HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-06-17, Page 8THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JUNE 17. 1881. DOORS, BASHES, HLiND9, MOULDINGS, and over Descriptitio Intoner mild.. STAIRS, H AND NEWh',L3 *Jul HA.I.USTERS A Spi.nalty. *end for Pries, Luta OHIN(E8, LA CH & LtiMHER. l:atitnstcs o &s plice- rioe ter Address FRANCIS( a\IEETH, Goderieh QUARTER SEM M S. Tie Judge Receives Ike Waite Kid Cleves Result *Me Issues Taus Mar Disposed er. FIRST- DAY Tuesday, June 14th,1881. The Court opened at 12 o'clock noun by proclamation. There was a large at- tendance of spectators and suitors. There being no criminal cases before the Court, the traditunal white kid gloves were presented to His Honor by the Sheriff. Th, following is a list of the issues before the Court: UNDEFENDYD ISSUES AND AS.SESSM$NTa (wITtloUT JURY) Kelly v. Carter. Caldwell v. Davey. Rtes v. Jo!lnson. Smith v. Johns.,n. Hutchinson v. Blake. DEFENDED ISSUES (WITH July) McEwan v. Thomson. Joseph Hall Mf. Cu. v. Reid. Hutton v. Connell el al. Cooper v. Ronald. Crane v. Parsons. McGowan v. VanEgmond. DEFENDED 1 -SCE ,WITHOUT JURY) 'roc pupulrtiun ut our village is iu- erer.u.,t, Stere were two swig added to it on the 13th iitst , a buy and girl. l:usineaa in Maitland cheese factory is m.o. ting The quantity of milk received has doubled iu the peat two weeks. Hey. Mr. Pritchard has gone to Kin -- don to attend the sleeting ..f the As- semptY. The C. M. a,ngre gatton here has united with the Westfield and Denny - brook congregations as one charge, the Rev. A. E. Smith as pastor. Ontario Bank v. Davies. The following is the result in the cases tried. CALDwELL V. DAVEY-Action on pro - misery note. Undefended. Verdict for plff, for $80.75, certificate for im- mediate execution moved for and grant- ed. Doyle for plff. Court adjourned h't 2.50 p. nn, until 10 o'clock totnerrow-, -i,tX'ND DAY \Vedi:esday, June 15th. Court opened at 10 a.m., pursuant to adjournment. At this stage the Grand Jury brought in the following PeRanNTRII T. The' Grand Jnrors for our Sovereign Lady the Queen, beg leave to present, that in conformity with custom, they have visited the Gaol and find everything appertaining thereto in a clean, orderly and correct state. They are pleased to congratulate your Honor on receiving the white kid gloves, as the proof of no criminal business to come before them, and trust that the County may -continue to retain its good charecterin this respect. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN C1*AiU, Foreman. His Honor acknowledged the present trent in suitable terms. . SMITH V. JoessroN-Actu,n Un pro- missory note. Undefended issue. with- out jury. Verdict for plff for 876.77. Immediate execution applied for and granted. Malrnmson & Wade for plff Rosa v. JOHNNTON-Action on pro- missory note: Undefended issue, with- out jury. Verdict for plff for $60.45. Immediate execution applied fur and granted. Malcomaon & Wade for plff. McKowee v. THOMPaox-Thu was a civil action entered by McKowen to recover damages for an alleged. biting of nose some time ago, particulars of which appearedin the THEStaN.(Latthe time of the occurrence. At the magistrates court, the case went against McKowen, and at the assizes an effort was made to indict Thompson for a criminal offence, but the grand jury threw out the bill. Hence the present action. A jury nue. Verdict for plff fur $75. Garruw & Proudfoot for plff; Doyle fur deft. HOTt•Hi,Seri v. BLAKE -Action for work done. Undefended issue, without jury. Verdict for plff for $141,36. Im- mediate execution applied for and grant- ed. (.arrow & Proudfoot for pllf. Go,rr.K v. RONALD -Action en pro- mise.ry note. 1-ndefended issue, with jury. Verdict for plff for $131.44. Im- mediate execution applied for and grant- ed. Malcomson & Made for deft. Court adjourned at 6.10 _p. in. until 10 a.m., tomorrow. Oo1b011111. IKPRuvr*ExT$. -D. Fisher, Esq is erecting a mammoth bank barn 72h x 43ft, .•n his estate near Goderieh. Mr. J. Fisher has the contract. UortoteY.