HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-02-27, Page 132.0(1 A Year in Advance $3.00 TO USA POST P1".BLISIPM1 ITOVS143 TIll'USD 1V. 1,"Eln 190 POST PUBLISHING flOtISE Local Area Girls Win Speed Typewriting Contest IJittunu daught- er uf Mr. and Mrs. .JamoS Turn• hull of Grey Township and student at the Wingham and Dist- ict High Sehool, placed first in the Junior division of the. annual speed typewriting contest held ttt the Wiln•;ham School on Friday, February 2181. MI.88 Connie Mann. d ugh.) or of r, and Mrs. it Mann, llliievalo, and student at the same sehool was second in: the inniOr Miss Karen Coatis, of Walton., WW1 attends Seallorth 'nigh Sehoo: w 0 s first in the Senior division and „Indith Riley oil the Winghani School second. Students front the High Schools of 1{14eter, Clinton, Wingham and Renforth all participated in the competition. LIONS CLUB ANNUM BONSPIEL The annual Lions Club Bonspiel was held Wednesday. February 1 9th with local and visiting ciirlers tilling the sixteen entries. Dinner was served in the club room by the lady cnriers, Many favourable comments were to be heard during the afternoon on the fine meal, both quality and quant- ity, Lion Harold Thomas handled the draw keeping the affair hug along in hie usual capable manner. The visitors took top honors in both the 9 and 11 events, Lion President Jan van Vliet was on nann to present prizes to the 9 a.m, draw winners: 1st Murray Graham ;Ind rink (Mon hit on) 3 wins plus 1.3 2nd Dr. W. C. Stiles and rink (Brussels) 2 wins plus 10 `Ira Wally Martin and rink [St.. Jacobs) 2 wine plus 10 Consolation It. Edgar mid rink 2nd mid 3rd wore decided. on grand 0g:2:yoga to In break 1.1i:? Stiles .2 8. Martin 22. !1 0,01, winners received their nwan is front Lion ITnrold Thomas and Lion Frank Carter. 1811 Schneider and rink (St. Jacobs) 3 wins plus 17 2nd. Ralph Pearson and rink (Brussels) 2 wins p1118 15 RathWell and rink (Br(lssels) 2 wins plus Consolation Elmer Young and rink I Brussels) The committee wish Ito thank it!] who helped in any way to make the dny 'the success it wits. Brussels Curies Win Trophy In Wingham Spiel On Snturday of last week a curl- ing entry or Jack Bowman skip, Sam Sweeney vice. Min Powtntin second and Thu Ireland load, took top honors in the Stanley-Berry spiel held In Wingham with three wins and a plus of seventeen. to lake the itrOphy and first prize iii the nine a.m. dra.W. , i- Trorloy ;(01\1471ry, WORLD DAY OF PRAYER AT MELVILLE CHURCH The \\-0110 Day ef Prayer 1\ be uhsc'rvoil T.1 ero in Melville Presbyterian I burnt) on .FridaY• in t, 7th at :::m1 p.m ladles committlity urged io. attend tilts •,:eryn ,,, D. A, RANN BUSINESS AND HOME SOLD Watts lists ppreiptsod tint P. A. itann Furniture and Funeral Service business here zoo) Ialo!-: possession ou March 1st. Mr. Wafts, whose holm, was at Unlit-ill°, comas to itrussels from Brantford Where w as ,,ssocintod wit), tit( find and Robinson funs-rat Home for the oast five years. Mr, amt Mrs, Watts and their five children, three girls and two boys, Tinge' taken up residence in I) A, Rana home whirl) they also aartfllired when they purchased 'lit' business, They arc woleonied to (mill' nommunity. D. A. Bann, it native of WrnNot I a me to Brussels 38 years ago, Ile vas with D. NI, Johnston, Toronto. where he received his license. After being in Winglitun Iii' came', to Brussels in July 1 1I3t when he took over the Willker business. In 1.937 he moved in the present location after purchasing the build- ing. Mr, and Ml's illran art not leaving Brussels where they have both been nctive in Community ninth's. They have' moved into Cite hous'e formerly. oceupied bv Mr. and. Mr,. Ronald Mardian who hare moved to Locknow where th•?..y are in hardware business. Public Speaking District Finals Held In. Brussels The, diqtriei finals I u the 10,111j,. :,portItim.; rot -141 0st somisored by 1'10 Royal Conndian Logien were held in