokuk, controlled by Jack Sturges. This u the grain Kennett & Co., of Chi- cago, held warehouse receipts for. Civil and criminal prosecutions will be com- menced to discover the gnilty party. A twelve -pound California saloon has been caught in Lake Michigan, off Ce- dar Grove, Wis. The Fish Comnttssion- en planted salmon six years ago, and this is the first evidence of the adapt- ability of Lake Michigan to the culture of this fish. A young lady was married in Louis- ville the other day, and a newspaper ac- count of the event was headed "Mated in May." The New York Grip/tit sup- poses that "Joined in June" and "At- tached in August" will be the fate of those who come later in the season. It is to be hoped that "Separated in Sep- tember" will be needed in no carie. A great cock fight took place in^'King, in tho suburbs of Cincinnati, lasting from aix in the morning until ten at night. Two 'thousand persons were present. Five hundred cocks fought ten mains, going at once. One hundred and fifty of the combatants were killed. Vast sums of money changed hands. The scene was a veritable pandemoni um. A foreign'correspendent writes to a German paper that the order to close the saloons of St. Petersburg on the morning and evening of the day on which the five Nihilists were executed was a clever for- gery of the signature of Loris Melikoff, Minister of the Interior. It was a con- coction of the Nihilists to have the same tokens of mourning observed on that oc- casion as were obeeived after the death of the' late Csar. Sir Wilfred Lawson'* supporters in the Imperial House of Vomuuons are de- termined to carry their recent Perlis- mentary victories into 'effect. They de- mand that pending the Government's action respecting the liquor traffic, the issue of ill licenses for two years shall be suspended. One of England's most striking political and social features is the marvellous growth of the temperance movement. • Mr. Labuuchero says that the heart of King Louis XIV., having been brought to England, was shown to the late Pro- fessor Iluckland. "The heart looked like a small piece of dried leather. The Professor handled it, then he smelt it; then he put it between his teeth, and then to the horror of the spectator., he swallowed it. The remains of Professor Buckland repose in Westminster Abbey, and, consequently, in Westminster :Abbey reposes the heart of Louis XIV." Cincinnati Gazette: --"Difference in • families united by [marriage are mostly on the side of the woman. Women fails in tact to preserve the amenities of the hearth. The soft answer or the repress- ion which evadea an issue is more on the part of the roan that the wife. Young women manage their lovers but Lose their skill to manage their husbands. Women make, the cliques in congrega- tions. church societies, family hotels, boarding houses, and wherever lovely woman predominates Lack of tact makes the traditional mother-in-law. Fathers-in-law have too much tact to be fussy and irritating in matters that should be loft alone. Men live harmon- iously in clubs; women cannot live in clubs without getting into hostile divi- sion. l hely sixty-six failures in the United Stases and Canada were reported in Bradstreet's during the past week, the amine* number for anysingle week this yea , and a decrease rom last week of twenty. This is a pleasant contrast to the *urea given three months ago, when the* were upwards off one hundred and fifty , showing the marked improvement in trade generally. The only failure of importiote 'artnounced was that -of E. P. Cutler & Co., iron commission mer- chants of Boston. Their embarrassment was dee to the decline in the prices of iron. The number of failures in the different region. of the country were 13 in the middle States, a decrease of 16; 14 in New England, decrease of 6: 14 in the .reetern States, a decrease of 4; 14 in the south, an increase of 6; 5 in Califor- nia, a decrease of 1: and 6 in Canada and the Proincee. - [Brad.troet's, June 18th, 1881. ♦esi.1i A girl thanked a man who gave her his Nat in a street car, and he married her Yid proved toe he worth $400,000. (We site flat this he in the hope of inclining the girla to lien .Ittle 'WW1. cieireona.) Correspondents ere notified that the neaten • "This wo,l event fres cast a over the entire eoaimnnity," is standing in this office, so it will M• un., ...eery to ended*. it in reports con. v,t•demise of stricnitnrists who 1 7; *', ' .