HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-06-17, Page 71HEHURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JUNE 1i, 18 81. Fun anb Fancy. "There's no place like home" repeated He*peck, 1 elking at a mutt ,, and he heartily aide 1, "I m glad the: .1 isn't. "The day wore on,"says ;lLhe Imtt•ata e. Well, what did it wuarf "R'ore the close of the day, cat uourw," is the response of &c,utewpuFuy• Texan society is agitated over the q uestiwt of whether car nut the gna.lu at a wedding should wear his revolver lilt outside or inside his dresacoat. A Montana Indian, who 'lit convict- ed of murder, expressed his opinion of the lawyer who defended hire with de- licious frankness : "Lawyer t w much talk' heap fowl'" The New Haven R •;Bahr has cola•s to the conclusion that the mien's greatest mission is to bring apoput Marriage en- ementa and give the asparagus erTp e start. A newspaper roan, in pu;t:r1, on :lis last year's white vest, found a roll of bills in one of the pockets, aaounting by $120, which he ha 1 entirely fang psych. 1' t;. --None of thele were rxei;'exl. The man who, while sufferii, fro .t •t first-rate toothache, has a etude r.nil a pleasant word for everyteely he meets may :tot be a Christian, pit :tit chances fur salvation are Al. fiords of liiisbom. There is ro trait re valuable than a dtteruinatiun to persevere wnen tae right things is to be accomplished. Honest and urageuus people l.;.ve very little to saabout either their courage cat hon ty. The suit has ne need to I,,,ast of his brightness, net the croon of her effuigenoe. r In the commission of evil fear no set et much as thine own self. Another is but one witness against thee; thou art a thousand. Another thou ivayest avoid, but thyself thvu caust nut. Carlyle sty' that one cann.,1 move a step without meeting u duty, and that the fact of mutual helplessness is proved by the :ery fact of tine's existence. Nu man liveth to himself, and 1.0 uian taeth to himself. Men's feelings are alw.,ys pvrst and um st glowlig in the hour .if meeting and "f fare well; like the glaciers, whicu are trimly:treat and r,sy-hued only at sun- rise and sauset, but throughout the day gray and cold. The elit•ir of the H r .e ti.r. R t.i•i hem want to call on his girl, when he saw en the front steps a sign which said, "Beware of the paint." He went away sighing. /1I never before knae that she painted. "' Greece has only tied guiles of railway, and when a farmer's cow breaks a leg, he often has to carry her a long distance to get to the track and leave her there, so he can obtain pay forher. it's awful- ly unhandy. Telling the truth: "What beautiful hair that young lady has," remarked Junes, in a half audible tone. "Yes,' replied Pinicrey, "but it isn't hers." - lir who in a melancholy fancy uses some- " Tis false : oris l the lady, suddenly thing lice a face on the wall or wainscot, a When we are young we .a.:..ate a great deal of time in imsginiug what we will do when we grow older, and we are old we waste an equal amount d time in wondering why he waited to long before we begun to do anything. He who is passionate and hasty is generally honest. It is your old dis- sembling hypocrite of whom you should be aware. There's no deception u1 a bull -dog. It is only a cur that sneakes up and bites you when your back is turned. We are born in hope; we pass our childhood in hope; we are governed by hope through the whole course of our lives; and in our last momenta hope is flattering to us, and not till the beating of the heart shall cease will its benign influence leave us. Imaginary evils soon become real ones by indulging o,ur reflections on thein; as ltrreeCocoa.