HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-06-17, Page 66 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JUNE 17. 1881.
She Poet's Q,orner.
Mer flag.
She has not found her King sr) rt:
The golden days glide by.
They bring leo sorrows tu forget.
Nor any calla(' to sigh.
No heart for het devotion made
The passionte summers bring:
l'nitarnted she Walks, and urallrayed
she has not found her King.
Men bring their titles and their gold:
She turns in scorn away.
The man must be of different mould
She swears the will obey.
Though poor in honors and in hands.
Rich in s rarer thing,
'titled by trod alone, he stands.
Whom she will own iter King'
But w' ,en he comes, as Borne he will,
Strong to support, mud grand.
With supplication that shall 1111
Her soul, like a command,
Shell place her hand in his, and take
What'er this world may bring.
Proud and contented for his sake.
Whom she hath crowned her King.
She Fashions.
Farm ulna 6araeli
Mtdr..dtoo of the.SWr(I by the ae,rat.••k
lersaers' club.
For the Ladles.
\'atoned silica are worn again.
Steel appears on the straps of the low
Capes made entirely of jetted tulle are
Painted French mull is a novelty for
d resses.
Little golden cats are suspended from
the bracelets...
Velvet is sparingly used on the sum-
mer costumes.
Pink and ruby shades are combined in
French toilettes.
Sianish lace is used for trimming
parasols instead of fringe.
Folded stocks of illusions are worn
with high -necked white gowns.
Bonnet strings should be tied in enor-
mous bows under the, chin.
Overskirts are nut worn, l.he drapery
being fastened to the skirt.
Young ladies will wear the plain rouud
skirt and waist, with sash at the side.
Helmets are shown, covered with cur-
rants, gitgies, and other, small fruits.
Some of the little punnets have exact-
ly- the curves ids ho.;so-shoe over the
Mrs. Garfield's favorite street cos-
tume is a dark green velvet, with bonnet
P. match.
t'A bonnet i:f wild oats, lined with
scarlet satin" is the description in a New
York paper.
The coral pink roses, lately introduc-
ed, damage any complexion but one ex-
ceptionally tine. .
Children wear e, achrnan's drab frocks
and they soil almost as easily as if they
were white. .
Buckles will be very fashionable, worn
With sashes,, and they match the buttons trample on was very wasteful. Mr.
worn on the dress. Jopling cited a number of°cases that had
"Mountain bunting" is used for tra- come under his observation—one of a
vein -kg costumes. .It is stiff and wiry Mr. Eddy of Haldimand township, who
and comes in gtay and brown. for tea, successive years, with a plot
Beetles in color,ld glass are used to "f three acres sown with oats, peas and
vetches, and turn, with five acres of pas-
ture and a small piece of hush, kept a
herd of seventeen cows till the harvest
was off, making the highest average of
milk produced by any dairy in a cheese
factory of 700 cows. No doubt it took
work, but it was labor that would pay.
Besides the direct benefit, each addition-
al animal a farmer kept added to the
manure pile which in turn would grow
Mr. Thos Steele followed, giving his FOR �881-
own experience fur a number of years, pry for
the T p f q
showing the many advantages of soiling. Two Years f of P11C[ of One i
Two acres of green feed wonld save ten
acres „f pasture, the rent of which in it-
self would repay- the labor. His prac-
tice was to haul in sufficient each even-
ing ti, feed night anti morning, in the
stable. A cart fir a rack fastened on a
1 still hero. Cromwell dies Wlhe hi ht-
tentiona is still "true, Napoleon L,
with his thousand treacheries. is still'
great. In the same way he would scathe
with his satire an English utaster who
cheated a servant out of his wages; but
a Southern planter who by violentoe de-
frauded a negro of his liberty and tight'
to a better life seemed to him only ful-
I llinjg destiny. In short, Ins pass nate
partisanship if what wag "true," poi ke
regarded it, made him entirely forgetful
of justice, and thruughout his life he
never felt fur the sufferings or sympath-
ized with the hopes of any oppressed
race. Neither social wrongs at haute
nor political inequality ever drew him
were forcing it. The uncertainty of out of his narrow round of duties and
spring crops for a number of years past pleasures. —(Telegraph.
made the sowing almost a forlorn hope, wttlTell.
and the successive constant cropping was Meadairs Victoria Woodhull has been liv-
ing the land with thistles and weeds. airs
in England for seine years. She has
abandoned her ideas about free love,
and has Leon lecturing en a milder plat-
form. At one time she was a prominent
figure in the celebrated Beecher case; in
fact, it was her ,caper that was the
means of first making public the scan-
dal. Her second husband's name was
Col. Blood, but she gut tired of hint
and turned him out. It is now ieported
that the Miss Blood whu has become
Lord Colin Campbell's bride, is the
daughter of Mrs. Victoria 11'oodhull.
