HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-02-06, Page 1$2,00 A Year In Advance - $3.00 To U,S.A, THE BRA rSSF,11:4S POST, I' RS OA 5', PAP, ilia, 190 i'05'.P PUBLISHING HOUSIZ
!Airs. Mac Engel a a] Fred
Smalblon left. Ow Friday for a
months vac:ition to Florida .with
Mr, and mrs, ;lames Keys of sea•
roil h.
''Miss Nancy Strickler of Strat
lord and Miss Sheila Strickler of
Galt visited over OP '.1'000-kerl
with their parents Mr. and Mrs.
'Wilfred Strickler. • •
Misses Joanne Dunn and Shirley
Smith 01' London visited, at their
respective homcs over the Wea-
Mrs, lifirold ,facklin of Listowel
visited over the weekend with her
son and daughter-in:law Mr. and
Mrs. 'Harry Jacklin
Visitors over the wi.eke)id. with
Mrs. 'Grace Evans were Miss Bev-
erley Evans. Kitchener; Brian
17Yan$ Scarboro; Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Consitt and family, Varna.
Mr.' and Weber •and family
of Listowel visited with Mr,. and.
Mrs, Earl••Durin..
Mr, and. Mrs. 'Frank Smith were
vislitors••with Toronto friends.
Knox Church
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of Knox
Presbyterian Church was held
Thursday evening', 'January 30th
at, 8:30 urn; preceeded by a pot
luck supper at 7 p.m, Ile.v, Charles
MoClarroll of Pruasels was chair-
111a11 duo to the illness of Pm-.
Winn. The meeting opened with
the reading at Psalm 21 followed
with prayer by Mr. Mcl
Mrs. Gordon EIngel was nominated
as acting secretary for 'the meet-
ing. The board of managers for
the coming year are::
2 year term • Leslie 1<i) igb
(fordo)! Engel, Ross \rot tch.
1 YOH r tern] • 1 )ougla s
Prank Smitli„'Tira Knight.
Secret ry T r easttr or - Mrs.
Mac Engel
l'shers .1ack Knight, David
Assistants Carman Fischer,
„Alex cameron
Oro Idst • Mrs. iSttlartto.Nalr
Mrti. Str.tvart Lgtaig,S
I t was decided to keep the MIS-
sionary allocation the same as
last 3'001'.
A vol e of thanks was exil ended
to :Rev. 0. A. MeCarroll by Mrs.
Clare Voitch.
T11 awe, ing closed With ln'lly('1*
The more MI give the more
Will live siren to your raundint
t1 I fir, OS*
hold by
A picnic style lunch was served
t noon, sandwiches and farts.
contrihni!ed by Ow members t
lute' part.
some very close gal
11(' NV inn 01'.;,, Wen , :
1st with 3 \ 11 g 11111S l )Torrey
tfoover, skip, liar), i\leCuichem.l.•
vice. Bill Hewitt second, oorls
2nd with 2 w plus lll, Winer
Voting skip, Leona Ichonald
vice, loern theson second,
Grace I1ewit.t lend.
Consolation, Glen litabwelbakilL
Sholdice second„ Mary Lowe lead.
Sboldico seond, Mary Lowe lead.
If there are sufficient entries
event will bo held on
February I2t11. to giro some who
missed ibis one a chance for some
extra curling, So, if you want to
join in the fon gel your name in,
Mr. arid :Ti's. John A. i'ennington
announce ihe engagement of
their daughter ',Varga ret. 'Elizabeth:
it) llr. Gerald Edga r
0)11 10. :NB's. Dorothy Al cratiley
ad the e 111 erv?„,n McCauley of
I ;).11 ssel s.
The \t ()tiding. to take place
March 1st in St, 1.10(,a1.1
A slmwer ror Tics *Barbara
Primmer. prior to her m rring,e t
Mr. .\lbin I)01)son. \vas bold in the
nbroolt- Coin in im it y Centre on
Royal Canadian Legion
1969 Officers Installed
A Joint installation of the I mill
Exec nit i VP1'na Tunney, Edith
Stiles, Anne Elliott, Helen
Sgt-At-Arms .... Mable 'Willis
Standard Rearm: Zahn 11
Mrs, Jo''.n Rowland in a patient
Victoria Hospi,taL Drayton,
Mr. and Mrs jack :Bryn TIS and
N.Iy. and Mrs. Stuart '.11 cOall are
vaew.ionkig Florida,
rs Tr1, Parish has been a
patient in l'Astowet hospital,
Ni'. and Mrs. H. Miller of Ire,-
plot' were Saturday visitors with
'Mrs George Chidlow,
Co ngrait u tionfs a re ex( end ed
to Misses Dianne and Ann
twin clatighi ers of Mrs.
