HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-06-24, Page 7t�t:l�'t ~b, � as,�t*t� '�'�'"T1'$'''�:'• Cheireyard Sgesigh.. As the minds of many are at presort oecupta't with Mir death of the late Lural Beac•mwnwld, tt will be of R1lerest to some to read on tipltiph4 token from t' a church- yard it Hughsnden. The apt: *ph s to the memory of John Guy, who died 60 years age, and who was buried under somewhat eltraurdin.ry conditions, as the following lines testify : '•In (»!p made wMhettt $ pall. Without a shroud hie litubs to h141$ - For what can 111.1111p or thew avau Or velvet tl to sweu the pride l - Sere Iles Jo ass Lino beneaib the sod,- Who loved h . Meade sad feared his Clod." The linen drapers into whew hands this paper may come, will reed the mer- cantile ideas of vue in the following lines : "Cot -tons and cambric', all adieu! ,.ud m cul itis all farewell! Pan, .tripod, and figured. old and new, Ss. 4d. land and all 1 By nail alnod yerd I've measured ye, u custom- eers 1 sv h , iI now has measured me, and oeads my ...Alan IOW. - Many led."Many epiraphs teem to be intended to enlighten the realer on Bowe point of importance. An epitaph on Ann Jenn- ings, of Wotstantore, tells us flat "Some have children. some have none ; Here hes the mother of twenty-one." Somewhere ou one hire. bhute's tomb- stone, these lines Aft found: "Here hes, cwt down like sar$pwtnttt. The wl.e of Deacon Amus Shute; She died of drinking tau much oolfeoe, Anny Hominy eighteen forty." The writer of the following epitaph must have borne some grudge against the &Aodeituter concerning whom it 'was composed, though some may deem the lines complimentary. Beneath these _tans lie Heckie's banes, D Setae! Should you tak' him. Appoint hint tutor to you're wean', And clever dell' bell mak' them." The writer of another was George Job - lin, shoemaker, id Wallaend, Northum- berland, and was intended for his own oro bstvme : "My crttiaapp board's to pieces split. My .lois-attck measures no more feet, My Lasts are broke all into holes, My blunt knife will cut no more soles, My frdd IAA-eupa to thruu,s are wore. My apron u to tie nu uture. My welt goes out, my awl* are broken, And merry glees are all forgotten. i No more use black ball or rosin, My copper., and my shop tub's .rules. No more complaint for lack of work, Nor (bunt dead horse. nor kick the kirk. Yy Dun_ to•s are with age gtown smooth. Aad all ay banes grow BWe worth. My laystme r b-okr, my ooloar's done. My goon Blase broke. mf paste is run. My ltsntn er-newt's broke of the shah. No more Saint Monday with the craft. My nippers, strap. my stay and rag. And all my kit has got the bag. My ends are sown. toy pegs are driven. And now I'm on the tramp to' Haven." THE WORLD OVER. Mr. James Bethune, Q. C., is off to England to argue a case before the Privy CounciL Many old ladies assume the gay dress and manger of young girls Nothing of them is old ezcpt themselves. Archdeacon Murray, of Niagara, states that o.f the 1,600 children brought out by Miss Rye not three per cent. have gine astray. The law is' no respecter of persons. Rev. Josiah Henson (Uncle Tom) drove over Dresden bridge faster than a walk, the other day and Squire Chapple made it three dollars, with costs. New Iasals, La., June 17.-A negro, arrested for wife -beating, assaulted his wife in Court and knocked over the Magistrate and attacked a oonstable with al, razor. The latter shot the negro dead. Mr. Goldwin Smith thinks Upper Canada college has been superseded by the High Schools, and suggests th'tt it he turned into a college for ladies, with a special course of instruction suited to the requirements of the female sex. Old London has gained 560,311 ishabi- tents in ten years, and now has a popu- lation of 3,814,571. The percentage of increase for the present decade, wag in arrears of the preceding one one per cent. Lady Allan, wife of Sir Hugh Allan, died suddenly at Montreal on Saturday night