This will bring about some queer rela-
tionships. Lord Colin Campbell is a
younger brother of the Marquis of
Lorne and succeeded that gentleman in
the representation of Argyleehire in the
British House of Commons. The Duke
The Avonhank farmer's club recently
spent a very interesting and profitable
evening in discussing the soiling system.
The subject was opened by Mr. J. G.
Jopling, who aid that he considered the
matter of soiling a very Important one,
and one that many farmers, particularly
in the immediate neighborhood, did not
give sufficient attention to. Whether it
was wished to change the present sys-
tem of farming or not, circuuatancea
And now that the main profits of the
farm were produced from winter wheat,
stock and dairying, it was only a simple
matter of business detail to make the
moat of it. -To grow wheat successfully
and profitably it was necessary to feed
the land by manuring and proper culti-
vation. To make money out of stock,
equal care was needed in the manage-
ment. In the State of New York many
farmers were practicing soiling exclusiv-
ely in preference to pasture. In Dow-
nie, however,;he would not advocate
more than a partial soiling system—a
something to bridge over the hot sum-
mer season wile:4 the pastures failed.
For soiling purposes land should be set=
ected near the buildings. one of the
easiest kinds of green feed was winter of Argyle will have a variety of rela-
rye, hut he would not advise its use, as tions: one of his sons has Queen Victor -
Atte did not like it at tire[, having to is fora mother-in-law and the other has
acquire the taste, and in a few days after Victoria Woodhull. This is a demucra
being ready to cut the straw became
hard and woody. A mixture of oats,
barley and vetches would come in suffi-
ciently early, to hg followed in rotation
by a patch of clover, which in a moist
season would cut tw , or three tithes,
and the mains''ty—corn. It was sim-
ply astonishing the amount of food one
acre of corn well cultivated would pro -
Ids sown tliick-
duce. A patch of mango
ly was a great assistance in raising cal family farther back than anybody else, GROCERIES
res. They could be thinned and the she has done the next best thio.. t., la, )
.bottom leaves taken off continually iu� l,reai•iert.—[Teleeram.
The Tinsmith is still to the front.
8 Mi.
ILLS*TRATr flaw.
Fur lobi is an rapt �� f�7▪ �talles. r"
Colored rower Plata
Vegetables eg abeori�
10 nets. 1' Eng er 7SU sttor,
cents. dre.ed. d.Ma1 ti. p orat
icy d the woo The
P7otal0ul a willutetl Mw W get an grow'
them. tele w,�,a, 175
�arh'1 luredewer a~i Engrsvings. For
Pages d * ared Plates sw
SO cents In paper Doran: 01.00 in elegant cloth.
In German or
i/elt's 1 MasYly Nasals('- 32
Pcolored is every number and
manIain[ Lhaaravinus. Prior 111.115 • year.
Five Copies for 10.1.0.tl lawn Numbers
sent for 10 cents: 3 trial cop er fur Y, cents.
Address. JAMES VI('K. Kucbeetelri. Y
And People in Canada say about
Scott's Emulsion
Of Pure Got' Liver Oil
I have pleasure to stab that despite the inccnvenlencc I was put to in my business by gypophositicE Of Lucie & Soda
he recent fire in my premises, that nits 1uil blast [again, prepared to give the greatest A,
and every otaer Line in the business
I would also return le ot
oeseful efforts in saving my propertyin my absencthanks to the Fire Pentacle
from home, at the late
for the sac
John Story.
tic age and even tae atmosphere in aris-
tocratic England is hecunting affected by
the spieit of democracy. Victoria
Woodhull once aspired to be president
of the United States, but as she was un-
fortunately not burr, a man, there was
an insuperable obstacle in the way. But
if she has succeeded in marrying her
daughter to tie son f the Duke of Ar -1
gyle, who boasts that he can trace his
Note the Stand. "The Cheapest House Under the Sun."
ZS Next door to the Post Office.
