HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-02-27, Page 5CLUB PROFESSIONAL: MRS. FAYE MacDONALD Admission: Adults 75c Children 50c THANK YO:LI I, D. A. Rann, wish to extend my sincere thanks to all those who have patronized me for the past 38 years. I have sold my business to Mr. Max Watts of Brantford, who, I feel, is very well qualified to handle it, The business will be conducted under the name of D. A, Rann Furniture and Funeral Service with Mr Watts as manager, I and Ross Duncan, as staff members. I do hope you will give him the same patronage you have given me in the past years. Thanking you kindly D. A. RANN ENTERTAINMENT AT THE NEW AMERICAN. HOTEL BRUSSELS, ONT. * * * "SILK TASSEL" Country and Western Musk FRIDAY and SATURDAY IN THE RAINBOW ROOM WE FEATURE: Fish and Chips, Spare Ribs and Sauerkraut LISTOWEL TRANSPORT LINES Ltd. The new pitcher pak, 3 qt. package of milk, 3 single tits. milk in a plastic bag. Just place l qt. milk in pitcher, cut small Opening in corner of bag and pour milk out, No bottle to wash or take back to store, just dispose of empty con- tainer. Ask your friendly store keeper about this new and modern package of milk the next time you show. SPECIAL. INTRODUCTORY OFFER. The modern pitcher only 400 or free if you exchange 40c Milk Jug at your store. One exchange per custOmer. , This offer good, until Ma,ch 22 i 1969. HURON FOOD PRODUCTS LTD. BRUSSELS, ONT. THE BRUSSELS POST, 111t1ISSlill4S, ONTARIO 1)11113, 1!)6:1 DANCE BRUSSELS LEGION HALL FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28th Music By: DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA. Restriced to 21 Years and. Over Admission: $3.00 per Couple Sponsored by the Royal Canadian Legion Branch PUBLIC SERVICE DEPARTMENT THE UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. E. 1...„ LeDrew Mrs. John Bryarts; Organist 10:00 A.,M. Church Seim/ 1.1:30 A. M. Divine Worship MELVILLP. 218 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ministor REV. C. A. MeCARROLL. 10 A.M. Uhurch School A.M. Divine Worshii, Christ'S ,Seven Words On the, Cross (2) ""l'oday shalt thou be with Mr In Paradise" BRUSSELS FIGURE SKATING CLUB Presen ts 'S ringtim• FRIDAY, MARCH 8th at 8 p.m. 6.3 LOCAL SKATERS GUEST SKATERS: HANNIGAN SISTERS Windsor, Ont . COMING EVENTS: N.H.L. BUS TRIP Bus to NALL. I'leckey ' Game, Petrult vs Montreal, Sunday, March 2nd, (Night game.) BuS leaving Brussels 1;30 pat. For tickets contact: Mochrtehe011 Motors Ltd. HOWICK LIONS BINGO ilowick Lidos Binge Will be hold Friday, February 28th, at 8:30 the Wroxeter CoMinunity Daft Admission $1. 12 regular games for ;lilt); 2 "Shore the Weal,t11"; one $2' Special; Jack- Pot of 05. lit till calls; Door prises and Lucky Draws, 1VIELVILLE GUILD The of Melville Presbyter- ian church held their regular eleeting : on r.l'nestia,y . evening. February 18th in .: the church parlour. The nweling Opened with reading by Winnirred Edgar rot lowed by singing hymn 46l, and prayer by Joyce Triebner. Tho scripture was rei.d la uni- son from Philippians, chapter 4, verses 1 - 13. arg, cLutcheou nave topic followed by singing hymn 173 after which all repeated„the :\lizpah 13enediction. • The h us'iuess •was then discus- Se.d with the president Jean Stiles Presiding and Isabel Adams acting Organist: Mrs. Nora Moffatt ST. JOHN'S CHURCH ANGLICAN CHURCH Brussels Rector: The Reverend. F. G, Braby Until further notice the Sunday Services will be at 11 a.m. At the iness a served, .11,1•••••• PEOPLE WE