HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-02-20, Page 2THE DUMONT ALUMINUM COMPANY LTD. Yes, advertising is good, This is a way to keep one's company and and name before the public A company can spend dollars in adver- ing, but it is the material Used and workmanship and know-how that really advertises itself. We have both these at Dumont Aluminum and don't think I'm not proud of it (Within myself) when people stop me on the Main street and say: "That's a nice job your company is doing Al, mighty nice! Come give me an estimate, will you?" Thank you, ALLAN DOBSON', Representative of The Dumont AM-ninth-11 Co. Ltd., Ethel, Ontario. Phone 321-W-4 BrusselS. MORGAN'S HOMES, CLINTON New and Uscd le i le Homes For Sale New 1969 60' x Pyramid Deluxe 60' x 12' General 48' 12' General Corsair and Shamrock Travel Trailers — Coming Soon PHONE: 482-7066, CLINTON eadline for tax savings on registered retirement savings plans Deposits made by February 28,.1969 are tax free for 1968 returns Victoria and Grey Trust offers You three tax savings retirement plans. —an "equity fund plan" designed for greatest capital appreciat ion —a high cumulative income plan —a Guaranteed Investment Certificate plan fully guaranteed as to principal and interest Start Retiring today at Victoria am! Grey TIMM.d GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 LISTOWEL BRANCH 291.1450 VG R.R. 2, BLYTH Phone Brussels 443W4 Thatiks for renewing yOlir iti tisSO1S Post promptly: mussaso ONT. PHONE 199 TOPI\JO'i CH FEEDS L1IM1 1311.4.18S,K1.4i POST, ONTARIO. •TIA711,1“l'il.t 1,141,3. •••••••••••••,....... One of Ow newes' •lonitiros Ft the 31s1 Annuli] Karat show 10' held Alarch I,:1, 1;.• 7 at the 'West- ern Pair (;rounds is the edu- cational d('monstratums, These special demonstrations been arranged with the co-operation of the Ontario and Federal 1)epart.- ments of Agriculture, 11landed in The Pragrain.• will be a corn Planter clinic, lean pork for profit. snow and wind control, quality concrete for the. farm,' . 'feed sampling and analyst, fuel 'filter- ing for performance, tests ...for milk quality. drying corn, and budding am] grafting trees for the home owner. Several very informative and interesting talks and panel discus- sions have been arranged On a variety of farm topics. Another new feature at this yedr's Farm Show will be the absence of ;he seed judging com,.. petition, The competition has been' deleted in favour of. more cm.: phasis on panel ,discussions,. dialogue and educational features, The latest in farm equipmeat and machinery will again be on exThibit, 'as well as many other products that will be of interest An the farm family. • The annual, farm princess con test will be held again this year and is open to any girls 16 Years, of age and not over 21 at the thne cif the show., married or single; and residing in one of the eleven counties of Western Ontario, :14.shi'on Shows, baking' contests,. iquttre dance competitions, film features it»(1 floral ttrrangemonis will round out the tic i 011-11 lie ki41 runt for -\vhole family. -,.Nt it rob 4. 5, 1 1 . i •,1(. t he. Nv'es.,,..,11 :it' groitnds. Lendon. Open Tues., 1 Wed, Thurs., 11.111. ,, Pri. till 1,31) p In. .A.tlinission SKI- TOURING wAitol 11,t i.ri2.11 for you •I 1100d11 1 1110 111 " dealt rlritiu iind 511(1W 'AMA:id. .1111g. T11 :-:1-d-LOUring or cross coliiliry lkiillti, \Vint:or ran Vaccin e fur you a tiny.' of special pleasure beauty. This activity offers yuu 1 it;• in cons of cowing into close C011- -1 W I. h. the wittier wilds at au eNhilarajna yet peaceful time year. Skiing through the woods and across hills, you have a chance to observe at close range, thecoun ry und its inhabitanu.s It of fors -Ytal a chance tor peace .Aitt quiet or a novel experience excitemni and challenge, a alltince ''to get away from it all" tic to make friends in a touring group, K -P UN FUR . 143. Vitlitt YO.N E. a National Health and \Velfare , de. ational Health and Welfare, de- scribes this form, of skiing Coin- plot() with information On etrui.”- 111 L nnd it is avail' able for one dollar ot Queen's. Montreal, OttaWn, Toronto, Win- Printer s llookshop,Is in :Halifax, .!*.peg and Vancouver. CHARLES H. McCUTCHEON charies I Leary Alc;'nfthe•ii. :\lekillop Township. died Saturd* at home, 11.0 i 0111'1'1VP11 ily hi; .1 , the former Orvilla Huffer: (laughter, :11 011 vet' .A.I(1 rey 1 Riley, \Vi'oxeter; sist• or!,, Miss Luella, London: Bert tiva/ Nixon. •WinnipQg. funeral service was held at 2 p.m. 