If You Want Good
throughout the summer. There were
other kinds id green food grown for soil- Cure that Cough : 1 ou can ,i, is si,evd-
ing purposes such as lucerne et" but sly, safely and: surely with Hagyard's
guard ag..met "di'. If you wu "la
the all practical purposes. Where stables
the kinds mentioned were sufficient for Pectoral sate' NewNewis the season to
Fent Ciensumptiou neq,ect not the must
Ha -d's
t 'll ventilated, and not flat toms. gy'a
were apse, i venni ar- trifling
aynip um
ranged for convenience in feeding, tern 1
porary- sheds could },e built with a roof
to protect from sun and rain, and a pas-
sage in front to feed from. Feed
thrown into pasture tields fur cattle to
fasten French neckties. Hope it will
stay in France; it's an ugly fashion.
Riding skirts are cut quite short, with
knee gores, adapted to the position of
the rider when she is in the saddle.
Duchess, bot, Dimple. Charmer, Flir-
tation, Cary, Gertner and Bernhardt are
:le. /lames of some id the new bonnets.
Spiders with birdies made of humming
bird feathers and gilt legs, are used to
faettn the strings on new bonnets.
A ball is stain to be .given in Paris at
whip the ladies wi!1 appear dressed en-
tirely in papel'. Tie toilets are expect-
ed to be exquisite. '
There are English women who still
wear the Bloomer occas. A young, tall,
brunette recently appeared wearing a
tight fitting, claret-cr1•�redr plush bodice,
prolonged to form a skirt. slightly trim-
med with lace. which hardly reached the
kneee, and she wore velvet trousers
;Tethered at the ankles. She had black
stockings and shoes. and on her head
was a small ear. Two ladies appeared
at a musical party in cistunses of the
same fashion in pink, with low-heeled,
mink kid shoes.
ae !WWI' Fre* eirlewer.
'rho doctor arrives at the hospital to
n •ke his daily visit i t inspection and re-
ceives the ticket •d a new patient, "X,
musician in German hand; pulmonary
c• msurnption...
He proceeds t, his patients heti side,
F [:'rounded by his adminng class.
•'lk-t.11, my g.•i••l fellow'. you spit
proal, don't you t'
"tisk doctor} I - —'
"That'll do; we 1. o ,w all abut it. tarlyle' Nee* a Lderstere.
And you have ct :,i sweats at night,
e6 1'
"Yes, sir, and -
•.1 fancy now i t;e ipatton 700
ar. :, musician , '
Yee. 1 Coy -
"Be silent ' 1- ,, a to a brave
band and yeti have over exerted your -
pelf --stave fairly blown your lungs away
rifting into yeer inetrutnent. (ientle-
nten. you perceive that eicknea has no
retr,•t from Rcien:e Wh..1:non uuaent
d., i.,u play, my good n.an
"The cymbals. sir. •
etiteodtac, N. B., Nov. 5. 1f110.
atesus.SCOTT d' BOW NE: --I have used and
prescribed for some time "Soott'a Emulsion of
Cod Liver Oil." and find it an excellent prepa-
ration, agreeing weU with the stomach, easily
taken. and *LA continued use adding greatly to
the Strength and comfort of the patient.
A. H. YECK, M. D.
Penn. Med. t'oliege.
Amherst. Nova Scotia. Nov. 1, 1880.
Messrs. SCOTT & BOWNE,-(;encs: For
nearlytwo years I have been acquainted with
Scott Emulsion o Cod Liver Oil with Hypo
phoephltes, and consider it the finest prepara-
tion now before the public. Its pernaaency as
an Emulsion with the pleasant flavor, makes it
reeommendreat favorite
t r all children,
g dis'seases ofl I do dtthe
Yours, very truly.
t'. A. BLACK, M. D.
Halifax, N. S.. Nov. 19, 1880.
Messrs. Sl OTT .C• BOWNE,-Gentleman: I
prescribed af to Emote ioond have better unnrftorr the
from any' aotther preparation of the kind lts f rum iIshave
Gu TO—
Btalsant will)
never fail you. It cures �'
Crump �athm& Bronchitis, �� hnoping- U S O
Cough acrd all Pulmonarycomplaints E R
Obtain it of yeeir druggist. D ■ 1
Burdock Blood Bitrers cures Scrofula 1
and all humors of the Blood, Liver, Kid- l
neys and the Bowels at the sans time,
while it allays nervo•it irritation and
and tones up the debilitated system. It 111110 ad utiwn to the otiinar7 lines of the Grocery and Crockery Trade, I carry a fi. otos of
cures al humors from a pimple to the
ful.a. or e y
Hamilton .Street, Opposite Bailey's Hotel.
