HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-01-23, Page 5...m pp.qmw.mm p,",m p,,w pp-am•op..m pp-mi pg... ENTERTAINMENT ("WEATHER PERMITTING) AT THE NEW AMERICAN HOTEL BRUSSELS, ONT. THE UNITED CHURCH Kinister: Rev. E, L, LeDrew Mrs. John Bryans: Organist 10:00 A.M, Church Schoo) "Man's ReSpouSibility to His Brother" 11:30 A, M. Divine Worship BRUSSELS MINOR ,HOCKEY ASSOCIATION 2nd ANNUAL TAG DAY SATURDAY, JANUARY 25th, 9:30 A.M. "Go With your boy to the rink, And stay to watch him play" 13,sussigtas Pon, BRUSSELS, ONTARXO '1111JRSDAY, JAN. 23rd, * GREY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL MEETING (continued from page one) Ward that Reeve Charles Thomas alilllanted Welfare Administra- tor for the Township of Grey. By Lawson Ward and Melville Lamont that 13y-Law No, 1 of 1969 be finally passed authorizing the Reeve and treasurer to borrow $150,000 from the Canadian Itn- perial Batik of CoMmerce, Brus- sels, Ontario, for ,the year 1569 until the taxes are collected. By George Wesenberg and Donald Martin that Ily-Law of 1969 he finally passed to pay Township Officers, By Melville Lamont and George Wesenberg that. the :Reeve and Treasurer be authorized to .apply for the balance of the 1968 road subsidy from the Department of 11 i Ways. By Lawson Ward and 'Melville Lamont ihat the Collector's Roll for 1968 be returned and accepted and the Collector relieved of fur- ther r000nsibility. I:y George Wesonherg and Don ald attin that membership fee., be paid to the Ontario Good Roads Association. $15.0 0 : the Ontario Association of Ritral V.5,00; and the Assoc- iation of Ontario Mayors' and Reeves WM: By .1"..aWseti Ward and Melville Lamont whereas We have been advised by the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture and rood, under date of Deeetiber 2 1.968 that the One third grant presently' being paid by ARDA. on drainS k101ighitited under the Drainage Act of Ontario, will be diScontiri- tied after January 1,. 1969, And Whereas We feel that this action is Unjust to those indivi- ditalS who have already signed PeatiOnS for the constructiott of NtiniCiPal Drains under the sin- Cure belief that the total assist- Mice available would be MO' thirds Of the total coast. of ihe drain Therefore, We reqUeS4 that the One third grant contributed •by AIWA Rinds be con tithicd 011 those drains that were petitioned, accepted and refereed to an En- gineer for examination and repot% prior to January 1, 1969. Lawsuit Ward and .George WeSeliberg that an application poi a Hie drainage 10811 in the hillohnt of. $4,000: under the Tile Drainage Act be accepted. By Lawson Ward and Melville Lamont th.a.t St. John's Antbu, lance be given a grant at $10.00 ;lied the Salvation. Army be given a grant of $50.00. .1.4y 'George Wesenherg and Donald Martin that the hourly pay for the maintainer operators ha increased from $1,90 per hour to $2.00 per hour effective JantlarY 1s1, 1.969. By Lawson 'Ward and MelVille Lamont [In t the hourly pay of the Road Superi.ntendent be increased frmn $1.65 per hour to $1.75 per hour effective :January 1st, 1969; and By-Law No.3 or .1969 be intS sod subject to the approval of the rintent of Highways, By IA WsOn Ward and DOnrild Martin that all approved accounts be paid. By :Melville Lamont ;Ind 'Lawson Ward shut meeting he a (11011 PnOd to meet. on February 3rd, 1.969, at. 1 :0(1 