HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-11-14, Page 6ILIN RIWEIBELS, I3RUIRSICLIV ON:1 ARO! THURSDAY, NOV, 14th, 196'8' "THE BEST FOR 69" SEE THE NEW FORLS, FAIL LANES, FALCONS) MUSTANGS AND FORD TRUCKS ON DISPLAY 196.7 FORD LTD 40 }LT. fully equipped 1967 COMET CAPRI 2 D. HT: 1966 FORD CUSTOM 4D VS auto. 1965 COMET 4P 1964 MERCURY 40 VS auto, 1964 FORD FALCON 40 SEVERAL OTHER MODELS 1961 19612 1963 • RIDGE MOTORS JOUR MUSTANG, FALCON, FA IRLANE FORI) and THUNDERBIRD DEALER BRUSSELS PHONE 249 WINGHAM PHONE 357-3460 Of Revision on "Little 1,1.s.lension hydraulic hose 28,35 Glenn 'Mc Reveller, rent als 2t1N.00 li arve y 1;,11.05z, :ioals 9...a Posi Publishing. Douse, tenders tai' snowplowing 1.25 \\Thigh:int Advance-Times, Rota- ors for snowplowing •I..32 Re1 .l tolls Moved by Ross Smith by Rola. \11t \,itiils 1 1.1tft ilionge. svat2;0 Grasby that 11,y-law No. 10, 1'135 be finally passed ;is read third time. MORRIS TOWNSHIP COUNCIL MEETING Morris Council met on Sm'ent- ber 4t11 .with t..1.11 members pre- sent and R..eeve. William Elston presiding,. •• 9.71-ie following ntottions were MOved by gess Smith seconded by Thos. Miller that minutes of Idle last regular meeting be adopt,' 'rid as read, Moved by James :Muir, secOnd- 'ed by Robert Crosby that, road oceonntS ill <1:l1.101Int of IiI1141.18 be accepted as presented by the ',road =Superintendent. Moved by Robert Grasby sec- onded by Ross Smith that Court --abiA•••• NV B0 ? ? Yes, "United Breeders" is what the man said, Arabella. The familiar voice at the fairilittr ,number 'DIDN'T say "CENTRAL 'ONTARIO CATTLE BREEDERS" or "WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDERS" or "LAM BTON CATTLE BREEDERS" You see, we're all one now. We've united to provide an artificial insemination service that will give you not only a better calf next year, but even better ones in years to come, So don't worry about being a twetltrier, Arabella. You Will get the same sires at alWaYs, by calling the offices listed in your neW phone book under Drain" be opened, There were no appeal:, ,1.0 Sider. Moved by JamesMoir second- ed by Thus, Miller that Court of Revision on "Little Exitension Drain" be dosed, MOVed by 1'1)0111ns miller soy 11.O. eq • by Jas. M a.r that general 4.e.cOuntS be paid as prez:.ented. Moved by '.Thus, Miller that meeting adjourn to .meet again December t, 19113 at 1 p.m or at. the rail of the Reeve, General Accounts Paid 1.,31ston, selecting jar- ors 6.00 John Brewer, selooting jurors ii.0 Helen Mirth', selecting jurors 2.00 Stewart Proctor, fox bounty 2.(10 Niarvey Edgar fox houni1y 2.011 Helen Martin, postage 25,00 Villago of Ilrussgi-a nursrng ;finite' (tare 1.1 6,0 6. Municipal World., supplii.”; 1,6 Blyth Fire Area. fire 01-11)4 1 92 00 Glenn. Snell, Ellis Drain Roy McSw (ten, I ;rain 1.10,00 ,S1uSWeen, 413.1) Branch, Ust'asbyDrain 277.0(1 Ontario Culvert & Metal Pro duets pipe for "B" Gras- by Drain 11.7(1 ahti bile, for Procter Drain elVin Corti echo 11, Sellers Drain 31.70: Warwick 1 3,50 Jas, 'Mair. Warwick Drain 3.00 Earl Sellers, Sellers Drain 7.50 Helen Martin, salary 1.30,67 Canadian Imperial 'Donk Of Commerce, Income TAX Canada Pension 3,71. George Michie, salary k- Post- nge 13.00 Hel en ITailtin, Py-laWs: Little Extension Prain 11li.00 'William Elston. Court. of Roxirt- inn, Little Extension Drain 5.00 James Moir, Court of Re'cision. Little Extension Drain ii,00 ROTC (Trashy. Conrt 01' Rovision, Little axt onsion Drain 5,00 'rhos, Miller, Court of Revision., Extension Drain 5,00 Ross Smith. Court of Itev'ision. Little Extension Drain .0.00 'Elston, special meeting. 