-It becomes our painful duty this week to record the decease of Mary A. Snyder, uuly daughter of Mr. John Snyder. The deceased fur several week. gradually declined, till death re- leased her from her sufferings on the loth inst. The funeral took place on Sunday, 12th inst., when a very large procession followed her remains to the M. E. Church, Beniniller, where a very appropriate and effective sermon was preached bythe Rev. W. N. Vollick to a large audience, the church being filled filled to its utmost capacity. The sermon having been con- cluded the procession again formed and proceeded to the Colborne cemetery. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of the entire neighborhood in their sad affliction. &shield. PEasONAL -We are pleased to tee that Mrs. McMannis is almost over the injuries received un the 24th ult. by be- ing thrown out of a wagon. BCILDINOS.-A large number of barns have been erected in the north of Ash- field this year, but judging from the pre- sent appearance of the crop, they will not be so much needed as their owners anti- cipated. iteuolors.-A camp meeting will be held under the auspices of the Methodist church in Mr. John Andrew's woods, about two miles from Lucknow, com- mencing on June 24th. ACUIDENT.-On Saturday last Mr. William Irwin was driving to Lucknow, and when'near the village his horse he= came frightened and ran away. The tugs being long, the ,tongue of the wagon' came out and after going about half a mile the team carne in collision with a post, an the occupants were thrown out. Mr. Iu had two ribs broken, and his wife arid cuter -in-law received some se- vere injuries. colo.. Stevie'. --Re.. Mr. Turnbnit, B. A. of Goderieh, will preach here text Sab- bath, in the Presbyterian chuaek, at 3 p. w - Naw BARN& -Mr. De ki Pattersutt, of Hullett, elected two t tart. to this locality thin summer, ane for Mr. Alex. Young, 60s40, wtt1� �a ow- plete stone beeetneal, and ao er for Mr. Thus. Robinson, 50x36, aalJJu► with stone foundation. Mr. Pattentm's pop- ularity as an honed and excellent work man is incresaing. Dada ut,-revs Flea. About five o'clock, Mr. Isaac Martel, landlord of the hotel at Smith's Hill, lit the fire in the kitchen, and shortly after diaoovered the place to be on fire. The building was a wooden one, and with the stable and outbuildings, was completely de- stroyed Mr. Martin saved a portion of his furniture, etc., but the loss is con- siderable. The furniture, liquors, ci- garsetc., were insured in the Citizen's for $700. The building, owned b Mr. McDonagh, was valued at from 1$2,500 to $3,000, with the outbuildings, and was insured in the Gore Mutual for $2,000. Mr. Martin received a painful cut on the nose by a piece of falling furniture, during the fire. The Town Hall was badly scorched, and had a nar- row escape from destruction. Mr. Mar- tin and family, will, we understand, re- move to Guderich, in the meantime. William Young Esq. Reeve of Col- borne, desires to record his warmest thanks to those persons who so assidu- ously and cheerfully exerted themselves, and were in no small measure the menu of saving the Township Hall from the flames on Tuesday. It was so closely licked by the flames that the west side of it trust be repainted. 8syfldL Ota COURT or REVISION. -The Coun- cil of this village .net on the lit inst., as a Court of Revision, and after having taken, the oath of office proceeded to business. The Reeve and foourCouncill- ors were all present, and the five mem- bers constituted the Court. The num- ber of appeals was unusually few. The appellant, Mr. John A Rutledge, had handed the Clerk of the municipality the names of four gentlemen whom he wished t, have placed on the assessment roll, and stated his reasons in the docu- ment why he wished them t.. be placed there. The first name was that of Thomas Parker, who had become tenant of a property within the municipality since the period when the assessor had been around valuing the property, and