of paralysis of the heart. The de- ceased lady, whose husband is now in England, has ouly just returned home from a visit to Niagara. The official return of the damage caus- ed by the recent tire at Quebec places the number of houses destroyed at 642. Twelve hundred and eleven families, or 6.028 persons in all, have been rendered homeless by the disaster. On Wednesday evening a man nal ed Hill was stopped in London East y a man named Wood, who asked fo he settlement of an account. Hill said e had not the money, when Wood snatch- ed a parcel containing dry -goods from the debtor and walked off Hon. Mr. Mowat has been under medical treatment for a failure of voice, and has made some progress toward re- covery. Otherwise his health gives no cause for anxiety. He is in expectation of being able to return to Canada along with Mr. Mackenzie in August. The. Presbyterians of Wingham have Mpurchased from Mr. T. Gregory, a lot on ain street, adjoining the residence of of ex -Mayor Wilson, on which they will erect a church. The site is a very desir- able one price $1,300. Building opera- tions will begin at once. Hon. Mr. Mackenzie, after spending some time in London, has gone north to visit relations in Perthshire and Ren- frewshire. It is his intention to sail for Canada by the end of August. He is greatly improved in health. Mr. T. C. Patterson, who has just re- turned from inspecting the New York postal system, believes Toronto should have move street letter boxes and more frequent mllertinns, better facilities for sorting nn trains, and free trade in the sale of pilotage atampa liras •!In Thaseanow. -Lavinia Wil- liams, wife of James Williams, of Listo- wel, left her husband on Jane id with a man minima Tr•aek.l. and they have been living here as man and wife fair the past week. She wee arrested her* to -day and lodged in the Ioek-rp,charmed with hos- band desaetien. The man Ttvekel has a wifeand sx ebildr'en living in:Guelph. thr A ntrslian oarsman has arrived at New York. He states that he expects to rasna,e is this errantry three •x four ninths, and wont/ mw any man in a nos except Harlan. He has not yet been entered for any roam, but experts to Shah e, anmurementa shortly. Ha brought two 4 hie .baile with hint. David Bouffard, 60 years of age, hang- ed himself in his barn in Mahon town- ship on June 16. He was mining since noon 00 the 16th and was found on the mornio of the 17th. He had taken a barrel in t�• loft uid stood on it, and then kicked the barrel away. Sir John Macdonald anticipates being able to return to (nada by the Allan Line steamer Parisian, which leaves Liverptx,l on July 21st. It is lois inten- tion to stay .t the Riviere du Loup until the end of August, when he expects to be robust enough to proceed to Ottawa and resume active 1)0116 sal bfe. • Two young men, unmarried, and h•v• ing money to squander, promised to ..rive a Ladies Sewing Circle in Frank- fort, Ky., $10 if its members would keep absolute silence at its meeting for the space of one hour. The ladies tock ten minutes to express, all together, their opinion of these young men, and then r.i- solutely set to work and actually won the money. Edmond Burke and Waller, the poet, both lived in the little town of Beacons- field, in Buckinghamshire. The peerage of Beaconsfield was first designed by George III. for Burke. The u in Bea- consfield is a modern introduction, and no native ever pronounced the name otherwise than Beck nsfield. It is thought that the word has no connection with the site of • beacon, but going much further back, like Oakfield, Ash6eld,etc., indicates a clearing in the dense beech woods (beeenfeld) which once covered the Chiltern range. A member of the Pennsylvania Legis- lature named Hardison was fool -hardy enought to say that if he were Speaker he would never allow the house to act as di. r•acefullyas the Speaker, Mr. Hewitt, did. So the . other day Hewitt called Hardison to the chair. He