HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-01-30, Page 2THE DUMONT ALUMINUM COMPANY LTD. Yes, advertising is good, This a way to keep one's company and and name before the public A company can spend dollars in adver- Ing, but it is the material used and workmanship and know-how that really advertises itself. We have both these at Dumont. Aluminum and don't think I'm not proud of it (within myself) when people stop me on the Main. street and say: "That's a nice job your company is doing Al, mighty nice! Come give me an estimate, will you?" Thank you. ALLAN DOBSON, • Representative of The Dumont Aluminum C Ltd., Ethel, Ontario. Phone 321-W-4 Brussels. FARM NEWS foreign aid.. drinking and tin tins, FROM THE OFA an(1 farm machinery depreciation, Ed hell:s rg earl!' -il limn 1 ielil . 1.•]:, nett t lye Mril- Mrs, Jim Pierce: sports officer, rs. Carmen • C. Wyn irvia :Bowes, ]11(911.1)P1'S: ;7411,0.1; art The. Bouquet Invitation Line Oor z.•••rinutifilf Iltto.1,1e! wall the ay.s' ' 1.•• r" :i•. (1' h 3EE OUR NEW CATALOGUlt TtifE BRUSSELS In o Resolutions cirri f'te.ti at . tlw Federal Government from Ontario Federation Of • .1 grienititre (Truing Estate and Gift Ta .>s arm t.:te Once-int-a-1.4ifetime Git!t Will . he cOsidered at the annual meeting of the Catiaditin Foderation of Agriculture.. • Charles Mauro. OVA president, will head,. an official delegation. of o seven representatives to the Ottawa, meeting. Regarding the Estate and (lift Taxes,. „ the OFA, urges that the -Canadian Federation study some practical plan to effect an orderly transition of the family farm to the su.ccooding generation. The reSolution states that receni federal and. provincial prOposals designed to alter the for for calcula•ting gift and estate taxes would appeal' to put an un- fair burden on .the farming corn. munity. This will tend to discour- age farmers* sons from contin- uing fanning and would have the effect of increasing the cost of food. 1.1158 legislation placed the value of a Once-in-a-Lifetime (lift of real farm proprty at $10,000. The ()I" now believes that this figure is unrealistic. The special resolution urgs that the CPA. take immediale action to bring this to the attention of the federal government. So th.e once-in-a- lifetime gift of real farm property he established at $2.5,000. Other t'esolntiotis concern nat.,, tioual marketing programmes, NOTICE.TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate 01 JOHN A. HISLOP deceased ACl, PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above- mentioned, late of the Village of Walton in the County of Huron retired farmer, who died oa or about the third day of October, 1965, are required to file proet cli same with the undersigned on or before the ;list clay of January 1960, after which date the executor will proceed to distribute the es- estate lta.ving regard only to Site claims which shall then have been received. at Brussels this 2nd day of January, 1969. CRAW FORD, SHEPHERD & MILL Solicitors for the ExeCutor NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of FRANCES HISLOP deceased ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the' above- mentioned, late of the Village Of Walton in the. Connty of Huron widow, who died on or about the twenty-third day of December. 1968, are required to file proof of Sallie with the Undersigned on or before the 31st day of January, 1969, after which dare the executor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the. claims which shall then have been received. DATED at Brussels this 2nd day of January, 1969. CRAWFORD, SID PHERD & MILL' Solicitors for the Executor BLYTH LEGION ELECTS OFFICERS Prior to rho election of officers Priftely night. a Canadian flag was presented by Mrs. Bernard Ball iii ihl:' Wontell'S Auxiliary to the 'Royal Canadian Legion, Brancri 1211, 13Iyth, in memory of her lilts. Hand, 0 former branch menthol', Ralph AlcCrea was 1.o-elected legion president and Mrs. 1•Tarold !la d I ey was rettirned us Wein en's auxiliary president. Other officers: vie i'- (n'esiiie'nt's, Leonard Mooney. Thomas l'herupson"; treasurer, Sta niey Lyon secretary, Clai'e Vitiee-n.t; service bureau Officer Your 'Milo i14!hits.urance Out like to hear from you ( before it's too late) When you turn 21 you are no longer covered by your parents' Hospital Insurance, You =St • take out individual membership within 3Q days. Get your ap- plication form at a• bank, or a hospital, or from When you. have a new address notify your group. If you don't • • belong to a group, write H.I.R.13.. • Health insurance Registration Board. 2195 Yonge Street, Toronto 7. Serving Ontario's Health Insurance Plans. Atm.tit, i,iurold ,Fladley, Robert Chalmers, Joe Cooper, George aggi W a it „\i"0/1,. Ilugn Sinipstui, Wes Taman, Other auxiiiitij otttcors. vice- pl'esidents, Mrs. John. MeLellan, Ed. Bell.: secretary, Mrs. Bernard Had; treasurer, William Mehl; sergeant-al-arms 81111,""*11150101411101•10,40422WAR"'ACISVP'nftglii ii""glill PRE INVENT° Y SALE * • GREAT ON ALL MERCHANDISE.... Come in for Bargains tt BRUSSELS 5o to $1.00 STORE 4t ar—mcii7,---`ezil:PAgm.mIttErPr--40r,"44110limmeatill111."4101111*-6,11•1* In the estate of THOMAS LAUGHLIN McDONALD deceased .11,1, _PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above- mentioned, late of the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron retired drover, who died on Of ulluut the 19th day of November, are required to file Proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 31 St day of January, .1909, after which date the eNt:. Cul !lees will In'OCeed to distribute the estate having regard only :u file claims which shall then have been received, 11.1 at Brussels this 2nd day J a nu a rY, •1969, ••(IRA DX) 8.D, 8e MILL Solicitors let' the Executrices.. Nis When you are newly wed the "family" Hospital -Insurance prerniurn must be paid to • cover husband and • wife. If you belong to a group notify your group without delay or, if you both. pay premiums direct notify When you move to • a new job you can keep insured by fol- lowing the instruc, dons on the Hospital nsurance "Certifi- cate of Payment Form 104" that you present employer is required to give you on leaving. A V O N. Will select and train appearing woman for profilabi,, lull or part-time work. FOr information write or eulleet evenings Mrs. Al, 11ili ore, 17 Iiawkesbury Aye., London, 451-05,11. `OW 11411Elti1liLS POST. i1fL11E3L4'111,S, ONTARIO MIM' , JAN i#liidtr 1900 LETTER TO THE EDITOR Pear Frimuls: rae: •people in your area and the GN113 wish to express their appreciation for your parti- pation i.11 the 1.9iiS Annual Appeal' for funds. to the contributors who gave so generously to the VOlun t eel's Who go SO freely t 'noir tiMe effort in making the cam- paign possible. to all the m'at's nn,d ia Who lrhu did 511011 ion job in publicizing the worli of Von can be assured ihat the memos raised \\-ill be used , to provide the services so vital to the blind peoolo in your arca. The set-vice program of ('NIB is ever expaudin.., 1(0(1 iin 1)1'0\1 lig. CNIII is now entering. its sec- ond :10 Years of service and the rniarkable growth during the first 5o year's can be maintained and, expanded with the continued stupport .and interest of.. everyone la Mir community and in every -other community throughout this 4reat nation of ours. Sincerely, jack Clements, District Field Secretary. Salesrun n "If I threw you Il kiss acros; the desk, would you t•Onsider life too bold?" petite secretary: "Not at all. si Win lazy," PHONE 199 BRUSSELS; ONT.