HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-06-24, Page 1• n r rs y../P OA.:: .. .n +ser•
t►.S9 A YEAR
ROS. PUat.[SHzas
New advevst.esseai .
Bread–I. E. Knight.
Sotloe–Scott & Yanstonc.
Sale of Farm Stock–J. C. Currie,
Gros'. Clearing Sale–J. C. Defter & Co.
TraveUUas Glade.
Pass. E:p's. Mtzd. N1z'd.
Ooderbi.Lv 7.0uam 19.06pm Lli en
*adertl .... 7.30 " 1.10 " ..4.46 " l
etr•ttord.Ar 145am 2.1.Spm 6,30pm 100 "
Paso Fop's. M. J. Mlzd
8trstised.Lv LIaam 7.30pm ,.Worm lapse
8estesti.. .t1T" 8.16" 9.15• S.10•
OodeAck.Ar diem tetra 11.Mam 7.ISpes
GREAT wseTru .
ExVs. hall asp's
Clinton sola( north. 0.aaaa .I.13pm goings•7isea
sou= LMIy.tw .a0lu 7.10 "
Lucknow Stage IdsUy) arr. 16.15am dcp 4pA
Clncardlne IMMO 7.16
Benmlller " 1 W e4n+dey and
seturdsrf arrives Leiam " 9.15 "
"A chlal's among ys. takia' notes.
An' faith he'U pleat It.'
New subscribers are still coming in.
The Town Council will meet to -night
Major Turner, of St. Louis, is sum-
mering in twin.
THE SIUNAL job office is mored fur
good work at low rates.
Beautiful wild canaries hover about
the Court House ground..
It cost Jock Adams the sum of 17.10
for wilfully detaining H. M. male
Kies'sWIW I. –The Eoisoop alian S. 8. of
Stretford will visit Guderich on Tuesday
Our report of the M. E. Sunday
School Convention appears on third
The Goderich Masons will net have
their annual excursion on St. John's
Day 'to -day.)
NICHOLSON, SURGEoN DEN- I Midsummer examinations in the Can-
M. •
VIT. OM=aad resideawe. West Street, i
three doors below Bank of Musters!. Gods trap and Ward schools commenced on
rich t716 Wednesday last.
The interior of the steamer Saginaw
Valley is much admired by all who in-
spect the vessel.
Mr. Donaldson, emigration agent, is
vent In • family q.f two mote toe two
weeks, before =eves e. us.. to sena to—fame , about to forward harvest laborers to
CAMERON. Etat Street. 1 ri i Harm. We understand that his address
She People's Column.
131 reaping machlae. mowing =wither. 1 The Clinton Bible Christians held
double waggon. 1 single wsgrrt..a. 1 I____ , 1 their annual picnic in Goderich on
piougb, 1 sett bub aleigtu an a good warxtaa I \\ spin«oda Nearly 400 persons came
for sale cheap. enquire at Currie'$ ♦so- y Y
Don , Kingston Street- 1791-tf. I with the excursion.
LYesterday morning it sass reported
about t
handle, tome engraved. The finder was own that Mr. Jas. Watson was
be rewaidet. the thief prow,uted. For eltber I dead. At latest accounts he was still
purpose call at this office. 171- alive, but very low.
H –This
claims against the erns of scoff & ran-is-nic will be held un Friday,July 7th,
stone, please send them in immediately for I
settlement. Schutt t VaN.TONS. and every endeavor will be made to make
Kincardine. June lith. 1881. 1792-2t.' N a successful Sunday School pic-nic.
drew' street. opposite St. Andrews
Church. It contains six rooms. and has both
hard and soft water on the premises, Will
be put in neat order for s good tenant For
farther particulars apply to Rer. l'i*a Fletch-
er, Goderich.
HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. –A ata resonable figure draws custom. Cal
good substantial story and a half house. and see specimens of work and get our
containing 6 rooms and kitchen. Garden ex-prices.
cellent soil, well planted with chuice fruit trees,
good stable. corner lot, in onr of the best lo- }Ir. Alex. Saunders, left on Tuesday
callttes in Goderich. As the property must be morning for Toronto, where he repre-
disposed of it will Aro sold cheap; only a part Bents Goderich at the High Court of
of the purchase money required down. Apply
Geo. SIIKPP.Ut:). Iluron Scheel Book pots Foresters. He will also combine buai-
41 ncss with pleasure.
Men are now engaged in laying the
track between Stratford and Goderich
with steel rails. This will very mater-
ially improve the road.
3oe PRINTING.–Our regular prices for
job printing are very low. Good work
Notice is hereby given that the partnership
heretofore existing between the undersigned
as farmers, on the 6th con.. Colborne was on
the 30th of April, 1461, dissolved by mutual con-
sent. George Levy will oollect all debts and
settle all accounts. t.eoa its LEVY.
ASHFIELD R. C. Ptw-Nic.--This pic-
nic came off yesterday, and was in pro-
gress as we went to press. An account
of the proceedings will appear next
Smite. –Mr. James Martin, the well
known purup maker, who was so low dur-
Psasolral.–The first guests at the Mr. Phil. Reeves is doing agood busi-
Point Farm this season are Mr. Ralph new with his street oar at pie -nice and
Brydges, Toronto; Mrs. Howitt, Miss excursions.
Howitt, 2 children and nurse, Guelph. Tooa SWORD MONEY. –At the big test
A Hasusoms Puusstrr.–A .couple of at Toledo, on Wedneeda7, the Guderich
weeks ago a number of London friends trotting mare, Lucy, took second money
of Dr. Williams, of this town, presented in 2:24. She was beaten by McGregor, a
that gentleman with a very fine life-size horse which has swept everything before
porttut, executed by Eddy, of London. hint in Michigan this season, and which
The portrait is a good one, is beautifully has a record of 2:18. Luoy is now a val-
mounted, and u the resemblance to the nable property.
original in strikingly maintained, it is KNox CHURCH BIEL. CLASS' STRAW -
of necessity a handsome one. asaar FINTIYAL.–A strawberry Festiv-
Father Watters desires us to state al under the above auspices will be held
that the bazaar will be held on next in the school room of Knox Church on
Thursday. He requests the ladies who Tuesday evening next. Strawberries
are taking an mtere•t in he fair to send and cream will be served In the best
tneir donations to his residence as suoa style, end programme consisting of
as possible; also that ladies haring tick- musao readings eta, and suitable ad -
sots despoiled of will make their returns dreams will be given. Tickets 15c.,
early neat week. He hopes fiat those double tickets 25c.
who has• hithertuo been dilawrj will - The Manitoba Mountaineer, published
now at the elsvcloth hour, Dome forward a Nelsonville, Man , thus alludes to a
and help in a good and charitable work. former Goderich boy : ."Our esteemed
Law Maxims, Law Basaxiaa –There 4iellow-eitieen, Mr. Wm. Sault., we un -
is a fire limit by-law in Ooderieh which denna*d, is about to remove to Pembina
specifies where a holm serestare shall, Cru.seng. Sorry to low Wi1L His
Or shall not be bash;, •ad w►zoh also pleasant countenance will be missed
rules that roofs made the be limits shall from amongst us, but he will' carry with
have the shingles laid in ttaortar. We him to hes new abode the beat wishes of
understand the Wed breech of by-law the Moseta►awr and the community in
has been mads is the wtrpenstraoa tower Mr. Silts is going to open a
at the fire hall. where the psomoas of 1 at Pembina Crowing.
the by-law, as enacted, have nut been WEirr RIDING AORICULTCLLL SOCIETY.
complied with. --A meeting of the directors of the West
Moxarxsa. S It has been Riding Agricultural Society was held on
suggested that the Sunday Schools of the Wednesday afternoon in the Grind Jury
town unite in boldin a psalmat some ninth, Guderich The 1 resident, Mr.
