HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1969-01-16, Page 1us s tio
$2.00 A Year In Advanct — $3.00 To 17,1A, Tft•('RSI)A.Y, JAN. 1130, 190 posT PUBLISHING, HOUSE
The Massey-loorguson annual
sponsored by R. S. Batter
of Brussels, was held in !the 'Brus-
sels arena last. Wo th i p s d a y, :r am,
nary Stir,
The following were the wiutters:'
The TroPhy was won by rink
skinned by J'im 'AlcKintion of
1.‘oeswa.ter. •
Second prize went to rink
*skipped by Don McDonald of
The consola,tiott priZe wen
rink skipped by Mae Baffle
INTI1 rren ZUbrigg. District
Deputy Governor of Region 2.
paid an official visit to the Bros,
sela Lions Club at their Monday
night supper meeting which had
an almoSt perfect member attend-
The president of the local ehth,
Lion Tan, van Inlet presided for
the meeting, Lion Tteo Scott led
the sing sling with guitar aecomp-
Lion J. Knight performed the
duties of Tall Twister in a capable
Roll call, minutes and oorrespon-
dance was dealt with by-the Sec-
retary Lion. Cecil McFadden.
Rosiness Included the appoint-
ment of a committee to investigate
the possibility of the Lions Club
sponSoring a swimming pool in
Brussels in co-operation With
other organizations.
The T)iatrict PetAtty Governor
Was introduced by Lion, Samos
Armstrong. Mr, Zubrig,g- thanked
the club for their support in big
eleetion Ito office. He chose as the
subject of his address the Lion);
Official Emblem. widely worn by
SONO members of clubs in 52
countries, ft serves as an im-
m ediate introducilion to other
Libng 101 (11'01T1' you may meet.
them. It is an. einblem of good
Will between all raci^s and creeds.
The. Lions club Is be largeSt crab
organization in the world, He
spoke of the gratitude of the
people whose sigh1 has been pre-
served or restored by the efforts
of Lions Club throtighout the
The speaker wits !thanked by
Lion 1Tank TonPas and presented
with a. gift.
Linn Ken. Scott., principal of
I irt1SE101 54 POMO Sob ool. mad,1
a request for trophies for a public
speaking contest, TIrnssols stud-
nuts did very well last year win-
ning all TTuron. T1 was suggested
that if the chili donated trophies
Grey ('entrap School 8110111(1 Ile
included with conlpetition betwoon
the schools.
Giordott 'Workmart men-
Project isnot feasible the cliff)
project Was 110 feasible the MO
could consider as an alternate pro-
Jeri the lengthening of the ice
surface at the arena to Official
size for hockey and curling.
'Lion Cliff Thinbar Was Winner
of the gitesSing contest.
'rho Bp sso]s Frotacoy
A.ssocia t.ion has outlined plans
in DreParation. for the Minor
Hockey Week celebrations in
the. Village of I3russels. Three
consecutive Saturdays beginning
on January 180.1 have Deco select
od to promote a greater interest
ill minor flockey,
On Saturday, junktary 18th,
11,11T.H.A. will conduct, a Pop
Bottle Privo. We will be convas•
sing the houses in Brussels enitecr•
tog empty pop bottles. These
bottles will be sorted, packed., and
returned to their respecive coat
parties. We request. that the people
in town have their bottles ready
When the players' ("moo (Wittig.
Anyone in the surrounding area
who would. like their 'pop bottles
taken away should call 2(1fiW,
• On Saturday, January 25th, the.
t3,-A1i-T,A. will engage in
FrockPY Tag flay to help kickoff
Minor Hockey Week. The Tag 'Day
conducted.last year proved to he.
(111110 .suecessful and we hope that
this T6n r will be a repitition. -
On Friday, January 31, and
Saitnrilay, Pehruary 1, there will be
it Minor Hockey Pay Sportsman-
511111 Tonrnnment.. Each of the
teams in Tivintisels from Tyke to
Juvenile have invited, another
toam to participate in this unique
Tourna Client. Fla h team will be
awarded points in the following
categories: racing, accurate „shoot-
ing', grime score, g 01)10 Stars,
Points will he deducted from the
total for any penalties incurred_
during the game, 'Plie team with
the greatest numbnr of points ht
the end of the Tournament will
receive the B.M.H.A. Minor
:floc-key flay Sportsmanship. Tro-
phy. Each player apoaring its Ow
tournament will "receive 'refresh-
ments writ. the compliments of the
To wind up the Minor ]locker
DaY activities, a special game will
he played by the' minor .Frockey
C'oache's and Managers, Their
opponents have yet- to be named
hut it is hoped that a girls Hockey
Team from one of the loeal uni-
versities will come,
So. in order to get in the mood,
don't you and your fatuity
attend the minor hockey games
played every Monday turd
peps in nor arena.
