HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-06-24, Page 6s G - ' THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JUNE 24, She Poet's Corner. 1 Inesar. KU*. Two lovers by • musr.gruwn s rtag They leaned soh cheeks togeilass tdery. Mingled the dark and sunny hair, And heard the wooing thrushes alas. Obuddim tome O love's Mast prime t Two wedded from the portal slept ; The bell wade happy earroungs. The air was soft with fannies wing. While petal oe the pathway swept yuteeyed bride ! O Leader bride Two faces o'er a cradle bent: Two bands stave the h� d were Iackej0 These premed thee otlteh while they recited ; These watched • lite that love had seat, O solemn begirt U hidden power! Two parents by oke evening de The red litho tell about thknees. On heads that roes by slew degrees Like buds upon the Illy spin. O pietism life! U tender strife ! The two stillest together there The red light shone about their knees, Hut all the heeds by slow degrees iiad gone and left the lonely pair. U voyage fast! O vanished put ! The red Ilght shone shout the leer And made the space between them wide; They drew their chain up side by side, Their pale cheeks jotaed, and said, "Once more!" O memories! O past that is ! A Memanee •t Our limy. ('HAFT'S L Pitou was in trouble. His cheek wits wan and his eye lusterless. He bit his mustachios nervously and gazed abstract- edly out of the window. The sun was shining. The birds twittered merrily in the trees. The human tide poured down the street, Some laughing, all hap. py. But Pitou was sad. Nobody carte to do business with him. Nanine entered. She was Pitou's daughter. She was also ad. There were traces of tears about her. • •\!'here are you going my child ?" asked Pitou. • "Nowhere, papa,' replied Nanine, `•I am waiting." "Waiting 1 And for whom !" inquired" saps Mitoses. Dow•t burry so. Move dower. it may be you will go sorer. G d, grind, grind; one ever lasting gri , from five in the morning till ten at. a bt chasing the bubble of human Melee. What is the need, pray tell mai You are heap- ing earing up wealth for others t4 waste or quarrel over when you are (lead.. And half your beim instead of remembering you gratefully, will contemplate your departure from the hurrying scene with infinite satidae'tion. Do rest awhile! You are wearing out the vital forces tas- ter than there is need, and in this way subtracting years from the total sum of life. This rush and worry, day after day, this restless anxiety after some thing you have not got, is like cobble- stones in machinery; they grate and grind the life out of you. You have useless burdens; thmw them etL You have a great deal of care; dump it. Pull in your strings. Com- pact your business. Take time for thought on better things. Go out in the air and God's sun shine down on your head. Stop thinking of bossiness and profit. Stop grumbling at adverse pro- vidence. You will probably never see touch better those than thew in this doomed world. Your most opportune time is now; your happiest day is to -day Calmly do your duty, and let God take care of his own world. He is still alive and is the King. Do not imagine that things will go to 'everlasting smash when ! you disappear from this mortal stage: and don't fancy that the curse of heaven, in shape of the vain task of righting up a disjointed earth, is imposed on yon. Cease to fret and fume; cease to jump and worry early and late. The good time is corning, but you never can bring it; Goal can and will. Take breath, sir. Sit down and rest and draw a long breath. Then go calmly at the tasks of lite and do your work well. Pitou. "Jacques," answered Nanine. "Ah ! ' said Piton. ("RAMIE 11. Jacques was Nattiness lover. He was als • in love with Julia, the daughter of Pierre. Jacques was a pleasant' gentle- man, but he was prior. He way am- bitious to link his destiny with a made- moiselle of financial ability. Jacques stalked gloomily down the boulevard. He intended to visit Nanine but Pitou's shop wore a deserted appear- ance. The people passed it by and surged in great swelling billows into Pierre's shop. Jacques was quick to de- tect this. He was a man of the world. "Mon Dieu ! I have had a narrow es. cape," he said to himself as he passed Pitou's door and entered that of Pierre. ( HATTER 1I1. "You have come," exclaimed Julie, as Jacques clasped her to his bosom. "And you love me 1" asked Jacques, giving a hasty glance at the crowd of patrons in