HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-01-30, Page 6—........avanswainillainaniSIMEROMMINEW '..D001.- Wait H ve Your Commercial. Printing Done Now THE IMAT318111143 POST, BIMISSELS. ONTARIO JAN. 30th, 1969 WALTON llr riot] .),Irs, \your Turnbull are spending- the winter months in Florida, Mr. Bruce Claylot has accept a 1)0 6i Lion the Tele. phone Company in London, ',Mr. and :Mrs, tztintorit. strtulord. wore recent visitors with -Mr. arul Nelson. 'Witt. Mr. Charles AItteulchoon Ita,t been a P:i.tiOnt ill SOnfOrth com- munity Hospital. 17th and Boundary Unit. • Meeting of Duff's VOW Mrs. Ross tlennett was hosh, fo r the meeting • of the 1.7111 and bondary Fnit of OufFs ry\y. Thpris were. eleven members ittendance.. Tue. meeting Was • 01,H0 Fi ed by m r ;.;, Wilibuu t.50n. The hymn "For Thy Mercy and Thy ( ;are- • was . sung". Mrs, N. AVillitunson, witlt • corn- Meats on Responsibility took -tile scripture.. reading. -Mrs, . Martin III an in the topic on China out- lined the various sections that could •'he studied. Ilaan also presided for the business: portion of the meeting. A card of thanks from Mrs. Ron, Williamson and an acknowledge. ment from the Children's Aid Society were read, A donation from the Unit will be given to the blanket fund. Roll call response next meeting to he a valentine. Mrs.. ].toss lien n et I. lad .\ I re. Harter Craig twill Int in charge of dtevotions, Tito sin: ilm of "Illest be the tie Hatt binds" closed the meeting rtileettno of Puff's UCW ivicKillop Unit Tw ,•• 1uonilik.'1•Sv a!tended the !no“! of I It vg.illOn ['nit V C.W, held at the home of 'Qrs. Charles .1l.cCutel)e(m., I't'V oi 1 t tns were presided over fy Mrs. Campbell Wey•who Open• d. ut: meeting with the singing 01 the. hymn ."Take Time to. la.. Holy" The scripture Wa..8 read by ;qrs. David Watson, taken from 14113-ti 3S-;14. Mrs. W, Loom- tag led • iii prayer. • The_ offering, was received: by Mrs. Keith Rook. mrs,, C,ompbell \Vey was •assist- od in givinx.• the • ionic, "bible Study" by Mrs. (lien 'McNichol, The business period was pre— sided ON'Or by Mrs. Don Dennis, 1'h0 annual meetin.g of Duff's Church \yin be: the evening of „Innuary Mrs, D. 'Watson thanked. • those who bad . helped to pack the seven boXes that were sent out tit Mrs, Gorden Mc Gavin and Mrs W. • Loom ing assisted the host- ess in serving lunch, • - Mrs. Frank Walters, Mrs, Allan Mrs. Earl. Watson and Mrs, Graham •Sholdice will be the committee in charge of the Jan nutty 31st Euchre Party. In an editorial for "Motto and Conntry" form newspaper, charles Alunro, 010 A. eresident, states that h> "lopes :he Ontario Feder: tttion of Agriettince and the ou- twit) Pa rill ors' Union "Will pro- coP(1 lluwn tho rond in' progress im!an:aer shonl op-to-4110u] der to Ostablish a nd sell a new cone:tot Para) Organization." The slate- lii at will he printed later, Ile goes on to say that the °FA is preared to sit and discuss the formation of a new t',,onerttl Farm Organization along tbe lines of tletoils in the recent Farm In- come Committee Report in mill- cipation of ti producer vote in the near future, lie says that is sometimes healthy when there are differ- ences of opinion in a democratic society. "Bub a tragedy occurs when those differences over'- shadow all other thoughts and actions." lie continues, "While there are areas ()Linde- cision hetween Corm organization leaders, let no one forget that it is tlie individual farmer who suf- fers whoa his personal needs and problems aro nut being adequately dealt with," be concludes, Renew your Brussels Post now, Reeve „James Ifttyter •,Stopit Towm.hip becalm,. Huron Canto \\'tti'den by tteclainatien iu Coder. teh (luring the inotigural inoetitt,.; 4 county council, Ile succeeds Reeve Onlyin Krtitite of brussels. IleI he fifth reeve front S op h ell TOW11S.11 ip to hoot county council, tlityter who is beginning his fourth (erm as tOwnShip reove• p r evious ly se r ved as, a village trustee in Dashwood, where ito operates a garage, and five years tew'llstil) deputy reovet in his address to council., the woraoo it000llliCed (10 tin CH WOUld attempt to maintain its spending program for this year ;bid keep its blalget On par with that of last year. fie said county residents clari- net afford, increased proporty taNes, but added that the decision to restrain spending dee$ not Mean council will 'not con.: Untie its i',oad iroprOvement pro- gram. Judge la. S. Hetherington of Gederich, who was himself sworn in as a Member of CountY 001/11011 when, he was reeve of Wingliam 30 yeairs ago, administered the oath of office to la new members of council. MONC.RIEFF UCW NAME 1969 OFFICERS The .1:11i9 officers rur m oner iar c. .aro as f o l. Presidcui, rs. Joe Sin RAI : v•prosith ,fd. Mrs, Lyle Pet- tat)iece; secretary, :Mrs. Oval 1 u su ror. 1)011- a Id .:\l'inStrong representative of oreiciu I bOn rd, :11 I's. Joe. Smith; l;.upQr( of 'Huard of Stewards, 'Mrs, Scott 11clittan; messengers, hits, :Mann: pianist, 11rs. Ken McLean. HEALTH TIPS, FROM'T H HEART STRAIN • • The. heart illtiSeleg and OW blood vessels or a young man or •womon can respond to it t•reMent dons range of demand, However, bee:luso a few young 1,1001)10 have damage to their ,hearts from con , genital abnormatities or rhou• heart disease, athletes ore exa mined prior to t eine' y strenuous exercise, The Ontario Medical Association reports that yonug• people very • rarely suffer from }heart strain, It Seems that, the heart mnsoles show some deterioration. after age 30, leaving it with less •reSerVe. What .reserve is left seems 'to benefit from constant training, Tains the man of 6 'who decides la shoVel the snow from his driveway, or. Push a ear,. or run: quickly 'for a bns is probably unwise, 'There is additional 'danger to bite, older FARM NEWS FROM ONTARIO JAMES HAYTER FEDERATION OF ACCLAIMED WARDEN AGRICULTURE OF HURON COUNTY e ew he Brirsels Post Now Postal Regulations Demand All Subscriptions Be Paid In Advance For my $2.00 a year Cheaper than You can mail a weekly letter.