--unci..11 c1,.••wuCossrotaTixu- ' Hy • thorough kaowledae et the natural lees which govern the operatlutu of dtsfeeUwi and nutrition, and by r careful appllchtiun of the tins properties of well-aeleco d Cucua. Mr, Hipp* has provided our bruakfeat tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may tlr1e us many Leavy duetoe'a bUlr. It is by the judl- c t:Iona use ei stain articles of diet that a outs - it ntutlhn may be eiery l,cullscy until strong enough to resist sissy t ndeucy to disease. Hundreds of subtle its are hunting amend us ready to attack here%er there is a weak point. We Bury escape mane r fatal start by keeping ourselees will fottilted with pure blood Slid r properly nourished townie." -OW Service Gazette. -Sold only In I'w•keta IabtUed Jamas 1c:1.1',4 .1` Go.. liommototble Chem lat Loudon. Eng." --Aho makers of Eppe's to iilse:Iwe ter atten.o•,n use. 1761 new le Get Bleb. The great secret of obtaining riches, u titat to practice economy, and as g,•"d call Deacon Snyder says, "It used to worry the life out of rue to pay en'nu- uus doctor's bills, but now I have 'struck is rich.' Health and ha pines reign supreme m our little household, and all simply because we use no other medi- cine but Electric Bitters, and only cults fifty cents a bottle." Sold by K Jor- dan •� facing the rude fellow.. One day a rich banker said, pompous- ly, in the presen it Dents the elder: - 'All artists must be hard up, I fancy." "Oh sir," said Dumas, deprecatingly, "that is a sweeping assert:un. It is Iia if I should pay, 'All banker' must be lilies, I tangy.' " A wealthy Chicle?'• grain ulerlhant, now in Europe, was examining.. la paint- ing of a heavy thunder and rain stone. "D., you call that from nature 1" he asked. "Certainly." replied the agent. "Well. he must have been a fool to sit in a spout like that." A gentleman addresses another gentle- - man, whom he doesn't know, at a party: an eternal grinder of common place and "This affair is awfully stupid; let's go Pretentious noise, like a man p aymg on out and take a drink. ' "I would like p to do it," was the reply, "but I can't a hurdy-gurdy; Coleridge, talking in a leave veru well." "Why not 1" "Why; maudlin sleep an infinite deal of nothing; you see I ant the one that is giving the Wordsworth, stooping to extract a spir- itual tatsup from mushrooms which l'erty were little better than toadstools; John The colored people of Little Kock are Wilson, taken to presiding at Nodes divided RS to the needs of the soil. One and painting haggises in Hood; Peel, a congregation has been r outs for rain plausible fox; John Wilson Croker, an while the other for wetueel sun- unhanged hound; Lord John Russell, a shore. The minister o.f the district turnspit of good pedigree; Lord sent the following note to the people "f Melbourne, a monkey; "These be the dry: "You folks oughterbe ahauted the gods, Oh Israel 7" Others oc- of o yourselves. This cross -cut pray in'is cu ped in undertakings as absurd as to enough to get the Lard w bothered that seek to suck the moon out of the sky;• he don't know what to do.''this wind -bag yelping for liberty to the negro, and that other for the improve- Tite nuorher Dey ams the Baker'. sari. 1nlent of prison -all sham and imposture together-a grant lie -which may soon It is down in the yeast hart of the t ,down to hell fire. 