PorkoMaals. Porkdcuat� Prorisioos
"' `oor
1 ----
of Serirs. Sample bottle, 10 cents, regular
':\ Mit 1-
B�)EiNG.now out of business on account o! " Fai r Dealing and Moderate Prices."
jj the tire. it is necessary that all debts owed
me should be settled early. i take this oppor-
tunity of desiring a•11 concerned to pay up at I
ODC1C. GEORGE CATTLE. , Coal 011 also sold. eeet■-.y Stock and get my pries.
— — LJnGoods delivered to any par: of the
stone boat answered ;he purpose. He
also, for a portion of each summer,
bis horses by cutting grass instead of
pasturing. He closed by making an
earnest appeal to those present who said
they had no experience, to at leant make
a trial.
Mr. Duncan Graham said in regard to
the labor, that it usually employed one
person and frequently more on an ordin-
ary farm to attend the cattle and bring
them through the winter. If that paid,
it would certainly pay to spend the two
or three hours each day needed in Boil-
ing, if the advantages were equal to
what had been shown. •it certainly did
not pay P. pasture caattle, on gad im-
proved land, seeded with timothy and
iHL BRITI'N til ltTLtLS 'F •"W7 n)
%DON yl'AMTF.ILI / Con se rertirr ),
LD15MIMGM /II -hip.
t. ;,
WL.eT111e1eTEt /Lite -nu,
glaolnrooa's Z6iabiugh MitirateLaSe
Present the hest foreign period writs in a con-
venient form and u•ithoof oh, it/cane-at or
Terms• of asb.eri µ10 • I lot• lad lmg t estase.t
Blackwood ,n - any one Review . $1.0n per an.
Blackwood nod any rine Review •. 7.lot
Blackwood and two Keviews . 10.00 ,.
Blackwood and three Reviews -. Ike.7.00 ,.
Any two Reviews ..
The four Reviews
Blackwood and the four Renews 15.011
These are ahtut half flu priers charged by
the English I',ihlinhers.
('irc tilers giving the Contents of the Period-
ulars. may he had on other partto-
n applkntion.
New seheerihere may have the numbers for
1*111t and 1sa1 at the price of one yesr's r'ub
script ion only.
Ti any Lite, Filer, new or old. we will fur-
nish the periodicals for 157f at half prior.
All orders to be sent to the pnblieation office.
clover. To,se.'nre premiums apply promptly.
LI taNCLAi tt.. NEW isatin. havirt� leased the shop of sir. P. Bayne, is now anti:,;. •i in the menu acture o
D. Ferguson.
Belleville,. Uat.
)l.-ssrs. St't)1 T S IIOWN E, --bear sirs: 1
feel it • duty- 1 owe not only to you but to the
community. to Drake thefollowing statement:
About three years ag'o my eldest daughter was
taken with • severe cold which settled on her
lungs, and not withstanding all that her medi-
cal attendant could do. she got worse and
worse, and e/pe•rrd to b in the last and hope-
lessafap esastlrtlptlon. The Doctor said be
COW Mehrr. but reeornniended your Ent.
tiiwgh. said she erect of it wan in the upinion
el every ego who knew her, simply marvelous.
tisMeeb.had mad the first bottle. she felt
mai& healer. and to the surprise fit us all. she
,'saalaaed to mend so rapidly that in three
nieathashe was •Moto go about as usual. and
fuse eoatiaaed in such exceUrnt health that
-t,.- g •! n,a-i. .1 1e Den,th. Ago. and Las now
liar and healthy a sun as 505 can find in the
Elora. Ont.. July. 1891).
Thu u r,. ,-, rttfy teas m7 daughter has had
Lung disease for some time. aad • ery much
reduced is flesh. sad had not strrngth enouSh
to wxlk scrums the street. She was ads iced by
a lady trued to try teeters Cmuision. and t..
our great *tupelo before she tta•l teed three
!exiles her hnant. Yeas er mp:etel7 rei rtered.
I re.•ummeed t' •„ eser> one trouble.* with the
Tulle w. B„w'E..
....".7. dr 15.
k ee 4r- -
~ Jin= = t;�. �'
• Daniel Gordon..._:...„---ar
Cilici—Mitcr and lillierialer.
1)blest House in the county, anal Largest :hurl,' thus Aute et London!
Cash Buyers will tint it to their advantage to see my stock it they need a good article at
doge price.
D. GORDON, Bike Street, near Pout Office, f oderich.
Carriage Works!