the shop. Ere she could reply Pitou and Nanine stood in their presence. "Monsieur, you are a rascal !" said Pjtou. "You have broken my Nanine'. heart. "No, monsieur," said Jacques, "It is you who have done this. Look around you. This is Pierre's shop. All this is thrift and prosperity. Wealth pours. in. Customers come leagues to buy of Pierre. You see deserted apace, goods iinsold and bankruptcy staring yuu in the face. is it not so '" -"Monsieur is right," said Pitou, bow- ing his head. "Leave lite with Julie," said Jacques. Go to your shop. Advertise in the papers as i'ierre has done, and you may yet prosper, and Nanine may yet find a husband. ILA PT IV. l:0o ,cent. Next morning ho had a double half column in the Tinos. That week he sold sixty thousand francs worth of dry goods, and bought a corner lot in Mulkey's addition. in two months Nanine married a plumber, and now lives in a palatial residence, and is the happy mother of twins. Ah nay's Pitou, softly, "i did well to follow Jacque advice.•' Pitou's head is level. Well, yes. We should smile. - {Kansas City Times. t Ntrwasr Preacher. There was once • minister of the Gos- pel who never built a church. Who never proposed a church fair to buy the church a new carpet. Who never founded a new sect. Who never belonged to any sect. Who never received • salary. Wito never sated for ono. Who never wore a black snit or • white necktie. Who never used a prayer book. (h a hymn book. On wrote a sermon. �1 ho never hired a cornet oiliest G) draw souls to hear the "Word." Who never advertised his sermon Who never took a text for his sermons. Who never went through a course of theological study. Who never wee ordained Who never went to Conference. Who was be 1 Christ. --{N. Y (lraphiie. 4ndrew Forrest tett, o Hamilton, charg- ed with shooting his wife with intent to kill, at Fergus. on the 8th April, wagon Thurldat, seritenee1 to four !months in (implements. lh, not pay .:omplintents unless you can do ad with grace and in such a man- ner that, though the person on whom the sweet flattery is bestowed recognizes it as undeserved, he or she may still he- lieve that on your part it is perfectly sincere. Dean swift says, "Nothing is ' so great an instance of ill -manners as flattery. If you flatter all the company you please none ; if you flatter only one or two you affront the rest." But an elegant compliment, spoken with an air t•f frankness, carries with it an irresis- tible charm. Chateaubriand, when an old man, met Rachel, the tragedienne then in the first flush of her fame. "What a pity," he exclaimed, "to be obliged to die, when so much genius is making its way in the world." "In some cases it may be so," said Rachel, "but you know, sir, there are some who possess the privileges of immortality." That was a graceful turn of Sidney Smith's, when the young lady asked him if. he would not bring a certain pea to perfection. "No," he said, "but," as he took tier by the hand, "I can bring perfection to the pea" Feedlag from the Crumbs. After all, only the crumbs from the table of English aristocracy !are thrown to colonists. Knighthood is the regular meed of a Lord Mayor of London who happens to entertain royalty at dinner, or to be in the chair when a prince is born. Literary and scientific knight- hood is now totally discredited in the imperial country; the great nteR of letters and science there have grown too proud to accept it; it is classed among articles suited for exportatiun to the col- onies. s Theicolunies if they are wise, will ship it home again. -[Bystander. Scythes on the N. P. The WYaterloo, Adt•ertiser shows in sim- ple terms an instance of •the way the N. 1'. affezte the fanner. Under the Liber- al Administration scythes costing $8.00 a dozen paid a duty of 178 per cent., or 51.40 per dozen. Under the present Administration scythes at the same price have to pay a duty of 30 per cent., and the Custom authorities require them to be entered at 50 a dozen or $1 more than their cost, snaking the duties $2.70 per dozen, a difference of $1.39 per dozen. Thus every fanner in the Dominion is taxed very nearlyll cents on each scythe that he buys to protect a few manufac- turers. There was • bold spearsman of Mullett. Who went out one night after a mullet He ran fool of• swyig, And lost all Ms awtyt, This wonderful spearsman of Hallett. THE Lrca iso FUND FOR SOUL Huaolt. -Mr. Ballantyne, License Inspector for South Huron, has received