The Brussels Post, 1969-03-06, Page 1etiv t,
. • .
$2;(10 A Year lit Advance — 13,00 To 'CAA. .POST 1.10USWI'l I I il.SJ)A Alt 'Li Gth,. 1909 POST PIIBLISIII•NG HOUSE
8.RUSSELS PEE WEES Bride-Elect Showered
Our local hockey leant travelled Miss Beth Pennington, daughter
to Kincardine last Saturday for of :qr. and Mrs. ,Tohn Pennington
their annual Pee Wee hockey, of. (Iry Township, was the
tournament, They ended up on Pio of honor at a miscellmootts
losing end of a 2-1 score to their shower held in the Sunday SolmoI
opponents froth BiPleY, room of St, John's Anglican
Brussels held the score of 1,11 Church., Brussels,
'till the final 1(t minutes (U' the The ladies of the c'hurc'h were
game when Ripley scored Whi10, LI55151 04 by Beth's neighbours
flrussels was short banded Ann ropresentod by Mrs. Carl Homing-
then broke the tie in the final few way and 'Mrs.
minutes. Ilrussels only goal way, The hride,elect was seated in o
scored by Blaine ''.1"FeCtutcheon, chair or honor which was (10(•or-
ini;dsted by Bill Boneschanskor, lei uted with pi.nk, and white H f rollin.
a closely fought contest, ors and oveerbling with white bells,
Phial orrangement are 'berm.. A short prograin consisted of
Made .for a game in London Hit:• community singing led by 'Airs,
weekend against Onkridge Acres, Pouglas Fiemingway, a reading by
who will be returning to ploy 'Airs. Cori Itemingway, an iTiStrtt-
game in Brussels in our local mental solo by little Brenda 111c,
hockey tournament, on March 29i( Cutchoon. a contest conducted by
Our local Pee Wee team will Alr'cl, (hlri rremillgway, a vonT silo
also be participating in '00derich Fte a l'Pading bY
Mrs. Douglas 'Hemingway, a hot Yettng Canada Week on March
ROSS Ak'neli a gift contest by against Ilderton. Mrs, Win, Miller,
Let's give credit when- credit Au address to the brirle4o-be due and some moral encourage. was read by Miss Wanda
ment to these young hockey ITumnitries of Walton, The gifts players. They need and deserve were carried in by Pisses Louise
your support Aleock„Tackie Workman, Janice
loon contest conducted by Mrs. 17th, with a game at 10:20 a In
The other morning T was rudely
awakened by a pounding and ham.
.mering. T wont to the door, i
thought it was Tom Pennington
hurrying to get nne more board.
on his. new house before the • 12th
of July. Man) years ago Toni
Started to build a, new house and
look . for a woman at the same
didn':11 work. Apparently whorl
he was working on Ithc house 11(."
8'1101)1a have been looking for. the
woman and when he was looking
he should have been working. The
result is the house is 40 par cent
finished. 'font IS OS percent finish-
ed and no woman in sight. How-
OITI. 110 1CPCIPS looking, every
morning. 7i joins the Liars at the
Queens club. Ile sits down right
by the window which is filled
whit ar tiri c i a l mosf;•.;. y ea h ave
hoard of 0 rose among: thorns?
This is a Ilborn among rw-4es.
Rode home wKli Murray (Tamil
the other night. from Toronto and
we must get this young man in
his ri! stall. Imagine an intel-
ligent person like him on tho
51111w team with Pill King. Cal
Wronger, Bill Elston. Len Lnilioni.
'Wirt' Warwick, Bob Fraser and
even. Judy TA Marsh.
iris place is with the
Depression Party). With
Murray running' on that 'ticket and
me hiS Coln pragrl nar.,01P, he
become' the president of the
'United States.
ti Makes' the 'Very angry to hear
people making run Or Prime
ister Trlideati. Do Yen eter stop to
think Who ho tops to kiss1No 'OSP
wastin;g time on pretty girl from VT
to 20, She haS no vote. So he has
to ki.0 Maids, Ividen's Phd
friMinni7Pd On 1,110'. pito)
Somers and Joanne Miller,
These assisting 'Beth in opening
the gifts were her mother, :Miss
11on nie Pen n n eon Mrs. Do r o y
McCauley and Mrs. Coorge Bone,
Beth made a snitahle reply,
thanking the ladies for their many
and useful gifts and inviting them
to v i s i t h en, Off er her marriage,
Ittring the evening a Bride's
Book. beautifully composed and
decoral ,,0 by Miss Bonnie Work-
man, was on display.
A, delicious hinch was srved
in' Ill ladies and a good time was
express:al by
Mrs. Irtoy rvoy t\`ta5 11 ositess
for the regular mooting of the
I/tdies Aid on Monday afternoon,
March 3rd. With sixteen ladies
Mrs. Evans convened the
opening with a hymn and med-
flation, The devotional part
lowed with Pihlo reading by 11rs.
'. smith :Ind braver by Mre,
Sleiss. Mrs Eivans gave in. beauti-
ful reading nu Easter and hymn
1112 was sung.