- e-reteasly feed Pam THx HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JUNE 24. 1881. OANADIAN NEWS. ( COUNTY GLEANINGS. Uteri, Public School is uuturusus fur blaring the smartest and meet advanced pupil* suit the. 'monist, su,nllest atol oicst .lilapedsttd ploy gi.uwda to the urp 4iie. rhe following 4 suitiworo of the .a,10 lector's non fur ISA', for brined . rr tat .aiuc of real pr.terty,, $'.41133,775; tot..1 value ..t lersunal I.rouerty, $19,- _'7A: total amount 1.1 t*Aable meows, 14.250; non-resident tax, IN,b10. Swis- her ..f children between the age of 6sad 16 este. 367. 'notal popolatiou about 1,833. Number of horses 132, cattle 130, hags 55, sheep 14, dogs 68, with 2 of the female sex. Locum FUND. - D. Scott, Lissome Inspector, kindly handed us the follow• iug atateuient of the distributiuo of the license fund fur East lineup. $1,410 was collected. Provincial Treasurer, $47&66; Brussels, 1461 13; Howick, $241.69; Grey, 1214.83; McKillop, $107.41; Wroxeter, 180.43; Turnbsrry, $63.43; Morris, $53.71; Hallett, +61.71; Reserve Fund, $700. -[Poet. HaTuax11D.-On Saturday last Mr. A. Fisher, (one of the oldest resident& of Wingham) passed up on his return from Brandon, N. W. T., where be proposes making his future place of abode, as he is very greatly taken up with the count- ry. Brandon is itself a wilderness there not being a habitation there but a recent saie of lots where the embryo city is located realized the enormous sum of $27.000. Mr. Fisher thinks the count- ry a lung way ahead of Ontario. Henry Luras, • farmer of G ' , i eomuutted suicide by ousting his thrr► with • ramie un Friday' Inst. The d. ceased was 68 years old, and ,;elterslljt respected. The young girl G,r•s by who charged the captain of une oft the Toronto deur siva boats with having committed an uta decent *moult on her, •as u-reaad ou Tuesday ..n • charge of insanity. The harms Test Wel! Ass dation ha: awarded the contract for sinking liar walls to the value and uateot of the oi. deposits near that town. The result will be watched with greet Interest. A lunatic who has been sent to the New Brunswick Asylum from Queen's oounty, is cad to have become demented through reading sensational reports re- specting the sappueed disaster of the 19th June. Ald. McMicken of Winnipeg says .'f the PLcifie syndicate that it has unhmit ed power, and that it might be death to the city to go tan much against the syndi- oste's desires in the grsutile; of aid to the Southwestern railway reupeny. The Listowel monthly cattle fair un Finlay was the most successful fair ever bald, there being a number of amens, stockand the offend being first ekes. Nearly all the stock offered was bought at • good figure, the attendance being good. A Lcczr WAaDaN.-The report that Mr. E. McGillicuddy, Warden of Lamb - ton, had fallen heir to a handsome for- tune by the death or a maternal uncle in Ireland, is true. Mr. McGillicuddy leaves this week for the "ould sod" to look after the legacy. The Listowel Beeper says: Our two ex -Mayors, Messrs. Scott and Campbell, with the reigning Mayor, Mr. T. E. Hay, intend taking a trip to Manitoba and the North West in a few weeks. If we remember correctly, it was some- where in that region where the Lieuten• ant Governor's. party, some time ago, found so much bad' water. The Stratford Beacon says it is time there was • provincial polios force, which could be quickly sent to any 'point in case of emergency. Such a force as this, it considers, would be able to secure due administration of the law in places where there is an insufficient conata2ulary, or where the author:'..,:s are 1u in their duties. The Journal Printing Company of St. Thomas have sold the Journal to a Syn- dicate composed of George Elliott Casey, M.P. for West Elgin, Dr. Wilson, ex -M. P. for East Elgin, Thomas Orr of the Loudon Free Press job