the Brussels -Legion 'flail Saturday, Flown were 11, speakers nnuipet- log here 1111(101' four classifl. There \VON? about 7,1 persons in .lbtenannee., coveted a wide range of snbjeci:s fro oxy. etiology to the itislory or the [Hullo syrup kettle, Michell Rowe of Woileriou, and Karon Porter of \'''iarf on, wero vver0 the senior winners. Winners al' Ihe junior diviSion were Donna Krnft of Clifford and Nancy Scale[ of Kitchener. All four winners will ('mnpole in semi-finals at' Wingonon :Munch 1st Those semi-rim-Os will include speakers from Toronto to Wind- sor, The coin 1)0.'1 ben' Firt tordny involved speakers rr.in lit' conia- ips of AV-Morten, Wellingten, Brune- Duron. Perth.ond city, Runners-nn in the elemontnry sections were Van(thnn 'Brnwn of C,h cdey, «nd Ch ristoither \"(9` of Tort Right. the seeondary sections, runners-np were Anno rof .filTio(frilifir;. rind 'kill .:'4(t4Iirni IiI ''li,thetittlW. Fl(lUliE SKATING CLUB. PREPARE SPRINGTIME '69 Prep ,ror.hons far the P,ras$os pr.,,etikwon -..-tprin'4'itor. '0. to ho seen in ,,re!i: in-re on Snturday tint, ;I v o in fail swing. While 'cite .11.1 , intently conron1 .01:nw noflshing their ladins busy. early nud !ate. with eosintpes and Ilecora.Lion motifs I'm make !his year's e ,..ent even nwiniorous than asual. addit ton to lint ,ski,ters of the club. from, tiny 'tots 1.1 the more accomplished -perfor- mers, :older elle direction of the (.1111) Prurt'ssionaL vase Mac Donald, there will he two guest skaters from Windsor. l'ion"! Miss 11' See advertising pnge ri'c'e, CRANBROOK 011111Th :,r0I'V 101'S on (•oridueled by Mr, ries, student minister at i ty. \li-'s Sheila S.'riekler. Gnin Mts., Nancy Striekler. Sir,ltfnrcL. visited tn.er the weekend with their por- ous, Mr. and '.\11.s. St tic'kle'r Miss l',everley 1,:vnns. Kitchener, visited on Sunday with her Drehrt., 111 (;r:Leo "Evans. Mr. •ind (;'urge AlvDollald, Ai 01 es wort h visited n' Sunday wit h Mr. and Mrs. F„iri. Mrs. Zehr Nisited fir a few days with her daughh-rs in Cooksville. Rev. Tattle[ Perrin of StrathroY • ihltrti 01 his home.. His mother, \Irs. \V. ,f, Perr ,.- rot n rue4 rnt hroy wit h knit , ror 1i visit„ r..:ranbrook Evening Auxiliary The February tte etim.2 of tio Cranbrook Eivening .\uxilinry hold at the -home of Mrs. .Jack n int 1. :Mrs. Knight opened the meeting with n. poem, Mrs, Stewart Steiss WaS vita rfrrt, of dPVCIt 1011S. 11Sillg ',IP!' 11101M, love, Steven members answered ranbrooi< commintity al'(' \i'! al, call by giving a verse ivitlt love. Plans were mnde for the World In!v of Mnrch 7th. Au invitation has been ex- tended to the :\lonerieff `United Chnreli old 1111 Indies of the ''nail' to attend this service, Arra -m.40111(91ns for the.. March meet; ing were 'nude. Mrs. domes K.:night read the topic , and tim mooting. was (dosed win prayer. Mrs. ,fames Knight nom-hinted a contest. Lunch was served by Mrs, Jack Ifni rh'' assis(ed by Mrs, G. Knight 1,1 NI I.,* C.1. 'En gp1 • HORTICULTURAL. SOCIETY TO HAVE GUEST SPEAKER Re','. .1, W", Seibert of Stretford .-linst speaker at he March 1711 inVoting of 1,11.0 T-TortieHlinvi , .c•Iy. in 111r, 1 trusmols P n 1)1 brw,v al 5:00 n.111, Pleos , res Ii!,z d;1•0 -111d youti• p:nr(let inv Olt e:41(o: ri v or yen o woh,,orne. Mew ber:4 49' iele r the gale table: • '1 ?!11•!•! vo[wiS,Ifflil !Mir At tnitIllitTrlr, BRUSSELS LIONS ENTERTAIN ATWOOD ItrtH'Inli Lions Club played host. tole alum! thirty nut•inben, of thi- -'s,twood Lions Club li their regular supper meeting on 'Mon- day. held at Melville Presbyterian Chu reit. Lion ,10(1 vun nresidc , the Brussels Club. who presided welcomed the (niests Lion Tamer hen Scott. with hi,: guitar._ and Miss Anne Oldnield at led the sinn sown Lion Tailtwistor Jim Knight 10.3n the fine box tinkling; Lion president Dona Iran-111mnd, Atwood, intrOdneed the, Membt., of 'his (quh,. • " • • :krisses ,loan I' -and :Vall0neo entertained with musical numherS that delighted