HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-03-20, Page 1f2.00 A Year In Advance POST.` TIltritSDAN, MARC' 20111, 1969 POST 1'l:TB141S1-11.N.,D Ti(YEJSC 16 RINKS COMPETE IN LADIES' BONSPIEL The Ludy ('unless hold thour Liicii(,H . open Bonspiel on ‘Vednestlay. :March Intl WILLIAM JAMES CRAWFORD' There • .passed. away i0 'Van- couver,. oil' Febrnary 28th, '109, William James Crawford, in his 00 t It Year, was held in. the Vatted Ile was predeceased by his wife Church parlour on March i. nt the former Hattie Beirnes -several 2.30 p.m, Fourteen members am( years ago. five visitors were present. Mrs. Parker led an inspirational wor, ship service, stressing; understan' tag among peopie or all raeeti, Th e President, i tt- trednccd the guest speaker. Mrs. liewley of Walton. who spoke about the question nf inissions in China, Hillstrom] by an abundance Frank Cowan Co,. instil.- of literature oil the snbject. She oleo • ... ......... 1179.7(1 brought an many questions about Post Office, tt,LS, 9.50 out' relationship with that country 0."m ,17.1.n.5.. pension 04.12 and the Communist element iii It.:ceiver 'Unmoral. tax de- general. ductions and CI, 120.04 Iles.. Ratio expressed the upprec- Mel jacklin, gas 3.9t84 :a Li4 on of the group to Mrs Bewley. illiss Skelton closed the meet- lug with the benediction, and to was served by- 'Mrs. Thotilas and 'Miss SkE-iloli VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS COUNCIL MEETING The regular meeting of the Village Council was held in the Wilco oil March 7, 1,;!1. all metulier.4 being present. The following motions wore car: rject moved by H. d. TonPas, second, ed by J. 1,. MeCuttheon that The minute8 of the meeting of Jan. nary 1909 be adopted as road. Moved by J. 1,, McCutcheon, seconded by, R. \V, 'Kennedy that the Council of the Village of HMIs- Aols concur with the last elausie of the proposed resolution front the Ontario Society. (lowed .II.. TenPas. second- ed by 1, G. Campbell that Mro. (1race Jutzi be granted bllilditr permit as per application. Moved by .14. TenPas, seeond• lid by I. Cr. Campbell that tJaW No, 3-19(39 he introduced and head a first and second time and IniSged. This being providing for the 19(19 expendi- tures on roads and streets in the Villa e of [Brussels. Moved by J. L. MoCutcheon, seamed by R, W. Kennedy that 13y-ta* No. 3-1969 be read a third time and passed and the Reeve and Clerk, be authorized to sign aitd :sealed with the corporate deal, koired MoCuteheon, • , seconded by IT, TenPas tint the accounts as approved be Paid. Receiver . General, tax deduotions ,, , P.r.C. streetlights and library ,,,,, ,, .... 231.28 Gordon N-Yorkman, labour and repairs 25,30 MacLean Finn, Service gag and repairs ...... 'Bridge l\loters, gas 'Ind repairs 44.80 MeCutcheon Motors repairs .. . 82.91 J.. Al. McDonald Lumber, Material 2.39 McCtitcheon Grocery, cleaners 7.19 5, A. Montgomery, coal 71.00 Treastii,01,, .98 • Mrs. ;roan Excl. clean- ing BRUSSELS RECREATION BROOMBALL, TOURNAMENT The firSt allitUal ,lion's Broom. ball ToUrnalnoul, sponsored by the Recreation Com- mittee was held in the 10.ns:to's .\r,ttl-«)ri Mareit 9111, 10th, 13th and 10th: teams took part in. rife tournament 111th t Ira 111.h; efflergTh g IS the champions. Results. were as follows; Line St..Clements 2 •1:1711ora i, Bolgrave 1. Whitoolin reb 4 -.- Chesle.y Jamestown 3.-- Electrohome Glottis • BrUSselit it Blyth .2 -- Atwood 1 8(1) Line 5 Bruce ti klora 4 Whitchurch 3 Mantis - ,Tantostown 1 8th, ffine 4 „Elora GlamiS 4 Myth 0 Elora .4 i3lyth 3 Glands 4 8th Line 1 Champions --- • •.