HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-06-24, Page 5re, ed re an e- s, s, R • est nth sM .lilt.=... rim r mote* z ifdit!! rswteeiovonseresine w.r.iose$OO~7 Vt$.#lf� a ,sty., wt,,,� THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JUNE 24, 1881. 5 L Amoroso Rarrl0. - Mr.Jp..p& Monis moved one of his barns Mr._ • few fest said then added an addition to it of about 40 feet, Theis wire no sides chum. All present had • ley time, the attar supper speeches .ed songs were Ao, dasmaaa un the wrongs of Ireland, being led hy as Irish- man, who is now one of the ogeleritess of the pL>e. Nil wheat is now billy heeded oak Hay will he .shin crop; the be fields are not u high at u your knee. Cur PusrscTa -Fall w heat will be half a crop. Peas are luoki well. Oats promise a veryfood tisk g_ wheat is turning w already, and is a1almus suarot up with the , soosafting hey °taws ria Hsanwar. -An Irishman who takes s hill. interest in township matter seeing a oloek on the road at the mill Dusk, mad+ complaint to the owner about it but ouuld get no redress, and went to the village J. P., who at ones issued a warrant, whist was handed to the village oomltable, who carried it out to the letter by rewiring the ob- struction. The owner seeing that justice could not be deferred fixed the breach in Casm right away. • ilamlllal. Deanna' DAF CstsssayloN:-The first of July will be celebrated in a pat- riotic manner by a general pio-nic and strawberry festival under the auspices of the Sons of Tele peeaaoe to be held at the Maitland Fall. An invitatian has been extended to all the neighboring Tempranoe Societies, and a general in- vitation es extended to all desirous of spending .gala day. A grand rally of member and friends of Tempsnnoe is expected- Music will be provided by the Benmiller brass band. John Cameron has returned from Iola, after • visit of six weeks, being highly hav- ingwdelighted bo ment•lly weddedto that rich portion of Uncle Sam's territory. In a school Dot far /latent from hen a young dans were asked the meaning of the phrase "mature spinster." The teacher having succeeded in getting the class to say at "mature" meant ripe and "spinster" meant an old maid, then asked what dose the phrase "mature spinster" ascan 1 One of the pupils said it meant a ripe old maid. Be On Monday, the lath init., Thos. Mc- Michael, o-Michael, living not far from here, had his jaw and arm badly fractured. He was engaged in taking oat a stump and used argil u a sort of lever. By some means or other the rail Au, and was the acre of the above accident. Dr. Kay as ptas promptly in attendance and dressed the wound. 'last Saturday the light infantry were drilling hers, and as • natural conse- quence a number of the neighboring far- mers turned out to see bow the rod ooata acquitted theea.elvea After drill was over these was considerable drinkini(.nd talking, but I .m proud to say not by our loyal subjects, except in one or two in- stances. As time wore on some of the .quad imagined 21 were awful strong, and that they ooald "mash" everybody .r anything, and the result was that they got badly kart themselves One John laugher had his eye badly cut, Dr. Kay dressed the wounds Later an in the night, about 12110, a fearful fight be- tween one Morahan sad McGow. It seems that while the former was getting the worst of it a friend of his came up and kicked Meelow, so badly that he was unable to get out of bed until the next evening.--(snterpris. Wren. Rev. Mr. !throat has bran appointed pastor of the Lesbian B. C. church for another year by the late Conferenoe of that body held in London. Quicc Won'. -A gang of 16 men, an - der the oommand of Captain Jag, Hall, with four yoke of cattle, logged six acres in an hour at James Bogies farm. exiaasrt. Wolin. -Rome kind friend recently hung • beautiful motto in the Presbyterian Church u a gift with the words engraved "God is our Refuge and strength. Raoaoaxtxso.