HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-01-23, Page 7!rift BRUSSELS POST, BriLISS14,1LS, ONTARIO • 1.1-1.111.1SDAY, JAN, 23rd, 1.908 O• Luck, South wortb noon.; ION RE PRE INVENTORY SALE • Ml GREAT ...'REDUCTIONS • • ON • ALL. • MERCHANDISE - • Come itt for Bargains . • BRUSSELS 5c to $1.00 umivionimimaimaimmarmw•mw STORE Genera! Accounts Paid; Mrs, Stewart Cloakey, 1908 rent Of dump 51.1.; Wit, Good Roads, membership Bernard Hall Nis. Agency, premium on Walton library 1.50; Municipal World, subscriptions 60.; Muscular Hy. strophy Assoc, grant 15.; St. John's Ambulance Assoc„ gran! IS.: 001, Hydro, Bluevale lights 11.25, Belgrave lights, Walton lights 101,52; • Ont. Assoc, of 'Ru- ral Municipiditie,s. membership IS.; County or' Huron, tax collect- ions 292.0.2; Treasurer of Ont., re: Administration of Justice, 93.18; Ceo. Miehie, for minister 10.; Sal- vation. Army, London, • 25.;• Geo, Radford, refund of 1968 - deposit cheque 500. Road Accounts: Siko Salt llivisiOn, Salt .30.90; Brussels Coal Yard,. stove oil 35.30; Dominion "Road Machinery, broke shoes, &.• tune up 386.97; (i'leon A. McKercher, snow plow standby time 1483.25;' Glenn• Snell, snow plow & standby time 1850.: Wilmer -09ousher. snow Plow & standby lime 950.; Chris, Mathchs cons? Oldfield Hard- Mothers, coal 112., Oldrield Hard- ware, handles x 8.20 Alex. 'Enkley, oil, fuel oil & tax 119.05; Kiel] Supply Co, cable ends, wire chains 45,4.7; Nelson Marks, towing 15.; Maitland TeleSer- vices, rent & toils 22.10; Bank of Commerce...pension 'income tax 01,95; Reciyer. General, . an em ploy- meld, insurance 8.90; Win. Mc- Arter, wages, mileage, bookkeep- ing 268.90; Jas, CasemOre, wages 157.08; John'SMitli, wages 237.17; Adam Smith, wages 7:1„50. "Win. Elston Felon Martin •. Reeve . :Clerk • The Village Shop MEN and TEENS PHONE. 202 • .• WINTER CLEARANCE SALE WINTER COATS OFF GROUP OF TROUSERS $2.95 Pair ONE LOT OF SHIRTS $1.99 Each EVERYTHING ELSE IN STORE REDUCED 10 to 25%;1, ALSO TAILORED TO MEASURE SUIT SALE Came in a d See The Samples • Ironic Mrs. Mrs. Mekie, Wing. oles- Te, inson, tohell, 'orris, id nn- your' dis- GreY Marro der MORRIS TOWNSHIP HOLD INAUGURAL COUNCIL MEETING The inangitral Meeting of Morris Council. was held on Jaw nary 13th, 10(19, The 'Declaration of Office snd the Oath or Allegiance was admil'e islered by the Clerk to Council Tors: James Hair. ,Grasby, Thos. Ntiller and Ross Smith, rt.ovve William 11.3Iston having signed at on earlier date. The following m otions were carried. Moved by Ross Smith second- ed by Thos. Miller that Jas. Moir be in charge or. meeting in nbsence of Reeve Wm., 'Elston, through illness. Rov. john G. Roberts, 130.141:aye United Church trat5 present nod conducted . 1,41 short devetiottal period. Itobi.arasby moved a vote or thank.s.to 11ex, 1..0berls and 'Ross Smith seconded lit. Minutes of the. last Meeting were read and adopted on motion' Robt„ Grosby and .Ross Smith . Aloved by .Ross Smith second- ed by Thos. Miller. that we give grant or $15.00 10 the Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada Moved by Robt. 'Grasby second- ed. by Ross Sinia. that grant of $15,00 be given Si, John's A in bo lance Association, Moved by Thos. Miller second- ed by Itola..Grasby that member- ship be paid to Ontario Good Roods Association. Moved by Ross Smith second- ed by Thos, Miller that we PaY membership in Ontario Assoc- iation or Weal Municipalflies, Moved by Robt. Cirosby second- dorse resolution of alum County ed by Thos. Miller that we en- Federation of Agricultnre re: dis- continuing grunt for Drainage Work by A.RDA. Moved by Ross Smith second- ed by Robt, Grashy that we en- dorse the resolution from Town .