HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-11-28, Page 6Tau Rettr1181111.9. PO BRUP£1111.4101N1'.124Q 7RSDA).% NOV, .28th, 1..0O$ Royal Canadian Legion Brussels Branch 218 AUDITORIUM FRIDAY, DEC. 6th DEC 13th DEC. 20th 1'5 REGULAR CAMES $1.00 3 CASH SPECIALS 1 DOOR PRIZE( EXTRA and SPECIAL CARDS 25c or 5 FOR 1.60 TIME OM) P.M. 99 •BRIID:GE MQTORS ieOUR MUSTANG. FALCON, FAIRLANE FORD and THUNDERBIRD DEALER, BRUSSELS PHONE 249 WINGIRAM PH ONE 387.3460 "THE BEST FOR 69" SEE THE NEW FORDS, FAIRLANES, FALCONS, MUSTANGS AND FORD TRUCKS ON DISPLAY 1967 FORD LTD 41) H.T. fully equipped 1967 COMET CAPRI 2 D. WE. 1966 FORD CUSTOM 4D VS auto. 1965 COMET 4 D 1964 MERCURY 411) VS auto. 1964 FORD FALCON 4D SEVERAL OTHER MODELS 1961 — 1961 1963 R THE AUSPICES OF THE BRUSSELS BRANCH 218 OF. THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION WALTON Walton Unit UM The November meeting, of the Walton runit tlf Tiffin. TiC,W was theld: in the church basement, The devotional period was opened by Mrs. Tan Wilbee with ',1tra. Rae Huether at the piano for 'the singing of a hymn. A. remem, brance Day poem and the script- ure, taken from Matthew 10; 12-3re Were read by Mrs. Gerald Watson. Mrs, 'Wilbee gave comments "To be Alive" followed by Prayer. Mrs, Nelson Reid 'reported on the seventh Regional Conference ak; Varna, which she attended as delegate. A Rensall meeting \Va8 report- ,oil on by Mts. Walter Bewley. Mrs, Herb. TraviSs presided over the husiness period which she opened with the reading of a poem "Little Roads to Hap, iciness" She thanked those who :.a,ssisted in the devotions and alSo the ladies for their work at the Fowl Supper. Mrs. James Clark gave the :secretary's report, :Mrs, Torrance Dundas reported (in finances. A "Remembrance" verse was given in response to the roll call, The Copper Contest was won by Mrs, l)on Achilles side with the losers, under Mrs. 'W. Coutts, will have a supper meeting Christmas Party with a gift eXellange. Proceeds of the Copper Core test were $303.75, Mrs. Gerald 'Watson, Mrs, Nelso n Reid and Mrs.„ Don Achilles ser- ved lunch. The new slate of officers for 1909 Was presented by Mrs; Wm- Coutts; Past President, Mrs, Herbert Traviss; President, Mrs. Frank Walters: Vice President, Mrs, Allan McCall: Secretary, 'Mrs. 'Don Achilles: Treasurer, MtS. Mac Sholdice; PianiSt. Mrs. Ray Hue- ther: Assisi-Wet. Mrs, W. C. Hack- well: Quilt Committee, Mrs, Neison Reid. Mrs, W. C. Hack., well. Mrs. Leonard teeming, 1I:1 E1url Watson, Mrs. Cecil Lydlatt and Mrs. Roy Bennett; Supper Commi(tee, Mrs. Allan Searle, Mrs. Howard Hae'kwell. Mrs, Nel- son 'Marks. Mrs„ Alex Gulutzen; Press Reporters, Mrs, Douglas Ennis. Mrs. Torrance Dundas; Boxes, Mrs. D. Ennis, MeKtiliop Unit of Ouffc U.C.W. Mrs, Keith Rock was hostess for the ineetiug of the McKillop Vnii of the LI.C.W, with 23 in at tendance, M rs. Chas. McCutcheon con- ducted the Devotional period. Miss Tennie Dennis led in prayer and read ".Remembrance" poem "Pile Command", An article "Where Canadians are remembered, on Arthistice Day" was read by Mrs Laverne Godkin, "Clod is our no tugo nil Str en: get.b" was read by Mrs. 