point near toes 11w town band hes Wit Young, of Colborne, in the chair.
kindly volunteered its services. There There was a good attendance. The prize
use about 800 Sunday scholars in Gude- list was revised, and a committee struck
rich, and, with parent, and relatives, the to prepare it for publication. It was
ga,herint would assume monster pro- agreed to hold the fall exhibition in God-
eiich during the week previous to the
Provincial Exhibition at London. `'"The
show promises to be a good one, owing
to the amalgamation of the Colborne
branch and Goderich Horticultural So-
ciety with the West Riding Society. -
George Cox. wit' M. S. LEvv•
Goderlah,June eth, ltlal. 1891-31. ing
i the winter with a tumor in the neck
is now about again, and fast regainin
his odd time vigor. Dr. Taylor extract
ed the tumor sugcessfully.
NEW FENCE.–The work of putting u
a new fence around the Court Huu
grounds is being pushed ahead. Th
unsightly tree guards, will, we suppoe
be allowed to remain all summer. The
are an eyesore to the community.
PERSONAL–Our sanctum was cheere
on Saturday by the sunny presence
Miss Ethelwin Hunter, of 392 Churc
street, Toronto, +l pretty, chatty, litt
blonde in blue of three summers. M
Meat Estate.
Lake Range. Ashfield, Huron County,
184 acres, 130 cleared and highly improved,
balance standin; tuuticr. Good orchard. new
frame house. barn 10x60 and all necessary
stabling. two wells. For particulars address
C'HA». McLEAN. Ambcrly. j79Y3m.
T'p. of Colborne. containing 112 acres 30
acres cleared. balance excellent timber. .'Soil
a good clay loam. As this property adjoins
the Point Farm It is In consequence most
eligiblsituated. For ptr:feelers apply- to J.
March 1st J. Wright._ -_- ,--a,r and Mrs. Hunter are much pleased wit
Goderich as a healthful sutamer resort.
AHEAD. –We learn that at a recent com-
petition between the Toronto plow,
Watson's of Ayr, and Bell's of St.
Dungannon. 12 miles from Goderich.
bating of 1 of an acre of land, well fenced;
a ne house, a good well and pump are abut
ea the premises. The lot has been well bm-
rored. Terms reasonable. Particulars can
be h}saaod from Mr. J. M. Rossano, Merchant, George, the Seep{miller plow of Goder
Ihinganuon, or R. E. IIRowN, Nike P. O. "cleaned out" all competitors. It has
1767-tf. ria
portions. It is not definitely settled
whether the schools will unite, but •
further announcement will be wale next
\WALIINO Maruti. –A five mile walk-
inv match cause Off on Friday last at
Kincardine between W. A. Damer, of
Toronto, and Clarence Smith, of Walker-
ton, for a stake of $00. Darner won by
only a foot, after a terrific struggle.
The walking was fair heel and toe; and
both men showed good style. Smith at
the close excitedly challenged Damer to
walk him another mile for $500, but the
Toronto man thought he had covered
enough ground for the evening. Mr.
J. D. Thompson, of Seegmiller's, repre-
sented Goderi:ln among the onlookers.
FORESTERS Pic-Nic. –This pic-nic was
held at "The Falls," near Beniniller, on
Monday afternoon. The following lodg-
es were present: Londeeboro', Pride of
the West, Court No. 31; Manchester,
Dufferin Court, No. 46; Goderich, Court
No. 32. ' A large number of visitors also
appeared on the grounds. The Goderich
brass band, under the leadership of Mr.
Ben Armstrong, made the woods ring
with popular airs, and swings, dancing,
quoiting, etc., were indulged in by many
present. The affair was counted a rue -
use by those' who were there.