room, E. E. Shep- pard he pard of the Tole lo Telegram, and W. E. Westlake of the Toledo .Made. The con- sideration is understood to be in the neighborhood of $7.000. • At the sale of the Lake Erie islands on Wednesday, at Windsor, the Hen and Chickens were sold to, John McBeth, of London, for $205 ; Middle Island, to J. 11. Curry, of Windsor, for $1,471, sub- ject to a claim of $2,000 for improve- ments ; East Sister and North Harbor, to Frederick Broughton, General Mana- ger of the Great Western Railway, for $860 and 147, respectively. On Tuesday afternoon a little daugh- ter of R. Wallace, West Napanee, nearly three years old, got access to some mat- ches, in the abience of her mother, and seems to have put some of them in her mouth, but no harm was apprehended at the time. On Wednesday the child took to vomiting, but soon seemed to recover. On Thursday she was seized with convul- sions, and remained unconscious until Friday 'morning, when death released her., A doctor was called, but was un- able to do anything. A remarkable fact which strikes one promenading the streeta of the city of Kingston is the upright car- riage of the ladies -far ahead of those in any other part of the Dominion. A friend said it was on account of the am- ount of exercise they took in rowing, but we disagreed with him, believing that ordinary rowing has a tendency to produce round shoulders. Habit is 'catching, and in a small city like King- ston, with so many military men and cadets about, it is not to bftwondered at that their bearing is reflected in the gentler sex. -[Canadian Military Re- view. The Walkerton Telexope says: fn conversation with cine of our subscibers this week, the latter stated that the re- cent frost had done a good deal of dam- age to fall wheat, barley, peas, potatoes and corn. Oats had also suffered to some extent The frost appeared to be equally severe on light and heavy land. For instance the damage was just as great on the 5th and 8th lines, where the lightest land in the T'p of Brant was to be found, as in the 8th, 9th, 10th, and llth lines, where it was the heaviest. Should a sufficient quantity of rain fall in time he thought the grain crop might recover somewhat, but it would never amount to much. "It's discouraging," was his last remark. - Dr. Cream, who was tried ones in Criminal Court on an indictment chrpf- ing him with abortion, and acquitted. is in the toils again, with a prospect of be in rewarded according to hie deserts. His offence consists in the sending of the vilest sort of poet *arta through the mails --an ofeece for which the Revised Statutes preseribe • fine of from $100 to $500, with imprisonment from one to ten years. The recipient of his foul *hii o is a man by the name of Joeeeph Martin,livingatNo. 129 West Thirteenth street, engaged in the business 111 pre- paring fun for some of the wholesale and retail fur houses in this city Cream had attended his family as a physician, and appears to here had some difficulty in regard to a hill. Martin claims that he peed the doctor all he owed him. while the latter, claiming that Martin was in his debt M the amnnnt of $2n, resorted to the despicable scheme of sending him scnrrilnns postal cards, in order, perhaps, to hasten matters and bring about a settlement of the allered debt. The earls rootainuwl foul wpef- signs on plaintiff and referred to his wife as follows : "Yon had letter learn that low. vnlgar wife of yours to keep her foul mouth shut, with her second- hand silk .dolmans and **card -hand silk dunes, aril not talk *holt others. Two can play et that acme " The Doctor has here arrested and hold in e1.2O'l hue' 1 result at this year's buainess is that through hit► freight from Montreal sod Gurrte Enterprise: -About ten o'clock last Saturday evening as Mr. J. A. Mc- Michael was driving.acres the railway track accompanied Sy Mias Clara Broley, the horse beanie frightened at a car which was carelessly left standing al- most on the centro of the crossing. Mr. McMichael did what he could to oontrol the terrified nninal but in less time than it takes to tell it himself and lady oom- paniun sere pitched violently on to the