Secretary's and treasurer's re-
ports WO1'1, read by Mrs, Kr.wr and
Mrs. 'Dennis and Sunshine Secre•
tary's report, 'Mrs. Evans. Boil call
was responded to by llible verse
or short poem The offering was
received, 'Visits on sick wire en'
Mos. T...mig gave a reading on
Springthne and 11Trs.King road
e'urrent Events from Becord and
Glad Tidings. -W115011 dif-
nth Yed a mini top ready to he
Quilted by the Tiodtes'
'MPoilinz' closed with the Mi ..;
pall Benediction,
Ithring the social hour that fol•
lowed a contest by Mrs, Kerr Was
enjoyed tind. lunch was served by
Ming iintl VIM iciArr
Th.onins Pierve Passed 0 \rat,
after an illness of three yours. in
(Milton 'Insult:I, Sotto:do.). Melee,
nary 22nd, I;100. in WS !o)1,11 year.
lie Was born near Itly•:t iit I579,
Ito married Annie Cantelon in
Witt, who predeceased if iTit 111.
May 1 fill N., ITO lived in tar' Brussels
for }'!!r oes .1141 was t faith-
ful mem buy of Brussels l'aited
ch urc h w h ore 11. Sting'' fiI t h e choir
until ;OW last .reCent YO:irt4.
1 f e is survived by two sons and
three daughters: Goorgo of fram.
illon: Jack of Ithrlington;
fliir:7011 (Sadie) IlTacdonald, Alas;
Mrs. Clayton (Anne) Coons, liar.
tington: Heston I roup
rosdolf, Hamilton; also 22 grand-
children and. nine great gmnd-
Ire rested at the 1.'askor Virnoral
Chanel, T3lyth, with toinoortiry
entombment in -Brussels _Cemet ery
iiu ria1 wpel, on NI and ay, h r•
nary 24th, Rev, hi.•.1.4'nrew or
lire :4401ti ttffictait.e.d.
Thourts 'IT, :Jackson spent sev-
oral days last week in RithenOr,
M'iss Myra McN!air, St, 'Ara ry's
Kitchener. was horn6
for the weekend.
AleN Cameron 'was off work for
a wool; owing to fraotured rihs.
the result or a fall,
smandon mitt flies
llac b;ngel have returned home
front :1 month's lmlid.ay in Florida.
They oecompa Tiled 1'. trill Mrs.
.,Tatues Keys of Seaforth, toid•••visit•
ed relatives in Michigan and ,Intl•
iana on the way,
The World 'Dar PrnYer
vice w ill i n . h o ld In Kn ox r r e,..dry.
•teriun Church,Cranbrooh. at 2 P..111.
ell nlday, Imarch 7tb•
CongratulaUons to Mr. and
(,..1.1:::„:12,1.10Se trl.:1(10,01' - the birth 61' •at
Cranbrook Connoisseurs
The fourth intvling of '11“. Cyan-
brook Connoisseurs was • held al
the home of Sharon Stevenson on
Saturday. '.11aren 'list, 1909, alt nine
o'clock- a.m. The mooting Was
opened with the pledge fol 7
lowed by the roll call which
fl 115WPITIrl by the eigh . girls. I
minutes of the last muctinu were
read by it,i.ndti, Knight. The next
mooting will 1m 1101(1 at ino
of Nancy Knight on „Saturday.
March 81.11. 1969 it II o'clock thin.
The girls discussed their exhibit-
thoir covers which are lime green
in color silver lettering
Notes were token oil Buying Meat
SI,Indards for Stew and Gravy.
Slit' 'Oil Stevenson and Sbaron
eliarme demonstrailed how lo make
poor Stew with Dumplings. and
Undo Knight and Darlene The
charme made he dumplings.. ()nee
everything was lb a (10 the girls
'tasted the dish. 'Ph'' leaders took
some 01' the girl's record hooks to
cheek because 01' sJoirt:ige of tittle
in the meeting. The Mei:ging was
closed s.yith (be FT motto "I;earn
East Huron W.I. Mem hers
Enjoy 'Entertaining Evening
On Thursday 0,,:ening. Vehr,-
nary 27111, about 75 members at.
East 'Truro!! Women's Anstitittes
spent IF Nery it evening
when they met of Tlowiek ('inset']
School.. •
If's Lyle . Murray of Lakelet,
District Pro,:ident acted as chair .,
man. for 'the program, One Of the
la ,:gidiu•fits or tin. evenine
mrs. description of her
visit to the twelfth Triennial
(;onforeneo of the A.(',W.W. held
in Lansing, Michigan, which she
Illustrated wilb a splendid rot'
:cation fir slides.