had scarcely taken his seat when when cat -calls, shouts of derision and loud laughter greeted him on every aide; a paper ball struck him in the eye and he called on the Sergeant -at -Arms to help him preserve order. Hewitt was one of the most du - orderly. Hardison felt relieved when he was relieved. That was a strong temperance sermon preached by In unfortunate wife in an American city recently to her husband and his chums in a bar -room. Setting a covered dub, which she had brought with her, upon the table, she said: "Pre- suming, husband, that you are too busy to come home to dinner, I have brought you yours," and departed. With a forced laugh he invited his friend to dine with him; but, on removing the cover from the dish found only • slip of paper, on which was written: "I hope you will enjoy your meal; it is the same your fami- ly have at home." The enterprise and liberality of the American firm which not long ago set fashion of a competition of prize designs for Christmas and similar cards, 'have again provoked English imitation. This year Meseta Hildesheimer et Faulkner, of London, propose hold an ezhition which is to be open to all the world, and they especially invite American and Ca- nadian artiste to contribute. The de- signs are to be wit* the limits of 10 inches by 7 gond 5 inches by 3}, each in one frame of plain oak, not more than 1 inch wide, and the mount not more than ,l inches in width. There is one prize of $1,000 and one of $750; two other prizes are of $500 each, six of $375, twenty of t250, twenty-five of $125, and fifty of $100. In addition to this, the publishing firm propose purchasing de- signs to the amount of $7,500. The scope allowed for subjects is quite wide, including figures, landscapes, animals, birds, butterflies, insects, flowers, grass- es, leaves, ferns, humorous subjects, and winter subjects adapted to Christmas, Easter, birth -day and valentines. The judges are W. P. Frith, R. A.; J. E. Millais, R. A.; and Marcus Stone, A. R. A. The Montreal Star, in an editorial says: -"The Blue Book containing the reports for 1881 of the chairman of the boards of steamboat inspection, etc., has just been publishled. We were curious and anxious to see the, sating of the ill- fated Steamer Victoria, Of London, Ont., At page 118 of the report we read over the name of W. J. Menielley, steam- boat inspector, that her horse power was 8.64, her gross tonnage 43 and her regis- tered egitered tonnage 27 tons Therefore we had a vessel which would have been fairly filled by 100 persons, carrying about 600. It was highly culpable to even start with such a number on board, and there can be no excuse for the want of know- ledge." Its Jot a 1s.mtag. For the speedy cure of Consumption and all diseases that lead to it, such as stubborn Coughs, neglected Colds, Bron- chitic, Hay Fever, Asthma, pain in the side and chest, dry hacking cough, tickl- ing in the thoat, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, and all chr mic or lingering diseases of the threat and lungs, Dot KING'S Nsw Dts- covsaY has no equal and has established for itself a world-wide reputation. Many leading physicians recommend and use it in their practice. The formula from which it is prepared is highly recommend- ed by all medical Journal& The ,2ler•gy and the press compliment it in the most lowing terms. Go to your druggist and get a trial bottle for ten cents, or a regular sire for $1. For sale by F. Jor- dan. Goderich. Nature, after all, is the great physi- cian. She hides all the secrets of health within her broad, generous bosom, and man needs but to go to her intelligently for his every need. The discovery of the great Cough Remedy,,Gatt'a Synt-r or Rao Seneca Gem, is an apt illustra- tion of this Al a cure for Coughs, Cobbs, Loss of Vose and Hoarseness it Hands unrivalled, while its low price and readiness of anemia places it within the reach ,.f all Try it and be convinced All chemists keep it in 26 and 50-ient bottles. ad siaekteW.AraIra w... The best Halve in the world for Cats, Breams, &ores, Tetter, Phipps(' Heads, Chilblains, Corns, and all kinds of Skim ereptirmts. This Raive is guaranteed to give perfect satid.otron in every ease nr money refunded. Price 25 mitts per bol pox sae be lr Jordan. (leedsriets. THE HURON SIGNAL, Fltll►AY, frr+l0000a,.