HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-06-17, Page 5THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JUNE 1881 . be unlver.ally adopted, an i the o..tuntry a:Nerark Markets. will require much more productive ea- G suralcu. Julia lath, aNll. paelty than the two p,Wpallles now at work can offer. We behave it would be ribs": trot a buaki. �► us a it ro whet. ISpNattl v bush t us .• 1 Iu great economy W adopt them, iu a care- ►tour, a cwt.... . . .. . . w w 2 75 ful and judicious way on the highways tae a WI"r sit .i o of this county, as they afi ,rd N greater hOY Y bud 060 vs 0 70 y r ue0 0 7 and more certain security fur safety, fur we find that as timber b.anoes scarce, an interior class of timber is worked In, and no doubt that, ail experience is sir tluired in the methods of oon.tructioni the (est of building will be reduged.` As to their duration, there is no doubt that by being kept constantly painted, they will last fur cuuturies, and wit very little more than a mere bagatell for repairs. We may coy that, Al we did not see we could gain any further information by visiting Peterborough, s e did nut go, as we thought it would be only incurring more expense for no profit. All of which is respectfully submitted. ALaz. L Glows, L HAauv, } Cunmmf3ll:uucrs. Moved by Mr. Wilson, ae.:onded by Mr. Hays, that the report of the Road and Bridge committee be amended by building Graham's bridge w unstea 1 .d as. sinning Fisher's bridge. L..t on i div- ision by a majority of 21. Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. McMillan, that the hearty thanks of this Council be and are hereby tendered —_ to Mr. Joseph Kidd, for his kindness in taking them out for a trip on Like Huron Paid up ('apical, 86,000,000. in his snug and taut little steamer, the Elect, - - 81,400,000. "Josephine Kidd," on the evening of -- June 10th, 1881 ; and the members of President, - HON. WM. McMASTRR this Council will long remember the en- joyable and pleasant evening spent on board the steamer "Josephine Kidd," with her genial and jovial proprietor. Carried. Moved by Mr. McMillan, seconded by Mr. Young. that, in case of appeal by any municipality from the equalization of the assessments, the appeal be settled by this County Judge. Carried. By-law No. 5, equalizing the assess- ments, was read and passed. • By-law N. 6, 1881, assuming Fisher's bridge, to the township of Turnberry, as 1 a County bridge, was read and passed. By-law No. 7, 1881, imposing the County rate, was read and passed. By-law No. 8, 1331, t levy a rate for the Legislative School Equivalent, was read and passed. Moved by �Ir. Gibson, sec ended by Mr. Girvia, that the Warden be author- ised to obtain a legal opinion as to whether this Council has the power by by-law to -Close any bridge scr.,ss a boun- dary between two municipalities in the County when the river is the boundary. and to prevent any private parties from building a bridge across any river or stream forming the boundary between such municipalities, and if, in the event of any party building such bridge across s river forming a boundary, without the consent of the County Council they (the Council) are liable for any accident that may happen upon such bridge—Carried. Moved by Mr. Rollers. seconded by Mr. Young, that this Council do now adjourn to meet again at the Court House, Goderich, the first Tuesday in December next—Carried. Mark bush Potatoes, i burn....... . . . 