p.m. or at the call of the Reeve. The following accounts wore paid: Ontario Good Roads ,..Issocia- momb ersh i p tee $15.00 Ontario Association 01' Rural Municipatlitics 15.00 Association of Ontario Mayors and ReeVes, membership fee 20.00 The Salvation Army, grant 50.00 St, Aitibulance, grant The Municipal World, StibStrip- tions and supplies 11,42' The Treasurer of 011:U:trios tip-. pi of fines 148:91 Canadian Pacific Railway Co.) Ciliation of pipe Uhler brain 429.40' Crawford, Shepherd & Mill, 1968 account 50.00 Wilbur JO. Turnbull, Collector, balance salary exchange 65.00 Ontario Hydro, Molesworth street lights 23:13 COutity of 1-Turoti, tax. collection elm rges 333.32 County LOGS leafy spurge ateetint 265.82 Ross Engel, fak bounty 2.00 BP Canada Ltd., furnace oil, office 1.8.45 Lothar Weber, office 2.02 Mtn Dobson, garbage CollieetiOn Ethel Village. 20.00 Village of Brussels. Mirsing. hothe aceotint 57.43 Gee, Atwitter; stove oil, welfare 11.00 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ministor REV. C. A. McGAR ROL 1- 1 0 A.M. (Jhurch School 11 .A.M. Divine Worship. The Ten Commandments' Series (8) "Thou Shalt Not Steal" Organist: Mrs. Nora Moffatt Welfare, December 331.02 Robert '..Cunningham, gasolin6 fire truck 5.40 Gordon Engel, gasoline, fire truck Firemen, changeover to new fire truck 21.00 Roads & Bridges, 6,509.73 Tdtal $8,608.51 Charles Thomas Reeve Edythe M. Cardiff Clerk 7:00 p.m. COMING EVENTS: N.H.L. BUS TRIP N. Fl, L. Bus trip to Detroit, Sunday, January 2G tit. Bus leaves front .Brussels zlc: 1:45 p.m. Toronto vs Detroit;. Tickets on sale at McCutebeen Motors, Brus- sels. • Sunday, February 9th, bus trip to Detroit, Los Angeles vs Detroit. Bus leaves Brussels at 9:00. a,m,. Tickets on sale at MotorS, BUYING or SELLING NOW LICENSED AS A REAL ESTATE BROKER JIM CARDIFF . REALTOR ETHEL, ONT. PHONE 322W5 romemoilmIrroallarsomearirmienornaftiorarasiorm.11 BRUSSELS vs FORDWICH BRUSSELS vs WI'NGHAM . BRUSSELS ARENA SCHEDULE Sunday 2:00 —. 4:00 p.m. Public Skating — 0: I.., LLin. IllinOU Hockey Practice Monday 7:00-10:30 p.m. Allpor Hockey Tuesday all day Curling Wednesday all day Curling Thursday 2:00 — 400 p.m. Pre-school Skating 4:00 7:00 p.m. Figtire Skating 7:30 — 10: 30 pan, BrooMball Friday 2:30. - 3.30 pail. Skating (Bros. sell Public School) 7:00-- 10:30 p.in, Minor Hockeli Saturday 8:30 — 12:30 a.m. Minor Hockey Practice 2:Ott — 4:00 p.m. Pnblie Skating (Children) 8:00 1000 p.m. Public Skat- ing SQUIRT JUVENILE PEE WEE BANTAM MIDGET THE WALKERTON TRIO FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY ENTERTAINMENT SATURDAY NIGHT IN THE RAINBOW ROOM WE FEATURE: Fish and Chips,. Spare Ribs and Sauerkraut supplies 8:30 p. • 12:45 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 4:15 pan. 7:00 p.m. 8:30 pm. 2.00 Canadian Tire Corporation, gas, ()line COILS, fire dept. 3.76' lilwood MeTaggart, intwi- a rice fire dept., NoVember and December 18.00 FRIDAY, JANUARY BRUSSELS vs ATWOOD BRUSSELS vs KURTZVILLE BRUSSELS vs BELGRAVE Sponsored by the BRUSSELS BRANCH ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION THE BRUSSELS MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION Sf.tDRTMANSHIP • TOURNAMENT 3 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1 st BRUSSELS vs BELGRAVE TYKE 'BRUSSELS MINOR HOCKEY COACHES vs GUELPH UNIVERSITY GIRLS MINOR HOCKEY WEEK - JAN. 25 o FEB. 1