HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-11-28, Page 8STEPHE BAKERY and orair r v 16,p Every Choice A Good Buy SFDAN Auto7r,atk 964 FRS 01...D5 014 McCUT 1 0 t, * * .196? PONTIAC 4 Doe,- 1-ITP., VS, Fully Equipped 7ntr a4r).Frer!GXnrr,ZatVrMrMfrrVV;trA[rrarIWSRFMtrrnrgF ,„ r Chevrolet „, Oidatnobli „„ Chevelle ,, Chevy /I Cars Chevrelet Trucks ALWAYS A FULL LINE OE FRESH GOV'T INSPECTED BEEF AND PORK " MEAT IS OUR BUSINESS " PEDLAR STABLING BUSH HOG EDUIP. 7.01AP 170.14tliois 1.11113 BRUBSIIII.M. POSIT. BRTIBBELB ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOV, 28th,. 1968 Mary Maxim Yarns Agent Sushansn Dry Cleaners The Peak of Values * FORSYTH SHIRT White. and Colored Boxed FINE SHELBY \ EATERS * VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS MUNICIPAL NOTICE lyr ELECTION OF ONE SCHOOL BOARD TRUSTEE. MONDAY', DEC, 2nd, 1968 Sub Division No. 1 in the New Legion Hall, D.R.O, W. 0, Kerr, W, A, Williamson, Poi! Clerk. Polling Sob-Division No. 2, In the basement of the Public Heinz Tomato Soup Library, 0,R,D, Clark Mathew Mrs; Vera Hastings, Pen Cleric Polls to be open. - fr om 10 n,rn, to 8 p.m. Wm, H. King Returning Offloer Maple Leaf Lays Potato Chips reg. 69c . .,• ...... .ts,va ...... ..... rOvIni 1 lb, ... for 27c 49c 59c 790 Liquid Detergent, reg, (.94:: Maxwell House Ground Coffee cLU TC14 1:1 GR CERN° Phone 293 We Deliver. plitllre tieiragemmraitlilW1,000.141..:41BatagyersdinftwarMtirsamigeFtigibz.40$ McGRF.:G ) R SOX, TIES, ETC, * 'NEW ARRIVALS IN *MISSES PETITE COATS, and AVERAGE LENGTHS .. SMART — CHILDREN'S COATS NEW FROCKS — A— DRAW BANTAM. HOCKEY SCHEDULE •\11 eaturries are pinye4 ntliorwlso onto& 11on.. Dec, 0 'r,..vs,waitrr at ialiSSOIS, 17:00 p.m.) Pri„ Doe. 13 i:trari-tal at Teeswater (8:30 p.m.) Dace . 20 tneknow at Brussels Alon. Dec. 23 Brussels at Myth. 'ow, Dee 30 'Brussels at TA-ucknow Brussels Transport Mll'gith:xtdtilltaii%•,ift:'e-Iirrl.e'rltkktgwt4ttStitaPa,P.otWlr4TfkPiowteRealemortetN' SHIP PIGS EVERY MONDAY A.M. CATTLE TRUCKING and SI-UPPING SERVICE FOR FIRST CLASS SERVICE Phone George Juizi 122 Brussels IT WILL BE A PLEAS1 3RE TO SE WE YOU ....rOMPP,DwologRibmecreilMoowadrieseOliaa4121!Zuw,rfer4V2etwesagiteftr01611.4 „ Jello Powders Natures Best Kernel Corn 12 Aylmer Tomatoes 19 oz. Libby's Catsup 18 oz. Phone 132 Free Delivery' Itaimil1011ftediantstadlattlionszlinftnmoittnintaaratiffiggftroOMVIT,:04131%wegVisir.., THOMPSON .STEPUENSON 14: E ti MARKET PHONE 294 FREE DELIVERY WEEKEND SPECIALS FROM OUR MEAT COUNTER: Bulk Mincemeat , ........... Smoked Picnic Shoulders Fresh Side Pork FROM OUR FREEZER: Bluewater Fish Krisps Assorted Cream Pies ACCI.AMATION FOR. VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS (c,,nli'Tmoet iron: page ono Village of Brussels. TTe gave a report on ote Road Programm for 1965 and Spoke of the new road aronml - Miner's tel the creain ery,i T, 11 Campbell tenorted on netiv.; Mos of 'the Dopo.rtmont gny- ing a new truck was purchased al the end or 19fS and a Quantity of now hore in 1968. R, 11. Cousins gave a report on Wirigiaam end District Hospital rfairs s ayilie. they graduate abort :12 or 2 girls from their School of Nursing who rate very highly in Onta. rio, He said TIos., pitril accreditation had been re- ceived Be nviditined that main- lonance of the library is the re sponsibllity of 'the local rattnici, nality with rental paid by the Count y Associ a tion, Eiclwiii :Martin declined:to stand for council, George i lliott. who would net stand reported on Wiugharn -High School noting that the name has been ohanged to I', 'EL Madill High School, He slated there are 1299 pupils enrolled. 075 in vocational training. There is a teaching staff of fin with one part time. The 0,8fateria serves lunches -for 35c, 1020 students were I rauspotod 1908 at a cost of $1 1.3,0110, C. L. Workman reported oil the P;TT.C. George Me(.' trhouu, i?ublic School r batman, reviewed the financial siatement, Be also reported as represonia- rtivo on Ilse conservation Author- ity. Among others who spoke were eandida te:-i for (bp Coon ey School rd, (,,'urge Merin. ch eo n. lion- asid and So ninet Sweeney, 3turray tariff bad been pre,seilt earlier hot had 10 leave. Chas. Thom NT. t,arnont. of Grey Tov,tn,hip council and Jano-, kta r p! qo spoke lir r I! 3 11 Ilittod graufer Ill e-toplirnonted him on his -r 111• !WI -U.1,1110 IN WEEKLY SALE Brussels 1, e,..-tlek Sales Yard EVERY FR DAY AT 1. P.M. Your Home Market Where You Are Welcome As . Visitor, Consignor or Boyer PHONE 46J BRUSSELS, ONT. irratwommeetearmanomemokgwgamounumlis 1967 CHEVELLE MALIT.IU SEDAN V8, Automati-, Radio,, * 1966 FORD FAIRLANE 500 Door HTP. V$, Automatir., Radio * * 1966 CHEV. BELAIR V8, Autom tic. 1966 BFT.A1P. A87tomatic. Rat1,71ca 1°P rt' TV7T77.7171 s'r A TION VS. ”tor-1,70.4 %-. Pr" 4.;0, petPrir T-7 A.TPT ANT-7, c:F.I.DAN vS. 1P S5 PAMPT.TT 0,x;f.) FkrnAN Parrno, AntriPaYatt... * * * rus4 nT.nr;z1v7OP TT E T,-)A !I', a.e; p r,tito P Sr•rsny: .................. „, • Y. 10 for $1.00 02. ....... ... . • 3 for 49~- :.....4 for $1,00 ..... 3 for 89c ................ " 2 lb. for 65,1 -•••-• .. 57c tb 55c lb 35c pkg. 45c each PATZ MATERIAL comploto Installation -- Free EatImitne; f.. lee. • HANDLING EOUIPMENT Frorrtt AGItOftitiflOirt 01,,, 00'11 i1006 .l is