HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-02-27, Page 3RED GROSS. • YOUTH-.. 7,\Inett is being said and written. about student pawer, alienated youth; the generation. gap, Despite some excesses., we believe (tertain aspets. of lottay's youth revolt represents a healthy expreS- sion• dissatisfaction with the (1011)11 - chasing, status - seeking value of our society, • (rowing lip in it jet age . 'Which molies the most • remote .conntry actoessible in a matter of hotirs, and facing the ever i)1.050111 thr oat of nuclear annihilation, it is small. wonder that youth feels it must take hold now if the World is to survive. They see ignorance, pov- erty and hunger on all sides. They hoar much talk by adults but see little action to alleviate the suf- fering; of millions throughout the world. *Stgli*eft . BRUSSI4118 POST, I tItt: saa,S, ONT4410 .111.1.71t61).A,Y, 47t1r An increasing number of young people are seeking ways of serv- ing humanity. Canadian Red Cross provides them with the opportunity to put !heir energy 00(1 ideas to work, Through in- school programmes frinn lcinaer- gnato.n through high school,. more pion n members orRed Cross Youth iti, Conado. ore, invelvied in constructive .ftettvi, ties in, the areas Of. health .educalt- on, eommunity service. internat- ienal understanding tend assiSt- Once, These young people work together to raise. money for food. clothing. and -medial supplies for children wherever they may be in need. They assist in blood donor clinics, \vitt; many over 1 7:years of ago giving blood, They function its volunteers in hospitals, 111 the Sudan, (North '14ast. A frica ), Canadian Red CroSs Youth oudentook a school garden project in co-operation With the Food arul Agricultural Organiz, Mimi (FAO) of 'the 'United Nations and the Sudan Government, They raised funds 10 purchase well-dig ging eOuipment, Wimps, seeds and garden tools for use by the St:O- a:nese sludents in setting up fruit and vegetable gardens. Jill Peru, they provide equipment for vocat- ional centres wher0 young people from ihe surrounding shanty towns are trained: in health, nutrithrm and proper dietary habits, and are taught carpentry, cooking, sewing and similar trades, In these and many other or ways, Red ('rn-is Youth is playing its Dail in giving' help and hope to those who suffer ur are in distre$S. l'nring Red Cross Month we pay trilmito to these young people. The concern they express in action for those in need and the leadersAlitl they are gaining, we believe, will help Olen) to become hotter people iind more able to Meet the future ehollenges of our complex world . IF IT IS NOT AS IT SHOULD BE With so many foods being put up in package for we must do much buying on faith — faith iu our food and drug laws and faith on r Maim facto rots and th ei r observance of those laws, Yet, lit sometimes happens that all is nob. as it shoold he, and this ('001(114 to light when Nse opet, package - - usually when \yQ ore preparing a meal.. The voulen,:, may appear diFwillOred or spoiled. Inseels ur other unclean mailer t1li1 show op in packngOn foods 1 0 00n6 inily :nit, :i;4, reptesongen on the label, There may be reason. to suspect. flea fresh. truii.s or vegetables Wave lush conuomi.p. aced by insect.- 'spray or ill 40100 other manner, The Food 011(1 Drug Directorate uf the Department cf ..Kational.. 'Twit]] and Welfare urges you report .any suell ' irregillariiies to. the Food and Prug office nearest you er to nth( 'Consumer Division, Food . and ()lair!. Are. tepartment of Nutionol fleolth anti • Welfare, Tunney's • Pasture, 01 wo :1, Oulario, WALTON Mokillop Unit Of Duff's UOW Mrs. verne Clottkin 'was the bo.stess for the Mooting of roil; of Duff's :(11CIAT. Mrs, Norman Schade presided for tin' devotionnal period. A poem was rend by Mrs. Gordon McGavin who also led iii VIM Y(' P. A1 Senate read a niedittion "To Live McGavin s Farm Equipment WE SPECIALIZE IN A COMPLETE LINE OF FARM EQUIPMENT SALES AND SERVICE WALTON, ONTARIO PHONE, 365W6 OR 527-0245• BRUSSELS SEAFORTH The Bouquet Invitation Line WANTED CLASS 'A' Li Cid t MECHANIC to start work irnmealateiy ,; prouret,,sive .e.tiership Good working conditions Top wages paid in this area • BenefitS •Appircants must he neat and clean and able to work with .otkrt rs Apply in person. McGEE PONTIAC BUICK HAMILTON $T , GODERICH, ONT, is. to Suffer"'.• ;ki't's. Don Dennis emiducted. business session. The nicenher.,• responded to the roll call 'by giv.• lug reasons why, sho likes the Wintertime, Plans for catering for the Boy Scout hommet to be hold • in the (1101(11 • On March. 1.0th, were dis-. cussed. The mooting was einsed with prayer by Mrs. Dennis.' Mrs...fohn [lurch, Mrs. William Rae, • Airs Pon Dennis and the hostess served-lunch. Mr, and Mrs., Gordon S.VierAivin visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Metlavili iil. Thornbury for a. few • '•'1,1rs Walter Itrundfuot is hunts afiter two months.. In Saskii I ele- wan whore she visited: wii0 her brother, Samuel and. Mrs. Love la. i'lasicatoon and . with whet' relit. fives in that province, S EAFORTH U P HOLSTERY Centre Street For al) kinds of upholstering Brussels Representative: SELWYN BAKER Phone 4 or 79 Brussels f A WE'RE 12 UNITS S 1ORT OF FEBRUARY QUOT NEW CARS AND TRUCKS IN STOCK ALL MODELS FROM VAUXHALLS TO CADILIAC" NO REASONABLE OFFER I EFUSED IMMEDIATE DE IVE R Y Good taste needn't be expensive. Our beautiful Bouquet Invitation. One proves this with the most exquisite papers, type faces and workmanship you could wish for! it features Thermo-Engraving—rich raised lettering--elegant as the finest craftsmanship — yet costing so little! Como tee our unusual selection. no h two WoO4.0 OlidiVsIV Or Wit IOW OAtAlpfteuig .8LI .P 0 E Pent 52441391