HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-02-20, Page 1usse tg
$2.00 A Year In Advance $3.00 To %ILA. Iiitt!SSELS POST. TDDItS1).1Y. FMB, 20t 11. 1.'.169 POST PUBLISHiNG frOUS:10.
Clm'e VeitCh skiPPad his rink to
First. place in oho local mixed spiel
last \A'edu ..,sday. February 1 21 11,
The picnic style lunch seems .10
ho vegained favour ‘‘'ith most of
th pa rtIci Da lilts.
The winning rink along with
.Veitch were 'Murray Lowe,
vice: Myth.; AleTaggart, second:
Jackie Pettupieue. lend, Prize,
bags or groceries.
skip; 11111
lead. Prize.
',1*(1 .0011 PraSer. skip; Norman
I louver, Vice; Jean liridge, seco-
ond; Grace 'Hewitt, lead,
C'onsolatipn Joe Smith, Ski.P',
Ern Lawington. vice; 'Isabel. Rath-
well, second; Lillian Smith, lead,
Prize, (3. quart basket or apples
The next local spiel may be Our
annual pot luck dinner and spiel
late in March. Watch for poster in
the club room.
A. number or Brassott:
hove taken part in spiels at Sea-
forth, Kitchener and other places
lately but we, have' not heard
much about the results as yet.
The role of the volunleer or-
ganization in combatting the
sing incidence of respiratory di.
seam). .with special emphasis up-
on anti-smoking oi'ogra.ms. dom-
inated both agenda. discussion
at the semi-annual. ineeting of
the Ontario. Tuberculosis and Re-
spiratory 'Disease Association hold
in Toronto,
More than 1•-,0 repreSenNtie$
01' .17 ' volunteer agencies, Chat
iinerate throughout Ontario in.-
der the direction the 0.T.RID.-
A. attended the meetings, It
was the. first !fleeing of all
since the former Ontario Tub-
erculosis Association changed
its Dome to reflect its
eel involvement, in the
ory disease]'field, - particularly
With' emphysema, asthma, eh r-
00.10 bronchitis, anti-smoking
ands air pollution programs,
The pablication of 1101,14 Out t
rate all current brands of cig-
arettes according to their niC.-
otine and tar content Wtis (TM-
cited as Misleading by Dr, 'Hord-
ing Le Riche, fiend of the De.
Partin cot or Epidem iology
fliometrics, trniversily or Tor-
onto. "Studios concerning thu
rein ti unship bot.Wcen t ha cig-
arette smolrilig, lung cancer and
other reSpitatoryy problenis do
not d reren tin to between bra',
nds," Said Dr, Le, Riche, "Nor
lti"a fifty chidthg$ of these t4ttid-
IC-iS cluatilled by the pornottage
01' tor or ttinetitio cif 'atorit," Air'
T.)r. Le Riche. introduced Jacob
(continued on inside gaga)
Attend Agricultural Societies
Convention In Toronto
firs, Q.•Inutter, president of the
Ladies' Division of the Brussels
Agricultural Socialy, and Mrs.
lhoiglas Smth, .secretary, atul
Martin, seernim.y..ireasni.m.
or the Brussels Agriculitural Soo.-
i al y and Alfred.: Knight. are
;Mending tb'e Convention of Agri-
('ultural Societies being held in
Toronto this Week, 'Mrs. Alortin
accompanied her litts1)and. to visit
with r. and Airs. Tooth,
NV. J. Turnbull, local s i 11 ,
breeder, was eiected president of
the Canadian Swine I',readers
Association a i their meeting held
Regular Comes; Sim Cornish,
nett rdiii Atrs, TI a rvey Rehlt,
\\'roxeter, Mrs, McLennan,
and:NT l's, Mel Ileatiie, ''fist:
()wel: Mrs. McInnes, Fordwieh,
Lorraine Hyde„ Kincardine and
Aim's. K. Edgar Wroxater; Mrs.
Cordon \Vroxotar, Jackie
Schill. Formosa: AIrS, Lloyd Mont-
gomery, NVingh.ini; Mrs. loorg.
Riley, Witip,Main, Mrs., Sproule.
Lneknow, and Mrs. Mel Beattie.
1..istowel; Airs. Sproule. Luektiow:
Att. Nothory, ',Vingliftni; Mrs.
Bates. 1 itl rri slop ; AirS. Stinon
Huber, Mildmay and Tony Ste
Al a ri e. Innovate; Mrs. HarVeY
"Share the 'Wealth"! 1. 'Mrs,
larvoy Wheeler, Wroxeter, 2,
Airs. Florence Mnusfield, wing.
11;1111 and Mrs. Lloyd AlontgonterY,
W i n gh all.
$25 Special; Mrs. (leo, 1 fish;
Sr.. Wroxeler„ „
,I tick 1)0( consolation plus
howls. 111 rti,
1111(1 Al) N Ory. -NV iriglla
floor Prises; Mrs. Ken Pellett.