(11amis 2nd Place 8th 'Lino 3rd Place - ii1Jora lib Place Myth Congratulations to the convert- or:-!, referee:4. goal „judges, and .ttie lime keepers- on a job well done. Annual i.O.O.F. Hockey Game And Draw" Gorrie Intermediates' trounced 1-he 1-11 y tit tut e yin ia 'hockey tam bk a. score of 12 to 4 at the annual Hockey Game and Draw sponsored by Westin Star 1.0„0,P, Lodge of his tassels, ':1‘11.0 Inch winners of the draw n:c as follows: Mrs, Ray 'filiethei 'Walton, Shill(( Stereo with Al\l' FM Radio: Mrs, Louis Pruitt, gold pile rocker chair: Karen Hastings, sot TV Retires As Chairrna0 Of Winghairn District lospital 'Board • -r•z,())., li, coosins. Brussels, Who has been chairman el the Wing- ham Rini District llospiiia ibc 'last seven years has resigned ",r l. orrioo. He is succeeded Ily Harry \Vong.e.r• or Wingba.m. 111 l'ocr*in-:: wilt con tin ill' as a ate Irth Or of. the Rpard. on winch 1 has served for' 'the past 22 years. During his foritt! of office as chairman the hospital has been completely renovated and its ca- . "tacit), increased to make it a modern, up-to-date hospital eanip• ped to better serve the' needs of this. community, THE CHAMPION EUCHRE PLAYER? The. euchre game beween the mystorious "kToly Terrors" and the Gentlemen's Club took' piave on Monthly Night. All informer reported that while the ladies went down in defeat, the chompicin euchre player of the Gentlemen's Club, '"Eic,r.r," was I he Winner of the: "Rooby" prize. Some Champion. By 'a Stool PigeO11 HOWICK LIONS CLUB HOST 3rd ADVISORY MEETING OP REGIONS 3N AND 3S ltet‘resontatiVes of Lions Clubs from Brussels, Myth, Exeter. (Intlerich. Grand Bend, Lucktulw. l'eeswater., \\Ingham. Zurich. and 11(10-ice ,::iitonded a turkey ha n- 01101 hesiod by the Ifowiete Chill. :ind.le.-1c1 un \\-ednesday evening, March I 2th. in AVroxoter Com- munity Hall, with members of Hie \Vroxt-.or catering for the mea l, -rho mooting erns eleeTlaireti 11)). the /,o n to chairmen of Regions [IN and 35, Lions 1.Joytl Casontore of \\ Ingham. and -..\lorris .\Vehli of F.,7.(stor. Pistrict C,overnor, t, Il X II 1.1,1.1 of the Hewlett MARCH MEETING OF' MAJESTIC Wit. • undi‘r (he 414pablr eonvencrshio of Mrs, Adrian Mc. Taggart wa ,-. t- main topic pr discussion :it tbn• mootinv bold in the Public Libary on 'Thursday' afternoon 'March 13th at two, o'clock After the reading of Orr- Mintirps of the February meetimr and the financial statement, by the • seerer,ry. Amy Spelt., it few Item:- of lytn ,ine,s wore dealt 'with by the president, Mre. Jim Smith.. The short coarse "Fashian. Cues for 'Von" is to he held in the libr- ary on Friday. Nay 2. from It) a.m. 40 p.m, A clothing gPoCialist from the 11,rtme Econo i e,S Branch Path. tildgs., Toronto will be pre- sent 10 disc-us5 what's new' irr, fashion:l(.(.:.ss ()ri(10,is yeoui;trhefisgr a to :snit re: your personal' ty alit] • coloring-, l'OUrS0 38 n:01' and any woman i n "rid, 1 s'-ommintits 'cc/PI:earl/el to The nominatin;!: oomrnittee tc bring in a slate of officers for 11";11-7n is Mrs. Leona Armstrong.. \frs. Alberta Smith, .Mrs. Spelt', Mrs. Earl Cudmore, and Mrs. Jeanie Strachan .are make arrangements for "a dinner ror W.f. rtleMbet'S to -be held 011 April 10th, our anniversary meet- ing day. 1'Othing' WAS done at a. meeting to discuss the building of ft swim, wing pool in Brussels which Mrs.. Mario MeCutchoon • attended. 'rs, 'Marie MeTaggart tlf4n took charge of the meeting and .caned nn Mrs, Cudmore who gave tin interesting talk, illustrated • bY charts, on "SafetyOn the Tlinft- wa;ts", 'She dealt with • drivers., cars, and pedestrians in relation sa rely cart the Iiighways. This .sahjoet may be. dealt with more fully later, Ti n ' roll call, a .."httleis" chaser 1V11.b1 11.0SWPred by eighteen mernb- ers, Then.L. wore three visitors. "Airs. I Inzol Matheson gave many thought provoking ideas in her imnor on -Good resolutions tiro not worth much Unil theY 'ripen into goial ideas. Shenentierted Thos. .Efiiscii,. 