HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-11-28, Page 1as tt- B. CO!...;R$NS: • of Bro., 'zi ,i'ved in hztt office oviniinisly Iron) 11146 'to 1955 inclusive ,2.00 A Year In Advance POST. lit'ItSD.A1', NOV. 25th, 1908 POST PUBLISHING HOMO! PLANS UNDLRWAY FOR SANTA'S VISIT II is going to he a big one! Tile Lions, I..fcgion and Brussels hierchanits Ors going "all out" to Wok(' tin Santa Claus Parade. here iii SottuidaY, Decetriber 14th a huge success. li is anticipoted that there will be 2;1 flea's, There is. stili time tor more entries. The following business men hays contributed their financial aid. Rutledge 5c to $1.0() Store; American Hotel; Queen's Hotel; (infield Hardware Store: Grant's Shoe Store; Machin Hardware.: Murray's Barber Shop; Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce; Steplhenson's Bakery; Selwyn Baker; Jarvis Grocery; Bridge Motors; McCuitcheon. Motors; East Huron Produce; Thompson and Stephenson. Meat Market; Hall's Barber Shop; Lowe's Red and White; Brussels 5c to $1.00 Store;, Wood's Store; Grewar's Croceteria; Scotch Tbistie Grill; D. A. Rann Furnittire: [(ranter Plumbing; Hanna's. Restaurant; Village Shop; Eder's Store; Leach Jewellery; Ronnenherg insurancie; Mc,Cutebeen Grocery; Pegelow Shoe tcr,- Harness Repair Shop; Brussels Post; Mel & ROxy Rest. aftrant; Long Real Estate; Maggie Rutledge; Maitland Teleservices: Pint( Station; Huron Foods; Mc- Donald Lumber; Workman Plumb. Iii BrUSsels Motors; Topnotch Feeds; lieWOrd Bernard, VOTE ON DEC. 2nd. Co to the polls and vote to Motif your County School Board. Trustee on Dee. 2nd. Don't neglect your duty to elect one of the three candidates, OFFICERS INSTALLED Al MORNING STAR LODGE Mrs. Mary Lowe of Morning Star Rebekah Lodge No, ,",iii Brussels, D.D.P. of Horon Dist- Het No 23. and her installing Staff, visited the various lodges hi this district, also 111ilvertion Lodge, So install their officers. Sister Marguret Allan of Strat- ford. District, and staff, visited Meriting Star Lodge to conduct service of instollotion for the folloWing officers; Noble, ;Mond, Mrs. Irene Rich- inend, Vice Grind, Mrs. Jean :Bridge. Recording Secretary, Mrs. 'Marguerite. Crawford. Fin- oncial Secretary. Mrs, Toan Ber- nard. Tscaisttrer. Mrs Laura Wil- liamson. Warden Mrs. Lois McCall. CA:inductor. Mrs, Saran Stephen- Son, Color Bearer. Mrs. Margaret MCOuteheon, Chaplain, Mrs. Betty BrOnSon Jr. Past Noble Grand, Mrs. Barbaro McCntehemt. Pion. ist, Mrs, Verna. Thomas. Inside Guardian. Mrs. jun Fraser, Out- side Guardian, Mrs. niario Taggart. RSNG. Airs. i\Tary David- LSNO, Mrs, Marie Turnbull. 1.1SVG, Mrs. Grace Sholdice. LSVG, Mrs. Jennie Tartibtill. Mt's. Lowe T),D.P, and. Mrs.Mar- gareA Allan D.D,P,, Were present- id with rgIft€1 from tbo 1-000. J. CALVIN V.Enn.1 iniusseis f the post si-t yenr,, and Huron ('ounty, to retitni rouniciu.al orfic». PEOPLE WE KNOW Mrs. Jack Wilson, Mrs. e. HOW-0, and Tonimy s!)ent the -weekend win \lr ;Ind Mrs. Stanley Wilson in Damirlon. Lester Maclion of the CBC Staff, Toronto, 'was at home W leis pareirli: Mr. and Mrs. 1/. Mitehrin, Mrs Cleo, Ciltidlow was ii visitor with 'vlr. and Mrs Harper Wood. Rostock and With HoSpler friends, Bob Nichol is a patient in the Winghiam and District Hospital. Barry Workmon, of the Minot- ion. ,SItin district, who has been in the west for the past 1t Years, has been visiting' with relatives in this community, Miss Marini Bronson. daughtes of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bronson. wbo is a mfree-in-training of St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, will be a' is a nurso-in-troining ait St, Mary's 1)i1J1 ;horns that will options On Kitchener TV ml the Elaine Cole. Show at 11:30 (1,m, Friday of this week, MELVILLE GUILD P.NTERTAIN GUESTS rnind of Melville Church held their meeting in the anditor• iron of the church on Tuesday evening. Nmnonber 111th with the ladies of the other Brussel chusches and. the Vnanon ladies a guests. 