Wroxeter - Airs. Cecil Clark. Cl,or
vie; Ales, DrUlb rriSt0T1 and
Mrs, Ken Underwood, Clifford,
lucky 1?raWs: 'Brion Strothers,
Atwood, Mrs. Carrie Cruishank;
Wingham, Mrs, Bates. flarristen
and .All's, I forvey Wroxeter.
congratulations anti host
to Airs. 114,1'111a Jainnyti who cele-
brated her S211(1 hirth(lay this
During the all (1110011 a MI even-
ing many of her friends dint neigh-
bours called to extend to her their
bast •wishes,
Mrs. .1 army!) iv as the recipient
or many beautifuj ca 11.1S N1111Cliff ;
\t the present. time she is stay-
ing holm. in' Airs. jack Riley
where the hostess served ('nke and
HI:. (Ten In.
Surviving are t‘vo sons, Lloyd of
Forest and Ross or BM ova le:
five dail;:,,Ilitors. :Mrs. Mac (Della)
Ilrussels: Mrs, Harold
I ,\iyrlIol N, 70 (1 d (211 Mrs. Borden
(jean) Cook Airs, Norrnan
l'(»ving, hiss
till of Blyth; brother,
Kylf', Sask.
The 'funeral service was held at
p.11. Tuesday in the l'asler
Alertiorial Chapel, Biytb. Tem.or-
ary entoinhinenn Ivas i.11 1.11.3,111
Cern Cry Chapel.
Sth And 16th Unit Of
Duff's UCW, Walton
The February meeting wos, held
at the home, or Airs, .Jan van A'lir'l:.
1(0 Thursday afternoon, Fe10•111.ry
1 3th.
Airs, citir(itice Attirtin period
the meeting prayer. Hymn
1110 "I ani (1 Lord"
sung. MPs. art b, read I he
scripture rroto Nothow iii•2 1 v ,,rs.-
es 21-2S, The topic. the Hiltlio
the Bible and .T)rotonsand
ors, • Wag laken by 'Airs, .(letorgi,
1NrCea 11 ..
The regular collection was NI-
ceiyed, tryirm 500 "Tolw Time to
be froly" was sung roflowed icy
Prayer Mrs. flung Fraser was in
charge or the business Imrt of li e'
Alinutrs of tilt , laH-
ineeting wore read by
ttlry 'rho roll call was answered
by menthol-H. A collection was,
Made towards the parchasing of
Idankets instead or sending quilts
in the bale.,
AVorld Day or Prayer is on
March 71:11. at imn. with the
Meeting at 2 11.111.
Ihisatir bionic were hrelight
Grace was sting and hinch. *as
served by the hostess,
iliajesti.: W. I. Hears
Talk On Citizenship
In the 11.1selicl , of Alt's. jatttos
,fani k s Armstrong
111111 in the oh the February
ineelim2. of t -co Attopstiv W. 1,
rs Amy Spelt ro port ad that
2:1 box"i, had bo o n Font to shot-
Ms at •('hristinas. also 2 gifts, a
basket ()I' apple's to the Telephone
Operators. 2 sown boNos of apples
to Illironview, 1 • box, of tioPIPg I )
the Caliander Nursing Home, and
!:.1.1111 to tHe ChildroWs
ft was announced that Feb 11 ary
!Sill to 21st Is Farmers' Week at
the 0.A.C, in fluelpli. special
programs for Ammon on February
and 2.11111
T o ' 1V, 1, District Annual will
he held this year in AVroxi..tor nu
May 1.31 11. On. February 27th ;ill
members are :invited toHowick
Central School at R.:30 P.m.
Bride will show pictures ()I' the
W. f, Coo fere/ice in Lail Sill
Michigan, I I li, at Work.
shop Per Sloi•retilries 11111 AnOltors:
Will he held in the .Illtievale (-tom.
11111.111 ly 1-.1;11 at 1 1),111,
It was moved by Mrs.. 'long
Ilemingway, seconded by Mrs.
Lorne. Nichol that we •dona
money to the- Treasurer rather
than have a hake sale.
rs. 1)r -) Panic, convener,
lien asked the roil call. "Little
things in everyday lire that lead
to good citizenship."
, The Aletto. "1.4,Ixamine Closely
your own fault while examining
the good points of those around
you -. N1'n: Very F1 bly 12.rebared 1.111
Prese11.10(1 by Airs, T-Tazel' Mathe-
son, Alt's, de Vries thanked Mrs,
Matheson and presented her
win a gilt, •
Mrs, Donald Portia ,then intro-
duced th.c. guest speaker. Rev, C.