'city. He was a burly butcher -boy ;she was g' the pie-ous daughter of a German baker next door, with eyes like currants and ' , :t CLaROYMAN a CALL -A good story her yellow hair twisted on the back of ' is toid of Dean Stanley, who travelled her head like a huge cruller. They and a*ively i:alf aghruuo. Hhete was spending States a tear he can, by two or three touches with a le: pencil, snake it look visible, and agree- ing with what he fancied. He who orders all his doing* accord- ing to the will of God, without asking or caring -what Others think, may often be spoken tf by the world as sial le and stupid; but in the end, he wins the es- teem and confidence of the world itself, and the approval and peace id God. FLOWERS AND PLANTS. ALEX& WATSON Th �t Aseerioon X COUGHS, COLDS A19T A, BRONCR'ITI8, LOSS OF VOICE, HOARSENESS AND THROAT AFFECTIONS. tt oleos- 1~serr� •,a- rbid• l aur • treemoss tomcats waive Owe for Florist. South street, wishes to intursu the peupleon hand a splendid sesotrtment thaty. hea has Porlestu Bawp arts it/ the wow I GRAY'S deelba ef- fsets of the /prom tied tae Noes so rates of Law DU. B EAUTIFU FLOWERING PUNTS of almost every variety, and also a choice collection of BIDbINO PLANTS, AND SHRUBS, and all kinds of QBI.}ET.&BI PLbNTt3 in their atsson. The public are cordially in- vited to examine the ttotk. Renumber that the earliest purchasers have the best choice. ALEX. WATSON, South St. P. S.—dlsofor sale, aheating eatf &1'$tus, foit- ahie for atttateurs, consisting inch popes, and expansion tank. 1781. too Prase the pais/ Mrs - tarty rsemi taelr cow- er pett4+te goafet order t to drlwa Lot eutie fre.w the Rprecs lyrlyl� w AsslablUfl.. Carlyle's strung point was certainly not amiability. Here are some 0 his opinions: "Sir Walter Scott, a toothless retailor of old wives' tables; Brougham, 1a61 NEVA FRMTS.fL SYRUP car RED le tale fee•w lea tae Chem •eonIts • wt mons, Ito- =rya sb.8.2 •N pre e sd Jay &are eaR $rG SPRUCE GUM. • ee rater, u Mit\ ON a a r s 'quantity ofthe -west 'ricked OeA loo o ewple to eo,elww. Its remarkable power in relieving certain fermi of Bronchitis, and its almost speci&c erect in curing ob- stinate hacking Coughs, is now trell icor n to the public at large. Soul by all re.pect•ber o8.austs. Prise, 11 ce•t A seat. a . '• S. Pond SGem" The rest. " Syrup N tate our lleyietr nd Thule Marl,aaJ ou. arid, &bel. are oleo rrgd.terrd. KERRY lir: t ?'.SOV et l 'U.• traoleeok D. -mocker, Sok Propelet.,re Waal yu..V,ru _ NEW VALENCIA.S, NEW LAYERS, NEW 'CrRi..N TS, S. S. ALMONDS, WALN CT: , FILBERTS, • CHESS? T -TS. leaned toward each other ever the bate of the separating railing. He was casting sheep's eyes et her, while hers were turned to him with a provoking roll. to night with some New England friends, and desired to be called at an early hour in order to proceed on his journey. The task was assignee to a y e - t ' LAKE SUPERIOR ICI TROUT, WHITE FISH & HERRING. Air- SALT WATER 'ti; HERRING AND CODFISH. ALSO, A LARGE AW.RTME'T ter :t you are amen . 10 aaF,k car i .. tee . 't. d•.:: etu,a.:Lrt. Mc* Ln, it maws - dad or stair, r %:'.m po.�rb.alta.: -•: —+ s,ar, nay 1. ft ; p whetir:tr ye•i t:nl1110eAte -,1 cat a ..:._ wi:nuai••,. ,.,. . ittera.' L*avelellc. W. a'.0 ♦ .. 1 w■r.sa: .t .... ;gotta, L.,* of • els, el en i.c: itis> -iia Too wltlb Hop c. H: l: r'aury men of MA - 1.. t 1...tomrT:,.•.. . ere. ate -me'.