HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-11-28, Page 7THE mtvissimis POST, BAIMS414S, ONTA.410 NOV.N,UV. 28th, 1968 5 Located on Highway 87 at Wroxeter MRS. CRAWFORD GIBSON, PROP, DRESSES, SPORTSWEAR, UNIFORMS, FOUNDATION GARMENTS, NYLONS COME IN AND SEE OUR COLLECTION if YoU don't see what you are looking for . , We will get it for you. HOURS: TUESDAY to SATURDAY — 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. E A NI FASHION HS. REPORT FROM QUEEN'S PARK By Murray Gaunt, M.P.P. (Huron-Bruce) The second session of Ow Ontario Logi sla titre opened this wool( with Lientenant Governer \V, !toss MacDonald stating ,Coat Ontario had always considered federal . provincial conStitational and fiscal discussions as co- operative ventures 'with the ob- pet iv() of a greater, tronger more unified Canada.. The Throne Speech read by Mr, MacDonald, promised virtually no uevf programs that will COS( ill0upy, it called for a halt to major new spending programs, The Throne Speech took the un- heard of Step Of sharply rebuk- ing the Federal Government for- failing to hand the Provincial Government a greater share of taxes, In short it sounded a warn- lug to the Fedora) Government that. there is tough bargaining ahead on taxation and «U1Stit01. WWII 1)1'0 WOOLS,. 'I'll Speeea From Throne 11roinisoci 1.) An 1,Aupational Communi- cations Authority to replace the Educational Television Branch ot the •Department, of Eiducation; I.'2) A major revamping, of tor- poro tion law; (3) A Health .Protection Act With new concepts in public lieatltll legislation; (4) .Changes iii ille Assessment A01; and some financial ist- avec- to municipalities. A poording trr the (i o vernmCnit program, regional government will be instituted in areas of the -nrovince whore studies have been completed. These area s include 14‘ort William. and Port Arthur, Kitchener-Waterloo and Niagara. The Minister of Municipal Affairs, Darcy MoKeough, said recently that regional govern- ments would be built around urban centres with rural areas extending as far as economically feasible. This will allow the reg- ional government program to be fitted neatly into the comprehem. sive 'program of regional develop- moot which the GOvernmen hopes to implement next year. November 22, 1068 — Closed Day Monday — Open — Wednesday. Evgs. 'til 9 PNUTC11 FEEDS LIMITED of Brussels wish to announce SPECIAL PRICES FOR air orath whi wh will run from Nov. 18 to Dec. 14 During this period we will be giving Special Discount of $5.00 per ton On All Dairy and Beef Feeds Now would be a good time for new customers as well as old customers to cash in on these Special Prices. Phone or drop into our mill with your order " THE MOST VALUE FOR THE FARMER'S DOLLAR Call 199 Brussels ' GENTLEMEN'S CLUB NEWS ITEMS shall call this column Jotts and :Jolts. Last Thursday Len Lamont, our genial, steward, the Legion, went on .71 bit of a bender. I had to go in,. on bus- iness, (of course), and sOon aS was seated he sang this nasty song, it went, something like this, If you belong to the NDP Then your as orazy as crazy can be. Never listen to Johnny Thynne He can shoot one heck of a line. With no more brains than a Nam ny gout And the Lord only knOws who gets Ms vote: Well; everyone laughed but me and% he carries on. Says 'he, Stan- field is no better than any other Tory. Just another Diefenbaker. says, now lisiten, You have no reason to find fault with 'Robert Stanfield except you are a stub- born. Scotch Grit, He says, I certainly have. L bought a suit of his underwear and I'm itchy all the time., T don't doubt that, You were probably scratching before YOU put the underwear On, and I says, abry Blue ointment,- and continues, 1 don -r. trite Trudeau I don't mind a man going to Van- convey or Halifax to see a girl, but 'to fly to Spain, it's ridiculous. says, what has a Spanish girl got that our Canadian girl hasn't, Nothing, says T, eX.cePt n tairi- botiritte and bells -on her ankles. Re says, I want yot, to come to a party here iteXt Wednesday taring your foot but leaVe B10( old scratchy, sonecky fiddle al home. Tilcsre's 0 lot more rmtsitt in