from the Provincial Secretary the returns of the amount of license money accruing to each mtmicipality in his district from the Dicense Fund for this year. The total amount obtained, after deducting all ex- penses. amounts to 5;1,560. This is dis- tributed as follows: Provincial T easary, 5896.68; Seaforth, $1,117.76; Exeter, $388.50; Stephen 5368.43; Ray, 28; Tuckermmith, $161.56; Be 137.33; Stanley, 5129.26; 17s. $911.93; South Godericb, .12.31. That marvelous purifyer, Bt aaocg Buten Armes, will speedily change the sallow farm to one of freshness health and beauty. It regulate. the Bowels, acts promptly upon the Liver and Kid- neys and strengthens the system when broken down by Nervous or General Debility. Ask your Druggist 1 fora Trial Bottle the cost is on!! 10 eenta Large bottles $1.00 Sporting Notes. Fred Archer is said to be worth 5100,000. Horseracing is to be introduced into Japan. 1t is reported that an ole}.dmrt has been formally lodged seined Tu011011 as winner of the Grand Prix. The number of telegraphic dispatched frout the grand sfaad st mom on the Derby day wag 6,00L The Derby Dog this year was a Bale white mongrel of the s.esi-fox terrier breed, about 128in. long and 58in. high, with his tail cured dowawarda "American Boy," having a mooed of 2.32, was killed at Albany last week while being driven in Washington park. Turning a sharp curve he collided with a buggy, the shaft piercing his heart In the race at Ascot for the St. Jaaei Palace Stakes, three -years old, a smile, Lorillard's Iroquois won, beating Leon. Only two ran. In the betting Iroquois was favourite at 3 to 1 on him. Slneson and Vyinaux played a friendly match last night at the room of the Jockey club, Paris, all but members of the club being rigorously excluded. The number of pointa originally agreed upon was 1,000, but the table being one of un- usual axe, and the play consequently slow, the match was broken .rff at 600, Vigttauz being then only a few pointe ahead. Derby road -on the occasion of the American triumph -presented a scene of disorder such as has never been wit- nessed before. The Yankees bought up all the champagne on the road, and amused themselves by pouring it out upon the people. Many of them pur- chased all the dolls and false noses they could get, others emptied their pockets of money for the benefit of the crowd, while others, again, threw bottles of wine and cigars to passers-by. Aa Old Irish Prophecy. LONDON, Juno 16. -Although the country of Cork is comparatively quiet, large bodies of troops are being sent to the district of which Bandon is the cen- tre. The small tenants and peasantry gather from day to day at the farms of the "suspects" arrested under the Coer- cion Act to cut hay and earth -root crops. Coilision between these mobs and local constabulary may take place as any mo- ment. The peasantry in the neighbor- hood of Tinoleague, on Court MacSharry Bay, are greatly excited over the old pro- phecy of St.. Molaga,�said to have been uttered in 6mi0, when the old sept of Mo- Carts' ruled. The current translation is a4,f0llows : in eighteen hundred and eighty -me The stranger in undone ; In Creagh shall he seen, The red beneath the green. In eighteen hundred and eighty-three McCarthy's sons are free; The green above the red, The.lion's litter dead." This prophecy has been printed and scattered far and wide through Munster, and copies of it have been sent to the Irish members of Parliament and exhi- bited in the lobbies of the House. Shaw, the member for the county of Cork, says the leaders of the Trimoleague ai i Ban- don district are using this and other floating legends as campaign documents, and that by this means they have per- suaded hundreds of peasants that armed resistance to the law will surely end in extirpation of landlordism and the down- fall of Edgliah rule in Ireland. Three farmers, active members of the Land League, were arrested under the Coercion Act, at Loughrae, suspected of murder. PAY UP. BEiNG now out of business on ac..ount of the fire. it is necessary that all debuowed me should be settled early. I take this oppor- tunity of 3esiring all concerned to pay up at once. 1778-2m GEORGE CATTLE. LIBERAL OFF ERS FOR 1881_ Two Years for the Price,of One ! THE REPRINTS OF THE BRITIAN EH AUTUMN (Evangelical), NOON QI' IRTERLY Wonarrratirel, EDI \RI nail t Whips, ANO NE Tni\IeTER (Liberal) REVIEWS, AND Bla kwcod's Edinburgh acagaldns, Present the beat foreign i} . ri'atflraln in a con- venient form and without abridgment or alteration. Terms of aateserlptloa (Iarladlag restage.) Blackwood or any one iteview... $1.00 peran. Blackwood and any one Review. 