'Tuesday from the Aloir T.'uneral t1orrie. Temporary entomb• mom. in • 1\icintosh C'emetery MRS. THOMAS WHEATLEY 'Alt's. Thomas \l'hett,ley, v;', Township, died Sunday it, seafort'a Community Hospital. 1.\-iclow, former ,lttry Jane Robin • Survivor;: i.lyko.:11c•K illop Township, daughters. 'Mrs. \Villiard I\ .111)1e) Armstrong, ;\lorril, Township Airs, Robert. I :1 lildred C`a Libel 1. Egmoudville; MI's, l3t nart (Fern( Mcfnnos, Walkert•on; • sisters, Mrs. 'George (Emily) :Little, Nth. ton; Mrs. Ephraim (Sadie) .Clark'', Sot:forth. Service was, held at p.m, Tuesday from, • the 0, A. Whitney Funeral Home, Sea- _;rt:). Burial was in Pioneer Mau- l( 11111, WALTON AREA JR, FARMER WINS BEST ACTOR AWARD THIRD SUCCESSIVE YEAR Fred Uhler, RR 3,' Walton, wus named. best actor for the third year in a row aut. the Huron. County junior Farmers' 1.)1%tinn Fest 1.V[11 Saturday at Scafortb District, 1E10. School. Best actress was Janet to .Merrill, 1, Clinton, a member t.1' Lie cast of Nobody Sleeps, pre- smiled by the Clinton XII 11 101' Farmers and directed by Della Allen, 'Ri I , Doderich and Mar. inns 'Bakker, 'RR 3, AubUrn, Mr. Fitler was in the play Here Comes the 'Bride, presented by the Sea forth junior Farmers and produced by 'Mr, Uhler and George Townsend." ItIt 3. Seaforth, The producers were awarded Ihe Merton Keys trophy for the best play, Only two plays Were pre- sented. Adjudicator Walter Armes of the Snforth I/Istria High School • r onited .Nohody Sleeps be- cause the cast didn't, know their lines too well a nd were poorly prompted, Tie criticized the Sea- furth play because of the old- fashioned clothes worn by the bride, which, he said, made it out of date. Master (ii' ceremonies was Maurice I,ove, 13.11 3, Exeter. HOME ECONOMICS BRANCH SPONSOR COURSES FOR LADIES OF THE COMMUNITY The rrome vieeemnif:s 13Nier:i (yr. the Ontario Deartment of Agri- culture and Food is again spon• SOTing several different conrsoFt for ladies in the coinmunily. Tliese include short eourses, one to IWti days long, on tt variety of topics from tdathing and textiles, home Nrnishitigs and Koine crafts, Courses Of a longer duration - about two Months — .ate offered On topic from foOd8 and nutrition, clothing and textiles, honiecrafts. home furnishings, etc. The group ,c'adet's are sent to a two-day training school gi Vi,-.111 by thg county home economist and 0 specialist with the Ilona, I 'ASIA- mules Branch of the Ontario Branch of the Oulttrio Department of Agriculture and Food. Tile pro. gratinno is c o ulpie(ed by a Sum- mitry Day held at the end of the project, Plans are underway now to /Ir. range for on-le of these courses r'n• next fall, It any women's groups in any community in the. county art' interested iu having a (;)arso or are interested in further information, they contact ,Ntiss Susan Heard, HOMO EC0110111 for [1 11 1'011 County. Box 159. Clinton, Applications forms are avalinbirt at the office in. Clinton. HURON COUNTY 4-H GIRLS' HOMEMAKING CLUB PROGRAMME The 4-li girls; IIutnenlaikino (lab programme in Huron Clounty is off to a good start. three successful training schools for loaders wore held, in i n .lunttatry in • Wingham, El.,xeter and clinton, Interested ladies from all parts of the county at- tended and found the two days worth \ sill le, The leaders, by nOW, will have their respective clubs Well under way, The girls are studying 'Meat in the Menu" this spring and it is promising to be an interesting, enjoyable club for all. Ideatifi- eation of meat cuts is taught as well as cooking "methods applic- able to each The emphasis is on the preparation of economy cuts, As the meetinge progress, the girls will begin making plans for the Achievement Day in their area. The Achievement Day is the conclusion to the project and gives the club girl an opporthni to exhibit he'r record book from the project as well, as participate in a' :ptogranime. planned around the information she has learned. It is hoped that the spring pro- ject "Meat in the Menu" Will con. tribute to the club girl's all-, round knowledge of homemaking, LET US PREPARE YOUR 1968 INCOME. TAX FORMS Reasonable Rates Guaranteed Services Phone Early For An Appointment RONNENSERG INSURANCE AGENCY Call us on Tuesdays and Fridays Phone 65 Brussels, Ont. NEW FEATURES AT THE FARM SHOW SEAFORTH U PHOLSTERY Centre Street For all kinds of upholstering Brussels Representative: SELWYN BAKER BERG Sales Service. Installation FREE ESTIMATES • Barn Cleaners • Bunk Feeders • Stabling DONALD G. IVES