-Since the departure of Rev. Mr. Sieveright, no Bible close has been held in the Presbyterian church. Rev. J. A. Turnbull. fru formed one; over twenty y ming people have joined. It meets an half hour before service each Sabbath. Faunas, Loos-ooT.-Several passing doge have been chasing sheep in the fields, and been driven off by pavers by, lake the ke shore. A canine made a midnight raid on a flock, but made rather too moot now, whit% roused the inmates of the farm house, who had the satisfaction of shooting the transgressor after h. had killed one of their lambs. Mr. Janes Linklater also had a Iamb killed in his pasture Rata, by dog. /IOW. Houses Soto. -Mr. James Lint, of the nod eon. last week sold three •horess for something over $4(X) A team of J .year-olds Wright M00. Mr. Lout Inas pea to the seighboehood of wkitby in quiet of a span of test -el n dtsught min. Romano. - On lliday eves* last, Messrs. Jeanie Aikenhead, and H. G. Gilmour returned from the Northwest. Both 01 these gentlemen have taken up i straw ooaap•tt of winged things adorn. hind, which is as evidence that they were ed .with onion that art cannot equal If pleased with the enuntry. Mr. (Nlmonr the entomologist could ewes the air toot up a menu (4540 am -es) and Mr high strove the afs'eples, with his nes, he but the Syndicate may shear though/0e of the road Of Durso, if they du not, his Lund will he worth considerable when the track i. laid. -(New Era Boss. -A car hrtd ill old bones pass- ed east o. the G. T. R., on Friday, des - tuned for New Jersey. Meet people re- gard thew thins as worthless. but the ear represented -value to the amount of over $200. They slits, Mid to be fur as. in ounttection with sugar relining. GOOD H -Last week Mr. WnL Craig, of the Hayfield euu, bough! • young heavy draught horse from Mr. Cha. Nesbitt, of the 16th oon., Guder- ich township, paying there/Or 0160 ; he also bought our from Mr. Walter Hines. Hullett, paying $17L Horses fetch good prices these day. L O. L. -A large number of delegates attended the semi-lonal meeting of the South Huron Orange Lodge, which was held in this plum, ,Na Tuesday. 11 wee decided to hold the annual oejebration of the 12th in Exeter, and in order fo ac- o,mmodate the brethren, the G. W. have consented to run a special train from this place to outer, at single fare rates, the thin to leave Clinton at 10.30 am., thus giving parties from Goderich and other places an upp,utunity of going by the saute train. SvooRN DIATR.—We mush regret having to record the very sudden death of Mr. Itobt. Newmarch, which occurred on Tuesday' evening. Deceased was at- tending to his usual duties on Friday, apparently in the best of health, but on the evening of that day was' taken ill with congestion of the lungs and water on the broil the attach being so snot* as to preclude all passibility of his recov- ery, he being-deiuioiti nearly all the time b. w ilHe was well known and greatly liked throughout the county, ow- ing to his connection with Mr. R Irwin in the produce basins*, and 14. familiar face will be much missed among the buy- ers on the market. He occupiedpromi- nent positions among the , Orangemen and Maocabee.