• ANCHOR LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS Hail evert Saturday. HEW YORE TO GLASGOW CABIN flee to See tlT[ZRAO1t iso' These etesmendo sot carry cattle, sheep or piss NSW YORK TO LONDON DIRECT. CABINS pee W PM. Excursion at Reduced Passenger accommodations are unsurpassed. All Staterooms oh Main lkck. Pssseagsrs booked at lowest razes to or frost sa itallrnad Station In Europe car America. at lowest rates, payable 'tree of charge.) throughout England, Stot d and Ireland. For books of Information, plans. &c. apply to H&, DEIN W' BROOTHEhe, 7 Bow uOUCMOS*. Or to MRS. E. W ARNOCK.v� bion Block, lod rich 1731 l� a ��TEFtiS FAIL. 1. • ►:. tt ft eta avc,ou life. lc .-es el r•un• C rsG s. • R•. NOTICE. Giritty up Photographing in Geed,. s.11 In returning thanks for ``part favors. would just sal)'. them wtahing s benefit will please notice former prices and ore.tent • Vreese 1. Lite Slav Phobia. i1.8�0 11:10 Photos, - I.60 414 - - IS Cabinets Photo per dos.. • 3.000 Cant Photo, per dos., - And Fealties to suit the above at S O T T O P R I O R B- l'ume one.Icnne alb! and bate your hearts glsddened.by getting' good and chea1gl' at E. L JoHNs0N'K. 175E Former. i4. 1.4 f 00 3.50 r.ro AT THE OLD STAND. D. C. STRACHAIsT HAS Iii:eau\ Etc His GROCERY BUSINESS To the tolo Melcomeallhiso1 cuetunt(aawlk. �rpubli gly enerall).111Alarge . where yuautiwill ytopleased NEW, F IESH, GROCEItIES LOVELL A't ('HEAP' AS THE l'HEAPEs7'. D. C_ STRACI - . I HAVE BOUGHT THE ARDWARE STOCK. MR. D. FERC+U=,JN VERY GREAT DISCOUNT ! Nearly all of so..it rte.. k, as well as my own original Stix k, Ivas houxbt l,rferc the ld1 ani of Mantware. 1 am thereffore int the Count). ('aenper than 80, other nSe MY STOCK t Ir Province of Ontario Directory FOR 1881 -1882 - TO BE PUBLISHED IN NOVEMBER 1881, Price $5.00. I1IR• LOVELL. at the request of several 1111 Merchanteandothersof theprovince;of Ontario of the City of Montreal. &c„ begs announce that his firm will publish a PRO- VINCE OF ONTARIO DIRECTORY, in No - 'min an Sugarsv ember next. contat g And General f•'r•eeri'•; CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, A N D i CHINA. Dr. PRICE'S Create Baking Powder. Dr. Pal;'& ;e Lupulin Yeast Gem's- ' Cliissilled Business Directory Alphabetical Directory AND A THOROUGH 'a 1 �'s' i 1�' W-Vlil�l�l�t1 11��i1U�1a1�fE1 �\ l.�►��� ► Il�il, } wbtoh I want ro run uta.' quickly. COME OND 817Y AT s' cE PRICES AS WILL FLEASE TOLL Fresh0-round Water Lime in Stock. AGENT FUR BEST STEEL BARB FEM'E i( Alli. R- W- McKENZIT ?�. N CARRIAGE WORKS. �ve~w0 T. & J. STORY Classified Business Directory', of the BitainPse and I'rofeasional men in the Cities, Towne, and Villages of Ontario. with a11 Chas A. Nairn OY TIIE ' ITY OF MONTREAL. C 7'lf1 .• t/; F: 1711 The same care and attention bestowed on the Dominion and Provincial DirectorietPt of 1871 will be given to this work. subscribers names respectfully solicited, Terms of I d- TTarl 9' Co.vertls(ngmade known upon application. W. S Hart (�(/ v JOHN LOVELL & BON Montreal, Dec. I881. Publishers. 1769 PROPRIETORS OF THE l apo mplo} ed in the house, who was matructee ( Go�BTIch Mills especially, that after rapp d she. Who is there?" he should reply, The I ,LATE PIPER . fore -quarter Inv at th e ■ dist itis: to -night -- , ten," he said. l ''Oh doughnut ask it," said Beg to return their 'hanks to the pnt.Lo for yearanliberal to slate they are prepare?, to dduring eic o Dean's door and hearing the question "I make no bosses about it, said he. h "Your not. well bread," said she. , boy, my lord," and then discharge his "Only sweet bread," said he. I errand. The boy was there at the "Don't egg me on;"said she.Deans room at the exact moment, and to , "I never saussage a girl. Dont keep I the .iuestiun "Who is there?" he answer - me on tender h•oks,' said he, i_uite fTwor ehe r ccasiotiing atpeal he trafnsFFlaughter osition I from the distinguished visitor. The ,Dean considered the incident a capital one, and told .'