STEI'llT,)NSOON" • Fred and
Sharon Stephenson, of Brussels,
announce ttbc., birth of a ilaught•
er, in Clinton Hospital, on
Saturday„Innuary, iliac, 19119
Chariem , Ilonce
Any girl desiring to inks the
1-IT Homemaking Club's foods
rind nutrition project "Moat in
'the Menne" Please let Miss Laurel
TTemingway know by .Tanuayy
20th. Phone 4-2i7,T5
The March of Dimes opens it:
fouitml ,hinunry eurnpaign for
funds with. at slew symbol and tr
changing roles in the
Ration of disabled. adults.
Mrs. .i hias McCall, General
chairman ill Brussels, said she ,
hoped that tho new look of the
0 rp;:i Hoc would help the can-
vassers in the area to exceed last
year's campaign total of $113.'81.
"\Ve need the money,"
Mrs. McCall, "to do a good s ,job,
for disabled adults in this area 41,5'
well as throughout the province..
Through its parent organization,
the Rehabilitation Foundation for
1.h.o Disabled, the March of
"Dimes (15511551'S the abilities of the
ph'ysically handicapped. operates
workshops in. which new skills are
taught, and helps the disabled' to
rind omploymeot
phygtoally and
ready liar it."
Sponsored by
Rebekah Lodge,
runs through the
nary, ending with
of 1)01nP4 between
Monday. Sanitary
when they are
Morning Star
the canton e go.
month of Jan-
a one-hour blitz
7 and S p.m. On
Mrs. explained that dif-
ferent d eon rtin on tg or .go vern-
owns had taken over the case-
work services of tho Foandatioo..
but it was still responsible .for
physically disabled adults •who
were unable to leave •their homes
to work.
We supply those people , with.
various appliances, such as wheel-.
chairs. crutches and special:lifts,"
she said, "071(1 W11011 • We TOO. it
vmill help ,their rehabilitation., we
try to find work for thorn, to do at
7':10 government take-over fir 'ease
work% she said. mode it possible
for the organization to devote
more time and orfnrt to finding
sultablo employment. for those
able to work, "And Hits is our
main interest. beeintso there is no
better way to fool you aro part of
the community than to he able to
do work and to be paid for it."
There are incidental benefits,
disabled who go to work are
glad to coine off the •welfare
and the money they 'earn becomes
new spending power in the corn-
months ago tile March of
Minos changed its symbol from
the. red maple leaf. which it has
been using since the organization
wag founded in Ontario in l9 I,
and adopted a green fir tree with
a branch missing„
It is indicative. the root
that althongh the people we arc'
concerned abbot hove a disribility,
they still birVe plenty of abilities
loft. That' why billboards you
see around the countryside this
month show our symbol and the
words, "The Ability Fund - -NIarch
of Plows."
Thanks for renewing your
13rtisSels Post.
Beverly McCall Receives
First Class Honours
At the recent. theory exam
illations of Iho Royal Clon8e.r.•
Vatory of Music of Torimto, held
at ttlyth, 110N-oily :genii', tItioglit.
PI' Of Mr. and Mrs. .\1Ian
secured First Class Elonours
C15 ,; the Grade 1.1 Theory
Alto is a pitpil of. Mrs.,
Nirs liounsbury,
.141tho1, died. Tuesday,. Deco/111)er
:psi, at the 1 Itemstra nursing
home. Listowel.
She \A' LS t:1(• Furl:110i' ("olive Jane
• gar yin g 1];''fv her husband;
one datig:tter. Miss Grace Lamont.
cif tilthel; four sons, .101111 Lamont
or .r.tt.h.ai: c,orge . oral Arthur
.r.,amtrat,...1)01.'il of -31 anitoba; Capt..
Leonard 1,a7t 14 rut. Moose Jaw,
Sack; ono sister, Mrs. Wesley
IS'araht• (hums of lturtzville.
• The funeral was hold from the
Peebles Funeral 1-Tome, Atwood,
on Friday. January 3rd, at 2 p.m.