QUOITEIo.–The notch at Saltford be -1
tween Messrs. H. Martin and W. Potts
of Saltford, and Messrs. E. Martin and
P. Holt, of Goderich, came off on Satur-
day, across the river, and resulted in
favor of the Ooderioh men on the close
more of 43 to 42. Joe Morris, who was
present, said it was the evenest match
he ever saw played.
CRIcxst Witco. –At the game played
here on Saturday last between the Sea -
forth and Goderich teams, the former
were successful The visitors played a
remarkably strong game. The following
is the result : –
LW Nantes. tnd Innings.
Dunaford, b G Ilaird.. 6
A M Rose, b G Baird. 2
W Ward. c li Baird,b
Cameron 7
C Ross, b Ii Cameron 0
\ Ross. run out .. 6
W J Smaill, b H Cam-
eron 1
Germyn. c H Cameron
b G Baird 1
MacDermott, not out0
Starke. b G Baird 9
McDougall, c Reid, b
Cold well ... . 10
Armstrong, b G Baird 2
Ryes 1
Leg byes. . 3
Total 4t
STRAWBERRY FserIYAL. –A verypleas•
sat time was spent in the lecture room of
the North street Methodist church, on
Tuesday evening, at the strawberry fes-
tival under the auspices of the Ladies'
Aid Society. The strawberries and
cream were good, the waiters were oblig-
ing, and the participants availed theta -
selves of every opportunity. Rev. Dr.
Williams, the pastor, was unavoidably
detained at Stratford, owing to the trains
not connecting at that point, and did not
put in an appearance until shortly before
10 o'clock, but Mr. W. R. Robertson
ably presided at the gathering in his
stead. The programme was as follow!:
–Recitation, Mr. Cobbledick ; reading,
Miss Minnie Acheson; recitation, Miss
Clara Good ; duet, Miss Mellish and
Mrs. Hicks ; reading, Miss Ads Harris ;
and addresses by Mr. D. McGillicuddy,
Mr. James Mitchell, and Mr. Jantes
Dunetord, b 0 Baird 0
A M,, Roes, b G Baird 0
W Ward c Roberts,
b G Baird... 6
C Ross, b G Baird2
A Ross, b Id Cam-
W J Smaill c D Baird
b G Baird...... 9
Germyn, c Reid, b
Cameron. 0
MacDermott, b 0
Baird 1
Starke, c Charles-
worth, b Ca eronl6
Mcliongall, not out. 6
Armstrong, c Olydle-
stone, b 11 Cam.
eron 0
Byes 3
Leg byes 1
Total m
let innings. –48
Total, (both innings).71
ing a communication to the Editor, for 1st hostage.
insertion in this paper, correspondents I. Charlesworth, b A. Ross.
should write merelythe name of the (1. 11• Coldwell, c ('o1 A. M. Rose. b A. Raw.15!)
pa' R Girdlestone, c sad b A. Row
per, or at most address the envelope H. Camerom. c McDougall. b A. Ross.... , 77
"The Editor, Huron Signal, Goderich, I t). Baird. c Burke, b A. Row. 18
titi G. Baird. b A. Roes
Ont." This will ensure speedy attention T. Coleman. b McDougall 2
upon its arrival. Letters of a private J. S. Roberts. not out. 13
nature, only,should be sent to the name T.
W. O. Rend, c.. .t3 b . b A.g•o 1
T. Justin. c Col. A. M. ItoM. b A. Etasa........05
of either of the editors, else in the ab- J. Watson. b A Ross 3
r. sence from hone of the one to whom the Byes
Leg byes... .. I
h communication is addressed, it should he . 'ides.. 8
delayed from reaching the compositor in Total
time for the earliest issue. Any missive Goderich. 1st and 2nd inning* 77
addressed merely to the mute of the pa Jietforlty for Seaforth, 1 innings and 9 rune9
per will be carefully attended to by the
editors. R. C. BAZAAR.–We would again call
A Goo LOCAL PAPER.-- We take then attention
which our
ill be held to the
pleasure in welcoming to sur exchange gr30th. bazaar and the 1st., and 2nd, of
me and reputation already. list the HteoN SIGNAL, published at July, in the vacant store adjoining
Htypt r FRosT. –On Tuesday evening Goderich by Masers. McGillicuddy Brise.