-{New Era. Wallah Tower i . School section No. 2 will hold a picnic in Holmes' grove on Friday the 24th. Strawberries and other seasonable deli- cacies will prevail. Mr. W. Wise, Loft's corners, emoted on the 21st inst., a barn 100 x 60. It has a stone foundation, and altogether, will be a credit to the enterprising pro- prietor. Mr. Haney, who lives on the 7th con., bad a scare -crow, in the form of a stuffed man, in his field. On Saturday evening last some of the lively youths rewovd the inanimate form and stood it erect on the railwaytrack. The 9.30 train came along, sudenly the engineer sounded the alarm whistle, but "the man" did not move, the train went thundering over him. The engine was reversed and the train went back only to find the mangled remains of a man of straw. It is quite possible the railway people did not appreciate the joke. 8csoot Plo-. c, -A pin-nie was held on Friday last oa the grounds of S. 8. No. 6, under the superintendence of Mr. W. S. Lawrence, the teacher of the sec- tion. The tables were laid and s plen- teous supply of provisions was.furnuthed by the ladies, and a most enjoyable af- ternoon was participated in by all who attended. The number of adults and visitors from a distance sou large, but fortunately ample provision for the accommodation of all had boon made. Swings were used to a oonaiderable ex- tent by the fair sex, aided by escorts, and croquet and ring toss also had ar- dent admirer. Shortly before the dis- persal of the gathering, Mr. Naftel was voted in chairman, and that gentleman at once proceeded to exercise his au- thority by calling the gathering to order. Speeches were then made by Mr. D. McGillicuddy and School Inspector Miller, which were duly appreciated. During the day games were indulged in by the children connected with the school, which resulted very satisfactorily. Meteorological Report. State of the weather for the week end- ing June the 21st, 1881. June 15th -Wind at 10 p.m. North- east, light, cloudy. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 386. f June lfith-Wind at 10 p.m. South- east, fresh. Raining - thunder and lightning -began to rain at 11 em., ceased through the night; amount of rainfall 7. cubic inches. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 272. June 17th --Wind at 10 p.m. South- west, light, foggy all day. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 218. June 18th -Wind at 10 p.m. North- west, light air, cloudy. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 158. Light shower at 7 p.m., 0.4 cubic inches fell, thunder and lightning. June 19th -Wind at 10 p.m. South, fresh, partly cloudy. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 241. June 2011 -Wind et 10 p.m. North, fresh, clear and cold. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 368. Light shower at 6 . m. June 21st -Wind at 10 p.m. North, light, partly clear, cold. Number of miles wind ! avelld in 24 hours 967. G. N. Mornmeatn, Observer. Goderich, June 22nd, 1881. Now the enthusiastic naturalist takes his sweeping net upon his shoulder, fills his pockets with phials and empty pill hoses, and sallies forth in search of spe- cimen. In Jane comes the carnival of the insect. No one who has not watch- ed an entomologist collecting specimens for his cabinet can form an adequate conception of the myriads that swarm in the grass, et the tress, and in the air itself. The net swept across the sward gathers a throng of living thing@ that had been invisible in their green retreats; a shaken branch mets down another Aiksnhead a half section (970 sores) of land in the' neighborhewwl of (hand Vanabt two Int miles fromWt pou Winnipeg They met witk • leer num- ber of fusser H.'nnitea, all of ninon sp- pered to be doing well , emigrant* are gnaw into the territory at a tremendous tate. The route of the C. P R is grad- ed dNsMly avow Mr. Qtb cur's (land. some and lady -hags would cloture r host nut of the minium which the swallows on the wing pick their evening most in this weather the careful farmer btegMs kis war en the little aphids@ that sw.rat upon his plants and tress. and if he is a was hmbandmwn he takes care not to injure his mond-basked and rued spotted , IISS STEART Mrs te teMad ladles that although she has Lea extremely busy ebb year, ant bis dim - paned of a very large eaaat*y ut goods, her