0 30 w Haigatwo..................... s01 ti11w t'► euro. .. ...... a !S r v N a8, a a..... v H w e0 U castle, dire weight, .. ........ 0 lMl a 066 Port. .. 6 M 7 10 Ward! to 3 (q Melt per hni el IWboieaaisl.. • .. 8 M M M Banking. LANK i)F MONTREAL ('APITIL. • $11,1100.0.. WURPLU& • r tts.tss,txso. Goderich 3ranch. ( F:. UI .V-t'(IJU., . - - Mnuagrr ,111,,ws Interest on deposits. Drafts, letter of credit and circular notes issued, payable in all tarts of the world. 1751. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Sed rich Township. S. soot Ptc-N i —A pic-nic was held in Blake's grove on Friday last. under the auspices of S. S. No. 1, superintend- ed by Mr. Richard Miller. The ladies ,.f the section turned out splendidly and 1 furnished the tables with excellent pro- visions. After the children had partaken Of refreshments, the older visitors took their places and it would have been hard to decide which did greater justice t i the viands prepared by the ladies—the eager efforts of the young, or the matured, and therefore more practiced exertions of the older visitors. After partaking ..f re- freshments, various amusements were engaged in until about 5.30 p.m.. when the gathering was called to order, and after Mr. Salkeld had been appointed, chairman, addresses were given by Rev. Messrs. Turnbull and Francis, School inspector Miller, and D. McGillicuddy. A series of games were afterward engaged in by the children. The following is the prize list :—Girls over 12 years, Alice Andrews ; between 10 and 12, Agnes Orr, 2nd, Hattie Andrews ; between 81 and 10, Genie Salkeld, 2nd, Lily Dodd; between 7 and 8, Mary Bell, 2nd, Ellen J. Dodd ; under 7, Eliza J. McTeer,2nd, Jane Edwards. Boys Over 13, Curtis Lawrason ; between 11 and 13, Wm. Mc- Millan, 2nd, Janie. W. Bell : between 9 and 11, David Bell, 2nd, Wm. McTeer ; between 7 and 9, Thomas Dodd, 2nd, R. Andrews : under 7, Samuel McTeer, 2nd, Howard Edwards : hack race, Cur- tis Lawra&t n, 2n1, William Munroe, 3rd. William McMillan. A most enjoy- able time was spent, and the thanks of the visitors are due to Mr. Miller and the ladies who aided him in making the pic- nic a success. DEBATING SoiIETY'a Pte-Nu.—A pic- nic was held by the Raillray Debating Society, of Goderich township, on the 7th con., on Friday last, and a good turn aut was had. The boys of the club are an- xious to find out the names of the coup- le who dozed off in the buggy ton Friday night after the pic-nic, and let the horse draw the buggy into the ditch. It will likely be debated at the next regular meeting of the Society. General Manager, - W. N. ANDERSON. Goderich Branch. A. M. ROS8, - - - • MANAGER. Interest allowed on deposlta. Ihrefta on al the principal Towns and Cities in Canada Groat Britain and the United States, bough' and sold. Adrancesto Farmers on Notes. with one or more endorsers, without mortgage. 