the Post Office, formerly occupied by
a heavy frost visited this locality, doing formerly editors and pri praetors and
Mrs. Vivian. The ladies of St. Peter's
much injury to potatoes and tender ve- establishers of the Brussels Post. Any are doing everything in their Per to
getables. Along the Lake Shore road, person who has known the SIGNAL of
whole fields of potatoes were observed late years, can readily perceive the
blackened and drooping on Wednesday marked improvement made by the pre -
morning. sent proprietors. We congratulate our
old friends "Dan" and "Tom" upon the
excellent get-up of their sheet. It is
printed in eight page form on new type,
and is a rare specimen of neatness me-
chanically, while the contents are con-
ducted in a planner calculated to serve
the best interests of its patrons. The
Messrs. McGillicuddy are enterprising
and reliable publishers and we only hope
the people of tlodt.rich, and surmnr,d•
ing country will give them the encour-
agement they deserve.–{Paialey Advo -
at e
vrawtag a Cosclusloa.
gustier aesalens.
The following are the cases tried after
we went to press last week:
Thursday,June 16th.
Joe. Hatt. MIN.). Co' Y ca. REED–Action
for price of a reaping achine. Camer-
on, Holt St Cameron fur plff., Garrow &
Proudfoot for dft. Over 20 witnesses
were examined in this case. About 40
had been summoned. The defence ap-
peared to be that the machine would not
work properly. Testimony on this point
conflicting. This case luted from 10
till 7, when the Court adjourned to 10
the following morning.
Friday, June 17th.
Jos. Hall Co'y. case resumed at 10
o'clock. At 12.20 Jury brought in a
Harry Clucas last week finished a
}portrait in oil of J. C. Currie, the popu-
lar auctioneer. The resemblance to the
u nal was verystriking.
The picture was on exhibition in
Cooke's window, and was much admired
by the many friends of the genial J. C.
as they passed by.
Mr. Currie the other day strolled down
to Cooke's to take another glance at his
A passer-by looked at the picture, and
being struck with its rather florid color-
ing, remarked:
I guess Currie was pretty full when
he sat for that picture.'
Mr. Currie took the picture hone; but
laughs heartily as he tells the story.
76, corner of Victoria and East etrets, to
the town of Goderich. for sale cheap. or will be
exchanged for farm property. Forppearticulars
oilerto Jas. Salami. Architect. office Crabb's
Bloc, or J. C. CURRIE. auctioneer.
.ale 60 scree. 50 acres cleared and well
fenced. Brick Pottage 25:30, .tone cellar full
eine of house. A large creek oma through
the lot, no warts land on the creek. A very
fine orchard surrounds the house. Good barn
and other buildings. Terms very easy. Apply
to R. T. H•reles, 1M 16 Lake Shore Road, Col-
borne Township, or to GAMER 1768& PROUD
ase. 11, Colborne, about sevesettlestrom
oomprlstag ea acres. 16 cleared. A
ah r eels, sed sew framekers teas and
a other oatbe*tndiYsBs are oa the ampment No. 28, I. O. O. F., else
A61°66'4,6°64 P6610• 14C, the following officers:–C. P., W.
stis seai, Tr teres las • road ea two
m It Tote acres of fall wheat Sr. sawn.
say 1 nine hiss • poet .M1loaeee For
cirri appy to Rea !gnuelepgardtgn-
air Jabs at Lseknow.
verdict for dft.
Hl;rroN rs CONNELL et al–Action on
pro. note, Cameron Holt & Caineron
for pl8'; Garrow & Proudfoot fur aft.
No jury. Judgement reserved.
Saturday, June 18.
