HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-02-06, Page 4ATTEND OUR EEEEOEEAA TBXli-08$1111,8 1.311-I3S3.141146, ONTARIO TI1L;1161)AY, IT41, 4ft,„AtaisrlosupoomeowswalealtellwomOMPli"ss APPROVE MAITLAND RIVER PROJECTS The Maitland Valley Conser- vation Authority put its stamp of approval on two major projects in its area for 1069. Although its share of the $.51,000 channel i011)rovement project along the Maitland River, as it goes through Listowel. is only 5 per cent, the authority members spent sonie time discus- sing the project before giving approval. A building program at the Tans Reserve. conservation site near Benmiller (three miles east of Goderich) will cost an estimated $40,000 over a two-year period. The channel improvement pro- ject in Listowel will cost the town $13,750, the ritrtbority 2,750 and thib remainder will be paid for by the proVince (70 per cent), The proV- ince also pays 70 per cent ($28,00 0 ) or the Falls Reeerve projecit 'Under a new grant scheme two factors are used to determine how much grant an authority is given by the province; 111 the popul- ation per squar' mile of the auth- ority area: (2) the authority mun- icipal levy based on the provincial equalized assessment The increased bodge! for 1 WI will not result in 201 increased levy to the municipalities accord- ing to the authority's secretary- tITFIS111'01% The additional grant from the province is given as the reason for this, included in 1110 Falls Iteserve building pints nre a gate house egtimated to cost $9,0011, a conoeS. slot heath estimMed to cost $25,100 and a fish porta with a nriee .,(to according 1.o 1;o ;111.11;10c s Prodrices a total] or he. nulhori•y 01,111o:I o ver the tWo-year period, but tHr :+nor!thing less. Conservation 1-efls chairman, J ack Omani, liii. 1 (`;l hill, ez- Jack Graul, flit 1. GadShili, ex- VelopMent is being spread over 20 years and with lrir grant schedule increased to 70 per cent the autli, decided to:Make as much use it as posSibie, The fish pond would cover 'an nron of about one acre and range in depth from 10-iii root, Mr (Irani said; The department • of lands and -forests !has offered to stock the pond with fish to alloVt, the authority to permit free fish- ino the itimd. 'When the urea. of the pond 'Was questioned, Mr. Gran] told• "the meeting that withowt swimming or any other natural recrewl in the area. fishing' would be the only attraction to the Falls Re. rve area. •• This past summer a service building was • built • at the The building contains wasp- l'001114 and a utility room. Also installed was electrical service for 3P trailers ioithe camping area-. at the Permitted a two-year term as oh a illnan of the authority under its Coustituflon, 77. .T. Tcelterhorn of Milverton. was returned by acclamation to the office. His %lee-chairman, George McCutcheon of T3russels. was also returned by acclamation for another year. There was only one election }'or a committee chairman. The nom- ination comittee's report WAS cepted except for the chairman- ship of the public relations cot* inittee. The notninition (-ommirtt 1.1g- gi..!-Ii-od Carl Da II on, Sea forth for the joh. Alber; Carson, TAstowel. was nominated when the chair- in•;11 of the meeting asked for NrCtor nominations for chairrrien fly of the' (.0intnittees. NI% won the r,Inctiop and was named ohni r man of the relHtions committee. Other i rinen are; flood C, Bridge. Palmerston: referesta Hon, Austin Stinson. Perl -,H-T-t: land uso and wildlife. William Manning; 'Myth; (..ori8er, n'eati. joules Reid. RR 1, Newton. The annual meeting Wag held n the Legion ]Nall, Milvorton. 