1753 SHEPPARD'S BOOKSTORE. $ymn Books NEW PRESBYTERIAN, NEW METHODIST, NEW ENGLISH CHURCH. Revised edition of NEW TESTAMENT BOOKS, ■ PERIODICALS, LATEST NEWSPAPERS. THE RON'T FIOR3ET TH AT E. DOW1ING'S is the place for FIRST CLASS BOOTS AND SHOES. Allr-Boots and Shoes repaired and made to order. "''` The Detroit, Mackinac, and kinetic Raoad Company NOW OFFER FOR SALE OVER 1,300,000 ACRES Of the Choicest FARMING and TIMBERED LAND8 in the Northern Peninsula of Michigan, Destined to be the best wheat-pr,duetes region to the world. These lands are situated in the oountlea of Chippewa, Mackinac, Schoo ranttt and Marquette, and embrace many' thousands of acre. of the best agricultural lands to the State of Michigan. Among those In the counties of Chippewa and Mackinac are tracts of what are known as the "burnt or cleared" lands. Tneac lands offer many advantages over the prairie lands of the West, as the timber lands adjoining insure a supply of furl at little cost. The soil beinga rich clay loam of great depth. The timber remaining upon the land being generally sumclnt for the settlers' use In building and fencing. These partially cleared kande are now offered at the low price of from $l to $4.'O per acre, one-fourth cash, and the remainder at purchasers' optlon, at any time within nine years, with Interest payable annually at seven per cent. Roads are being opened through these lands, and no better opportunity bas ever been offered to men of small to secure a good tarn, and intending purchasers will be wise by availing themselves of this chance before prices advance, as the lands are heing rapidly taken and settled upon. The lands more Immediately on the line of the Detroit, Mackinac, and Marquette .Railroad from the Straits of Mackinac to Marquette are more heavily timbered. and are almost univers- ally good agricultural lands, leaving splendid terms when the timber is removed. The iron and lumber interests of the upper peninsula are of such magnitude as to call for all the charcoal and lumber that the timber and wood upon the lands will produce -this will enable the settler to make good wages while clearing the land. Lumber Mills and Charcoal Kiln. will be built at various pointe along the line. and Furn- aces are now being erected along the line of the road at Point St. 1i/flare. The great demand and good prices for labor. both In winter and summer, make these lands particularly desirable As homes for the poor rasa. The lands adjacent the Railroad are offered at prices from $5 upwards, according to lot=116e of timber, etc. The lands are at your very door. and are being rapidly settled by For pamphlets, reaps and other Informatics, Wreak W. 0. STRONG, Lind Commissioner, 1786. 3u Newberry and McMillan Building, Detroit, Michigan. . r UNIVERSAL VERDICT the' our 99ct Photographs are ~surpassed in the Dominion for TRUTHFULNESS To LIFE &ND BEAUTY OF FINISH. R. SALLOWS, Photographer. Montreal St. Goderich Ont. 'TA fine selection of Stereoscopic and Card Views of Goderich and vicinity- always on hand. ALLAN LINE SEEDS FOR 1881. Thanking the public for past favors. i take pleasure in stating that I have on hand a better stock than ever before of choice Wheat, Barley, Peas Black and White Oats,. Tares. Clover, and Peas, also Pea Vine Clover, Alatke, Lucerne and Lawn Grana A first class assortment of FIELD. GARDEN and FLOWER SEEDS. selected with great cadre from the hest seed houses in the country. ('all and sec. We keep the hest and most genuine seed we can purchaac. of ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LIVERPOOL. LONDONDERRY, GLAS- GOW. The popular mate between Canada and Great Britain SHORTiST OLk Rol TK. ea*. fassrrsail_$., soil Rtes ege Ttekets et Loire, RAT.L alIJLlII➢UWOM QVtB&C: SAIMIATIMI s ................... i tw J..e. Itch " ISM " OW sat J�7. .e...