The Brussels Post, 1969-02-27, Page 611 t's8R14.1 Ititl" $81:4,14$. ONTARIO LET US PREPARE YOUR 1968 INCOME TAX FORMS Reasonable Rates L.;uaranteeci Services Phone Early For An Appointment RONNENBERU INSURANCE AGENCY Lall us on Tuesdays and Fridays Phone 65 Brussels, 0 REPORT FROM. GiU gEN' S PARK 1.11:11 • 2141. Ihtlit trolgrob.1.1...rratrbin,nrosmor vv•Neva .41/...*M1, VOW* ...friall.arevin•••••••••••••... 11., 1.11.01,10. l!nt hole 1tre , SOW. clues from e • federal health department- t,abliention. -"The:Brilliant Child • The -. exeeptioeully_ intelligent teal -usually starts to talk early. If .he says. "Mamma" or "Daddy" before ti ytat or talks in sentences brse tle hi' is -two.. the chances. ere he is unusually. .bright. His 're- -:I:411017 is important leo, For ex- . mph,. if It is more than 25 words ur Ontario Hospital insurance w uld like to hear from you ( before it's too late) Whenynu arenewlywed the "family" Hospital Insurance premium must be paid to cover husband and wife. If you belong to a groUp-notify your groins without Delay or if you both pay premiums direct, notify H.I.R.B. When you. move to a new job you can keep insured by fol... lowing the instruc- • dons on the Hospital .Insurance "Certifi- cate of Paylnent 1-1.1.1Z-13 Form 104" that your present employer is required to give you on leaving. SPOTTING THE BRILLIANT CHILD Maez.•:. brilliant children: go an- noticed because parents don't know what to expect. They can ha overloeked at. school too .since very bright children are apt. Lo find their work too simple. They become -bored and 'their work habits - become sloppy. u ` MONrY READ AIK OftU5SELS. POST -31tfettliti, there b likely an indication of brightneine very bright Chatty:a inti•-e- intim taught thmuulxe. s to read. They: shave . never-ending curiosity :and -appetite for kuum- ledge. Tatty . are , extreMely quick learners and anderetand explan- ations the first- time. Taeir neuter- .let.„ tire usually quite exceptioail. harder to spot Children welt extruordin ry artist • .oe.• -ether 'talents,. The ;.partieularly gifted Ones are those whwintnterse th.ene selves in their special. pursuits with int ahnom inexhaustible driv-e and ..energy: -They inte a remark- :11de of colot,- tottelt, sound,: perseverance and and power:: of couveutration.. (ince .soil have ninde dee disc CoVeryl.that your child is except Inane, yon, must provide him with suilicient opportunity ,to explore. ImestienS, experiment and learn. -whether it, is at nursery r”.•11nial. farm, at. the lililtl y. or -on outings' with the family . the only way. he can de • viettp his epecial . abilities .for a . tuP.. anti Satisfying 'future.. . . liemembVr, however, .that how,. 0%er gifted- he may be, he ,is stiU a child and has•the saint' needs as otherS. to he liked and wanted, t(i an recognition. Murray •'Gau.nti M.P.P. (et-urge-Bruce) February 21, 1909 ' introduced this week will require immanesociety inpece ors to produce a .warrant before they will be alioWed to enter any Premises where en animals is thought to be distrait% The bill was introduced by Attorney general, Arthur Wishart. The bill was given first reading . by the House along with a new Research Animals Act sponsored by Agricultural Minister, William Stewtut which will require humane ,ocieties to offer unwanted an- nals to medical researchers. Wishart, bill also provides for establishment or an • animal care review board which will hear complaints of . animal • owners ageing. action by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty. to An• imais inspectors. The proposedResearolt Anim- ate -Apt would provide for licens- ing of del:Jeri who supply. animals to research facilities and would -prohibit purchase . elf animals by.. .researchers. 'from. anyone- other than licensed deal or pound. The keY seetion of the bill pro- vides that after 48 hours. during which ithe owner could recialin unitnalamond operiators would bo required on request to sell the animal to a dealer or researcher according to price schedule to be set by the Cabinet. Sate would have to be completed witthin five days after an animal is impounded, bill would proAde tor in. source; • a .anibialfs and would make animals Were- readily tm research tacilitite, 'rite bill . would providt for in, kieetion. of premieas %MOW -veiiiials :for to:waren and reaetrelt tacilbiles using aeinetls. ..Most of Lao utne this Wt!t•k was iAten,- up with it he 'flum.: ledatte which• will likely. be voutanded •iteXt week. It was announeett this week tha. tae budget will hat .down on - Aiarolt The .itepurituent ot Education orawing till uPly ti, high schools tuat will prepare tea way for aboiisang grottos and 1417. trodueing a wider range u.; ceursete The now guideline:1 whli. apply only. to schools 'Mist are jug experimental . programa- Moat light. scowls will follow the regul- ations currently iii force,- bet wit: incorporate a few minor cealeols next year to make it easier no a a- t tootwe. new courses, • GOLDEN WORDS A •CHILD'S -FAITH "Jesus loves DM this I knOW. For .the Bible tells iue so” Little children •ask no. more, For love is all thy're looking. for, And in a. small child's shining eyes The Pettit of all the ages lies — V& Anti.lttly.bands end temded heads That knOel at di'et'er by little beds • Are closer to the dear Loa'd's heart And- of His Kingdom- morn a part • u tokareft.. • and find, The z i sw vs to our mind For Faith in thing s wt. cannot see Requires it child's .simplicity For,. lost . on .1(411,111116XItirni, We drift • mem • nitchaet.ect Aims . And 'slowly Faith disialegreter While wealth und Bawer. aeon ne elates • Amt the utter(: _luau learns, tile eras he knows.' And. the more involved his think- .- lug grows And, in his arreganee and pride, lWo _:longer is mau .satistled To place Ids confidence and..lov,:, With r..hiitllike Faith iu God. above — . Oh, Father, grant- (1110 more map. A simple childlike. Faith And, with . amen_ eh ild's trueting- . eyes, 1. • . - Muy all men come' et. realize That Faith alone can save man's Soul. And Isid: hint to a Higher Goal, -• •-'• Helen Steiner nice When you turn 21 you are no longer covered by your parents' Hospital Insurance. You roust take out individual membership within 30 days. Get your ap. plication form at a bank, or a hospital, or from H.I.R.B. When you have a new address notify your group. If you don't belong to a group, write kid.R.B. Health Insurance Registration Bossel, 2195 Yonge Street, Toronto 7. Serving Ontario's Health Insurance MAN. Qtlt'atiolli iig MAPPY BIRTHDAY, CBC STAGE Shown at the reeent.26th anniversary celebrations of CBC Stage are Esse W. li4jtihah supervisor of drama for CBC radio, and Andrew Allan, (11), ,.whe stoginsted „the Stage series in 1944. Ljutigh succeeded Allan le 1065,,ftetWeeft them, they have pre, duced hundreds of play; Out Thirotlisaed -many tWontising Can, writers: Mild neto es, OD* litatta lc broadcast istttlaeye air f.lto 4iAt-t f4Ftdiri ligWrit*kA