sleek Is still well e.rrted, and all tbsee petty novelties la MI LLINERY wide! she 'straitened this spring, s.d which have become so popular, are MIR represented on her sliel,esa, at the weU known Y i 11 i n e r y Bfstablishm ent, The Square, Ooderici. SZOINT'T DORC =T THAT Airommommil DOWNING'S is the place for FIRST CLASS BOOTS AND SHOES. Ayr -Boots and Shoes repaired and made to order. - CLEARING SALE CARPETS We oar tie bales** of our stook of CARPETS RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. OUR BIG SALE –OF– =DTBSS C:-OOcas woHtOrE lrtyNtaEyaWaoTpsaWsd EsooEtheDr Sof JOHN C. BETLOR 8c CO. NOTICE_ Owing to thestate el his health. the undenfaaed ham decided to glue up hie present baN- nese, and now offers to dispose of the same on LIBERAL TERMS. dpplleattou can be made to himself personally. Thu stock consists, tbeeidcs good staple Dr goods, imported dlrect,l of • complete and well selected assortment of GROCERIES, 2•71E3W, FRESH AND GOOD; and the stand being on Kingston 81., and only one lot from the Square le one of the VERY BEST In the town of Goderich for a hood GROCERY or GENERAL BUSINESS. The proprietor 1. willing to enlarge the premises if required. Meantime the business will bo carried on as hitherto and the present t� which u be up by additions when required. will be JAMES WATSON. Ooderleh, 17th May 11111. 1787. F YOU WANT PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, &c., 0o T.) THE PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE. IF YOU WANT GOOD CIGARS, TOBACCOS, PIPES, ac., 0o To THE PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE. d splendid assortment of FISHING TACKLE, just received, and will be sold CHEAP. GEO. RHYNAS Successor t . GEORGE CATTLE. Blake's Block. near the Market. Goderich. Prescriptions a Speciality = - - Night Bell on the Front Door. • OUR CONSTANT ENDEAVOR IS To PLEASE OUR MANY CUSTOMERS, therefore we aro always on the lookout for NICE, C'•HAP, ,. AND FASHIONABLE GOODS such goods as will give satisfaction to all who may buy them. With this object In view �It3 33171r OFIL'DN, WE BUY LARGELY FOR CASH—WE BUY DIRECT FItOM MANUFAC- TURERS—WE BUY IN THE BEST MARKETS. Our stock u weU assorted so,that all classes of customers, be they rich or poor, may be suited, t7•'I''he highest price paid for butter and egge,lY ESTATE OF R. B. SMITH. JAS. HUSTON, Manager. ler-N. B.-2 GOOD Nile B000tse FOIL gm,' viay cacti.. SPECIAL BARGAINS. The Detroit, Iachinac, and Suzette Railroad Company === SN=_ NOW OFFER FOR SALE OVER 1,300,000 ACRES Of the Choicest FARMING and TIMBERED LANDS in the, Northern Peninsula of Michigan, Destined to be the best wheat -producing region in the world. These lands are situated In the counties of Chippewa, Mackinac, Schoolcraft, and Marquette, and embrace many thousands otacres of the best agricultural lands in the State of Michigan. Among those 1n the counties of Chippewa and Mackinac are tracts of what are known as the "burnt or cleared" lands. These lands offer many advanttaaggeese over thepralrle lands of the West, as the timber lands adjoining Insure a supply of fuel at le cost. The sell being a rich clay loamof great depth. The timber remaining upon the Ian being generally sufficient for the settlers' use in building and fencing. These partially cleared lands are now offered at the low price of from 51 to $1.50 per acre, one-fourth each, and the remainder at purchasers' option, at any time within nine years, with interest payable annually at seven per cent. Ronde are being opened through these lands, and no better opportunity has ever been offered to men of small means to secure a good farm, and intendingpnlehasere will be wise by availing themselves of this chance before prices advance, as the lands are being rapidly taken and settled upon. Tbe lands more immediately nn