ymir foot than your fiddle. T tried to get ,to my feet to give him a left to the shout and a right on the skull hitt My cursed arthritis hit ine and T had to sit down. He Was shout lo speak again when in walked. Ray Bronson and Sam Workman, He shirt, tip like a clam. The only itinie he; opohod his month again that. day was to drink three alka. seltzers and a. half bottle of Phillips. Milk of Magnesia for stomach distress. When 'no fin- ished th.e magnesia T sent up a note, it said, why not try Lydia Pinkbam's pale pills for tagged females. I got no thanks, just a dirty look. "Tin Pennington got another board on his house last week. The one end isn't nailed, but you can't expect too much (this time of year, The days are short. Since Tom started this house i could haNe built a replica of the Cow Palace in San Frail cisco and boa a good start on the Woolworth building in NeW York. Young John Pennington is also building a house and it Will soon be finislied. John has much more to look forward to than Tom. Your membership card. for Gentlemen's Club is duo. One dollar for fall year. it entitles you to also take part 'in the, Euchre contests, Legion versus Club. All you can eat. MICI a good nite at yards cones. First contest com- ing rip soon. Leave- . yOttr dollar with Frank Thal-11)01i or Corne up any afternoon. Roy TurVey is our secretary treasurer and as very saving one. rie wouldn't spend in cents to see the burial of Moses or a preview of Arma.gedon. Soria. .lint Kerr and Walter Kerr are no better. They keep playing with the smile deek of cards till the. Queens look like Phyllis Diller.. Thy get so sticky you .. have to have a hammer and cold chisel to pry them, apart. They borrow these tools from Buzzy Another land mark going. The old Central Hotel, later Cunning- hams garage, Earl was better known as the Wild Cat. The laid few years Stinaco, but was really a Bammers' Roost. Bob.Nichol was president with Harvey Jaek- lin as vice president. Regular mem hers, 4(110x, Bone Wilson Gudmore. Smith and many others Cnlmore SMith and many others The conversation, they carried on waw a not very intellectual at tittles and not likely to be hoard at a Sunday School picnic, Ivan Campbell has traded his ponies for three or tour Old sows, This is a good thing, The sows will maybe now get the sour but- termilk that was dished out to the public., eSpeeiaily me. I only hope poor Betty Wont have to look after the pigs'like She did the andernOtiriShed ponies. 1 bad planned this week to write regards the myth of Santa (''tans, but changed ni,y mind. Oh yc,s and get Biro the parade this year and make Santa, Clans Ray ti real sneeess, llye for now and good ltick. Trutilquity Yours T. P. (41Ve the Post f TO THE ELECTORS OF BLYTH -- CLINTON — HULLETT' AND McKILLOP Having been nominated for the position of Trustee on the County Board, and having served as a School Trustee for four years, I ask your support in the election on Monday, December 2nd. KENNETH HULLE'Y Grey Township Federation of Agriculture ANNUAL MEETING and BANQUET 12:15 p.m. Ethel Community Centre WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4th GUEST SPEAKER: LES ARMSTRONG CKNX Farm Editor Tickets $.1.50 FLOWERS INTERESTED IN MORE FOR YOUR MONEY? Whatever the occasion, BIRTHDAY, WEDDING; SICKNESS; or BEREAVEMENT. ORDER YOUR FLOWER REQUIREMENTS FROM LEWIS FLOWERS IN WINGFIAIVI DIAL 367.3880 (COLLECT) We do not employ agents to sell our flowers for us: Wt there- fore can jive you more for yew- money as we do not have to pay commission etc. We are in a position when you call to advise you as to the proper type of flowers for the occasion, what floWers VVe have stock- and when you can expect delivery, We have tWO deliveries daily to the Wingham and District Hospital except Sundays and helidayS. REMEMBER the next time you want flowers, for a funeral, in, your community phone collect to LEWIS FLOWERS 135 Fraticet St. Dial 357-3880 WINGHAM. See if you dee not pleasantlY surprised. 1VICGavin's Farm Equipment WE SPECIALIZE IN A COMPLETE LINE OP FARM EQUIPMENT SALES AND SERVICE WALTON, ONTARIO PHONE 365W6 BRUSSELS OR 50-04 SEAFORTH