1,1 ortain in t Wet:-; supplied by
Porgusou 1...1kele. w'•.
gave two entertaining readings and
Mrs. Alex Ora ham and A.B.,,
strong of net't'le who. dress'e'd in
iipro twin tr+ costumes sang several
:111.5 u rraY, who leitch.os
trowick- Central and Mrs. Harris.
cooducted ;lin 'adios or
z1 tour of the school,
Reft.e!shmonts were served 0.1
the end 'of a Try njoyable,
Attend Presbyterian
Adult Youth Conference
A. Presbyterian Youth .1d.11'
conr en ./1 „, "was h eld in 1 1:1 ji f
front Voluntary 21st lu '231:(1., and
;.ittended by nine stmlens from
this area: T)orothy •Elliott. :roan.
Mary • -01 1)son.
Iluether, Emma PhortiTed. Jatiet-
ctliortreed, ;telt!) .fo'an 'Rut-
ledge and Ken Work.
Ott .Friday algid :t i ziots; folk
groin.) from Toroir!() rres,,
°tilos" entertained t he growl.
yellowed by o talk entitled "Corn
tniltting Oneself"' given by Dr, T'
rotors, T'resident of Wat erloo
Lathes a T-11 ilTI'SitY,• •
c agenda ror •.,..Saturday . ins
chided discussions, films. tind (tit
renc11 projects which enabled. the
young' people to visit 01w of these
places lrldgewood. Troll l'or tit"
11 hid ;
Mathew's Flutist, for \lr tilt 11]1
!. fli.nsette., rbour wit (1011P11.0.:
food and clothing ran- 1-5.•
tlinote ond 'Phe T-T.anillton Police
Station for a folk lint •
Delitmoney 'this theme wo.-
up 1>v tar, sr-worn-1 lut est
spea ker•. Dr, D. 'CNT'a rren, in in is( or
Ion' Plit'istid11 lilduco Poshyi,nr•
1:N? Church. Colman, 'rho ro;;I of
t he everting ryas spent in recrea-
The Church service on .c.4unany
morn irlg 'took the roilit of 'Fowl
Ind 'I•wrstit y Chapel, After the
i21 an atmosphere of a
r!offee 1101151', tile group listener/
to 5 ovorn1 retnlings and also sow
ii syill'hniir filiii '"flirt Partible"
.\ sing:swig conelnded the very
successful .tveeli P710,
Vr , [sin to ovIcild 'tilt sincere
ill:inks to overyone who mode
' is eNporietica possible.
A of iniellttStilig
omitted Published ti().d. W6011'..
A not lit "' rolr-,i le: boo- pie! w•-ti
tiold at the :0. \N'etluesday,
Vehruary `2,g1 11 :1i,• i W;N Oft
.1.111i11;l1 iXf.0 01)011 ,t11011:40r0e1 by
the II..nts-.els C'ur'ling. Club.
Entries owe fronh as rot. away
Rre-o.vick Sinicoo. .ind Johnston find
Mrs. J0h1:si,•11 >f Lend( )n it h.n-
outlet. \%itli Mr ;:tit] 'Mrs
Dinner was served its tit,' mot)
room by the ourlintt hadiem its
Choi" 11511i11 ;2.oni..r(ins and, export
The winners were-
9 A.M. Draw
Ist....,terry Pollock Keswick)
and rink 3 wins plus 13
Maul Wm. Stratychulc
and rink 12 wins pins
tird Doug: wel
and rink - witr-z plus S
Don -.Al cl lona Id Consola t ion
11 A.M. Draw
1st (loorgo Rtulow
and rink wins plus 1
ztd Tlob Mc•logut
od rink 2 wins plus 10
3rd Elinor Young
;Hid rink 2 wins plus II
. • FUN •Frewilt Ccuistila t i
The last .onett spiel on the list
for the son Still is. Ladies' Open
to hr' hold \A'Njn ilSdny, f a veil 12th,
\re understand t. ore tiro still
.:;e01 0 openings •011 lite 11 o'clock
ovont. •
f order
s:.inlii-g.'g<;islc,:lc(r):;5' way II, end eurlifrui)gr
season Into this month. .11so, the
ononat meoding will he coming
ho wills v.-1m trim. ive. plans
Tito itrosHoi,; -iyw o
it'-pd 1TP] r)
(it1))• it" you occnrotely
,s!iiiiate the lime w:11
year Bikes now from any
146, mc•r ihe dom you van win tit:lo.
fireman netiresi the
e"erect time w;11 win lhe money.
.14 u:Joo1't heir local firefighters,
f rs. loan. .1 leitioht pa. ion'
and and
I I ;,,r ,„„i , no.„„1 „ ,„„k ori d
\tisitors with Miss \l, Skelton.
and Georgi , ern t riteim
returned I .1 is twit; Ctntrl it.
;07 hitt tit, to Flu odd a.
Join: I I mut and W'ra, IF,
tilt ettclEnd thin dt,y 0111•11..1
uttic•ipit I Elinctr',1• ssoerd t lir!
P!'111'(•111iiin in p I his -\(•1 ,1;
\Voyne T.
r),0 o Hastings Tr.. 'Don Martin,
R:1 110(1 Ned Itntleil e tver;•••
tee fisli!ng et rAike Sitncne 04r.
the %s.eolo-nd, M'itt's report., it''
Clean ond Cook