sidewalk, while the buggy was literally smashed and the freed horse ran away till he became entangled among the saw- logs at Carson's. The occupants of the buggy- were both found to be seriously though nut dangerously injured, Miss Braley having got an ugly scalp wound that required to be -sewed up, while "Ab." received internal injuries that laid him up for Several days. Both are now able to be out though not fully re- cuvered. OUR GIRLS. What as Observant Admirer has 1. W Rrgardl.g the Teeing blies .t N.re.. From the Clinton New Era. A gentleman, who has had many op- portunities of observing the good_quali- ties of the young ladies of the county, and •who prides himself upon being a prudent and impartial judge, hands us the following as the result of his ubeer- vatioia:- Bruasels-Robust and blooming. Wingham-Anxious, but hoesfUL Blyth -The most amiable. Londesbore-The most indifferent Bayfield -intellectual and vivacious, with a preference for marriage. Bluevale-The most truthful. Brucefield-The most demure. Centralia --Fund of music and the stage. Exeter -The most anxious to be lov- ed. Goderich-The must anxious to be married. Holmesville-Sweet tempered and un- assuming. Kippen--Unsophisticated and freckl- ed. Seaforth-The best musicians, with a strong leaning towards flirtation. Manchester -Hot -with lemon in it preferred. Varna -There are none. They all die young or grow up into boys. Wroxeter -Captivating and mischiev- ous. Zurich --Good complexion and use- ful. Clintons -Serious and business like, with a weakness for croquet and ice- cream; strongly opposed to old -maid- ism. After we had carefully read this list over, we called upon the writer and ask- ed him "how he came to be so well ac- quainted with the county ladies 1" I have had occasion," he replied, "to travel through this county, for some time past, and have carefully, noted the distinctions in different places." "How did you arrive at the conclus- ion that the Ooderich girlwere the mot anxious to get married Y' we ask- ed. "Oh, fortunately, I was there during leap year," he answered, with a loud laugh. A Goderich poet, in a revengeful niood, has written the following: The best looking fellow In Clinton Is very much given to squlntln' And the mouth of each bride Is some eighth Inches wide- The're so homely - those people of Clinton. Ur. wallas... the Cattle Trade .&drtet to shippers. • Ald. Hallam's letter from England, touches upon the cattle exportation ques- tion. "i read in the G1,,he," says the observant alderman, "some remarks about the exportation of cattle to Eng- land. And what a lot of nonsense ' i ain convinced from the tittle experience I have had and what I have seen in this business that w), i•AENOT rompers with the Amerman free -fed corn cattle and pay the Dutra;ecus freights that are paid this sevum. Now i will make an estimate, which is as nearly correct as can be. We will take a steer in Can- ada in good condition and weighing say 1300 pounds on foot. If prime it woukt fetch in Toronto 6 cents, which would be $78• At $30 freight and $10 other expenses, all told, the steer will cost $118 in Liverpool. Now, the very high- est price realised, which was butt Mon- day, in Liverpool. was eightp+nce per pound. it is a noted fact that most of the Canadian cattle shrink 43 i••r cent. We will take 40 per cent. of 1:.011 pounds 700 pounds at eightpenoe, hemg al- together 520 shillings, or f+124.110- a profit of 00.110 Apr !Arlt IMAM?. But the foot of the matter is, this is the best aide of the question, and it doesn't work ort too beantifully in practice. The lufreight from Bu.Wu, t&wuey will be I. t by Canadian cattle shippers. How us they compete with better cattle that ,.re shtiped from litrtuu. paying ouly 30 w 40 shillings freight Now, if it &pays k. take cattle at 40 shillings from Boston, it should pay at the ammo rate from Mos- trent- Whi. are making the money 1 The etesauslip owners. And this wtllal- ways be the ase w lung .. the cattle ex- port trade t1 carried" on in the unbeu- near-like way it hes been this year. aneiber Mea. Vileterle Mas. We bate beard of a few mean people in connection with the