HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-01-16, Page 4BRUSSELS MINOR 1-IOCKEY ASSOCIATION PUP ..BOTTLE DRIVE SATURDAY JANUARY 18th Beginning at 9:30 a.m. 0111111111011111.11111111101111WWOMINIONONW 111.1111111pi MeGavin's Farm Equipment WE SPECIALIZE IN A COMPLETE LINE OF FARM EQUIPMENT SALES AND SERVICE WALTON, ONTARIO PHONE 365W6 0 R 527.0245 BRUSSELS SEAFORTH FOR FALL PLOW-GOWN- • fall-applied phosphorus and potas,11. Wowed-down, puts needed fertility in the root zone without, danger of over-winter leaching: kind pat virtually guarhol seeding (most in:portant for corn)----a r(1- thieed spring work-load---increased.yields a t, lower fertilizer cost. 'herb are a dozen or more advanIagost in fall plow-down Jar spring- crop:.= . . and they're all yours. BROCKVILLE fertilizer service Cfin tact your nearby B.ROPK V II 11?-0.4 IN deriler or wrvirc centre. for 011 your f r mioiromonis J. CORDON STILES • :PRONE 186 • BRUSSELS, ONT. 'raft; 1:111,‘Ififfitt(iFzi POS (ifaN'Afit,) ir11411144 81.111 1/F/2441/0 "241iiiilikw"gill NEW YEAR * NEW CAREER tosx--ire.a044---vaP`a Anitsti-4421,10'411011110-,''-'101.66 WANTED — Etooill triad Board. Preferably in Brusseles, Write to P. 0. Box 246 FOR SALE — Combination Buffet and Ciana Cabinet t Plat). For information. Vhonet .00.. Mrs., Harold •T.honias.. FOR SALE 1960 Dodge Sedan S.T., Radio, Cleau inside and outa 50,009 miles. Priced to sell, Garry Long BUYING or SELLING. NOW LICENSED AS A REAL ESTATE BROKER JIM CARDIFF REALTOR. ETHEL, ONT. PHONE, 322W5 PEOPLE WE KNOW lind Mrs.. John llanna .have returned home from a vitcat•hati 1r:p lo Mchvi.0 la White of 13VUSSON, Who was r(!p(IriCd missing duriag the Friday inight storm, was see in a Listowel hotel., Mr, 'White started 001. from Idstowel to walk to Brussels Inn because or the intensity or the storm lie returned :0 IASI MVP] for the night. • Pavitl ittlstings Sr. had a close brush with dekh on. Saturday . sajlthday and was fortunate u escape without 5e110115 injury. tie was pinched, between a snow- Plow and the loader while assist- log with operation. Ile collapsed when released. X-ray did not ye- veal any broken bones • but • Mr. Hastingssuffered multiple bruises Join Avon in the exciting business of sussing coanicties. Good, income. No experience, necessary. \1 tii train, Pot. information write or call collect evenings, Mrs, M. Alill-• son, ria iiiaaviceSbury Ave:, Loudon -.451-0541. NOTICE to many costly aud un- pleasant experiences with your Council Board the garbage dis- posal on Lot 21, Con. 6, Grey Township will be closed Mara, 1969. Start Alexander NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of THOMAS :LAUCHLIN McDONALD deceased ALil, PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above- rueationed, late of the Village of Brussels in the CoUnty of Huron retired drover, who died on or about the 19th day of NOVember,.. Ibt68, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or Octave the 31st, day of January, 19(4 after which date the exe- cutrices will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims which shall then 'have been. received. DATED at Brussels this incl day of :January, 1969. CRAWFORD. SHEP(FERI) & MILL Solicitors for the Executrices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of JOHN A. HISLOP deceased ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of' the above- mentioned, late of the Village of . Walton in the County of Huron itetired farmer, who died on or abdat the third day of October, 1965, are required to file probf of same with the undersigned on or before the :list day at January 1969, after which date the executor will proceed to distribute the es- estate having regard only to the claims which shall then have been received. DATED at Brussels this 2riti day of January, 1969. C'RAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL Solicitors for the Executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of FRANCES HISLOP deceased ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate 01' the above- mentioned, late of the 'Village of. Walton in the County of: Huron widow, who died on or about the twenty-third day of Deceinber. 