Burial War; in 31ntlnt. Pleasant
cemetery, Ethel,
After being in failing bealtb for
the past year Garr Long passed
awdy u rsd a y. .1a nu illy 9th.
crescent Bay Convalescent fluF•
pital, Santa Monica, California,
in his ',3ret year.
lie was born 11(011' Mooktou,
Ontario, and later moved with his
parents In Cranbrook,
Ile learned the barber trade and
w is living in Niagara Palls before
ning to ('alifornia.
He was married to Alice
'rlionipson who pass 0laway
row years ago. sorvived by
one daughter Mrs. Gordon
(Florence) Wade of Sherman
(Mks, California and nue son.
Gerald Santa Monica: throo
grandchildren and five great
iiranclehilifron: two sisters. Mrs
Sarah I Ca in pbell of Regina.
Mrs, Sam (Marie! 1.;nrgess, hrus-
acls, illicit one brother, Claire of
Pullen] services were held
,,tonday. January I 2th.
1'I liclgar, 'fl, or Morris
Townsdlin died :\lontlay in \\log
ham and District Hnspital.
Ho is survived by his wife. tip:,
rel'IlLtT I111:; S11117.11: cr (1.711Igh
P7,11117i, two ;40118, Neil and ATurray.
11 alt Immo; his payouts. Mr. and
11rs, Arthur Ed f;;I r Sr., Winglur.rn
t.wo sisters. chnries (Wi.n•
nirtted .tohnstoo. I slyn. trs
LeNvis I I 1 01011 SI kthoholise. 1301-
grave; Iwo brothors, •rfarvoy of
gorris ToNvoship and Maitland of
Tho funeral service was held
at 2 11,111, ern ll'odriesday from rho
to, .1', AN'allcor Funeral 1I0mr.,
ltueittl in NA:Ingham ceme-
Tito inaugural ravening of the
[11117,0 C01111(11 V, as bold in the
11111 Office oil January
13111, NMI, mombers being pre-
',171)(- ,t>trtl t'ilten. .1)3'
ript;h, after wbit^b . Reverend
1,(4)1.0.11' or the I'nited Church
spoke' to council. Wressing the
Iipporta II OP eat' (111' responsibil ,
ili not only as councillors but
also OW' follow man. Ex Reeve
.f. .Krauter spoke to Council
expressing- his good Nvishos for a
saccessful torni for rho new Iteeve.
11. cousins and Council,
rtooy e 'otn-tins
.111/, llovtirond T,olt,row for his re-
tourIcs ;Ind C. Kra titer, Ire wel-
coot vtl 'ou Noll back for
another Iwo years and a special
W./44'0111p to 1 he new Councillor,
It. 'W. 'Kennedy..
The following motions were
Alilvod by It l'enPai, sec-
onded by ,J. L. :tient tolleen that
the minutes of the meeting of
December IL 1.9(18 be actoi.)ted as
as road,
.110ved :r. Mcentehron,
seconded by ii,, W. :Kennedy that
we apply to the DepartMent of
-Frighwity .tior 'the halance..of the
road oxonncliitures.
Alovod liv L Cu. rmulleni. 'sec-
onded by KenliedY that 1.1.V
Law No, 1-1 fniS• be introduced. and
re.id n first and S Woint time and
Thi s hpi lig • a ily-iaw• PpOittlt-ing
01' confirming thi,i appointment of
certain Ofricers to servo the
Viibigti of BrinisPIF for thee year
Moved by F3, J. 's'ol'os, socimd-
ed hr 'S. 1.. MeCtitchoon.
113;11 1 ty-Lit \v No. I-1 finit be
read a third time and passed and
I he Reeve t1141 Clerk lit' authorized
'0 sign rind settled with the cor-
porate Seal.
Moved by Ii, J, 'I'eat'as, second.
igt T.,. McCuteiwon Hml the
accounts as approved be
11'a 1 orioo co-0 peva f i vo.
insurail 51,110
Ibmssels Ileereational Com-
mittee, itifiN grant 500,0(1
(;ordoa Avork.man,
tut nicipal 1V0rld,
supplies 57,87
.1ssoolittion .itlayors
,1 /4'.7 Reeves, 11)139 foes „ . 10.00
Health Insurance 1;00 I'd
f I osiii,tailza Hon
P. U. C.. streetlights,
Hall and Office '):113.57
r'eu tlty of rturon, tax
collections. 1 1 2..34
Iicr(Flotieon Atotore,,-.
repairs .1 1,511
Atrici,ean Irina SeCylce,
gas :2,1.0 4
Douglas Callmolop. De
ember 'Nursing ;Ice't 1 41 26.1Ift
(I, R Iritater, repairs , 12.38
(roll innod on back Dago)