KNOW' Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Pearson and son l'Iobby are on a• vacation 1ri p to Florida. Mrs, 'Margaret Evans Is Patient iii Wingham and :District Hospital. Mr, and Mrs. Ross McCall have leturned from a holiday in Las Vegas, Mr. and Mrs, lfiabermehl of Hespler were Friday visitors with oorge Chidiow. Mrs. Carry Orth was taken by Ulbulance to Wingham and Dist- I riot 'Hospital on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Murray Ross nod family of Sarnia: were week-end vistiors With her parents, Mr. and :Mrs. D. C. Mathson. Beacham. Alcoelt is a patient in Hamilton :Hospital Where he is undergo surgery, UNIQUE CEREMONY FEATURES GUIDE "THINKING DAY" (cOntinned from page one) congratulations, from "the Count! of Huron, Mr. lean Campbell, sneaking for Reeve Roy Cousins, who is on holidays to' Florida, spoke briefly. jan van V1.iit, president of the Brussels Lions Clab. brought, their Ventings. Ted Zltioitt, president or the. Royal Canadian Legion ,Brussels Branch, welcomed the guests. Speaking for her Sister and her, self Dianne thanked their friends who had eel-tie to honour them, hrir devoted leader, Mrs, Kelling. ion. the Canadian Legion for doh- wing the hail for the occasion; and ihe Ladies AuxillarY *tio Salmi& !;111 it l() all the guetto, izuino and Attie presented Mrs. Mrs. Kollington. With a. gift and they also received gifts presented by Joyce kellington and Bonnie 'Workman. This is the fiVSt illatill100 1111 the records of Cuiding in Canada when twin sisters have received t,,ilden Cords at, the same core' molly. ETHEL Chester 1!:arl was the for the meeting of the Pith el United (,tin rob Wonl ea. The meeting was opened .with delotions. 'Response to roll call was the name 'of a 81111i-ill visi ted recently, answered by 13 mernb• ors and one visitor, Mrs, Dorothy Brown, gave this topic "Packing A. Bale", •Mrs, loTank iemstra, president of the mouth, was in charge of the busin- ess. The World Day ol: Prayer will. be held in the United .Church.• The annual ru.nimage and bake sale and ,tea will be held. In April with further plans to be,. made at next month's. meeting. A "thatik- you card. frOm 1111 s. tleory Rowland was. read, Mrs, Frank Hientatra led a sitig- song. The hostess, assisted by 1l i's, Carl McDonald, served a buffet 'Lunch. Ethel W.I. Meeting :Mrs. 'George Illeinstra loste the ineetin,g of Ethel Women's I asti tate. itoll call response, a IleW local industry and what ,they make was tespOridod to Ity 1:3 niembers •The niotto,• prepared.: by Mrs. James Pestel and given by Mrs. Leorge Pearson, was, the reason • a dollar won't do as much as it once did is that people WOJOI, do as much for it. Mrs. Chester gave 'the topic, the price of success is honest toil. Mrs. Sam Deimos will convene the next• euchre and bridge .,1ANTED as secretary in, the absence of Meeting of Ethel UCW Jessie Little, 11 rs. conclusion of the bus- hosipms delicious lunch was Mrs, fleorge. Pearson, president, • took charge or the business. A • decision was made to seud a deli;.: gate to Guelph iii April: In her:. report district direolor, Mrs, Thos. Mc.Pariaen, said that Ale district animal Will be. held iii Wroxeter in May, A: Meeting for secretaries, assistant :secretaries., and • public relations secrearies . and assist ants thre. 1.iswill be held in Ainev , ale An • :invitation -as received from. Walton to attend.. . a dessert , A .25 donation to the Mac- Donald Institute building fund was sent ilt) I lousekeeper i;ox 5u, 1.3russels, Out. Apply to;