•f it with a great deal of I city as she. namusement. I " d h—-�"'-- chopfallen. "Why don't you wear the dear flour I gave you?" "Pork-quiol"asked he. "Oh, knead?" ked h "That don t suit me,sae e. "You're crusty. I only wanted to cracker joke, said she. "You gave me a cut -the cold shoul- der," said he.si lied "Ah, you dont l•iaf nee," g she. no "Veal see. I ocleave i a havto money andou sato mis-steak-if y 'I can make a hen dunce,' said she. A twelve -pound California salmon he. has Then no more lamb-elltatloni," said been caught a eh in in iiuhCummtssin, off Ce - he. "You shall be my rib•" ere planted salmon six years ago, and "Well dune," said she• thisisthe first evidence of the adapt- ability of Lake Michigan to the culture Pee Geoid I+iattillatR• I of this fish. We advise all young people M acquire j Its Just • Devising.early in life the habit 0 using good I cure of Consumption pap e both in speaking and writing, For the speedy andalso to abandon the use of slang and aorniCoughs, that neglected Colds Bron words and phrases. The longer they Bron - live the more difficult the acquisition of chitis, Hay Fever, Asthma. pain in the good language will be; and if the golden side and chest, dry hacking cough, tickl- age of youth, the proper time for the ing in the theist, Hoarseness, Sere T r the in 1 end all chranic or lingering abuse, the of gsngtte vi be T'on'ed theet and lungs, Da. Kiwi)! Nsw Ne- ed the unfortunate victim'obb of neglect- •oveaY has no equal and has established exp ails shine n is very pTvpb Much money i to btk slang far life. money is for itself a world-wide ii dremmmrndn and ,rosy mit necessary to procure this education. leading phys Every person who can read has it in his I it in their practice. The formula from power to acquire it. He has only to use which it all prepared _to highly recommend - the The lap language which he reads in good td by journals. Rooks instead of the slang which he hears: , and the press compliment it in the most to form his taste from the best speakers ' R1 wing terms. Go to your druggist The Listowel monthly cattle fair on Friday was the most successful fair ever -held, there being a number of buyers, and the stock offered being first class. Nearly all the stock offered was bought ata good figure, the nttendance being good. a-RISMING on the shortest notice. or for the eon' emcees of parties living at a distance will exchange grist& at their town store (Lott W. 31. Hilliari'a,) Masonic block. Plast St. Goderic•h. ;41 -Highest price paid fur wheat and writer of the country; to note their modes of expression; to use simple words: to make himself acquainted with the grammatical c.natntction of Mn- tencee --not a very difleult task: and to avoid pedantic precision and bombast, which show rather the weakness of vain ambition than the polish of an educated mind. and get a trial bottle for ten cents, or a regnlar site for $1. For sale by F. Jor- dan. Goderich. thaerM.'sat'atra Gals.. The beet Halve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Testees, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all kinds 4 Skin eruptions. This Halve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case of money refunded. Price 