'Ms:11.1.13 ,s, 'Dennis. Mrs. (lh rl es McCe eh eon gave the comment:i rY on filar.psalm "Perfect "['rust and Perfect Peaee" Mrs, M. Dennis led in prayer, Mrs. Neil M 'Or ga \re the topic "Watanobt. the 'Wheel Chair ii;e' a rig eli st". The business was presided over by Mas, Don Dennis, A total of $203.03 was reported by 'the Copper ConleSt 'leaders. The "Money apron" patches wore tmetted, versos read, and Money counted, The apron then sold for A kith 1 or $17.02. The relyn't of the noreinating comMittee was given by Mrs. tcWtli't McCall. t ['nit leaders. 'Mrs. Laverne Godkin, 'Mrs, Glen McNichol, Mrs.Don Dennis and Mrs, caini)- 1 0.11 Wry; Secretary, Mrs. 'George Love(; TIT-insurer, M rs. Norman i'k.hade; Pianists, Mrs, Neil Mc- Gavin, Mrs. Morton Iiiickwell; Friendship and Visiting, Mrs. Mutiny .1flinn 18, Miss Ntbe-,t1 nits 1110. Rftb, 0:1: L; iluto treating Committee, Mrs. Jack lion- lion, Mrs, John T3tirch, Highlights 'the Regional. meeting held in. Varna were re- ported by Mrs. •Reorge The closing Brayer was given by. Mrs. bon bethiS, Tluncll 'ivoa served 'by Mrs, Won McNichol, Mrs, David son and the hostess. GOLDEN! WORDS PRAY 'Don't Drain. here .111i1 waste a day, You May nut 'halm Tiothe.i% Itoiteli out your hand to lead the way • For someonin else's brother: • You cannot 1oi•1; yonr gpte inSide And threw ate Rey, 1.'or Someone else ,is s'tanding fly y.our side 'hen lielr,yott really need. just bow your bend and bend your knee And pray to Him shove, hie is near thee at all times And spreads I t is wondrous 1oVe. Efts healing hands he'll lay- on aide And make them well again, Jee r (lo f t a lone does 'Into"(,( our grief! And knows' city every pain, ;•n ask forgiveness. ask for lieln Ane vrcety givon. Ail 110 atom. lotoNx, Ills 1:t6 Ofilgi U,C,W, PAGEANT !The TT.C.W. are preparing ;t pageant for Sunday evening, tlee- enfbei, 15th HOWICK LIONS BINGO WINNERS Regular ;;2,:mes: Mrs. Ed, Heott, 'Li slowel ; rs, Simon !tither, Mrs. Oscar jl.tipple• 9'rowbrIdge; Tony Se Marie, 13lue• ale; Drumm, 'Ha rrision, Mrs. Bill Schill. Formosa; Mrs. Irene Leitch, Kincardine; Mrs 'Elvelyn Stephens, List owel: Simon Hither, ild may ; Mrs. Oscar Humid; TrOwbrifige: Fred Sawyer, Winghom (21; MI's!, (Toll f-Kra esti, Mildmay, Alms, 'Wm, bistoweI; Mrs. Goo. Soil. in;; Wingliam; Mrs. lrerg WingbaM; jim Cornish, Kincar , dine; Mrs. Manfred Irwin., Ger- vie; 11Trs, Cordon. Gannett, Wing, hmti; Mrs. George Fltslop, Wrox- eter; Mrs, Geo. Setting, 'ham; • Airs. Neil Koch,Listowel; AirS. Andy Upper, Listowel. "Slun.e. the. Wealth": Mrs, Rd' Scutt, i.Jistowel and Mrs. Ver.; Riley, NViiighain; 2. .1rS. K. Ei1J::,Ir SVroxcior, $2;i Speetal: Mrs. Drumm. Ilan'. Tilton, ,jackpot Consolation plus banns: Mrs, [Tarry Adan'is. Wroxeter floor: Prizeif: Lloyd Mont. gof ery , 'Mita a ; Mrs. rim Fertnefia, Nisr4 11.1iFy, TA§filW6), • it