7.00 " Blackwood and two Reviews... . 10.00 " Blackwood and three iteviews. . 13.00 " Any two Reviews 7.00 " The four Reviews.. ... .. 12.00 " Blackwosel and the four Ret sews 15.00 " Thee are about half the priers charged by the English Publishers. ('irettlaris giving the Contents of the Period- icals for the year 1800. and many other partic- ulars, may he had on application. rPRRnet ZVgas_ New subscribers may have the numbers for 11SO aad lel at the price of one year's sub script Ice only. To fay subscriber, new or old. we will tar. nett the periodicals for 1019 at half price. All orders to be seat to the publice:liaones. To secure premlants apply promptly. The UAgmaMd Sant Publishing Oo., 41 RAR('LAY sT.. NEW \O�. PRINTS AT COLBORFE BROTEERS 5 CENTS A YARD UP. THE BEST VALUE IN TOWN. AFTER TSE FIRE. JOHN RTORY The Tinsmith is sill to the heat I have pleasant to state that despite the Isoonvenieaes I was pat to to my be.dee try the recent Are io my preambles, that I am sow in tea blast again, prepared teem the greatest Wealth to (ioderiek is STOVES, TINWARE, LAMP GOODS sad every other Use im the boohoos. I weatd also retire my torte to the Fire Brigade and people of Godeeiak tar the saw oeasful efirts fa avies tray property te my absence from home, st the late An. r John Story. SAIIflEIS' VARIETY TORE. NEW GOODS. 8VICK' �� tILLOMlIL4711 3PIUOWN AL is an Depth Beek f no oes Colo1red Flower flab. sndobc ss� with I)emoripleens of the Flowers Vegetables. and 1Mrestlado tar Mowtns. Only 10 orate. In English w German. BEIatter- wards order.cods deduct the 10 sea Wowth Weirs seeds are OJe bum la e w Tho rosea Garde will WU how le gat sad pew them Th*'. newer and Yegeemble Gadesl. 119 Yoga, a (blored Mies, 500 Eegraviap, ler 00 oenta in paper carers; $1.00 in elegant cloth. Ia Oermen or Engle WSW, Ithisothell Meoldift MaptWe-i! Pages, • oolored Kase in every number sad essay ea•ata*, 51.10 • year: rive Coote. for ilia en Numbers seat ter Moine: 3 trial ter 10 saah., Address. JAMES VI ItocLes r N. Y 5,000 ROLLS WALL PAPER AFRESH STOCK.lkude'NBW STYLES. -Ink WiNDOW SHADES, TRAVELLING BAGS, BASKETS BABY CARRIAGES. A FINE STOCK, STYLISH AN) CHEAP Note the Stand. "The Cheapest House Under the Sun." WNext door to the Post Omoe. If You Want Good GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, or GLASSWARE, -00 TO -- D. FERGUSON'S Hamilton Street, Opposite Bailey's Hotel. We addition to the ordinary lines of the Grocery and Crockery Trade. I carry a to stock of SLE WHAT PIIYI1'1IA1VS And People in Canada say about SCOtt'C Emu1SIOa Of Pure Cod Liver Oil WITH - Rypopleapliiea dike & Sada AS A REMEDY FOR CONSUMPTION AND WASTING DISEASES etiteodJac, N. B., Nor. 5, 1000. Messrs. SCOTT se BOW NY,• -1 have used and p�e�r�bedtorfume!late'•moor's limoisten of i;od Liver OiL and And it an excellent prepa- ration, agreeing well with the stomach, eaaaly taken, and Its rwntinued use oddest greatly to the strength and comfort of Ileo patient A. IL PUP, 15. D. Penn. Med. College. Amherst. Nova 8entla, Nov- 11, 13110. Meso*. SCOTT t BOWNE.-(jests: For nearly two years I have been acquainted with Scott s Emulsion of ('od Liver Otl with Hypo - phosphite., and consider it the finest prepara- tion now before the public. Its permanency as an Emulsion with the pleasant flavor. makes 0 the great favorite for children, and 1 do highly reoommead It for all wasting diseases of the system. Yours, very truly, c. A. BLACK, ler. D. Halifax, N. S.. Nov. 19, ltd. Messrs. SCOTT of BO W N E, - Gentleman: I have prescribed your Emulsion for the post two years, and found 1t more agreeable to the stomach, and have better result. from its use from any other preparation of the kind I have tried. 