Gowan rs \-ANEOMOND. –Action on ac-
count. No. jury. B. L. Doyle for p113;
F. Holmstead for deft. Judgment re-
KELLY re. CARTER.–Actium on pro
note. No defence. B. L. Doyle for plff;
Verdict for plif. for 1291.11;. Iutme-
diate execution granted.
June 20th.
Court opened at 10 o'clock, and ad-
journed till 10 a. m. 2nd July next.
It is understood that Sir John A. Mac-
donald will be one of the attractions at
the Lucknow Caledonian games in Sep-
It was the intention of the Marquis of
Lorne to be present, but he found that
his proposed trip to the North West
would prevent his coming to Lucknow.
"However," said the Governor-General
in a meat obliging way, "if I cannot get
there I believe my Prime Minister can."
Upon an invitation being given to the
latter, Sir John gave a knowing leer, and
responded :
Well, I think I will be in the west
about that time. I intend visiting my
friend Shaw, and while I'm there, I think
I'll drop over and see those d—d
Lucknow Grits."
Among the contestants will be Donald
Dinnie; and George Davison, the noted
Scotch athletes.
HOME Raca.–The match trotting
race between the horse, "Charlie Allan,
and "Beautiful Jim," of Goderich, which
took place at Brantford a few days ago
resulted in the Goderich horse winning
the race by three straight heats. The
race was for $200 a side and was a mile
I. 0. 0. F. –On Friday last, Huron En-
Pu Oar sale or to rent, with Isere
land. woad salt sad 6.4dbowleg elbow O WelsMediaeemir e
j1RR ,ssa tt ee tie to. Ter !p 'aw s_ er
eW 6.1faM es` L -g
asatte. awes
tyro° anuctrwell Aran' le
Let h
Oasaow &
Ball: S. W., J. Roberts; J. W., W,
Babb; H. P., E. R. Watson; Tressurer,
H. S. Holmes; F. Scribe, C. E. Blight;
Trustees, N. Campbell, C. A. Nairn and
C. H 811 lit.
The Clinton New Ent says:–"We are
iafuemed that several capitalists of
Osiwish bent bream a etnyeny, sad
ortourt isle *6wew1 INA glad ootw-
htsttstr is Whisip.g, with a
wohlrassis sot sir issurasso rasa
r thl*
thw " "Phe is is
pu it sen 1
Ho1TR'UtrvaaL Swim. –At a iswt-
lag _o f the Godericb Hortjtdterwl Po -
gift, held e* Teasley wro*itit at the
's Mee, idle price list Ur fruit
drati4 Mined, red on amiss of Mr.
les~ Atha, the
edea ',,, Kr,
i wISh the
lloeiely for the
Ml inti tyle two ahetfMr
the e$eretery 1e instrestet to Po est tire
fazes) great of $1160 from the lbws Crete -
cit. it was also &sited th=e peons
visiting the aeriesltursl hall daring the
first evening be et .rged the fon' adults
and "k ac.- ^1uilfirom
AS the arrangemeuta far a line at
.tele between Canada awl lima
10elii been complete& Awl the Asst
.teatt1119 Isetens of
illastes of illgh Wheel Meeting.
Marine news.
Tho tug Crusader, owned b
John Pridgen, has just cnsple
days of very profitable towing.
June 4th to 14th, she passed wit
tows, of $530, 8073, $685 and
Froin this it will be seen that duri
ten days the Crusader has earned
per slay. The Crusader is one 0
finest, most powerful and beet ha
tugs on the lakes and is command
Capt. Ed. C. Gattield.