the only objection that could be advanc- es against his . nine being placed upon the roll was that the name of the pre- vious tenant appeared there assessed for the same lots. To obviate this difficul- t), a resolution was passed directing that the name of Mr. John Howard, the previous tenant, should be struck off and that of Thos. Parker substituted. The second appeal was in behalf of Mr. Townsend, and a resolution moved by Robert Morrison, and seconded by H. Howard, that Wm. Townsend be placed on the assessment roll as occupant of the houtheast part of lot No. 2, Hayfield 'L'oncession, was carried. By a joint re- solution moved by R. Morrison, and seconded by R. Stanbury, the two other cases, that of G. H. Hewson and Samuel Meneer, were disposed of. The former was ordered to be placed on the roll as tenant of part of lot 118. Bayfield vil- lage, and that the latter should be Leentxn. placed on the roll as tenant for lots 310, BULL. -Mr. Burke has purcluisod a tine bull. THE EtLuPNs. _-- The eclipse of the ninon did not occur unobserved at Lee - burn. I.r THE MooNLIOHT, LOVE -A number of Romeo' from Gtderich, accompanied by theirJuliets, took in the Point Farm and a dance on Tuesday evening. PARTow VISITING. -Mr. J. A. Turn- bull, Dr. Ure's assistant, has been visit- ing among Parishioners, and has won golden opinions. FIxiRAin. - Pathmaters Shaw and Horton have completed their respective beats. Being all loyal subjects, and of temperate habits, bayonets and beer were not required. A thunder storm passel ever this aeetinn nn Monday evening, sheat 5 p. m., accompanied by =severe lightrring,. setting fire to a barn belonging t.. W. Fleapy, living on the 11th c..n. of Grey, about three miles toot of this tillage. The barn and c..ntenta, consisting .4 a buggy, cutter and a .juautit) ,,f grain, were .quickly consumed. No insurance. Denali! McDonald, living on the 2nd con., Grey, had raised his barn for the purpose of building is stone foundation underneath. it was upset by the force Uf the storm, completely demolishing the structure. On Friday Inst, while Th.'s. McCrac- ken was applying a liniment to the leg of a h.,ree, through Borne mishap the horse st innbled and foil completely (wt him. He received such injnriem that he liras incapacitated for a few days Mrs..1aa. Tuck, who has resided in Cranbrook for the last 26 ycara, died tin Monday last, after a painful and linger- ing illness. The family have the sym- pathy of the publice in their owl bereave- ment 11, 312, 313, and 314. This concluded the work of the Court of revision, and it was accordingly closed, and the roll as revised passed. It was then carried by resolution that the next meeting of the Council will be held at McCann's Hotel on the first Tuesday of July, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. Kincardine -Destruction 'of a Nuseber of Mares. KINcalanoz, June 13. --At five o'clock yesterday afternoon a tire broke ..ut in the back part of W. B. McLardy's tailoring establishment, on King strest, and quickly communicate to the stets and tin depot, owned and occupied Thr Geo. Sturgeon; the drug store, emu by J. R. Wright, and owned by Kis. Pemberton; the harness and hoot shop, .•ecupied by E. Leslie, and owned lay Mrs Pemberton; the photograph gallery H. M. Legar and an occupied store, emestlgobts. _1laldoda ware also .dot tworedf the anergy of the flee Mask of the stook wee acon- dition. on-ditisu. The buil ling* weft fare, anda�,�burnt Ike tinder, they " fames lining fia by a florae wind which was bltsw- kag se the tine. Rain easennesesd a fall heavily, and this I.nwed of gnat' ad - renews to the Sr* brigade, who worked throughout like hers A fin wall, separating the block of wi-'den huild- Wigs from McKibbin's three st•.ry 'trick block, stayed the progress .4 the flames and reeved the aatvstiss of the west side of Queen street The mess are: Gee. Sturgeon, $4,000, tis wMA is ea insur- ance in the British Amsit * and Wolt- ers of $1,000 on the bedding and $2,000 on the stock; 1►:. Leslie, 11tt, $3,000, in- sereslifeoeill1.10(1: H. MeOrtgue,Ioss,$800 insured for $400; J R Wrieht. Ines, 1,1600, insured in the PAnrnix for 1M00; J. McLeod, less, !'