Lawrence Maeltan, who have re-
f-ived w„}'.(1 that tliey will receive
the Guide Gold cord to IF!
Presented here on February 25th,
Lord linden Powell's ruTill.daY,
ivoiing Day".
Mrs. jack Conley an:) 111-::. Sap;
Itr'i Imes of Ethel al;:ended the fon-
rnl of the former's lirother, 'Fort
Low- of Spalding, Sask. They are
visiting also at Eng:101(1M and
Quill Lake,
Mrs, Charles Lake, o former re-
sident >)l' Grey Township, died in
Guelph in 'tor 78th year,
She Was lb O. 1 .011110r 'MHO
L,1 wrence. widow of Charles Lake,
Mineral Snevier` was held at
Coorge'S Anglican Chapel.
Cue11111 a.t 11. 0,01, on Saturday,
rehruil 7'y Ist wilb temporary ete
tombitic,al 111:tisscils Cemotory
01101)) ('Iliti(Al irI tl on! ttitittr
Wilfred S., Dennis, 6 8, RR 1,
Waliou, died :II 11114 bome on. F)'i-
A bachelor, he was a 'member
Duffs' rnited Church, Walton.
lie is survived by five brothers,
i.mme, "Amer, at hoMe: Alex- sea -
Cameron. North Bay:
Stratford; three sisters,
Chriwonn„ at home: 'Mrs.
81aLley tieSsitil Hillevi, ER 2,
Willi OIL
The r1111e1'111 wits bold from the
1"(x Flint:I:al Homo, Son forth,
u p tn. on Monday, Burial in
Prm•sels cemetery,
Tho family of the late Thomas
Kirkb' wish iu thank- friends,
neighbours find relatives for !hell'
111:1nv acts Or kindness ,111(1
11 l'eSSI OnS of sympathy received
dnring Onr
R1 011, girkloy, I lido Rio
The Bras:F•ols Minor Hockey
Association Minor Hockey Day
Trophy w Mod to 1,11 ,•
Belgra ve Tykes Saturday night
for accumulating the greateat
number of points during the Minor
Ifoeloiy Tournament. They wound
up :11 points, five more than
l,heir closest rival, the Winghalu
`171)P following results ware re::
sclt -nas
Itri2sois 2 Fordwich 2
Racing - 1st Ken Mach an
tirmi sols 1, 2nd Harvey Gibson
Vordwich 1, Itrd, Brad I futchinson
s,i,00ting Brussels 2, Ford.
.vich 1.
Goal Scorers: Brussels,
Divid steoli.nson Aurray Done
Fordwich lime] johnston, Ron
if a send.
Sate'-: 1st David Stephenson,
(Brusselsd 2nd Brad Hutchinson
(Ford wich ),
Total. Point Brussels 17,
Fordwich 13.
Wiagbatil 14. 13russels 2
Ito('irta 1:4 Ken Taylor
f Wingham I , 2tul Bob Armstrong
m 1, 3rd 'retry Rutledge
ftrussels I Wing-
h a ri Coal0 )(YIg Scorers: Roll Corrigan
1f1), 'Monty Templeton (2), Robert
A nu Ft rung t•I ) „Tim McKinnon (IL
((ll )on Al (Wiling ;•fkr!•. 2
BrUssok: INN/10r,
IeorgP Va II nco.
:;tars: I tit ("Alen Morningstar
\\'i oars]:] in 2nd Terry Rutledge,
Ih'ussels I.
Total Points Cri 11 ,",1111 01 26,
I 'irussels •I,
flelgrove 1.1 Brussel 0
Racing 1st Donald Dunbar
I lolgra ye) 2nd Gary Hopper (:Re1,-
grit V e 1, 2r(1 I'Mwin 'Tables (13014
Shoot i 11 g flrasse1.5 1, Bel.
'2:1.1(1;\)E 0 11 SCE) T'Prti 101gra V(‘
Iry Gook. t21, Lynne I [duos
Haines G.D. Gary Hopper CO,
Ilan Dunbar. Inn) Shiell.
Ski rs: ! Lynne I faints f lier
2n(1 Kevin "ichol (Bras.