-o to nI eat omrniu. I- s •h kcth�e�r puagli et use .aat�erall and Quiritfoq and by • tuatltw of ol the Sae properties of wolfs Coma, Mr, �ppe pa! provided our breakfast tallies with a veno.',.'y Savoured beverage et Mob May envo w inaey heavy doctor's bills, It 1s by the J nd1- cietoor use of such articles oldie*. that a non - statistics May be gramma.., built soy oatil strong awogIii to resist every *cadency le dams*. Hundreds of subtle Maladies aro boating around us n+d7 to attack wherever there 1. a shaft point. iceWe may escapemanycapmany• katal ping ourselves well fortifed with pure how t Fly nourished ." HUM only In Parket" h "Janie Mere s Cu.,HintonU lo rs Epps'. Chamblee moil Busse of 11E1 Stew le Cot INK& The great secret of obtaining riches, is first W practice economy, and as good old Deacon Snyder says, "It used to worry the life out of me to pay enorm- ous doctor's bills, but now I have 'struck is rich.' Health and hsppineas reign supreme in our little household, and all simply because we use no other medi- cine but Electric Bitters, and only costs tftcents a bottle." Sold by F. Jor- dan ZOPESA FROM BRAZIL --A, a result of the new commercial enterprise just resuming importance with Brazil, is the introductiou ofeo justly cele- brated where it is mown for the cure of Ltdigestion. The company have opened a laboratory in Toronto. Zopaa comes to us highly endorsed and recommended, iia wonderful affinity W the Digestive Organs, its certainty to relieve and cure Dyspepsia and Constipation, makes this remarkable compound a neoessity in Canada. The company make sample bottles at the trifling cost of 10 cents, to be had of F. Jordan, Druggist, Goderich FLOWERS AND PLANTS. ALEX. 'WATSON Florist, South street, wishea to inform the people of tioderich and vicinity, that he has on hand a splendid assortment of BEAUTIFU FLOMc11N3 PUNTS of atmaat every variety, and also a choice collection of BEDDING PLANTS, AND SHRUBS, and all kinds of VEC}BT &BLE PLgNTB in their season. The public are cordially In- vited to examine the stock. Remember that the earliest purchasers have the best choice. ALEX WATSON, South St. P. S. -Also for sale, a heating apparatus, suit- able for amateurs, consisting of boiler, four - inch pipes, and expansion tank. 1764. 1681 NEW FRUITS. i; NEW VALENCIAS, NEW LAYERS, NEW CURRANTS, S. S. ALMONDS, WALNUTS, FILBERTS, CHESSNUTB. B LAKE SUPERIOR �4 TROUT, WHITE FISH & HERRING. - SALT WATER tg HERRING AND CODFISH. ALSO, A 1..1.0E ASSORTMENT OF Teas, Sugars, And General Groceries ; CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, A ND CHINA. Dr. Pascs's Cream Baking Powder. Dr. PRICE'S Lupulin Yeast Gema Chas. A. Nairn, THE SQUARE. 1758 W. S. Hart & Co. PROt•ItlETOlts (1F TIIP: Goderich Mwills (LATE PIPER'S.) Birt to return their thanks to the public for the liberal patronage received during the past year. and to este they are prepared to do C3-RISTINC+ on the shortest notice, or for the convenience of parties living at a distance will exchange griefs at their town store (Late W. M. Hilliard'',) Masonic block. East St. Ooderlcb. PO -Highest price paid for wheat.1111 Record of the LYMAN Barb. FIRST I'RIZZN AR' ARR�LKr�D ;TIME teLYINT AN" Four -Barb Wire Fencing at MONTREAI. QQUE. HAMILTON ONT CINCINNATI, 0)810. SYRACUM1844. Y. DAVENPORT. IOWA. Mn EX HIHr rlONS. LI ;1; LL1ICSsad $UPgaIOarTT Over all (.eap0Wrs Tie Nag I Beat Frac fa TIES W ORLD_ Adopted and in w on 11 Railway Lines le the V. S. sad Cann da, h. t Foosr tide orb net S°` meso Ortaa adessa.a sod dreele a le R. W. Mc alfa. DON ON MJRA WPM MICE