ditlaater. One of the number turned up yesterday and ap- plied to Ald. Jones for relief. "lin what grounds do you chum relief; did you lore any member of your family Y' "No; myself and wife and four child- ren were all saved." "Well, then, you ought to be thank- ful your lives were saved Surely that is enough for you." "No, I want pay for the damage dose to our clothing; besides, I lost mums articles. " What did you lose "I lost a tivedol ar meerschaum pipe." .'We have no money to pay for pipes; you ought to be thankful you've not a oold moist body." "Well, other people are getting paid, and I want muuey-that's what you have the money for." "That's your little game, is it 1 Well you have come to the wrung man this time." 'Well, won't you pay me for my sister- in-law 1 She was drowned" "Bring me the undertaker's bill, and I'll attend to it" "Well, I don't want to have it said she was buried by the corporation." "What's the difference whether the corporation supplies you with coffins or coats '" "I guess you chaps are making • big penny out of this business, and I'll get the law on you. " "Do you see that door i" roared the Alderman. "If you ain't outside before I count seven, I'll not be answerable for what'll be left of you." Whether it wasr that the fellow saw danger in the Alderman's, eye, or whether lit was that this wife caught him by the coat -collar and hustled him out of the room, it is hard to say, but he disap- peered like a flash. Alderman Jones has sines i.9ar'i that this individual, when the Victoria capsized, swam ashore and saved his own bacon, leaving his pour wife to, struggle with the watery element. But, *tram* to say, the woman saved her four little ones. -[Ad- vertiser. I uctioneering. JC. CURRIE, THE PEOPLE'S AUC - . T1ON filth. Ooderto& Oat. 1761. Jfledlcal. HS. MAOKID, M. D., ?HYSI- . elan. Magee" and A000tse►or, lured**» of Tomato L aivera tr. O1.esepoeite Carson roe lc Cauesruti s Batik. Lucknuw. if mot ie Oboe. savor* at the Bank. 1713.7. I McLBAN, PHYSICIAN, BUR- L" OXON. Commie. kc. Omoe and madames en Brum Sheet seeaad door west of Viotesla Street 1761. DR8. SHANNON it HAMILTON, physi bine, humans, Meow:hers. Ifte. Osos at Dr. t)hsaso.'a reuWesoe, neer Ws Jeal. uudertuh. G. C. SHAxxorl, J. C. HANK" von. 1761. AIKENHEAD, V.S. , (SUCCESSOR J• A . to i'r. Dormant Graduate of Ontario Ve- terinary N.w Street,( fir doorss.sbles .ttdo Colborne 05 New�ato Hotel N. B. -Horses examined ea to wand - nem 1751. Legal. GARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR- 1ch. ar ow. V.. Proouudfo�o&. 176 Goderich. .1. T.Oarmw, W B. L DOYLE, BARRISTER A N D Attorney, Ont. 8sticitnr to Chancery, .. Goderi EAGER & MORTON, BARRI8- TF.ItB, Arc., ta, Oodertoh and Wingham. C. Seager, Jr.. tiuderioh. J. A. Morton, Wing - ham. 1751. SMALCOMSON, BARRISTER AND . Solicitor. Office -Corner of West Street aol51Goder4 t Square. over George Ach�ns, ryct.resear Canada. When this high-class art serial was first projected the difficulties which star- ed its publishers in the face were so many that some of their most ardent friends doubted the success in Canada of such an enterprise. These difficulties lay chiefly in the almost entire previous absence of art publication it) this country, owing to lack of the cultivation of the fine arts, caused by the hitherto want of appreciation on the part of our people, fur reasons of engrossment in the more practical work of industrial and commer- cial development When we see, how- ever, that a staff of the very best artists and engravers have been gathered to- gether in Canada, in the production of this most desirable work, it is subject for congratulation. We have been pleased to notice from recent articles of the press that the success of the work promises to be unparalleled --a result we pro- nounced_as richly merited from its incep- tion -and more particularly- so since we have inspected for ourselves a large number of the most beautiful wood en- gravings we have ever seen, which have I been specially- pt'epared fur it., and are to form a tart of its initial numbers Froni the well-known reputation and ability of the Editor-in-chief, Rev. Dr. Grant, we