°t�a aveT•e with e�rs7►thisairltat to tet. e Tereus* Ps10 sBrn rawer ileo Isere Tweet* by the . eel eseseet with `hee AS ateeasaer�M 1tlt.wwdl 1I.a the emirs tare..( M Q••oe s• 11111=1 Wan COMPTON'S SURPRISE CORN, The best field corn yet Introduced. Ground oil cake kept constantly on hand. JAMES McNAIR. 1779. Hamilton St. For tiekSN end every Iaterwration apply to A. A RMtsTRONO. s, M your scow tees, Tem. end Agent. lfentreal Telegraph (��`l�V` pi coat h.,,e Addams R. Het.ttrr t I?$lJm. �'.• 0oAeriek. co.. rertlawd. Maine SEEDS, SEEDS A FRESH SUPPLY OF Field and Garden Seeds just received. gold In bulk or In packages. JAMES WILSON Druggist. G. C. ROBERTSON, B1 A RT $TR3EIC T, JUST RECEIVED' A LARGE STOCK ' !.M111 I'AFEII! r e e n Window Paper Carnets taken up and iielaid. Oil (loth laid. }fair Mattresses wade enter. and all kinds of Repairing done. I'id>aws Pressed an tllwaply as eves te.(71air. Rbuaod. ROBERTSON'S VARIETY STORE. sI0 DRESS GOODS SALE i1' DETLOR & GO'S. l Just opened a large lot of NEW IR ESS 0o(lt)'4, 18.4011 a' • great /sacrifce. see the bargains now offend 5 Call .ad JOHN C. DETLOR & CO. NOTICE _ Owing to the mate of his bean t,, the undersigned, .as decided to I4 -'1c u;o his p:c.'nt bust - new. and now offer to 1l...p.. of the wtiue 011 LIBERAL TERMS. Application can he made to himsrlf personally. The st.s k e"nsi "e, .'M 8:.:. eSal etal,le Dr goods, imported direct., of .complete and well =c;e, led nv.ortm. r.v „f taUll'F:it11 S, NEW, FRESH AND GOOD; and the stand being on Kingston St., aid only one lot from the s.l tare is une of the VERY BEST in the town of Gooden h for a p;,xl GROCERY or GENERA'... BUSINE The proprietor Is willing to enlarge the premises if required. 'deentitur t hr business will be carried on as hitherto and the present stock, which wil be ke:,t u', by ad•lit iuml when required. will be c,o61 at eget. e : tori. • -. Merchant Tailoring! tp 9 The Fashio able Tailor. tw now in a moat tint to escarole all orders he may be favor'. d with, in HUGH DUN->.L,OP JAMES WATti,)N. Goderich. 17th May 1881. 1787. P` Y OU TAS T ' PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, HORSE ANUI i.1i'1'LE MEDICINES PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, &e.. GO To E12. $20 :t" i tree. Alava§ t Co.. Parol.& Mabee. _ (YTICI TO T1PTV D1fNG H( -ILD - N int& THE PEOPLE'S DRUC.. IF YOU WAITT GOOD CIGAR`, TOBACCOS, I'll' ' ', c . " " GO TO THE PEOPLE'S Df►t.'(; " iltl:. .1 splendid assortment of FISHING TACKLE, just receive 1. and t+ ill =o:.: C ti I:.\ P. GEO. RHYNA'', Successor to GEI URGE ('.\TTLF. Blake's lila k. near th.r ,Sion k. t,udcrieh. Prescriptions a Speciality - - - Ni;ht Bei! on :he Front Door. OUR CONSTANT E I ►FAVOR IS TO PLEASE ()UR MANY 1'[— therefore we are +.lways"uu the luck .:;t NICE, r'I-HEAP, AND FASHIONABLE GOODS such goods as will give satisfaction to all who nut;. buy t he:oiry�\Pith tin-, 1i�eet in t iety NiN7311• Bursr WE BUY LARGELY FOR CASH—WE BITY DIRECT F!i'tV MANUFAC- TURERS—WE BUY IN THE BEST MARKETS.' Our stock is well assorted.so;that all classes of customers, be they rich or poor. may be suited. &The highest price paid for butter and e,(gs.'wt ESTATE OF h. B. SMITH. JAS. HUSTON, Manager. AA -N. B.