."OO. no insurance; Mrs. Pemberton. loos. $1,000. no insur- ance; W B McLmrdy's loss will nrnl eh - 1, vie, c• tenet by inanr'tnee west, light, otter. Number of wiles wind travelled in 24 hours 563. Squall et 4.30 p.m accompanied by .thunder and lightning -0.4' cubic metier of rain fell Jane 14th -Wind at 10 '. mt. North- west, light, cloudy. Number of wiles wind travelled in 24 hours 1(1) Light shower of rain at 8 p.m. 0. N. MACDONALD, Observer. Guderich, June 16th, 1881. THE LONDON DISASTER. Weeder/ of She thinner's Jury. and Arrest of Parrish. Raahta add Niers. After a marching examination before an intelligent jury at London, the fol- lowing verdict has been rendered in the Thames disaster: We, the jury empanelled to investi- gate the cause of the death of Fanny Cooper, do find that she came to her death by drowning, in consequence of the capsizing of the steamer Victoria, on the 24th of May, 1881. We do find that the capsiziug of the steamer Victor- ia was caused by water iu the hold; we believe that the water leaked in through a hole stove in the bottom from some unknown cause. We suppose that this injury was caused by coming in oontact with a stone or snag in the river. We are also convinced from the evidence adduced that the boiler was not securely fastened, and that the stanchions sup- porting the promenade and hurricane decks were of two slender a nature, and made chiefly of pine, and not properly braced. We are also of the opinion that the engineer was guilty of great negligence in the discharge of his duty, in not seeinv that the hold was clear of water, and in not conveying in person to the captain the dangerous condition of the boat. We think that the captain was to blame in accepting the dual posi- tion of captain and wheelsutan, which prevented him from giving his undivid- ed attention to the proper management of the boat. We are also of opinion he was to blame for leaving Springbank without making a proper examination of his boat, as there was untoubtedly water in the hold at that time. We are further of the opinion that the Manager did not do his duty in not employing sufficient hands to man his boat; that he should have had the boat inspected, and a certificate for the setae. The jury think that the Government Inspector deserves blame for the manner in which he inspected and passed the boat, Vic- toria, last year, as from the evidence her upper construction was not tit to carry a large load of passengers, and he would strongly urge upon the Governutent the necessity, of flaking more stringent in- spection and regulations in regard to passenger sttainlboats. THE ARREST. The last startling act in the series of events which began so terribly on the evening of the Queen's Birthday, tran- spired Monday night about 9 o'clock. At that hour George Pariah, manager of the ill-fated Victoria, and Captain Rankin' were arrested in the City Hall by De- tectives H. R. Schram and Pope, upon a warrant issued by Squire Peters, the information having been laid by R. A. Jones. of London West, whose daughter Eliza was among the lost. This person, the warrant goes on to say, the persons before mentioned did ''slay and kill." Bail was shortly afterwards secured for Captain Rankin, as follows: Dr. Wond- rutf, $1,000; Mr. S. Crawford, $1,000; and himself $2,000. Parish's bail was made up of $2,000 by himself and $1,000 by Mr. Thomas Andrews, of Horton street. The bail bonds cover a period' of time extending up to Monday next, at 10 o'clock a. pa., when they will come up before Squire Peters for examina- tion. Mr. Parish stated to an Adrertiser re- porter that he felt that a more innocent man than himself was never arrested. marine News. -The Sarnia Observer last week said: "The Ontario lost considerable time this season in getting her now compound en- gines fitted. She started out on her first trip last Saturday night. While coming down the river from Point Ed- ward her rudder chain parted and she was brought to her dock- here by the tug Parker." The following item also appeared in the Kincardine Standard, regarding the same boat: -DLSIELED.