S72 44...niziLgiag...b-A=7 OWN t AisgnMf. JUNE 24. The Great Aswrieen Ban411bbr. CO UGH. COLD4 A8TEMA, BRONCHITIS, LOBS OP VOICE, HOARSENESS AND THROAT AFFECTIONS .aa.iii s Iu,Aar J� ~lJ am_ e/eee.vs eea.... W•aoMa ow Owes the Ssaleasaleable hos Byes 1b Aledlek.al mowers. leery ewe Is this has heard fifths mos CRAY'S flo: e' Mlrl •/- Ourrs saver reals a/ the soar '111 Re ae•uoi• as ICoos . s d 'A s I goodie, gee Penes 4a SYRUP r esa.a •1 salsas& Lamp Das r reperHe., xapawl RED a1%.II '` ` Wane lardy rams / ;Ur pr*- their e ow •f r°"' ` kw to SPRUCE leo esdt�_ prrafwe, ae ylsa costal..., waaAv sod a a r yy • order thew y r e e f f f r to (frisk gfthe sae/ fro. the GUM. '05.4.-e,`,1 Ip. the sprees ,e,wp• tope soasutoe. Its remarkable power in relieving certain ferns of Bronchitis, and its almost specific effect in curing ob- stinate hacking Coughs, is now well known to the public at large. Bold Im ail ,enable chemists. Prier, 21 and O oath a Innis Me leord. •• Srresp ef Red tigress Ore" n.+.•z 505. oar Beplfered Trade Mark, awd our .', 5,, , , aril shah are Mao registered KERR Y, WA 7'SO V ct CU., Wholesale D.wprhh, Yore Prelprldors mrd Manz f ee o ere. Montreal. Oast Medicine ever Made. el Mops, Ruonu Man ir+M Dandelion, otta W twbs.t wears prole:two of W other Bate e*ate•+Blood Purtf er, Live sad Lai sad amain 1;wdorlop earth. en peadb(y tae seta where vaned awn perfect ere their _ay saw moll a tsigtfbthspasslislrs to.*obese • k:c:own,CS,t.e Irr.galert et Ale °MOAN Or W 110 ulnae Appetiser t,,ni' sad raid BW.Lp tRarbbrnravels' oM,withoutlntos- whatyonefe Mit_•efumes wail era Doe•% wit tart, you mai foci hid .r .1 any mere your 1:r-.lt has 1500 will be reit for• whets De t et sates rianduirs taro 'r.^, r.'cu-v to tw Mantra .., 1. ..st.e pa:klneevrr vs..is 1'a .1,1 •at acrx" Marctee t r tea or ..h..W 1 N rAta c: t'e , �Illatelaan f s Or t. it 1 • ,. . • f' • Grams' LA f 1•. •• .40,ettegisr. • es. IS .kitten or r: ne 'at 1. use Hop L11- lei re . but si yoe meths.* at on.,,. •.v ' J 5uwdssta. w .5.y .111 not ktTarttierd. te uai NOD n is ret., ervic ..,lj`N,i t.. -es LOVELL'S Province of Ontario Directory B'Q R 1881-1882_ TO BE PUBLISHED IN NOVEMBER 1881, Priee +.5.00. MIL LOVELL. at the request of several Merchants and others of the Province of Ontario of the City of Montreal, &c,. begs to aaaoonee that Dis firm will publish a PRO- VINCE OF ONTARIO DIRECTORY. in No- vember next, containing an Alphabetical Directory AND A THOROUGH Classified Business Directory of the Baldness and Professional men to the Cities, Towns, and Villages of Ontario, with a Claeeifled Business Directory 0r THE CITY OF MONTREAL. The manse care and attention hestowed'on the Dominion and Provincial Directories of 1881 will be given to this work. Subscribers names respectfully solicited. Terms of Ad- vertising made known upon application. JOHN LOV ELL A SON Montreal, Hee. 1881. Publishers. 1780 iitiA �jl the Year 444JOHNSTON'S"4Q' SARSAPARILLA -roa- vim canal, num, And for Purifying the Blood. it has been in use for 20 years, and nae leveed to be the beat preparation in the started for Si('K HEADACHE. PAIN LN THE SIDE OR BACK. LIVER COM. Pl.ITNT PIMPLES ON THE FACE. DYdl'FiSIA, PILE., and W Diseases that guise from • Disordered Deer or an m;ure blood. Thousands of our best people tako it and give it to their chit - res Physician prescribe it daily. Tbose who use it once, recommend it to others. Itis made from Yellow Lock. Hondu- rata Sarsaparilla, Wild Cherry, Stntlagia Dandelion, Sassafras. Wintergreen• acts nd otter well-known valuable Root. and 1r:Ea it M strictly vegetable, and can- not hurt obs moat delicate constitution. tt 1. ewe of the beet medlelas@ In nes for Rezularintr the Dowels It n wild by all reeponathle draggle* Mane dollar for • quart. boa* or si* initiss for eve dollen" nose wbo (amour errata • Mottle rif Ms medicine from their druggist m.. wad us coe dollar. and we will Trod b to team W. =rosy 4 10, Valaftetar rt, AtarsmweeM Orr. For shale 1y Jamas Wuaoa, Chemise and Dem*. 