have no hesitation in saying that the literary department will keep well abreast of the artistic in point of merit, and this being the case, we hazard no rash opinion when predict that the forthcoming publication will be, without exception, the finest work of its class ever yet uttered to the people of Canada; This, when we consider that the art de- partment is under the supervision of Mr. O'Brien, of Toronto. President of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts -him- self admitted to be one of the finest artists in the profession, and whom Her Majesty the Queen has honored by a commission to make some historical paintings for her private oollection. Mr. Geo. F. Smith, the superintendent of the engraving department, is acknow- ledged to be one of the leading men in his profession, and has had a very wide experience both in England and New York. Neither are we surprised at the general encouragement being extended to the work of our people, as it is cer- tainly the finest of its description we have ever seen, especially on Canadian aubjects and Canadian scenes. With lovers of literature probably the style and subject matter of the accompanying letter press would bear the greatest in- terest, and when we idol that the Rev. Dr. Grant, President of Queen's Uni- versity, Kingston, is the Editor-in-chief, and that he is assisted by a corps of the hest Canadian historical and descriptive writers, we offer the surest guarantee that the literary portion of this most ad- mirable work will compare in every re- spect with the artistic; and duet, as • whole, it will be such as to reflect the highest credit on all concerned is its publication. IN THE SURROGATE COURT O!' 1b conic, et Rural. iN 'ran MATT= or MI O17a DiArrettr t1l/ Tote INFANT CHrt.DH$N er SLIM* Ansa TowwesND, OlAA/asa 'rails netts* that a ies the expirattes of twenty day from the aria publication of this settee, apptsestima win he mot, to the hedge N tM M•rvegate Onset of the Paint y of Him*, III 'Mak Townsend, of the Township M Hel- len In the comity of liernn. y,•snnan, for letters of Onanllarehtp. appointing Mm the e►id Elijah Townsend. woo-llun of the Infant children Tf the paid vtr.tnomo . lI 'red 1a Mar Ilfaiie e, n( the said pct /falloff. and w I le of the said wad Tow Dated at oceam e. titin Ialu day of Jtres. A. 7) tlti t AMMON. 114114. Ai ( awOMAN attrweev R hf Mid apph . - 1710-fe WAX, 411 T. rat FINE STATIONERY! ILI CAMPION, ATTORNEY -AT - 14. LAW. Solicitor to Chancery, convey- anceo. Linke cirr Sh.ppard's b r. ookatsre. Ooderi Ont. Any amount of mono to loan at lowest rater of interest. 1751'7. CAMERON, HUoT & CAMERON, 9ulicit..r. in Chancery. Vie.. Goderich and Wingbani. M. C. Cameron, aa C.; P. Holt. M. G. Camu.-un, Ooderich. W. e. Macara. W Ingham. 176L Miscellaneous Itarbe. JAMES SMAILL, ARCHITECT, &c Moe, Crabb's Block. Kingston st, Oeste - doh. Plans and specifications drawn correct- ly. Carpenter's' plasterers and mason's work measured and valued. \1188 Weal ESTON, PRACTICmakerwonldAL 1 Dress Mantle , bit!- mate to the iadh a of Goderich that she hos b.mun the business of dressmakiog at her re- sidence on the Cam Hoed. next to Snieath's planing mill. All work done in the newest and meet fashionable Styles. Agent for Cornwell's patterns. 1780-3m. CTRATF')RD BINDERY-ESTAB- ►tJ LISHED 18M.This establishment ischiefly devoted to job and library work, especially W those unique and economical half calf and mor - recce styles. In all cases the best of stock and workmanship, with strength and beauty com- bined. Binds overJohn I)ton's drug store. GEORGE STONE.ut Tonsorial. KNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR- T • BER and 1111g -dresser, begs to return thanks to the publWfor past patronage, and solicits • continuance of custom. He can always be found at his Shaving Parlor, near the Post Office Goderich. 1753 Loans aria insurance. qt 500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON. HOW At CAMERON, Gode- rich. 1769. 75,000 TO LEND ON REAL E 8 - TATE. Terms favorable. Apply to B. L. 1'LK. Goderich. 1761 17 00,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND on good Farm or first-class Town Property at 8 per cent. Aonly to R. RADCLIFFE. 