- ship or Cbderiehr and copies be sent, to lion. W. A. Stewart., Altirray Gaunt. M. P.P., and Rohl, McKinley M.P.. This too is (:on- corning discontinuing graht for drainage work by ARDA Arrived by Robt. (Trashy second- ed by Thos. Miller that. By-law No, 1, 1069. be passed a.s read 1st, 2nd and 3rd times. The above by-law made the following oppeintments and set the following salaries: CLERK, Helen 'Martin, $1800; Treasurer, George Michie, $600; POUND- KEEPERS, Carl Johnston, Clar- ence Gott, Ross TurVey, Mel Mothers, Jobn Bowman, Statile3, Hopper, Clarence YUill, MerVyn Pipe, Cleo, Michie, WM. Mc- Cuteheon, Sam Fear, Robent 13ird, Craig, Geo. Blake; John Nes- bit, Rae fl nether. LIVE STOCK VAGUATORS, Rerbert Garni88 itial Icon. Taylor at $5.00 for first hour and $1.75 'per extra hoar and. lee per mile. FENCE! VIEWERS, at $10. each Procter, 51110 Caseinore, 13ort, Hustings, Wilfred Warwick, Wm. Peacock, James Bowman, James Wilson, Bruce 811111-11 , Bruce Richmond, Kennel,h MoDonald„lames Smith, Clot-- ence McCuteheon; wpm) IN. S.PEICTOR: Slw.varl Proctor or $1,75 per hour and 10c per mile; Grodernion; .lanies Casetnere $2,20 per hour and John Smith rit $1.90 per hour; LABOUR WAGES: $1,60 per bour; TILE iyItAINAGE„, ENSPECTOR,, Geo, Michie at. $.1.60 per hour and 10c per mile; TRENCH INSPECTOR, MeArter at $1.00 per hour and lOc per mile, Moved by Thos. Miller second- ed by Relit. Orasby that. Reeve and Conned receive sa me year namely: ,i;100 for Reeve and $300 each rot' councillors and $1,0 for special meeting called by the Reeve. Moved by Roes SIniith second- ed by Thos. Miller that 'Robt. •Orrasby he Morris' representativs on Maitland Valley Conservation Authority, l'or 1909, :Moved by Robt, Orasby second- ed by itoss Stitibh that Jim 'Mai'. and 'Wm. Stratychuk he rept-est-lb- ,tatives for Morris On BrusseiS, Morris and Grey RecreittionO1 Committee for 1969. Slaved by Thos.. second- ed by Ross Smith that Rohl. O'rosby be Morris' representative on 'Myth Recreational Committee for 1969. Moved by Robt. Grasby second. tad by Thos. Miller that we re..- recommend Ross Smith and Stan T-repperbe appointed to the ?Bel- grave Arena 'Board for 1969. Moved by RoSs Smith second- ed by Robt: Grnsby that Wm. EilSton and Thos. Miller repre- sent Morris on Blytih Fire Area Board for 1969. Moved by Thos, Miller second- ed by Robt, 111roshy that RosS Smith and Jas. :Bair' represent Alorris on the Winghain Fire Area lioard for 1969, Moved by [toss Smith second- ed by Thus. Alillm- ;hat, Ittart. H. coulles be reconiznenned to Lilo Winglanl and District. Hospii.al Reeve, Board for 1969. Moved by Thos. Miller second- ed by Rolm. Grasby that Waiter SharLreed bC roco tumc'1tded to Seafort,ii Community liospital Board as representative for :Mor- ris Township for 1969. Moved by Ross Smith .seCond- ed by Rola. Crosby that Wm. ±;ls- tun anal Le W P roc! tor repre- sent Morris on the Winghom and District Planning 13orard„ for 1969, Moved by Ross Sini,th second- ed by Thos. Miller that Thorne, Cann, I lelliwoll anti Christenson be auditors for 1969, M.oved by Thos. Miller second- ed by Ross Smith that Wm. r•ialS- ton he welfare administrator for Township of Morris for 1.909' at $1,75 Per hour and 10c per mile. Moved by Robt. Gra.sny second- ed by Tho,s,llilier rub at 13y-law No, 2, 1909 allowing the Reeve and Treasurer to borrew oil the credit, of the Municipality tip to $80,000, from the Canadian 'Im- perial Bunk of Commerce, Wing- ham, be passed: Moved by Robt. Grashy second- ed by Thus Miller that '$2,5, be given to Salvation Army, London. Moved by Ross Smith second- ed by Thos. Miller that printing contract for 1.969 be given to Blyth Standard for $175.00 - Moved by Thos. Miller second- ed by Robt. Grasby that general accoitirts be paid presented, Moved by Taos, Miller second- ed by Ross Smith that road ac- counts as presented by road Slip- crintendent. in. amount of $6496.80 be accepted. Moved by Ross Smith second- ed by Robt. •Grashy that treasurer and road superintendent stibmit neeessary petitioa for' balance of Good taste needn't be exPenive. 00r beautiful Bouque* Invitation line proves this with the most exquisite papers, type faces and workmanship you could wish for! I; features Thermo.Engraving—rich raised lettering—elegant as the finest craftsmanshiP — yet costing so little! Coma See our unusual selection Oniir to two was, Adiver kik CUR NLW covroa.oeut r. THE- BRUSSELS POST The .• Bouquet • Inv.itotion ood s.ubsidy for 1908. :moved by Taos. Miller second- od by Ross Smith that meeting adjourn In meta. Feb. 3rd, 1060 81 1 p.m.. ur at the call • Of the.