The Brussels Post, 1969-02-20, Page 3t GOLDEN WORDS BECOMING A DAD Old women. say that men don't ktioNv Tile pain through mothers en And maybe that is true, and yet I vow t never shall forget The night he came, f suffered too Those bleak and dreary bours :through: 1 paced the floor and mopped my 1310IV And waited for his glad '\.\''a ow; went ustairs and then carne down ilecause I saw the Doctor frown -And knew beyond the slightest (10101 lie wished to goodness I'd clear 0111. walked into th e y,ard for air And back again, to :Jest. her thc're ,And met the nurse, as calm as though 31y world was not. 10 deeliesit woe, And When 1 questioned seeking speech:. Of consolation that would reach into my soul and s:rengthen me li'or dreary hours that Were to be: Progressing nicely 1 Nothing more And Mitt me there to pace the floor. And ()ace the 1101 i1 came out in haste For something Ilia, had boon misPlaced Anti C t.rat had been gi'owing bold Then reit tog loom.' grim iey cold And fear's stern chill swept .over I stood and watched and tried to see Just what it ',vas cause to get I haven't learned that secrK yet I halt believe that 0 larSe in White 1\'as :adding' fuel to my fright And, taking ait nitholy glee ProM dole to time in torturing 1110. Then silence: To her room I crept, Arad.. was informed the Poctor slept; The Doctor sic nt: Dli vicious thought \\Milo she at: death's door bravely fought And suffered untold anguish deep The doctor lulled himself to sleet), I looked and saw him stretched out fin' Then wonting came, and the Joy 11"iti1 dawn there came to us our boy. And in a glorious little while I went in there and w her must ha \ ci looked a human wreck 'My 001101' wilted at th 'Jock My hair (te'l'l'. my fea litres drawn With all the suffering I had borne She looked ai me and softly said "if I were you l'd go 1,o bed." Tier's was the better part I know She travelled through aloe vale of WOO, nOt noW whe71 N‘nnic,11 folk recall nain and angnisb it till I answer tbein 111 Manner sad "Ira 1111 clitelt to become a dad ' *lot 1Nsitssiumuoulausitionfinigilmsorimiammaiiiiir irtilE igLELLOP eIRE JIN ^AURA CE COMPANY woo* —Maln drbog IIIIIAPORTIN 11111111,116 4 Town Dwill1111040 All Clause. of Farm Propsfl) * Summer Cott/WO Churches, Schools, Hells Extended ceveragoe (WIWI smoke. water damage, falling Objects, sec.) Is also available AGENTS. .amen Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V. J. Lone, RR 5, Illeallertho Wm. Leiper, Jr. Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Husk' Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Seaforth VVIIIIIMOTIMINIPIIIIMICIIIMMINUMNAINE11011111101111419111N1111111110r $W4.8, .ONTARIO TfECT,SIJAY, Fr43. 20t1, 1969 THE BRUSSELS POST ROY W. KENNEDY, Publisher Published at Brussels, Ontario, every Thursday I:39K 50, Brussels, Ontario, Authorized as seeend class mall by the Post Office Oepartm OttaWa, and for payment of postage in coati.. Member of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association R. J. BAUER YOUR MASSEY - FERGUSON DEALER A Complete Line Of New and Used Farm Equipment PHONE 5 BRUSSELS. ONT. I.. A. RANN FURNITURE STOKE Licensed Funeral Director and eribalmee PH.Ctfflg 3ti or ab BRUSSELS, ONT, CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL. J. H. CRAWFORD, Q. D. N. A. SHEPHIERD, M.A., LL.B. A. R. M. MILL B.A., L. L. S. BRUSSELS and WITIONAM Phone le Phone d57 44.1W J. E. LUNG STAFF OPTOMOTRIST SEAFORTH MEDICAL CENTRE 527.1240 Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday A.M. Thursday Evening CLINTON OFFICE, 10 ISSAC STREET Monday and Wednesday 482-7010 Call Either Office For Appointment NOW TO BEAT # SKID' you're qoing too foe when you skid, the car won't olvict9s ';respond to the wheel. When in doubt slow down) If you Start to skid, turn the d/ wheels in the direction of the skid. bon't brake and don't i woe rater Remember skid ding is more apt to occur when the Citieee. lere it atom* 32 (tweet Own tort** WO 00*e. USE YOUR HEAD USE YOUR HAT PRpupLY One Of thy taus wi,11.-1CIIUNVIt pieces of saroty 0(1101,1110w. Loday IS the hdid hat, At firm it was scorned as something for the Today. a badge of distin- ction proclaiming lhat the wearer is er:posed to clangor front over- head working conditions but guards his personal safely ”pro.." ,1Iany a workman owes his life to his bard but, and many a Work:- man has escaped crippling injur its because he had the foresight to wear one in logging constril,, (lion, and other inilitctries. where, ever overhead danger (,XisIS, the laird hat distinguishes its wearer as !Mich as the armour of the knights of old, it wits unthinkable :for a warrior to sally forth to battle 'w I th oust his protective ecjttipatent. Foolish is I oda y's workman Wilt) fails to wear his \Olen dangers of the ,job require rust as the worrior'S protection, depended on the condition. of his armour so does the :protection af- forded by the hard- hat depend on the hat's camdition. Et cannot be abrimal anti still be expected fp on rego aril the Wearer, \Veto* your bard hat to protect your 'head when dangerous over- head 'working conditions exist, In- spect it frequently for cracks,signs of de'ter'ioration, and general cleanliness of the inner side and the suspension. 'rile shell must he inspected for cracks, ranging from fine hairline ones to cracks that have :broken through, They weaken the struct- ure of the shell and'lessen the protection you need, No attempt should be made to repair it once it has been broken or punctured. Clot rid of it, Your hat is only as goOd as the suspension in it. The cradle or hammock attached lo a headband keeps the shell away, from the head and cushions blows. it is vtiry important that this suspenion fit your head. Make sure that all re- cesses and buttons are secure. Polyethylene suspensions tire affected to a high degree by hair oil and should be replaced after months service, 'Woven nylon or cloth can be cleaned, and re- used after inspecting for defects in stitching of fahrte. It is reeoln- mended that they he replaced alter 14 to month's service. A hard hat is the cheapest in- surance you can buy and you don't baye'to get hurt, to collect it Wear Your Hard Hat Proudly Brussels Agricultural Society Plan For 1969 Fall Fair At the meeting of the Ilrussels Agricultural Society plans were made for this year's Fall Fair- till Dates selected for the ,19s9 TIrussols Fall pair tire Sept- ember 20 and 2Bth, 1959 b (111 Field Crop Competitions Will. he as folloWS; ll.arleY; 2 , Corn: 3. 11Med Orain way; 4. •MiXtla Grain 3 way. (C) CiOtintierOthl Penture plans: Forage Crop.% 1 - slice First, (`'tit Hay: 1 - slice Second Cut bus, Field Chopped Tray 1 st cut: tfi bits. 'Field Chopped Tiny 2nd col; 1 Shear of 6 stalks Ensila,ge Cern:: 1, has. Chopped i-T ayle (4) Agte to sponsor 4-11 ClubS for 1,00. WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP ALITY SERVICE CRAFTSMANSHIP Open Every Week Day Your Guarantee for Over 35 Years of CEMETERY LETTEING BOX 156 WINGHAM. JOHN MALLICK ••••01.1.....*.0<1•••..o