HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-02-06, Page 7Bruce • weekend Mr, and Clark, London "Was a. tSROr with his parents, Mrs. Jas. Clark. FINAL • CLEARANC SALE ENDS FEBRUARY 8th ADDITIONAL REDUCTIONS ON THE REMAINDER OE • OUR. DRESSES • JUNIOR, MISSES, AND. HALF SIZES JEAN'S FASHION SHOPPE MRS. CRAWFORD DIBSON, PROP. Located On Hwy. 87 At Wroxeter NEW HOURS; TUES.-- FRI. 12 P. M. — 9 P.M. SATURDAY 10 A.M. — 5:30 P.M. — CLOSED MONDAY In the exciting cosmetic misfiles:, Be an Avon Representative For intormation write or call collect evenings Mrs, M. Millson, ETHEL, ONT. 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London, 451-0541, JIM CARDIFF REALTOR PHONE 322W5 The Village Shop MEN and TEENS PHONE 202 Final Clearance Till Feb. 8 ALL ITEMS OF WINTER STOCK D ra stcaI1y Reduced TO MAKE WAY FOR SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK Come ih and take advantage the Savings THE AlkiffilSEILS POST, lift US 8ii.a.48, 0N.T.A1110 '11.1(;R8DAY, 190 DESSERT EUCHRE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12th AT 1:30 P.M. In The Lod.' Room Everyone Welcome Sponsored by Morning Star Rebekah Lodge This space is donatcd for community improve:OW kg WALTON Mr, Malcome Fraser is a patient in. Senforth Community Hospital. "Mr. and Mrs, Larry Blake :and Nellie Ann of Myth, were recent Sunday visitors with ' Mrs. Wm. Bthke, Miss Sherrill Craig. student at Western University, :was home her parents Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Craig, for the weekend. Walton W. I. Meeting Mrs. Jan vain, Yliet presided at the meeting of the Walton W.T. hold. in Ube Community M rs. Ray }Maher was the pianist. The girls, who were present at the meeting Were welcomed by the president who spoke of the knowledge to be gained to the courses taught in 4-1-I activities. Irt the absence :ot the ,home economist, Miss Susan Heard of Clinton, Gail Searle was intro- duced by Mrs. .1 a Ines Altmann. Miss Searle spoke on good gnat. iky in cottons which she denion- strated With tihe display of various materials, Joan Bennett, Marion McCallum, Sandra Watson, Marie Nolan, Annette ZWee ,Gail Searle, and Liyitti McDonald modelled their tireaSeS they bad Made While taking bite course "Cottons May Be Stuart"', stating the material they had chosen to use. The girls were thanked for their work, and the MotherS for their 60-operation, by the leader in the cotirse, Mit: Gerald Watson: Mrs. Ism Achilles, 1010 assisted in the "Dresszfiti,king Willi a dif- J!erenee" coarse, expressed her thanks toe the gift, presented to her, Mrs, A.Xtittrittlin, also expressed her appreciation. Two ',edits, "Halt to the New Year" and "Shut Those Doors Behind Were read by Mrs Aktinann. your Written recipe' lietk" Wag, the reSpotiSe to roll Mrs, J, Aittinatiti, Mrs, L, GodkItt Mrs, Gorden MeGavitt, Mrs. DitVid Watson and Mrs. Ed. Godkin are are the committee for the Feb: Ith, euchre party. Mrs. Ralph Traviss. Mrs, Tor- rance Pundits, Mrs. Win. Hum- phries. Mrs i.\lex Glint:Nen and Airs. Margaret 'Humphries, are the eommittee for the Feb. 28 party. Mrs. Ian van Viet, Airs. Ronald Bennett. Airs. A.. McDonald, Mrs. Nelson Marks and Mrs. James Nolan will he responsible for the Ilosert Euchre, for men and women, being 'held on Feb, 191thl, Members are asked to invite two or three couples. AdmiSsien will he 50c. each. The Tweedsmuir Book cell) - tilittee are looking for a typist. Mrs. Earl. Watson reported that Mrs. Metiroy, the W,T's. adopted. Huronview patient was made the gift of a poinsettia at Christmas. A