(1 Points Ileterave It, Brus-
sels 2
to, \
11russels I, Atwood 1
1st Blaine .1()C1.1 telt-
coIlIZ'iti;111111;41.1sse.1 s 2110 DaVid 110W1e$:
( A t wood ) Ilrian ('tlghli i:i
Shooting - 1iras:401s 1. A,tAvood
(;oel Scorers; Brussels • Pilaino
M ()Cul eh (mil (2), ci'iris 'Brigham
1Z11:_ter Dalin
.1.1 .wood Dal in Itowl us
Stars: 1st Blaine ;\ I ct cheoft,
ft'tatiilttitvtl Oil !f/Ftiflo sail s3
A mixed bonspiel ‘vas
3 year term - Jack Knight.
'Wilfred Strickler. Stewart Steven. t hurch, tirasselS,
Evans, Shower Honors
Porrie rrithiy evening'. .fonnary 31st. The
evoillmt was arranged by 7)11.s.
r•!) ries 1,iike. llrs, ?,Tae Meta tosli
:1 -1(1 Mrs. Hilton Ward. Contests
were em] tic! ed by Mrs. Mae Mc.
and :NTrs. Ward. "Airs. 'Mac.
h i tntill exuressed wm:ds of con-
.:tra ttla t ions ,"() lie bride-elect
1'14ifirira thanked her friends. for,
the nony beautiful gills. Tlarharft's.
'4(10)11 friends also held a miscel-
laneous sbowor, at ithe borne of
Miss Errantly Smith. Contests weir'
in chargc of 'Miss Tlrenda
n1)(1 enjoyed by about. 20 girls. A.n
address of con gratilla lions was
vend by Franny Smith. Tiarbara
thanked her friends, Lunch" was
PAI Ii11.ev
the Ilrussels Curling Club On officers of the 'Royal Canadian
'Wednesday. January 29th with 82 'IJegion Brussels Bra null and
curlers etdoying three eight, end the': Ladies Auxiliary took place
v:ornes. Sat tid. ray nigitt. Febr 1st. St- -
The Legion flistrict comma ,.(1-
or. Stan Wells of (ittolph and Mrs.
'i ,ndley, preside*: of the
Ladies' Auxiliary conducted tho
installation Ceremoniee.
Officers installed were as fol.
1st Vice
Ted Elliott
.bel low
2nd. Vice Stewart Lowe
ALBERT 'VERCRUYSSEN Sgt.-A t-Arrus ;.\i'orm Jarvis
Seett,-TreaK, ,,,,,, Frank Rutledge Albont Vercruysser. )1' RI:.
Service Officer Sam Workman 2, Myth. 'died Monday In Clinton
Chaplain Rev. F. Tiraby Public hospital.
170:ixecntive Committee: Toni Mc. fro is survived by wife: sort,
::rd will) 2 wins plus S. Ross Farlane„ Prank Cardiff, jack Rene, Morris Township: daughter,
Veit oh, skip, Mario Turnbull. vice, Alcock. Wm, . StephenSon. Marcel Van uche.
James ]lair second, Georgina) Auxiliary m orsthu rg: Jwo brothers and
Bosnian. lead. 'President Vera - Hastings five sisilcrs in Belgium.
1st Vice ,Ilean Lamont The funeral service held Thurs.-
Vice Mary Pennington dry nt 1:20 p,m. from the D. A,
Treasurer Kay 'Duncan Intip Funeral 'Etruno.• Brussels.
Secretary .......... . Mary Lowe Burial in Brussels Cemetery,.
heeke, Or the .1111 I'SW
4..;•4inn Or A101T .n•• Township. (the
former Clarone White farm)
saffored a SON'en• loss Whoa
Cattle, ",Oil to 900 lbs. each, were
drowned in. flu: Maitland river.
The cat Ile, lot out fur ox.erciso
'ednesday of lost week,
Sr a L11110(1 e1.1 (0 the near by river
despite efforts I() bead them off,
They wero caught in the swift
current or ( he swollen river and
'the animals at tip estimated
value of over 2,000 Sl env not in-
• 'Aiiss t'lifimpion, died a l.
:ler 1101111. in Firtissols on. At ontia y.
L-411(. was
She stir viN ('d by two brothers.
l'iaissels and TTerl)ert
Stratford; throe sisters, 1\1"rs.
.1arne:; (Pearli 1\Tarcus,
M PS, Thomas ff Ai el 1 (Cita melon
x. Arizona: Airs. 1:1arl
sproalo, :Exeter.
The Funeral service is Velure
l.eld this 2-iursday at :1 p.m. from
:he I). [loon riiiinral Horne
with burial in Prussels Coinotery.
l'althearers, W. C. Kerr, Lewis
Prain. Jack Steph-:
ens() it. Jltrk tcheett, 1%171'
Don McKinnon.