1 linen 'Elliott read the call io Worship followed by sinning. hymn V i e litid e rending was talmn from Corinthians is followed by trio by 11-(,len. Leon:t and rSit• bul "NOW is the Hour". Thelmis Cardiff gave a rending "Kindness" followed by prayer by Jean Ire land, A solo by Joan Exel "Did You 'Phi tilt to Pray". Allis. 'McCarron introduced the sliest spoolter, Major Belly Pea- cock from the Salvation Army in Toronto, who spoke on her work with women who are' addicted to drugs or oleohol. Jessie Little thanked the snooker. 'hymn 494 wos sun ;.' and ill re- peated the nlispsh Benediction. A 80[1;11 iwins then spent In the basentent or tho ohurrb And re' rrOr4inffiliini4 MELVILLE THOMPSON isfennin "rheum-as , flied iniddistly„ ;ft his bonni ii 1111 Friday moritinn. Hie -s, 1;0, "Jilin.: ind ii-blisst of fi ns ] wiiii snit of 0 Into 01 :i ul .N!' Arehie 10-.01( I. or the Royal odherent of 11Plvill.e Presby- ter is it church, Ile is survived by his wife. the former Bernice Parker; 011P son, Archie of f rtfrOil ; thret• sk ors. rrod nr;IC(' I Willis. Brits- so n:: miss marlin (Monne) 'Poron- Mrs. cecil r %nom) Cook ininn- n s one brother Niagara '1'lw fritteral service -arms field front the D. A. Winn Fnneral Hone' on Sunday at pno. coin (New(' by the no:v. C. A. mo.- calizioll of Melville Church vinis in Ifrussels cemetery, 1",1 11 Ite;rrt ,r...t W ort* i L11 tir.14'.'0, .‘ i i ti tlgti 11. Tit 011111S Gil locis and Tom Piowor bearers were \Valter VOL nnil Tom Worknimi. THOMAS L. McDONAL.D Funeral 801"VIIN'ti rt11` 111011111s :\ii;Donal(1 of 1'rits:n-1s. psssied away in Winghani slid District ITospition cut 'Tar';- day, November were held on TItursallY of last 'week from the D. A,. Rann Funeral Horne. 11,11 in (Prey To\‘'nsitip lie Was ,, son ,,f new Sir 'and Mirs. \nisfilides former .1nne Jinn, Tic' was niarried lo the Soritt..r Christina 11. Twill 'it' ntorris; Tin\ nship. They formed on, the eighth con isslon 01' Ciro). until Movim.; 10 0.,,i insnnts in is4S., predeceased him in .1943. For Many years he Was (nr,ift,t,.' in heel` tie.' 11:4111.1.0;,..5 11 4'11 ai -iro— a firm on the iilili line or WITIPII I II(' 1../`rule' 1<ill'ar Of uili'in who sur- it lye: :is kvell one son, Alurroy. t i iota Two (laugh ti ,rs. IATrs. 1,11:01) Ilinnithroys t,f 1'ilthi- er:4ton owl Alss, 11055 less; of St. Three inichlidren, Janis, Jeri n y attil Donald Liwi..ss Alst) lint s lirol'ior. Air. Duncan A, McDonold of Grin Township ::nil one Hisser, :Us- 11-nitherinei Johnston of London, Rev. (:, A. AlcCarrion of sielyjne Preshyferion Brussels. Out, Poll bearers sviere Clifford Riley. floy- Cousin. 1110211 F•i 11,1 i ii.'. r I :\ TOCtlil. Wa'i't, '\1.1N ()iIL V1,111. ET, King lorry Coll Cordint ", it. I'ronik Little, ry ,rtitett; h ilt ail ACCLAMATION FOR VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS Tho Reeve and Connell of the 'Village of Brussels kiko office by occlannition for a lath year form following the nomination on; Mon, day night, Reeve Calvin Kranter, who has served this village for the ptist 12 years, the last six as Reeve. announced his retirement at the end or the year, He will be succeded by Rey Cousins who took the seat 0-.n. cell:w- ell vacated by Lawrie Cousins. earlier this year. Mr, Cousins -was Reeve