-The Steamer Ontaria which was due here on Saturday did not arrive until Sunday afternoon, owing to the large quantity of freight which she had to take on at Sarnia and Godench, while midway between here and the latter port the engine became disabled, and after some delay she was brought here and was 'detained until Monday morning when the engine was repair- ed. -STEAM WHISTLE WANTED. -Masters of vessels trading between here and the Georgian Bay are unanimous in the opinion that a steam whistle is badly needed at Isle of Coves. Great com- plaints have been made this season of the delays caused there, and the danger incurred during the foggy weather, by the absence of a .whistle to warn them of their approach to the reefs that spread out in that vicinity. A whistle at the point named would not only enable mar- iners to be on their guard but would in most instances be sufficient guide for vessels to navigate the channel during the heaviest fogs. and so prevent the delays to which they are now subjected. The Lothair and tow, Capt. J. B. Symes, on its two last trips suffered de- tentions of 50 hours in one instance and 64 hours in another, which, the captain assures us, would have been avoided had there been a steam whistle in operation. We believe a petition has been largely signed in Collingwood praying the Min- ister of Marine to have a whistle locat- ed on Isle of Coves, and we know that it is the earnest wish of mariners here to have the prayer of the petition granted. Another matter they would like to see attended to, is the improvement of Tobermgrary harbor. Georgian Bay, so as to make it safe as a harbor .4 refuge, it being the only available shelter on these waters.-{Obeerver. ARRIVALS. ISaturday-Str. Manitoba, Sarnia, passengers and freight. Sunday -Prop. Asia, Duluth,n- gen and freight: eche H. Ra burn, Sarnia. light. 1 Monday-Schr. E. Biak e, wheat, Mil - 1 waukee-Schr. Todmap, Parry Bound, ' lumber for Williams & Murray. Tuesday -Pop. Ontario, Duluth, �passengers end freight-Schr. Jennie Rumball, Midland, lumber for Secord & Cousins. Thursday -Prop. Quebec, Duluth, passengers and freight, Prop. Ontario, Sarnia, passengers and freight; Rehr. Wm. Aallace, Kintail, wood; Rehr. Ontario, Byng Inlet. lumber for Williams & Murray. DEPA RTUREi. Saturday-Str. Manitoba, Duluth, [passengers and freightSchr. ; Admiral, Sarnia, salt. Sunday -Prop. Asia, Sarnia, pasaen- gen and freight; Schr. Rathburn, Col- lingwood. salt. Tuesday - Prop. Ontario, Sarnia, passengers and freight. • Wedneulay-Schr. Tudinan, Kincar- dine to load wheat for Gnderich Harbor Mills; Schr. Jennie Rumball, Midland, NO Thurada -Prop. Quebec, Sarnia ;aa- seogws end freight: Prop. Ontario. Du- luth, passengers and freight: Str Joe- , ur. ephine Kidd. leunmtcton. salt. teeseesrseedeal Report. 'tate of the weather for the week end- untc Jun* 14th, 1NR1. Julie lth -Wuxi at 10 p.a. North- east, best, harry Corona lunar. Nam- e's of steles the wind travelled in 24 bows 91. Jess tkh-Wied at 10 p.m. North- west. light, hazy. Coreraleoar. Num - bee cd iniles wind travelled in 24 hours X02. June 10th --Wind at 10 p.m. East, light, clear. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 180. June 11th -Wind at 10 p.m. South- east, light clear. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 14.1 June 12th -Wind it 10 p.m. East, freak, cloudy. Number .1 tiles wind travelled in 24 hours 408. Megan to rain at 6.30 p.m.. ceased at ft 20 1.. m. amount of rainfall 2 cold. inches. Thunder and lightding rano 11th Wind et 10 p to South- ?tuctioneering. T C. OUKRIE, THE PEOPLE'S £UC- tJ . T10NItI1L. Gederiob. Oat. 1711. #Iebical. FIIIE STATIOI1ERY 1 II G. MACKID, K. D. , PHYsi- MOO R H O U S E 1 1. clan. Surgeon and A000wJter. Graduate of Toronto University. 