8BW3MILLEIiR Chilled Plow --AND- AGRICULTURAL WORKS. Ravber yartltaaed the Ooierteh Ynnndry, r an Suing the premise for the manufacture (- 04HIL'(`.tinrhnwIisad AORICU LTU RAl. IMPLEMENTS on • 1111V. ants. Midi Werk, O'm.mal Repairiag and JobhtAll will be rosi- ffewad Alf ernet efnerwnuwd Mr. D Rwneimen Is the cnh man snthnrisad In relMed raym,anta Gad give receipts an Its half et the tate Arta of R overtime 4 Cn , soot tdrbied ere mimeses* to gover s ens er.,me teinv t 5Emd1MILL$S, Proprietor. ANCHOR LINE. UNITED STATES MAi!, STEAMERS Mali every Satyr ley. NKW t'Ott1C 1'o Gt.A,.:Ot1' CABINS. See 1„ Saa. `1TIiF'1tAuK tilt Three steamers du but tarry tattle, sheep orpigs NEW YORK TO LONDON DIRECT. CABINS Sss to 1 Excursion at Reduced i'aasenger acooMModations are unsurpassed. All Stateroom' on Main Reek. Passengers booked st lowest rates to or from as Rulroad Station to HLrope or America. at lowest rates, pa ablelfreeof' Ouse,' throughoutand Ireland. For books of nformatloa, placid, Ice., apply l0 HLaooaute Hiwi'&nta, 7 Bow Luso Onem, N. Y. Or to MRS. E. WARNOCK. Albion Block. 1751 Agent at Ooderlch NOTICE. airing sop Photo9rapAi ng it (lodes ioh. In returning thanks for paw favors. would Just say, those wisblu a benefit will please notice former prices and present • Preece t. Forwrr. Life Size Photos, BxlORhotus, - - 01.80 414 " - - 1.88 1.50 Cabinets Photo per dos., - 5.00 3.50 Card Photo, per dos., - - I.50 2.00 And Frames to suit the above at EtOIA PRIOB8_ Come one.,come all' and have your hearts gladdened by getting good and cheapQ'hotor at 1766 E. L Josw.oz 'w. AT THE OLD STAND. D. C. BTRICH IN Has RLYOv ED ala aROO ERY BTJ8I1sTE88 To the old stand in the Albion Block, foreseriy occupied byhim. where he will be leased to welcome all his old customers and the public generally. A large quantity o NEW, FRESH GROCERIES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. D, C. STRACHAN• I HAVE BOUGHT THE HARDWARE STOCK. MR. D. FZR0-LTSON -- .(T .(- VERY GREAT DISCOUNT ! Near!), all of said Stock. as well as my own original Stock, was bought before fpr ids ser of Hardware. I ant therefore in a position to sell Cheaper theta say ether House In the toasty. MY STOCK OF Earners' Builders' Geiii1 CiiiI1, I which' want to run °Hunickly. OOZE AND 317T Aad' 31708 P11018 d8 WILL PLEA/01 TOQ. Fresh Ground Water Lime in.Stock. AGENT FOR BEST STEEL BARB FENCE WIRE. E_ W_ �!CLcKENZIE 1751-4m. HURON CARRIAGE WORKS. T. & J. STORY, B t'$UCCWORS TO JOHN KNOX), MANUFACTURERS OF s wa• *pi' t.. Ace_ ,4 - I 1 - AC ANY TYLE OF VEHICLE BUILT TO ORDER. Carriages REPAIRING and JOBBING done with Neatnees and Despatch, and at Reas- onable Rates. (U and examine before purchainq eleewbcre. T.. J.. STORY, IKNOX'S OLD STND. H.\)IILTOX STREET. GRAND CLEARING SALE -(1 F --- Boots and shoes, -A T--- CpMPBEICJ BOOT ,md SHOE " WORM, FoR U`L NON1'H. Previous to Stock taking. My Stock is Largeand well-ascurted. and GREAT BARGAINS will be given. T=RMS = SASH WM. CAMPBELL. Ga tegl.k, Jan 13,1111 1: The only Medicine that successfully pur:iies ►_.. Blood, acts upon the Lin; Bowels, Skin while at the same time it allays Nervous L-nta,t:o;,. and strength�au the Debilitated `ystem, perfcetl,' Wit: speedily curing Biiionsaess, Jaundice, Dysp.;w., patior, Headache, Rhcumalia.a. Lropa/.liw-vOVA aunf l.t..- eral Debility, Female Com:lalats, Scrofula, 1!rysipelas, Sal: Rheum, and every speclaa of Chronic Diltcsse arising :roga Disordered Liver. Kidneys. Stomach. Bowels or Blood. THE BEST 11000 PURIFYINC TONY' IN THE WORl& wens& Settle. tae. T HUM & 00 NIA raga Wee e. -2.1•I fllwr *AO I rHraelpars WHIM Paws, a s ..Rr..sw •rd .Aecwl/ Mes.,yer r. (Feral M ttnt.,•tsti .de►- 1l. M .ntes M Ow Si milkyt# /reef y Mw tssrwe.11r tele. 1.14e., w *sorry ower Fel wiasta _ Gaol dry kith naw ale equal ►.r. ( .,. r.r 1... L _. Rodd by JAMM4 a11: 1►N, 1)rnggist. fl.rlerieh