the Lions. Lion Secreary Cecil McFadden dealt • with the minates, roll call and correspondence nool projecit., Ilinrl Ceorg-e :Nutter spoke on the Muster Seal Campaign. draw was won by T,ion S' lt'yri Baker or Thmsspls and C0rnian 'Baker of tho \\rood Mull) Linn Fred. (hive humorous reading •and an Atwood quartette son,sr,. film on 'Wildlife was shoWn. CHALLENGE TO THE GENTLEMEN'S CLUB The "ilnly 'errors" issue rt ellatiOng0 to the Gentlemen's Club for it name of Euchre. ' you •flentletnen ;Invent our challenge .'ay so in the Gentlemen'S Club stews Items column. CARD OF THANKS I wonld like to thank all ihnse who remembered me witli cards and 'rents w i V;Vis P tipitt in Winn:barn and District nosPital, )'our kindness was appreeintod. Rose Mitchell CrAnbronk 4-H Club Tho third meeting of the Cray. brook Connoisseurs ants held the haute or Janis Smith on S.o- virday, February 19110 at 1 1:10 'Lyn. The meeting wile opened with the 1.-Ti pledg.e The roll call was answered by all the eight girls. elects business part of the mowing was taken up fell' wed lo- ltcries nn "Mont cookery". "Tn'y 'final- Methods nf Conking Meat tier tender entst" nnd "Moist. goat Method I for Ira's tender cuts). While the notes were taken ill 0 Di NO 01' 1 fi 1)(''111.^: l'nOlif'd It Was put in the oven ad the first of the mooting by Sharon Fischer and ,Timis Smith. The result ,: of the Braised Stuffed 101.1ink Steak tuns sampled by all the nivis at „le mentnin The meAt• 'be end of tun. tkiln 1'1,1.0n1 (yint CIO .I•Tf Moll !! l ktnrrti UNIQUE CEREMONY FEATURES GUIDE "'THINKING DAY" "l'hullcirkv. joint nirbday:-.. of their' founder, Turd Prnden en and Lady Pu,w0•11„, the Brownies and the Churl Guides fIrussols met on Tue....dny t11...:111 in the floyal Gala- •tdion (0-ciun Krainer. ,1 former reeve olutirtnan. Miss 7\ Lary Aly3,1114in, Gotlerich. Division youtinissioner for Huron Presided for the enrolment of nine lh.liwnies Karen Bridge. Michelle Met'nteliett. \f try Anti 13raby,, carol AVIleelci, .[one l\lachan, I ri it 0 C'a rd it 1. Linda :Mardian, Dianne Stephenson. Elizabeth A Third Badge ),vaN presented. 1.nuise Aleot.11. /Ind Joan (nether, Hi-ars for 7,1 per ('e'xit attendance for tbree years was presented to Pernie and Janet, Pearson. TWO y(7111' Sta L'S to Bonnie Rich- mond. Gwen Bernard. Kathie Ward. Cynthia •Braby, Joan !Nether. One yr,-1r.sturK, to Louise AlcOok, Pebru Hood, Brenda Ktunm and Juanita Smith. • Miss MacMillan at this time en- rolled Mrs, (.'(q)rgo Wheeler as '"I'awny Owl".. A Golden Mind Badge was given to Ferule Elliott, and ,Tanet Pearson who were also' ..involved ill a "fly-up" oeremony into. the' Girl Guides. Anne Stratychnk and. • Barbara. Elltott wore enrolled as Guides. • First Aid hi, ,12,0,6; . pro prosoil'tod by • Mrs. Kellington to Joyce Ireland, Linda Mair. 'Wendy Prior, Dionne' Willis, Lori Mc-. Cutelionn, liorbara Elliott, Ann st t yelmk, child Care badge, Wendy Prior, A:-Ifronomor, Louise. Procter and Pat Machan. Three your stars, Louise Pros[- o1', Shirley Pipe, Pn,' •Mnehan, Two year stars. Wendy Prior .:11'i c!Cutcheon, One year star, Parbara •Paiiobt, Vim Sivatychuk, m any volos0 wr'i't' • prOS-Pai rWSK it natant, ceremony .when Alum, and 'Dianne Machan. 1 yo„tr-old dnughlers of 'Mrs, Violet MaCilatl • WP10 recipients e,f, (lold. cords ploend 'Upon''Melt' nniforme by Miss. Mory Division commissioner for Tertreoll ('aunty. 1.0 I'll anti has eompletod ;111 the proje(ns of the Girl G'ulch'' nrogrnm nod recnivnd ninth commemintion nnd praise for their nine ye,Irs nt consistent study. Hach credit was nit en to their lender. Mrs, 'Wit- nn Kollin:non for her sincere. endeavour in weld( of the Guides. 'Miss -McMillan in her rn. inni.n.: sin1 the nir14' inns' h.6. -c•N:ceptional - girls •nhen they' his . high award. Mr. Smilh. representing, brolwitt Lion ,Jack pri:%;1. Sunday • dent of the I. wood f'11.11) alive Vander- 1111.0111M ii011 SW111111111.X snn.16