The change from wood to iron i
construction of ocean steamships
worked a revolution in the trade of
world, and now we learn from a Bu,
correspondent of Bradstreet's that
growing scarcity of timber suitable
lake construction has made it neeo
to prepare fur a change from wood
iron. Detroit parties entered into t
business two years ago and built severe
fine iron propellers. They demonstra
ted the superiority of iron, and showee
other builders that if they would retai
their trade, they must add this branch
to their business. Buffalo and Cleve-
land builders have also begun the con-
struction of iron lake vessels with every
of success. As we on the north
of the lakes have inexhaustible resour-
ces of iron we should think that this is
an industry in which Canadians may
likewise engage profitably, especially as
our canal system is conning into active
competition with the United States
waterways with a probability of success.
Saturday - Prop. Quebec, Sarnia,
passengers and freight.
Sunday–Schr. Heather Belle, Sarnia,
light; Admiral, Sarnia, hoops; schr. Je-
nie Rumball, Michael's Bay-, lumber;
schr. Octavia, Michael's Bay, lumber.
Monday–Preop. Saginaw Valley, pas-
sengers and freight; str. Manitoba, Du-
luth; Rehr. Todntan, Irverhuron, 7,057
bushels of wheat for Ogilhy & Hutchi-
TuesdTuesday– Tug Ross, YCollingwood,
light; schr. Wave -crest, Sault River,
Wednesday – Str. Manitoba, Sarnia,
passengers and freight.
Thursday – Prop, Saginaw Valley,
Friday –Schr. Tolman, Inverlturon,
Saturday–Schr. t Intario, Midland,
salt; .ehr. E. Blake, Chicago, salt; prop.
Quebec, passengers and freight, Duluth.
Monday–Str. Manitoba, Sarnia, pas-
sengers and freight; prop: Saginaw Val-
ley, Cleveland, poaasengers and freight;
schr. Heather Belle, Collingw000l, salt;
str. Josephine Kidd, Georgian Bay, salt.
Tuesday–Schr. Tolman, Inverhuron,
light; schr. Octavia, Michael's Bay, light;
schr. Jenie Rumball, Michael's Bay,
Wednesday–Str. Manitoba, Duluth,
passengers and freight; schr. Admiral,
Sarnia. salt; Wave Crest, Sault River,
Thursday–Prop. Saginaw Valley, Bay
City, passengers and freight.
y Capt.
ted ten
m four
ng the
f the
ed by
June 17th, 1881.
The Board met pursuant to notice.
Present–the chairman, the Rev. Dr.
Williams, Archdeacon Elwood and P.
The minutes of last meeting were read
and approved.
An application was read from Mr.
Halle, assistant High School teacher,
asking permission to retire from active
school work until 1st January next, and
to appoint a substitute.
Moved by Dr. Williams, seconded by
Archdeacon Elwood, that permission be
granted Mr. Halls to retire from active
school work until let of January next,
provided he finds a qualified substitute
to take his place, satisfactory to the Head
A letter from Miss Kay, assistant
teacher, tendering her resignation was
Moved by Archdeacon Elwood, second-
ed by Mr. Adamson, that the Board,
while agreeing to accept the resignation
under the epeeist circumstances, desire
to entrees entire satisfaction with her
services, and their regret at losing so
faithful a teacher, and also to assure her
that she will carry with her their hear-
tiest wishes for her future happiness --
Moved by Dr. Williams, seconded by
Archdeacon Elwood. that the secretary
be instructed to make application to the
Town Council for the sum of $1,750, for
the maintenance of the Goderich High
School for the current year. Alen that
the necessary repairs to the High School
1*carried out under the superintendence
a contingent committee–Carried.
On motion the meeting adjourned.
to make it a complete success, and we
feel certain that when the ladies of St.
Peters' congregation go to work they
mean business. No doubt their co -relig-
ionists, as in the past, will, it is to be
hoped, on the present occasion. lend a
heping hand. Many valuable prizes
will be raffled for during the three days
of the bazaar. That our readers may
judge of the value of some pf the prizes
we request them to glance into the win-
dow of Sheppard's bookstore, and exam-
ine the very generous gift of our towns-
man. M. C. Cameron, Esq. M. P.