-\• McCarron.. who spoke on citi-
zenship. Alt'. •AlcCarroil spoke on
the hisi'ory or (..itizorthio, and told
of duties. priveleges. told respon-
sibilities of a Canadian Citizen,
This was most interesting and
h ,ought out several points -not ar ,‘
1 1 12t0t1 taken 1.01' granted. Air. Ale-
(.'arroll was thanked and present-
ad with a girt by Mrs, do
Mrs. do Vries then reported On
CH1'1'01111 'F.:Vent:4. Tt was moved by
Ales, James- Armstrong • and sec-
onded •by Tom Strachati. that
Clarence •'AlcCuLehaon 1)(.'
repro setita'ivo 'to attend a meeting
with the 1,11105 Club re a 8-M1)1-
)111/n2; pool projeelt. •
Tito meeting.. elosi-id iv lilt The
• The meeting closed with The
Queen and a lovely Valentine
innyli was served by Mrs. Doug
I I emingiva . Jessie Engel
Al p un
Are you one of those people who
have delayed getting` 'their 196f1
ijoviloo 111:1 \ lib i."F4 111 1.11
on Ine pocketbook as Div ryes
have ',0111. up considerably, :But it
c011td cos,' '.\-1111 more if the 0.P.1",
catch you drivimi.; with old plates.
The law says "no later than mid-
night Palma ry
flay(' a heart' rtort't, got an is-
slier alit of bed at. 'that hour.
Hilton .Ward of RR 3. BrusseN
throning! the Post Quit his was the
shot that filially bagged It brush
wolf after ti six-hour chase,
The hunting party included
Mom ward, vteior ;t od Jack
Ward of Aliinkton and Ronnie
Hood tit Stratford.
At one point in the chose the
won', coraorod by the huott-rs. two
hounds, turned (ui the dogs and
pm up a fighjt lo drive them off.
.lfter a leth chose and many
attempts to shoot ,:ho anitna.i, by
all the members of the intivy, the •
1VI.111' was finally downed in the
areal known locally as "slab town".
Wolf bounty is a wolf •
pelt will. bring about It'In on the
monthly pelt a1actioii at North
MRS. 2. H. WILK EY •.
Mrs. S. .ii, Wilkey, formerly .
it;dno Alveraoken. died suddenly
in Victoria. Hospital. London, on
Wednesday, Irethruory 1 2th, She
was SO.
The funeral was held from the
carrothcr's and Son 'Funeral
I !mile, 1.01100m on Saturday,
lochruary 12th at. 10:30 a.m.
She is surviVi g by nieces and
nephews, There are no immeduite
The traditional pancake supper
was served it Si. Joha's .Anglican.
C'hurc'h en Shrove Tuesday Or this
lt w is a :4uccessf1i1 oven: wi‘`h a
largo number or pol•sous ;.1 iond-
big t o enjoy the, usual deliciong
oonvol(vs served. by -the ladies of
lite church.
trarvey Bryans. Prostor, is visil•
ing ivith and Airs. ilerb
'Air, and Mrs. Allan Alveoli and
fleVerley allmuled Lie funeral
1 1. \V•like,Y in London on
-Airs Chester Rintottl or (tall has
]sect) Or with her parents,
tul "Pollard.
Aturray Alo.kr'or son of Air.
and Mrs, Don A1(..1rt"r„ is a pat-
ient ill NVillgliant and District
I lospital
1Vi1111ers of thy iii nturday Lions
N'Ar.11‘. 'Hockey Draw Were: 1st,
"Hick and Dick" 1st period,
.1 cur' rildrield $1 It: 2nd period,
,fryer' Poorsou
Allis Dorothy 'Elliott of 11'11S-
H('ls, 1\ as runner-tip in :he senior
iii vision ill The n1111110 speaking
er.11) prif MOUS ;.-,b011;;ort ..(1 by , no,
rloyal Canadian Le:zPrti in Ex&der
oil ',.4 a I 11 riLlr. T)1.131 Valiance, son
o!' Air. mid Alrs, James. l'allance
of Ilrussels, was scuior runner-1111
in the (4(ml...ill 111-tr
2nd Elmer Young,
Trewitt, vice; Fern
second: Joan Veitch,
Mrs, Robert 'Torrey,
lllyth, died Saturday it tube
last week in Toronto, ifnronview Home for the aged.
and Mrs. Turnbull. .attended She was the former Bury
meetings of 1.1.1e.• Ontario arid len Woodrow.
Candian IlrepaerS:
• -
11 !iron County beard of: Ititt
cation has appointed two assist:
saperimendents c 1' sehvois
E. ATadill. Wingharn principal
or the F. It Pta,di11 Seeondary
School. Wingliarn. and W, 'Harold
'FraScott, Cotinty
area superintendent for the depart-
merit nr edit -catkin, Will take oYer
their 110W 110011011S 011 AllgUSt
Madill Was on the staff of
the Wirtgliron School since
Lind principal since
Tk7bisley was area stiperin- Thanks for rennWing yet
letident for years at. Prescott., Brussels Post pretititlY,