1,u it weeks J. NY, Clark Phone. 4041Z1 Foi YObt 4,31ectrical wiring needs (•ontact: Don McLean Phone 4 ,13..16 Brussels NOTICE Your new irunerette tti A.IrliO'3,14 Vild Morris Township is Mrs, Ted (Nancy) MacLean FOR SALE -.— Frame tiouse lli Ui'ussels. Bath room. Double lot; large garage.. Apply lo Lliggius P.O. Box Phone 261W. S E A F O R T H UPHOLSTERY Centre Street For all kinds of upholstering Brussels Representative: SELWYN BAKER HOW1C-K LIONS WINNERS Regtilar (lames:; hues. Boo, Mildinay. and 111rs„ Lloyd Montgomery, Wingham; Mrs, AlcLeuna I), LOehaiSh; Mrs, Bob Montgomery, Winghary; Mrs, B. Montgonlery and Mrs, Joe Soh- ueider. Winghani; Airs, trenC Leitch, Kinctirdine nud ;qrs. Fred Ottm, Wingbam: Mrs, Ed. Rich. Wingham; Mrs Perg Riley, Wing. ham; Mrs. Ohio, Wirtghant; Mrs. Dewar, Atwood; Tony St, Marie, Bluevale; Kevin McLennan, Wing- Mrs. PattiSon, Wingham; Mrs Lar- ry Adams, Wroxater. Mrs. Par- SorlS, FOrdWiCh :MCI Mrs, Fifl Rich, WinghaM. "Share the Wealth" l Mrs, Nick Lang. Fmmiosa, 2. Mrs, Simon 77uher, $25 Special; Mrs, .the Schn old (-it'. Wingham. ;Jackpot consolation and bonus: Mrs Nick Lang, Formosa, Door Prizes: Donald Strothers. Atwood, Donna Dowling, List:mei, ,loan Dewar, Atwood, Mrs. Carrie (:rookshanks, Wingham. Lucky Draws: Mrs. [;onion Hislop, Wroxeter, Mrs, McInnis, Fordwich, Mrs, Drumm, ton and Mrs, Busby, Belmore, BERG Sales Service Installation. FREE ESTIMATES Barn Cleaners • Bunk Feeders • Stabling DONALD G. IVES R.R. 2, BLYTH Phohe arussslis 443W4• NOTICE The Management of tioronview in taking special precaution to further protect the residents from ;influ- enza are asking friends and relatives not, to visiti.at this time. The next of kin of seriously ill residents will be kept informed of their condition. Triples Dave .V crutcheon ,1 tick II iggiris 1:rian itutledgo. 648 Ruth fitiother 656 Dianne linether 611 .10yee Kellington 560 1 )00'1. forget 1110 Bowling Dow() Feb, 14th, MILKER CLINIC BRING IN YOUR COMPLETE. Universal Milker Units FOR FREE CHECK-UP AND ADJUSTMENT BY -QUALIFIED PERSONNEL No labor charge — you pay only for parts needed to replace damaged or worn parts. We'll be looking for you. WED., FEB. i 2, EELGRAVE, ONT. BELGRAVE CO OP ENTER TAI.NMENT (WEATHER PERMITTING) Al THE NEW AIVIERICAN HOTEL BRUSSELS, ONT. FRIDAY and SATURDAY IN THE RAINBOW ROOM WE FEATURE; Fish and Chips, Spare Ribs and Sauerkraut AreormarliwegaripolmwarroirtioosmortgaftwomegawiNataseowah rigoastairoftsawarftoommeser. PHONE BRUSSELS, ONT. THE BEST FOR 69" SEE THE NEW FORDS, FAIRLANES, FALCONS, MUSTANGS AND FORD TRUCKS ON DISPLAY 1968 FORD CUSTOM Al8 Auto, radio 1967 FORD LTD 4D HT Fully equipped 1967 FORD LTD 213 HT Fully equipped 1967 FORD GALAXIE 500 2D HT Fully equipped 1967 COMET 20 HT V8 Auto 1967 RAMBLER REBEL SEDAN 6 Auto, 1966 METEOR RIDEAU V8 Auto. power steering Many Other Models To Choose From 1966 MERCURY 1 TON PICKUP TRUCK BRIDGE MOTOR YOUR MUSTANG, FALCON, FAIRLANE, FORD and THUNDERBIRD DEALER BRUSSELS PHONE 249 WINGHAM PHONE 357-3460 BOWLING NOTES February 3rd. Singles Dave MoCutelleon. kill Hutchison ... . , . .„., 264 Dave .11a.stings 2li a. tutu II:nether 231-220 Joyce Eellingion ...... 223 Dianne' Iluether 210