note of thanks from the administrator, Mr. Harvey Johnston Was read. A. bus trip to Nitethener, in the spring is to be planned for by the public relations cornmittee. Mrs Wm. Huninhries reported on the committee meeting in Gade- illl Which was attended by her and Mrs. Ken McDonald. May 13th is the date of the district annual to be held in Wroxeter. The judging of the recipe hooks resulted in Mrs. Lav- erne Godkin receiving the, prize for the neatest hook and. Mrs. James Clark for the best variety of recipes. Mrs. Alex Guititzen, Mrs. Wm. Humphries, Mrs. Donald Adhilles, and Mrs. Gerald Watson served lunch. Duff'S Church Annual Meeting ' The Fintittal Meeting of Duff's Trotted Clinreili was opened by the Rev, 1), .E. Docken, with scripttire 'trent St. Mathew 0: followed- by prayer,- MrS. HarVey wog nom- inated as secretary. A Minute of silent (tibiae was observed iti. Memory of four de- parted MeinberS, Mr. Thicken, in the sesSleti report reviewed high- lights of the Year, Lloyd Porter Was made ah honorary Meiriber of the session.. The official hoard accented the resignation of Clarenee Martin us clerk of the session. Thanks for his leadership ann service was was OXLC/Ided artiii, The appointment cq two new eiders will be made, at a. latter date. Mervin Smith, Inek Bosmao, Melvin Knox, and Gerald Smith will be the now members of the of Stewards. • A decision was made to sell the telephone shares. The report of Monerieff and Walton will con- tinue to be :printed together. It has been proved that quarterly financial statements are benefit-. 141noil, they will he (tarried on for another year. ••The financial budget was set at $10,000 for 190. Board of Trustees • chairman appointed was David Watson.. Acceptance of the TIOW. report was moved by .Mrs. Alvin AlePonald, Mrs. almost Stevens gay Lk the manse report. Other reports given were those of the Hi-C group by Doug. Fraser; Afission Itund by Mrs. Merton Itackwell; Scouts, by Mrs. Ronald lleTuiett. One, of the Scout. leaders will be Laverne Codkin in place. of Camp- bell Wey, Martin Bean in :reporting for the Sunday School said that Mrs. Nelson Reid bad resigned as socretary•tateasurer and that Mrs. Ronald Bennett replaced her. C. E. Docken gave the. CGIT summary. In giving .the Presbytery report Doug Fraser said the allocation would amount: Io about $.17.00 per family. • Services will 'be withdrawn on the following Sundays: • June'. 29. InIy G and 13 and August 24, du ring i.he nitnister'8 holidays. The anniversary service will be held on third.•Sunday in Sept-- ember. James Smith and •. Douglas Eraser will be the auditors of the books of the treasurer. • • - usTown, TRANSPORT LINO LTD. Ontario's Silver & Black F& 11111110111ftsieloftwatiminisigulloosilleowillImiossoleftio...troleolnumoloarlose •••••••••••••••111,0•1,1•••••••••••••4110111. WHITE CANE WEEK Here's at White Cane Week tip for parents. A child does not oat- grow crossed eyes. if not corrected in time, the sight in Ihe creased eye may not develope. Crossed eyes should he treated before the age of seven, BUYING or SELLING NOW LICENSED AS A REAL ESTATE BROKER Rev, D. Docken thanked all in attendance at the meeting; officers Of the church for their work and support during the past year: also for the kindness shoWn Airs. Ooeken and himself. • • A vote of thanks to Rev, and Mrs. Dockers for their diligent work was moved by Clarence •Martiht Martin Brian expressed to Mr. Martin appreciation for the work he had done as clerk of the session, Lunch wag served by She Mc Mop ladies. A CAREER FOR YOU!