215 cents per hot For sale Vol F Jordan lloderiek Record of the LYMAN Barb. Nature, atter all, is the great physi- cian. She hides all the secrets of health within her broad. generous bosom, and Hall needs ah to gointelligently for his everyyneed The discovery ort the great Cough Remedy, GOAT'S STRUT or Rao Snivels Orsi, is ea apt illustra- tion 0 this. As a cure for Cough*, Colds. Loss et Voioe and Hoarseness it stands unrivalled, while its low pries and readiness 4 scow loss it within the reset of all. Try it toad be convinced. All chemists keep it in 25 and 5( -cent bottles ad FiRST PRIZES AWARIIEi) THE "aLYDdAN" Four -Barb Wire Fencing at MONTREAL. FIVII fl4XA'tIOO ��X�U�,,TOM T .H1O. tERHIHITIONS. SYRACUSE, 1 DAVENPORT. it'WA. root I IC ELUDICEBed BUTuIOLITT Give alt CsisprrUMr. Tie Clog & Best Few t t TNR 1,.\1.1e Year I T a4'JOHN S ON'S`LQ' SARSAPARILLA Ulna OOXPL I;rl, DYSPri And for Purifying the Blood. It has been in use for 20 yearn and Ise tv,ved to be the beet rrerarntiott in the mprketfor SICK HEADACHE. PAIN 118 Pi16 SIDE OR C ULIVER THE FACS, DYSPEPSIA. PILES, and all D1easss at arise fro -n a Disordered L'eer mai impure blood. Thousands of our keit -eapie tato is and Five it to their dab drsa. Physicians prescribe it daily. Thew t'jv uM is once recemmen0itto o the fit It Is made from Yellow DOCL, H -inch. ratSanapSr(ua• Wild Cherry. nandeaten Sassafras. Wantsilreen and r,rher well-known valuable Rootseed rand ; i•'rba Itis strictly otic&• n hurt the most del inns, for it ii one or the boat r-; citing the Bowels • It is sold by all responsible drnttsites at one dollar for a quart bottle, or sax bottles for flee dollars. Those Who cannot UM medicine from their obtain ubottle uiWo mtht saag send m me dollar, and we will easel ell to t'tsm. W. 100. asst a a , tfs.heee Ats.esrrocua Qer rot esle ry Jams; WILene, Chemist and Druggist. ggHGM1LLER 1FUCCES.SORS TO JOHN KNOXI, MANUFACTURERS OF aEc _ ANY TYLE OF VEHICLE BUILT T - onREPRaates.I Call G ana xanhh examine befo a p rchng elsJOBBING done eith ewhere. of T Tt,y_ 8zr J_ STC IiA: CUTOr(; t (KNOX'S OLD ETNA. GRAND CLEARING SA1-1E .t F Boots and ShoeS, C,4MPBE�C� MI al SHOE DIP011,11111, iFoR E MoNTH. Previous to Stock taking. lily Stock is LargoftlJ well -assorted, and Chilled Plow W ORLD_ Adoyited sad In fur on 16 Railway Lintel U the U. B. and t.'anhdssee that our trade mark. "LwA+ RAwa. 40 etene111041 on NIA reel. RCT so Orsaw. Rend for _prices Sed circulars to R. W WI/Crum O odertch. POMJNNiION RA RR WIRF F 116 VCE CO.' _._ a.�...�....�. _.re* _....__._. ...,w — —_._ ,•esu„ -1NT1 AGRICULTURAL WORKS. GREAT Haying psrehosed the pederirb Tounut'y. i ase ... _ hie the manufacture sad AORiCULTI-RAL soaks wiiil"he ewe oots e. eeD. RD sod # ea�lugeaelgnea �s se exseta/ r eta a t *used Srt M Cro tree arrrwdlna'IT a REEOMTLLIIR, Proprietor BARGAINS will be given. T==a\.'zs - WM. CAMPBELL. Oudericlr, Jan. ,1:,,1881 HACYARDS 'PECTORAL BALSAM• Hua ss heel lee the prosoe.wt eon "1 reaseire4a. wow Juslines. Creep. n retHAWS. bottle T wRT'f)., P•'•pMw` Tema" own lass1 CHIDiA, gee weiebeim I t) Tile I'itn[Rwt.•V RD HAtr'IN i Ilt;t'ILED TO RETIRE FROM THE Grocery Iltuli '1e58 , will. on Monday next comment.. to sell I AT A 1) BELOW (COST his entire stock et LA SSW ARE, GR.00ERIEB SHOP F�yRN1TURS, Ate. TERMS CASH H• COOKE• Osdeaiek. Mth A til, 1ad1. 171%4. _v,C-roR1,1- B i c u c.UVAU R S I P1.4T S/ -1::;/f /C trfLY- ws-em ee.. �7lI�� A WRRR. {if a dw7 at haste essay L side. 4' 0 f . Addrvs or At Ow. Aw sss' altos. 1