Many other valuable articles will he
presented to the view of visitors during
the Fair. The attention of all is also
Raas HoNIsry.- - We clip the follow- called to the handsome chair so artisti-
ing from the Monetary 'Limes, which I rally worked by the hands of Mrs. Wal-
wiII be read with interest by irony of our , ker, who, with her well-known zeal foe
readers who are sequainted with the i charitable works, has spared neitherpeins
ger,tletuan in questuon:–"i0 December norlaborin this muchtobe admired chair.
1876, Mr. Jerry Rebittr.n, uow "f Ent it will be on exhibition very probably
error, Man., faded in Mitchell, Ont., 1 by the end of the week in one of our
and hes estate paid a dividend of 80 per ?ebbe stores. Tickets are being told on
swat to his creditors. Having hears sue- N at the small sum of 50ota Those
eeesful in tie "newsy city he has paid wishing to have a chance "n this besn-
the remaining/ 10 per cent. of his old in- tdul work of art will do well to take a
de►Miass mss set which should be ticket as so m as possible. Another m-
islabel fey may, but is as res» as it is tide greatly to be admired is a richly
creditable. h should be stated that Mr embroidered cushion; promoted by the
Robins* bad his tbinhere frilly credit- ladies of Bt. Joseph's, London. Ladies
ors, ad this sodas is purely voluntary who haus seen it have expressed their
we Ms put. One of the heading houses appreciation by the oft -repeated excla-
im the Dominion, thernaelveil exemplars ruction,"Oh, how lovely." Ladies My M,
beim maedity. and excellent therefore it meat be worthy of the dol-
e, the p1*1listiy iso inrnmeree u lar of the gents. However, we mutt
stop ladies and gentlemen will do
well to go and see for themselves at the
hamar. While nt the same time we
would remind our young gentlemen
friends that above all they should go to
the itazaar preptre+l. Remember that
• hint none never won is fair lady
n the
tirht it
m tit.,
. ,. •nr,..r r saw ..... y* . m...... w. w...+r
--sit is flinty
71=V iufullofs
sewl, and we
emus of honor which
Moe', set',.e ,. 'hp
a $see.Itsoma.
Preeervinir kettles, all sizes and cheap,
at Saunders . Also the "Darling" jars,
splendid for fruit preserving. New stock
of goods arriving this week, at Saunders.'
Ladies invited to call.
Eel. e.glesee.
Sr Parties get; leg their bilis printed at Mia
office will get a sorbs ix tide department rim
of charge.
Barrens v, Jrl.v 2nd--8ale of Farm
• stock and implements, on the Agrieel-
tnral show grounds, Unclench, J. C.
Currie, bailiff and auctioneer
SATURDAY, 7n.Y fkh–Sale of household
furniture, in the town of Oodeeish.
Mr. F. R. Maim, prtrptr'ietor _4 f1.
('orris. am -tome*?
The Three -ford -waste Mao.
The three -and -money man still man-
ages to earn a good living His little
games are so simple, and the temptation
t, snake money by picking it up is so
great, that soome people can't let the
chance go hr. The mante•msn knows
the kind of persons with Whom it is safe
to play, and having victimized them he
knows that in nine cases out of ten they
will not let anybody know what great
foods they have been. A few year ago
the three-card-nionte man could be
found on every railway line in the coun-
try, and he was doing a flourishing bus-
iness. But in time he sans driven of
the railways. and it was thought he had
taken to some more honest ooccupatioe.
it is likely, however. that loo hrs only
been taking a breathing spell. and giv-
ing the people time toi forget himself and
his tricks. His reappearance aiottn in
Lennox and other easter.. m.unti.,a will
serve to renew +1511.. inter -Mt in th1,
smart character. 'ff he goose •.n making
SLOW a day. he can loon afford to go in-
to rstirelnest again. Hit claps desory
in pity. They are as anxioots as ho mars
ttm00ey without e+•t^s•inr ;' d'taws
of ilia r.mar'ne:••