196S, are req'uir'ed to file proof Of same with the Undersigned on or before the 3 1 st day of January, 1969, after which date the exeoutor will proceed to distribute the estate. having regard only to the claims which shall then have been receirod. DATED at Britaseis this 2nd day of ,January, 1969. CRAWFORD, SITE P filft & MILL Solicitors fOr the Exccutoz! GENTLEMEN'S CLUB • NEWS ITEMS. 414Pel4-i-a:azaa .Alark Twain, that gai•eat writer, novelist and comedian, like. •:012.. self„ once said, quote:• Everyolle talks . about the weather but no one trys ito do anything. ;liana it He couldn't •say= this in those modern 'limes, At Camrose, Ai berth a few years ago I saw them "seed." a cloud to prevent rain over the exhibition grounds. \1''- got none but three miles out tiley had a regular deluge. • Truck drivers, taxi men, con traci,•ors etc.. today are a bunch at lace panty sisaies. They doa't know wilt a hard w•iater means, Take ror instance the mmnberaof the Iattra (dui). They sit arotam with •a. cup of coffee, all peekia out the windows. If they see three snow flakes at one time they sip another cup, If they See five they call it a blizzard, go home •al d tell their wives what th.ey're going to dm next: day. Snow never stopped Me. Years ago•li My car got stuck 1 grabbed the bumper and palled it along, Vott •ean't do that with: these new cars, the bumper woula pull off and the rest or the car would collapse, t had a ten foot pole tied to my •radiator, ['oar fee, from :the top of the radiator 1. had a •red flag: When tile snow reached this •Ilknew enough to get into second gear. In ithe horse and cutter days pitch boles were ter- rible. They would swalk4 tip horse, cutter and all. floe Haw theme was coming into town one day .ktud. there was a man's hat in the centre of the road. Doc picked up the hat and darned if it wasn't on a man's head. The fellow said, I'm all right. l'm standing' on a load of hay hut my team are stuck. 4101p me get them out. If it wasta at least 30 below we went in our shirt sleeves. One winter it reached 52 below. The hens laid frozen iiigas tor days and farmers had to light fires under the cows to ineh the milk. Ned Irwin. had a hal that became' n casuality 011 acconn of it being so cold, Tie IrwinS had a pail of .water sitting on the table, the cat was axle( on the conch. Weil the water froze so hard the pail hoist, a. piece of ice \vein through 01d; 'Tom's hoad and he died. witth water ou the Drain, Hut. nature provides. The chipatan.‘ha had hair all 0 er h r hod [t8, almost more hair than soine 'of the hippies have around town, The other day I p.icked..un a couple • at 1.0.(I3 On the highway. l.t was snow- big and blowing. They had ino' hats. Nothing but hair and Whiskers all mixed With ice and snow. I thought at first I dokel discovered :two ttbominable snow- men hut they were two students aoing hack to university. Before I got into show business I really loved going to the swamp with two good ilX0S. One 111 each hand chopping wood. I. got my none froze a tow times ‘valking the two miles before daylight but you just rub a hit of M)1‘" on the frost bite a .04 it :molt thaws out. Now they would be confined to the hospital until July, The weal- thy people and those who can borrow now spend the winter In Plorida, A married couple from this district go to Mitatii every Nov onihol'. They return in April. ,Viiett they get about 20 miles frorn the village she lakes off her foundation garment and pulls herself into a miartie Skirt and a He gets into a pair of white shorts, graba a golf dab, she a tennis motet and they start the parade. They hare a beautiful tan. They should have. They used tWO quarts oil hide Lan and a gallon of brown skin dye,. The truth is she works at the Dirty Spoon cafe slinging bash and he had a. job a crocodile shoe factory skinnin a Riga tors. It amuses me to •hear these hot house pink panty guys talk about whiter. If I told them that the ice sometimes got five feet thick On the dam they would call the a dam thin I seen it snow .50 ihard a. red squirrel that was sitting up in a tree jumped towards the ground, 10 feet away. It took him 10 minutes to get there. He had o dig all the way down. I don't suppose yoti believe this either and T wont luiVe my word donined so I will sign off. Truthfully Your';, T. K. P. JANUARY Ci.EARAIVCE SALE. DRES E S SLACKS SWEATERS NURSES UNIFORMS JEANS FASHION SHOPPE Located On Hwy. 87 At Wroxeter R J. BAUER YOUR M ASSEY - FERGUSON DEALER A Cumulete La* Of New and Finn Equipment Pit4oNt 5 gRUSSELS. ONT. li