19. M. CAHxao', 1I. D. Belleville, Ont. Messrs, SCO1 T & BO W N E. -Dear Sirs: I Leel it • duty I owe not only to you but to the community, to make the following statement: About three years age my eldest daughter was taken with a'severe cold which settled on her lungs, and not withataading all that her medi- cal attendant could do, she got worse and worse, and appeared to be in the last and hope- less stage of consumption. The Doctor said he could do no more, but recommended your Em- ulsion, and the effect of it was in the opinion of every one who knew her, simply marvelous. Before she had used the first bottle, she felt much better, and to the surprise of us all, she continued to mend so rapidly that in three months she sa able to go about as metal, and her continued in such excellent health that she got married 10 months ago, and has now u fine and healthy a sower you can And in the country. WILLIAM BLAND. Elora, Ont.. July, 1300. This is to certify that my daughter has had Lung disease for some time. and very mach reduced in flesh, and had mut strength enough to walk across the street. She was advised by a lady friend to try Scott's F.muls.oa. and to our wrest surprise before she had timed three Flour, Meals, Pork aid General Provisions deft es her health esu completer]j recovered. I Teo ommend it to every one troa led with the same d isease. JOHN w, *OWI:*, MY MOTTO IS, "Fair Dealing and Moderate Prices." Coal 0i1 also sold. Seeimy Stock and get my prices. ',Woods delivered to any part of the r D. Ferguson. Daniel Gordon. CabiueI-Maler ail Ullder1er. Oldest House in the (,ounfy, and Largest Stock this side of London! PARLOR SUITE'S, B'D-Roow Boras.., SIDI-BOARDS, EASY CHAIRS, L .t NOZa,hrrc., zrc. Cash Buyers will And it to their advantage to the my stock it they need a good article at close price. D. GORDON, West Street, near Post Office, Ooderie*. gINTAIL Carriage Works! R_ POSINT=R having leased the shop of Mr. P. Bayne, s now engaged in the manufacture o CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WIGGOX3, etc. Give me a call, sad I will give you prices that cannon be neaten in th county. REPAIRIITTOr de JOBBING' DONE KINTAIL CARRIAGE WORKS, • B. POINTER GET. YOUR AUCTION SALE BILLS GLOBI TOBACCO 00., DitTeorr, Nero., sad wiW00OL OP, PRITMP at mike af THE HURON Rrn4ule. North Street, (loid.rroh. THE GREATEST WONDER OF MODERN TIMES! --The IMlle Purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver. `stomach. Kidneys and !towels and are havaluable in all complaints in- cidental to Females. TheOtntmcnt is the only reliable remedy for Had Leg., Old Wounds, Sores and l'leers, of however long standing. For Hronehitis, Diyhtheria,CougbaColds.Gout; Rheumatism and all Skin Diseases, It has no equal. BEWARE OF AMERICAN COUNTER- FEITS. - I moot respectfully take leave to call the attention of the Public generally to the tact that certain Houses in New York are sending to many pans of the globe SPURIOUS IMITATIONS of my Pills and (Hntment. These Lauds bear on their labels some address in New York. I do not allow my Medicine to be sold in any part of the t'nttcd States. 1 have no Agentsthere, My Medicines are only made by me, at 533 Ox- ford Street, London. In the Hooks of directions affixed tote spurious, make le acantion warn - Ing the Public against being deceived bycoon Doterfetts. o not be misled h this auacious trick. as they are the counterfeits they pretend to denornee. Thee. counterfeits are purchased by unprincipled Vendome& one-half the price of my PHIS and Ointment and aresold to yen as my genuine Medleinew. i most earnestly appeal to that sense of est dee whielt 1 feel Imre i rsay ven- ture upon asking from all honorable persona, to asmtst me, and the Public, aster se mar lie in their power. in denouncf ng this shameful Trued. Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicine bears the British Government Stam with the words "HOt.LOWAY'm PILI) AND ti,NTYKNT, el is 15.. DON:address. eng. 5,8 Oxford dtpoto.Os London. where Me address, .ASL O:ford Street, alone they are M•nntaetnred. HoUeneoy's Pills and Ointment roaring any coag address are counterfeit. The Trade Marks of these Medi- cines are registered In Ottawa Hence any one throughout the 8.1Wh Possessions- who may keep the American Counterfeits for ale, will be prosecuted. (Signed) THOMAS HOLLOWAY Oxford Street, London. Jan. D. 11r19. CINGALESE HAIR REAMER The crowning piney of men or wows. V beautiful wk An uv warn Tib ten its eb tatted by wring r 1 111411ALReit, w be - proved Itth if to he the BEST'S R 7tzerropti R in tM marker. aware a Mwlthv (rt++++wilt tee the hale, remises soft awl silky. etroastaow.its root& sadN vents Its falling out, and stets with tap1 RESTORING GREY NAIR TO ITS NATURAL COLOR. Try K Deter .rasing any ether. Aatdy al drwlsista Prises JN eta a beetle. 1711•,Ir • For Sale byl J. WiLSON. nennikit. AGENTS Wa.tmd. > Pay. iel * Weer. Ormeteae eesploy1wt es Capital required, JAwtee Lea it Os. Mer eel Quebec. 1700