�.L.09A >�fbott>bbls.>;1�tco $- POINTER
"THry all tR. ti.- - '1'r. Ire*ntify the
tet th end gire fragrance to the breath
uv "Teuberry' the Few toilet gem. Det
cent sample. 1763
l'he peered treasure m••rt 1 t.mel 9Bi+td
o,t!. se eepufwtiot,
The idea that he was a great teacher
.•r the proclaimer of a new truth. will no
doubt disappear altogether as time gees
That he was a very honest literary
w.•rker, and inculcated the necessity of
hard taller t.r get at facts. is erident ego
Dough; but he was not the 8►st who prac-
tised or preached this admirable gospel.
If. however. we g, beyond this bans of
I all exhortations what do we find t Sim-
ply an apnthensis of open and successful
1 force in the government of than. 01
had no sympathy with what may he call-
ed the eater i,r eaglet sins of life: piolt-
ing ••r Stealing, Irina Re.t evasion, little
hypot?isies and a,.eial Pham p'litical
compromises and state "dodges." were
repugnant to hint. Vet to Matti. allied
i with fore, he had no fundamental ob-
1 *lion Frederick robbing Siieita i
T 1 M ES -The Pills Purify- the Blood. correct all
disorders of the Liver, Stomach. Kidneys and
Rowels and are Invaluable in allcnmplainta in-
cidental to FemalesThe Ointment is the only
1� KE
Tilt• ARE
Ibi salGl1O1
OF a11(4NT
r (JI f0eT0
'0 1 r Me
— — — - first class
Ail Give me s call, and I will give you prices that cannot be neaten in th
nit ^ rt county.
reliable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds,
Sores and Ulcers of however long standing.
For Bronchitis.Diphtheria.Cottghs,Colda,0out,
Rheumatism and all Skin Diseases, It has no
FEITS. -I roost respectfully take lease to call
the attention of the Public generally to the fact
that certain Houses in New York are sending to
many parts of the globe RI'CRtuIR tMITATtosa
of my Pills and Ointment. These frauds bear
on their labels some address in New York. I
do not allow myMedicine to be sold in any part
of the United tates. 1 have no Agents there.
My Medicines are only made hy me. at 633 Ox-
ford Street London. In the►Books of directions
affixed to the ution warn -
Ing the Public "muttons
gainst being deceiaed hy et m
tcrfehta. TM not he misled by this audacious
trick, fie they ore Ike rowntrrfrits they pretend
to drROY aer. Three counterfettsare purchased
hy unprincipled tendon at rine-half the prim of
my Pills and Ointment and are sold to you as my
genuine Medicine.. 1 most earnestly appeal to
that sense of_iwit ice which 1 feel sure i may ven-
ture upon linking from all hennrable persona, to
assist me. and the l'nblic, &Afar as may� lie in
their power. indenotmcingthtsshameful Fraud.
Each Put and Box of the Genuine Medicine
bears the British Government Stamp with the
words " iiot.LOWAv'a PILta AND OINTMENT.
iw,NDoe.- cngrea e4 thereon. On the label is
the address 8M Chinni Str et, London, where
alone they are Men ufactneed . Holloway's Pill*
awl Ointment bearing ns r other address are
counterfeit. The Trade Marks of these Medi-
cines are registered in Ottawa. Hence any one
throughout the British Pnasessinns. who may
keep the Amertean Counterfeits for sale. will be
prosecuted. (Signed) THOMAS 1TOLtOW AY
Oxford Street. London. Jan. 1. 1879.
The crowning giory of men or women is
beautiful Hr.Ap or HAIR. T11Is Ma only be oh
talned by %sir.,I
lta\LACE. which ha a
,+R _ ___ - preyed itself t o the Eimer'. $AIR
■ c moos healthy growthtte halrendera
soft awl ailh�yy strengthen(' its roots, and pr
Tents 115
tailing nut, and acts with rapidity
flf.TxniT M,ra.t • Piv[icng -
r'RiNT11:D R•
. • glee of THJt HURON 810N AL,
S .-1-th Street. (4. -wiener
Try It hetor .riling any other SeM by al
drustrlsts. Pripco se eta, a bottle. 1751.1 r
For Pak byl J . % 11 O'S. Tirnglts(
AGENTS"-awtnt. PIg Pay ldah
Wrwh. Consestift espce,loyen
re r'leen r. neededjswwlt 1.61 R tw Bur
n 1)110er