'Louis Ilastetti- and Charles Linden herg as ova:111111es of men with good resolutilos hid tho NMI to alit them into- use, Mrs, ;v1 ellaggitrt thou discussed the pros and cons, With the memb- 01'8 Parlieitattings of such items as Daylight 11•irig Time: Shifts in Doing Work: Coffee Brooks: New Eduom t ion; A d ininistr,ators' Salaries: Use of insecticides; Old A Pensions with or Without "ni on ns" test. The ladies were, then divided 1.1,;-- to grottos where the above topieS were discussed ;111(1 l'e[1.11ttion i,.-11;(.11111so wore rAill entlit,y inter- ('sting 11 l's. Ctulmore demonstrated the icing, of a oak'' for St. 'Patrick's 110y . This cake was donated by'• Air;;. MeTiiggart it) 010111110 who rollf 1111.10(1 On hook page) 111' tot es in 1111. .1•14'11 1111113( Being near St, Pal rh‘ 's I 1 .1y. Irish tousle, shantroelt deenc scions. identification badgo8 a tid -wearin o' the gr(qq, were the features of the (b it' ntoll The 1V1111101's were present- Lheir atvN rtlfi by La (1 ies President Aileen .Mutter assisted by Jean Bridge, 9 AM Winners, 1st. Barbara flawkins (Port Alheri) 3 wilts plus Hi (1,1,,,t o w o n 9 .W1118 11111s 01 aPd. Elsie Gardner r('ibderic ) 2 Wins pins 9 Doris AVartf (Alotticton) Consolal ton 11 AM Winners 1st, Mrs, Jack Mollurney (Wroxeter) 3 wins plus 1.4 2.1-i d . \Vil ma Ra thw e ll (Brussels) 2 wins plus Iii 3rd, Anil Minot Gklonkton) 2 Av.:ins plus I Mt's, O. ,f4)111ott (LneknoW) Co risol AFTERNOON UNIT OF BRUSSELS UCW MEET The afternoon. Fiat rr the rilmtv ;:}:n1 Plrf ntifft; Dotiglas J. Callander loolumary Nursing ticeount 'Brussels Motors, supplies 42.53 Glen Somers, labour 19.50 MT.:C., Streetlights and light 32.Vi S, E, Rutledge, supplies 2.50 Oldfield Tidwe, supplios 3.01 Goo. Mutter, fuel 53.30 South‘vestern Tree Service tree removal and trimining 15400 ,Ino, Simpson, labour 3.75 Moved by U. W. Kennedy, sec Gordon Stiles, fuel 120,40 owlet( by T. G. Campbell that. Frio .1T, 13;111 Or, !Snow Meeting adjourn. to moot again reipnvcil 13 6,00 ADM 7. 1909 or at the call of the 13now !• IteeVe, fkift0IN lancri'9 lie " " V e•ti by tWO1111,01 - uicl several neices and neph- ews.. • el'il1‘q0rd. least born in Brus- 929.00 sets and was ahrother of the late Mrs, •David, ,Stitith. and Mrs, :John Sinwminde, SAVE 50c! True lo continued increase to the eost all things that go :into the production of a newspaper plus the itivroioirp,r, postal 1'0 t 'Phe Brussels Sit bs(Tintion rate will go up one emit, a week, commencing May 1st, 1069. New subscriptions and re'neWa 15 Will be accepted at the present $2,00 rate until the end of April, ,-,ne year only in advance) A rmv(.11.,..; was inPr6ifuvod con`, '1910se in arrears should take sisling of a hog with siren attach:- ativantitue or this, now, NI, \Vile!: 0 player hugged a stone they were requirt.,,,t to 1,10 the siren and contribute 10e, A ne'at sum. was realixed trotii‘ fattening the hog, • Sixteen rinks were en LP Iron(( a wide area. Repl'esonted• were Goderich, Monkton, Seaforth Wingliam. Port. Albert, Ligtewel, now, \Vroxel er, London 1. ttfl Brussels, .fir's. Al Job s ton , London skipped a Ltussels rink Latuch arid (limier were served in the Huh room by tlic.' ladies with •thoir usual generous and LtstY Club. spoke briefly, and welcomed the guest. clubs. The Guest Speaker, lion Osse Forman of Grand Valley, ('hate man of the "Sight and ("miser- vation". spoke on 'Donations for Ite "Rye Bank', in whieh lie ex- plained bow sueli donations 1(11' mane and accepted. ;Ind •Iold that [19 and 99 ono hundred per cent of transplunt2 atc stn,t1psf4f111 I l lotta Ind01:;. • , . • Arii• 1,4*im yort