1731 MOORHOUSE Has Jae& opened oat • SUPERIOR GRADE 1,1 oNEY TO LEND IN ANY 1.1 amount to suit borrowers at A to 6,) per cent. Private funds. Apply to S aoER and MoirroN, Goderich. TONEY TO LEND. -A LA RG E Ivo_ amount of Private Funds/or investment at to GwRRW sS n 'aIrrasMortag .ges- Apply IOANS FREE OF CHARGE.- / Money to lend at lowest rates, free of any costa or charges. SKAGER at MORTON. opposite Colborne HoteL Goderich. 23rd March 1881. 1779. [' PER CEN f. - THE CA NADA V Landed Credit Company 1s prepared to lend money on good Farm security, at six per cent. Tull particulars given upon application to HUGH HAMILTON. C. L. agent. Goderich. 1786. 20,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND IP on Farm and Town Property at lowest in- terest Mortgoges purchased, no Commission charged Conveyancing Fees reasonable. N. 1L -Borrowers can obtain money- in one day if title is .atlalactory.-DAVISON t JOHN- STON. Banisters. &c.. Goderlek. 1761 RRADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, ,. Life and Accident Insurance Agent. Representing Ant -class Companies. A dao agent for the CaNaDA Live STOCK InruaaNCE Co. Money to lend on Mortgage. either in Town or Farm Property. in any way to suit the borrow- er. Office-lupatalrsi Kay's block, Oodenich, Ont. 1761 INSURANCE CARD. BRITISH ASS. CO'Y, Toaowro-Established 1814. PHOENIX iNS. COT. of Lornox (England) -- Established 1781. HARTFORD INS. CO'Y. of HsaTroan. Conn. Established 1810. Risks taken In the above drat -clew Offices. at the lowest rates by HORACE HORTON. The undersigned Is assn Appralner for the CANADA PER. LOAN AND SAVINGS CO'Y, Tostorro. Money to rain on first -elms aeenrtty, from 7 to 8 per went. -- Charges moderate. HORACE HORTON. Ooderieh. Rept. 10. 1130. 1751 HER1111r8 SALE OF LANDS. NOTE PAPERS ! WITH Euvolopes to hatch et Beres dgf virtue of a Writ of e u Merl Aveiro issmed mit et Her Myr. County Covet of phew comity of Htitota and to isle directed agoing* the Lando and Tenements of Robert Rraham at th. gust of Gen1'w E. Jaekann Henry it Jackson, and r Asn a'tT. JacksonI hare solved and taken 1n Execution all the right, title and interns amid eputty of redemption of the shove named Det►nsant In and to 1,etot nnmhers one hoe,' redand ninety two and rine hwndr.•d and Etl threw Rooth Mote of leteen'. Street, ttr s Pnrteey In the flus.» of Ilensall. In the Q�ty�of tN Wolk w*Mh I And* and Trnewaenta ,A T g; Offer elf�n 0 My ert,.h in the Cowl Mg; God° ee on aATV p Cow P AY M 31'1.5 neH af' the beer of II of the clock, none. ROBERT OtffON' MIAs OSce, noderieh ehertf et lt Mare% let H18i f13 - In W the 'Shapes. Thew are the Nmest aid Fills1 Goods That can be bought anywhere. Prices Moderate l 30,000 ROLLS OF WALL PAPO, FROM 4c PER ROLL. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Plated Forks ail Spoins Ix TMIPLI AND QUADRI7PL1 reAT&. QUALITY GUARANTEED, -AT- Moorhouse's. MOORHOUSE Would respectfully intimate to his numerous customers and the public generally that he has Joust opened out • Fresh Stock Of Paper Hangings oomprising every Novelty in GOLD & BRONZE PAPERS, SATIN PAPERS, MARBLE & OAK PAPERS, CEILING PAPERS. D *dos--Decoratiofl s ---Borders suitable for DRAWING ROOM, DLNING ROOM, SITTING ROOM, BED ROOM, HALL, OFFICE KITCHEN. -aLao- All this Season's Patterns in Window Shades, Which will be found much superior to any thing yet shown in this county. Prices very Loes1. AO- A call solicited. No trouble to show patterns whether you buy or not. T. J. MOORHOUSE. 1,000 ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN ANS; AMERICAN CHROMOS. STEEL ENGRAVINGS AND LiTHtt (GRAPHS me now reedy der yottr immees ee at \10)RHOUSE'S. Ila Tie Hos Hall God Seal Stra Stra Good C tin Luc Kin Ben 1‘1 thrn rick wee Cas ploy &tsar tion Lt ben Purl stow wKl Ki tarn tack wit H Chu hard be p turd er, a No hen as ft the: tont sett) Godl bel. *ran stab Cn1 F` aloe a the e 3. cont a to onopt CT, h Dun H the excl .ppl 0 H con' cent oaaSl ler oft] O s dem .Ise the fine and to nor F,oc Clod frail •. tire on I sldo rr)atr Moto taa� SOH aRe i Th tM VC stet