-2 GOOD NEw BC'ooiaa FOR ,ALE VERY t'ilEV'. SPECIAL BARGAINS. THE LATEST SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES. ON HAND, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, ETC. tgCall and see our Goods. Hugh Dunlop, Fashionable Tailor, West St., Goderieh. JOHN PASMORE TILLER & 1 c QUIRRIE km en hoed a choles let .f A 1. PAIg11Q.1. DOORS. MAMBO ..d SASS d tr ahp allir lestill clew be t -- le w;t MA solelyrell De ,re' Vis. clad .wYs sea tem & NSW ARRNE roams Mt taperrate rat.. DedericklAit e Seeds I. Seeds I. The subscriber begs to draw the atten- tion of the public generally to his large and varied stock of .. roma Ofii FARM ad GARDEN EDS consisting of CLOVER, TIMOTHY, HUNGARIAN, MILLET, YEAS, OATS, BARLEY, and choice WHEAT; also TURNIP, MANGOLD, CARROT, and all other GARDEN AND VEGETABLE SEEDS, at rates that cannot be beaten. S. SLOANF. General Seed Dealer. Hamllten Nicest. N°TICIL The Maltlan,i H,e.w Manufacturer of Jaou SALINE BATHS are new open to the pehlte Inc the rano&. HOT AND GOLD BATHS teen be had at any bone from 6 L in. to 8 p. in. on weak slip sad tutu 10 L la. eco Seniles Mr. Tama. wairdesammilleigesment thay [.11estt_ a4 VICTORIA -St., Corner of Trflfalgar. pMR..se of tae Thema. 111114m.Newee r, Agent for the Celebrnted RE== dz ENE' are offering some rpt•cial Bargain„ in • O M Dress Goods, Prints, Shirtings, Denims, Ducks, Table Linens, White; and Grey Cottons. PFla TTTB_ Fast Colors. tri a ' . ;•, r yard BLACS C.d.$I3I.2 R S- ipt• ial Make, with out except:un the best ntake in town. COTTON 8I-1IFsTISTG19.--Extra Value, from dole. up. '1' WB:DS_--Fine Selection in English. Stxdch and (':•utdinn. Sura made to order in First Claws style for 810. 8(2. 811. $14 and $18. All cloth bought cut out tree of charge. REID & SNEYD, Manchester House, Goderich. SEEGIIL1ER CHILLED PLOUGH gad ser9e+al*ural 'Implement's. Alan. agent for the Queen's Fir -6411f e Ins. Co. TIM ie sae et the best Companies In exist- sas urged pt and reliable. Information 7 on application. Ffiera "NOV PISAStlt. pCR BOILER WORKS. 0hrystai do Black. TOSILL NKR esi1 SALT WELL MEW law IIDIilr .ad SALT PANS ...latae .E1Er e. siwss.t settee. Spring and S or Goode. NOVELTIES NOVELri IES- .A ch. ice aelecti. C , f FAS. 1 ST::.(\ s, iii HATS and Rieseer-. STYLISH, NEAT .lN , SI-ItE'To PLEASE. FR ENT and AMERiC.\N goals in the latest novelties. ' A. splendid assortment of RIBBONS, FLOWERS and LACES. Hats and Bonnets trimmed it: Coe I --west styles. A CALL IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. ire take pleasure i... .shol"401, oar goods. 1YI S VT ILS,ss'N, Market Square, G,nierich. A■ ads d lY.dri.g (iterated under the pwagni .tlpleLl.. of Use Proprietors who •Ra Practical Workmen. P. Q. Boaz let 1787. SOMETHING NEW. 5 Per Cent. Discount for Cash on $ 1 sales. 5 Per Cent. Discount on Monthly Accounts. G. H. OLD HAS ON HAND (JUST ARRiVEi) A CHOICE LOT OF FIRST CLASS GROCERIES And la Glvltyr F:XTR.1 (VALUE in T8'.AB, Japan. Bla. L. Greet. and Gunpowder. Try them. You will end they are Good. Also. he keeps IN)KK. HAMS, SMOKED ItA('(IN, nn hand. Higho•.t price paid for BUTTER and E(M44 Alen, a lot of CHiNA. GLASS, DII'. SER and DESERT 1>FT5..utd all kinds of GLASSWARE and CROC6hItV. tt '0h -e him a call and gut (,'ksapGoods. Ci- ii- OLD, C. House`..inare. tfTFarera' Predtaee nought and aim. 21"armeIS .ai .tteritios1. Herbed Feeca Wire contracted for In any quantity at ter) lowest price+. I SELL EITHER 2 0 4 BARBED FENCE WIRE. Wire and hart. galvanised after Wes twleted *ewe cannot scale off Use Barbed Wire for Ponces. NO SNOW DRIFTS NO WEEDS NO WASTE LANDS. (7111. For s.ie h) G. H. PARSONS, CHEAP HARDW ARE. 00DKR1CH