the line of the Detroit, Mackinac. and Marquette Railroad from the Straits of Mackinac to Marquette are more heavilytimbered. and are almost univers- ally good agricultural lands. leaving splendid. farms wben te timber is removed. The iron and lumber interests of the upper peninsula are of each Magnitude as to call for all the charcoal and lumber that the timber and wood upon the lands will produce–this will enable the settler to make good wages while clearing the land. Lumber Mills and Charcoal Kilns will he built at various points along the line. and Furn- aces are now being crested along the line of the road at point Rt. The great demand and good prices for labor. both 1a wtnterand emnmer, make these lands particularly desirable as home. for the poor man. The lands adjacent the Railroad are offered at prices from 55 upwards. according to location, value of timber, etc. The lands are at your very door. and are being rapidly settled by Canadians. For panaphlets, maps and other inforataitnn. address. W. O. STRONG land Commissioner, 1786. is Newberry and i[landcMiHan Building, Detrolt, Michigan. :e e -`i G. C. ROBERTSON, RAT EIT11.1331IIT, JUST RECEIVED ! A LARGE STOCK ' ¶111L PAPER! O-reen Window. Paper ! Carpets take. up sad Reba& 'O0 Clot Laid. Hair Oar= made over and an kinds of Repairing due. Pictures over. .. Awply as ever. 11.1.01s6u Rssmsed. ROBERTSON'S VARIETY STORE. a/ Merchant Tailoring! HUGH DUNLOP, The Pashas aide TaGee. le new be a pstolttsa to ~Me a1 enters he may be favored with. le THE "LATEST SPRING AND BUMMER STYLES. ON HAND, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, ETC. wain sad see oar Gosh Hub Mkt Mauls , lid -8t., Aoaaich. Ct ' are offering some Special Bargains In Dress Goods, Prints, Shirtings, Denims, Ducks, Table Linens, White and Grey Cottons. PRINTS --Fast Colon, from 5c. per yard up. F3LAOS Ob8F3M R S. -Special Make, without exception the hest make In town. OOTTON SFLIRTINCfB_-Extra Value, from ilio. up. T WB. DS_–Fine Selection In English. Scotch and Canadian. Sults made to order IL First Claes Style for $10, $13, $11, Wand 518. Ail cloth bought cut out free of charge. REID & SNEYD, Manchester House, Goderich. Spring and Summer Goods. NOVELTIES, NOVELTIES_ A choice selection of FAwcv STRAW, in HAN and HtNNEr,. STYLISH, NEAT AND SURE TO PLEASE. FRENCH and AMERICAN geode In the latest novelties. A splendid assortment of RIBBONS, FLOWERS and LACES. Hate and Bonnets trimmed in the newest .t 1e,. A CALL IS RESPECTFULLY SOLiCi'I'ED. We take pleasure in slaou'iny ourin,gha, Miss vulLSa , Market Square, (ia.dericlt. eY"s ..ea.tters.tiorz. Barbed neer Wire seatrneted taw is any Oasatlty at very lowest price.. I SELL EITHER 2 0 4 BARBED FENCE WIRE. Wire mud lamb 'airmailed after beteg inlaid which ceeent .rale off. Use Barbed Wire for Fences. NO SNOW DRIFTS- NO WEEDS -N0 WASTE LINOS. For sale by G. - H. PARSONS, CRISPHARUtt AR), UOD *1CH. j ,t SOMETHING NEW. 5 Per Cent. Discount for Cash oil S1 sales. 5 Per Cent. Discount on Monthly' Accounts. G. H. OLD HAS ON HAND (JUST ARRIVED) A ('HOICE LOT OF FIRST CLASS GROCERIES- - -- And is (Giving EXTRA 'VAI,I'K in TH:A19, Japan. Inaek,Oreen. and Onnpowder. Try them. 1 ou will sad [bel are (.cod. Alen. he keeps PORK. HAMS, 8M0KID BACON, oa hand. Ilt.,1u-, pries paid ler RUTTKR and KOOS. Akio, • lot of CRINA. GLASS. DiNNER nod UL.SiRT BETS. and all kip VesGLLASSWARE .rad CROCKERY. IOive kin a coal and get slF.rwten' Produce Bought andG. H. OLDS C. Homes Aoilaro. eY"s ..ea.tters.tiorz. Barbed neer Wire seatrneted taw is any Oasatlty at very lowest price.. I SELL EITHER 2 0 4 BARBED FENCE WIRE. Wire mud lamb 'airmailed after beteg inlaid which ceeent .rale off. Use Barbed Wire for Fences. NO SNOW DRIFTS- NO WEEDS -N0 WASTE LINOS. For sale by G. - H. PARSONS, CRISPHARUtt AR), UOD *1CH. j ,t