0mceoppuslte ('atoer ros & Cameron's Bank, Lwtknow. if not u. office, enquire at the Bank. 17112-y. DR McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- GEON, Coroner. to. Pelee and residence a Street. Street, second dobe w«( of 175 Vii. SUPERIOR GRADE Has just upeucd uut s DR& SHANNON & HAMILTON, Physiolana, Sargeoes, Aocuucbers, &c. Once at Dr. Shannon's residence, near the Jill, Goderioh. 0. C. SHANNON, J. C. HawuL- TUN. 1751. JAIKENHEAD, V.S., (SUCCESSOR . to Dr. Duncan) Graduate of Ontario Ve- torinary College. Ofttoe, stables and residence. on Newgate Street, tour doors east of Colborne Hotel, N. B.-Horeas examined as to sound- ness. 1751. Legal. ci ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR - Now RISTSRS, Attorneys, Solicitors, etc., Goderieh. J. T. Carrow, W. Proudfoot. 1751. In the vicinity of Sunshine, in the t ownship of Moms, a heavy storm of large hail stones fell, damaging gardens and crops to a considerable extent. Ashfield Council meetings crowded out this week. 6 NOTE PAPERS ! N 1rn Ellvolopes to batch B. L. DOYLE, BARRISTER A N D In all the Shapes. These are the Attorney, Solicitor in Chancery, &c., Ooderich, Ona 1751. m SEAGER & MORTON, B A R R I S- 1 PS f. �lU TICKS., to., &c., Goderieh and W(ietggham. FIDeSI C. Seeger, Jr.. Goderieh. J. A. Morton. Wing - ham. 1751. `'( MALCl►MSON, BARRISTER AND AJ. Solicitor. Office -Corner of West Street and Market square. over George Acheron's, Ooderioh. 1751. -o Dr -In Manchester. on the tth Inst. the wife of Mr. A. Dey, of a daughter. McGee - In Manchester. on the 13th inst. the wife of Mr. Robert McGee. of a ton. Hugh- In Manchester, on the 13th ink. the white of Mr. A. Higglth. of • daogat•r. Rose --in west Wan await, os the L'ah inst. the wife of Mr. Jae.. Rose, of neon. V anatote- In Colborne. on the 7th inst., the wile of Wm. V anstane of • son. NARt1R,. Cameron itishop At the resldetoe of the bride's father la Libersia on the Sth inst., by Rev. 1'. t eott, Th a Cameron, Zell, T tees 1D,seCtyyt� (icore, tn Oldest da�ter� Whop, M. P. P. et s.U5* Mmes. DIRS. Ca utdy In (t.xlerich on Meader. June 13, Catherine, wife of Mite. Cassidy. aged id ye•ra. That can he bought anywhere. ECAMPION, ATTO'R N E Y - A T- . LAW. Soiki'or in Chancery Convey- ancer, &e. Office over Sheppard's bookstore. Goderieh, OnL Aur amount of money to loan at lowest rates to interest. 1751-y. CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, Sollei,,.rs in Chancery, &c., Goderieh and %%'inyhaut. M. C. Cameron. 9. C.; P. Holt, M. G. (an'erun, Goderlch: W. Itis Mamma. Wingham. 1751. IN CHANCERY. • Purulent to an order of the (hurt of Chan- cery made In a caner of re Popple, Dapple vs. McKay. the creditors of John I apple. late of the Township of Tuckersmuth, in the county of Hurnn, yeoman. who died In or about the month of %pril. 187.1. are. on or h•forr the eighteentliday of Julio. 1O1. to send by post ,repaid, to Malenlm Gramm. Cameron of the wnn (i u• o the n w Chrlstlau ted ser Tn f neerkh the Sol icor t Main lid and Pappiw - nanmecu e%dd> all '*remote*lnod th►tglrrs e1 lee any t held by t of lea= will ter Perera et at of the acus Envy any security is to rro as ..... � at ,ay ('asmbrn 11a the Oe�f 4 Town e1 Coderkl. e• th11 s/l / diligi . lustIlst. •t its e'eeek in the ssaeaeat, IIMM .4""rb an 1br a$i Nfaa L tkr Tek Any M ) £C H 11 acllgatsgTT. 171511. Nasser et oeisetok. 1 IN THE SURR(XIATE COURT OF ` the Comity a Horn. iN Tat MATTUR Mr Twa Ge ARDIA r..R.P Dr Tess 1. ('lunate, of emailAuJcR ToWeNsRPM. Dt'RAMID. Take notice that twenty clays tram time afftioe.ent smnosa Coo net ft the Oninte Cinerelliesti sold sflen ili Niemand. ebidft betagytelui �(tt aB T lots . Meati, AMA R •" 4.111.e1.e'44 1771041 1CUJAW nwenglt, K e Miscellaneous gams. S Prices Moderate 1 . 