of Brussels a few • years ago. councillors H. J, TenPas, Ivan Campbell, cant .1. I1. AleCuntcheen were returned to office with one new member, R, Kennedy, John Hamm and 0, L. Workman, Public Ctilities Commissioners. \Vol. King, Clerk of Brussels \'illogo, presided as chnistann for the meeting. Non' i nii i ions were ;is follows; 1.t1o,EVIS; C. Kronter, H, J, TemPas, R. Pi. Cousins (Q)„1. L. ',\Iceutcheon. I G. Campbell, COVNOILi 11. J. TenPas (Q) Ivan Campbell t(i1). L, McCutch- eon (Q.1. it, W. Kennedy clan, irnlwin :Martin, George EfIliotts 00 -AI1.IISS [ON ERS: duo. Hanna (Q), C ,L, Workman (Q) Reeve Ji Kranter ininorted mainly County Council activities, leaving local report for the Councillors. He said; County comMiitties tire to lie cut down to make a much more effiCient. and more active council, County Council will meet at the end of every month. it) The Clerk Treasurer, J. (1. Berry" had hoen ninth' Clerk Ad- ministator and explained his duties. .\.11 Assessment COMMiSI. stoner had beE.ti 'hired, to became effective Jan, 1. 1909 if') County Planning now lit effect with a new Board sot up, IN Discussed Die feasibility of onialgamotion of County Health Units. cgi 'Discussed the Iliad Dove'. of Justice County Public (j) in resigning. as Reeve of lirussels lie thanked those who had helped and supliorted during the IS years ;he serVed. I I. J. TOnnis 'slated lie would not stand for reeve and later re. Ported on the condition of the dump and reasons for inerensed ost, Ife gavi , a report on the linivelopment catmint for Huron Gounty, of which he is a member, .1, 1, :\leCutclicon commended 1. C. KrillItel' mu hill SerVit'f 4.S.1t0 (drifiit.iiltRA batik into:0 •14 trivo I.he Pinq for Chrigtnio; D:ktrict Governor Pays Official Visit To, Rrussel5 Lions Club 'rho • Distrra Gov,,rnor. tArm Inn M000I' of Mount Forest, paid his offici:a visit to the Brussels Lions Club at their Monday night supper Meeting when ;1 good at- trintlitnee• Was an 11.11'11(1 to greet him, (luesits attended froM the Goderieh and Mount Forest Lions Clubs, District Governor. Who was intradneed by Mon Cal Kranter, gave on inspiring, address spy- In; 'Lions (inned live to them- selves alone. hot Must go out and hi 'hp. others. Lions have impresSed otiber nations and cannot now afford'in sit basks Lions are 01[11- hinged to .grosp. .opportunity and doi .insit ii little more, A vit,il Lion •nseepts the ichallenge to help athors., lion Sack MeDoriald ...thanked she spenker with .a 'token of mires i tion. President. Lion Jan . ",9fli Vilet rt'Si ti.011 fill' the meeting, The sing snug was led by Lien Tamer. );:d;or wit Ii Miss Ann Gained(' the ficcompo)iist. *bile nion Toil Twister John 1-Tanna. iwas busy extorting fines. Moll mall and minutes 'were dealt with by secretary Lion C'ec'il Mc- Fadden. \vho •wos complimented in,. th e District Governor for his prompt reports. Business included reporis ily I:1011s C. R. Dunbar on ;he Children's Aid Chrismas Party fund: R.H. Cousins sold ITo' CND) objective hod been readied: Fronk Coiner on the bus trip to the Teo Follios in Toronto: Ross 'AT cC[ill on "Illeit`s. 'dims ro tlyow was won by Lion Hi I Ad min istra t ion r the :Solna Claus Parade, \v. 'Kennedy. IIJ Huron Libraries, Two new members, Gerritt von Veen 01)d Albert TenPas were 'ducted by the District Governor, 'he Goderich Lions expressed their thanks ror n ph,ason t Oven- following. Lions wets, pre- sented with 1110 per emit attend- ance, pins: Selwyn Bilker. it 13 Cousins, Henry Exel, George Mutter. Cecil l'Jrker, Pea rson, 11. -A. Rann. Smith, 11ank Ten Pas, Hama Thonmt.i.. ..\ic-rof.idyn.