30 000 ROLLS AMES SMAILL, ARCHITECT, dr. iij Office, Crabb'. Block. Kingston d. °ode - rich. Plans and sppercclficatlons drawn u.enrct- ly. Carpenter's' plasterer's andenasott's work measured end valued. ER. WATSON, HOUSE, SIGN . and Ornamental Painter,. Parlor deem - sting made a specialty. GRAI.NINu, GILDING, (MARINO. . Shop on North Street, opposite the Registry Office, Ooderich. 1751 STRATFORD BINDERY-ESTAB- LLtHED IIM This establishment is chiefly devoted to job and library work. especially to those unique and economicalhallcalf and mor- rocco styles. In all cases the best of stock and workmanship. with strength and beauty com- bined. Bindery over John Dutton's drug stere. G EORO E STONE. Tonsorial. iv KNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR- BER and Hair -dresser, begs to return thanks to the public for past patronage, and solicits a continuance of custom. He can always be found at his Shaving Tailor, near the Post Office Goderieh. 1753 Loans anb insurance. e500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO 147 CAMERON, HOLT & CAMKRON,. Gods - rich. 1739. 4i71400 TO LEND ON REAL E S - nix 'FATE. Terms favorable. Apply to B. L. DOYLE, Coderich. 1751 ek50,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND tiller on good Ferm or first -clue Town Property at & per cent. Soule to R. RADCLIFFE. 1751 lIT ONEY TO LEND IN ANY .01 amount to suit borrowers at 6 to 6i per cent. Private funds. Apply to SEAoER and MORTON, Goderieh. ONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE .17l amount of Private Funds for investment at lowest rates on first-class Mortgagees. Apply to °ARROW & PROUDFOOT. 1 OANS FREE OF CHARGE.- rA Money to lend at lowest rates, free of aby costs or charges. SEAGER d• MORTON, opposite Colborne Hotel. Goderieh. 23rd March 1881. 1779. etPER CENI'. -THE CANADA V Landed Credit Company is prepared to lend money on good Farm security, at six per ant.ell particularsgiven upon apoileation to IIUI HAMILTON,. C. L. agent, Godericb. 1786. 41k20,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND IV on Farm and Town Property at lowest in- terest! Mortgagee purchased, no Commission charged. Conveyancing Fees reasonable. N. H. -Borrowers can obtain money in one dal if title is satisfactory.-DAViSON & JOHN- STON. Barristers. &d„ ooderich. 1751 ItRADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, . Life and Accident Insurance Agent. Representing firsts lass Companies. A leo agent fuer the CANADA LIRE STOCK INet-RANCR Co. Money to lend on Mortgage, either in Town or Farm Property. in any way to suit the borrow- er. Omce--cup-stains Kay's block, Goderieh, Ont. 1751 INSURANCE CARD. BRITiSIl ASS. COT, TORONTO Established 1837. l'H(ENIX INS. CO'Y, of LovooN tEnglandt-- Established 1798. HARTFORD iNS. COY. of HaRTrosw, Conn. Estabbahed 1810. Risks taken In the above first-class Omeea, at the lowest rates by HORACE HORTON. The anderligned 1s also Appraiser for the CNS(' LOAN An AVINOS O'Y, is ea on security. from M per Coat -('bases ooderato. HORACI HORTON. Onderlea. Sent. It IRs. 1751 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. C►wy ef Heron t 1 vines et a Writ M Perim (treed on of at the County of the Lands 1.r sett . en.1 t %ken interest re tamed ipnd• and A. e tend Marek780 Mgt, at :Era a It ('F rAmEI FROM 4c PER ROLL. A Cc_JMPLETE ASSORTMENT -0E- Plated Forks anti Spoons IN TRIPLE AND q(ADEUPLI PLATS. QUALITY GUARANTEED, -AT- Moorhouse's. MOORHHOUSE Would respectfully intimate to hie numerous Customers and the public generally that he has just opened out a Fresh Stock Of Paper Hangings comprising every Novelty in GOLD & BRONZE PAPERS, SATIN PAPERS, MARBLE & OAK PAPERS, CEILING PAPERS. Dabs--Decorations---Borders suitable for DRAWING ROOM, DINING ROOM, SITTING ROOM, BED ROOM, HALL, OFFICE KITCHEN. -ALt' - All this Season's Patterns in Window Shades, R bleb will be found much superior to any thing yet shown in this county. Pnces vory Lowest. #1' A call solicited. No trouble to show patterns whether you buy or not. T. J. I00RHOUSBm 1, 000 ENGLiS;1, >< ItENCH, GERMAN axl, AMERiC.4 CHROMOS. STRRL ENGRAVINGS AND LiTH(1 GRAPHR WV new ready few year Inspeetlon .' MOORHOUSE'S.