10.00 .r ,mos Mali% special meeting. 10.00 (Trashy, special m('a)'in"; 1 0.rin Thos. sd)ovirti rittOotti - , -11.00 • floss Smith, specia l 1 0.00 Road Accounts rh"rlio: Titirso s Nil 73.n0 inairs, In chitin, Oldfiold Trardwaro, sWItclion (c:!, pipe dies 2./5 Purdon 7\iniors, hydraulic jack ION f'.1 '1,13 bookItcoping 117.711 • James I`aseinorc, wage% 4311;00 john wagon • Itio,t1), .• \Villitim .1 1.11sion Reeve toter] 1) Martin GENTLEMEN'S CLUB NEWS ITEMS Tiid 13,11 and 1 have just return- ed from a pleas:int trill, and lovely visit with the 1 a l\Vry'S and the in New biskeard. ilospit,aty was always sunpo,sed to lit' tti its peak in \\''estitrfLOttin- ado 1m, 1'' 1.1)111(111'1 t.ossibly any higher i':,111 111 N.•w Liskeard, e od like kings. probably (10S01'V0(1 !111 010),* ;411 0 W (1;,1; Lowry ; ,1 • -nesis at 11 but iN'f , to go to ')eel, :'oat got us in II IS (•:1 r and WO really sew eV 0171 -11ing von.th W111),f, town Itself. l. aunt seat and \\rival ',tirprised tae was linW ttGc peOple remimiliered me from .),!):12. Thirty-six ye.trs, 1 couldn't understand bow everybody 'knew me by . waving and •gestulating and hollering tool yet they didn't know my name. They all -called me; Ton) 01 Tommy, Altionti 11 o'clock liner we Ptad 'been driven all 0 er. vo,,re taken out to 11O,) t!Ountry. It is the best of • farm land for miles a.round.#00a buildings, good (..)a ,„‘ It's on7.'y a few miles to 1 border. Now. says Tom, I'll take you over 110 sPe . .7\lario. I'm no gocol to speaking forenc:1 or de understand it, • I figured nrc. going to see, a 01.1 W011 MI bite, di, I'll if it didn't turn out to be just a Prench town. ToWard evening I wont by my,. self into the men's beer parlour. Ari Old:Man was sitting by IIIMSelf so T. sat clown :beside him :arid 1101.1,01i two drinks. 1: Said', do you 'know Tommy Lowry? This matt nstast have iippo Pronch the wily lie tnikod, flt! said, I know dat m11, rol ,•enrs, l stays, is he n good ni,olioof.,01“,, -1 (h-1 tnrci, HO'F.4 DM; Mart ONO Or.M.C4 ti? 01'4 cif Ltd gaskets If I over Av.i in lie Prime. Min- ItiVter 01' Viatiado I shall appoint Low'ry eitlier a good will ambas- 'sador or head of the tourist, assoc. lotion, If it (happened there, was a field of good Hereford 'cattle one side in o field and a hunch of scrawny Holsteins on the other, Tom would keep us looking at the good ones. If there was a. 81back on the left side he would keep Us' looking at something on the op- llosite direction until We got by. ]le and. )lid were reMiniscihg all . the time. [ .wns very interested, 8o will The O.P.P. if they ever find out, en old, wrion ti nom st ,•ppod ill and looked in her mouth. Ile 'hispered. that old mare isn't worth a dime. Iter teeth are gone she must lie 31) years old. Tom whispered hack, yes. I know and you know and till OW -Man+ Y.C;.; iut us keTI) it among oursol yes. Another time he was selling a cow. Toni wto,3 ing her good qualities, when out of the crowd cau.ie 41 1:40(ItS, ginkey yontll, oliout. 1i. prob ably an apple picker :1 1)1.'6 W,a 'AO i:•lca grabbed (10 co'w feats and squirted a bul.. of :Milk on the 14,round Then with a silly gent, he said to the, :indict:Ice „this 000 has only two tents, Toin speaks `alp, That'S right My boy, but 1.00It what a dam fine colt, your motbor ratscd. Well, that ('Netylng We the „lb» tlAro'w is s. Nc, need 10 41r?tfou these. people as they 0111110 tram morriti Towship and that, is plenty of recom in end n len and reference. Not only lhol, ShaWii 1.1v od 1dl 'Hit. 3rd line. Ciliii'tl tat 1'a ar(.. the only pooplo in Wllr world thug St. Peter don't 0.te11l *o.).[oa .„1111 III mud 01.11 pun tionotl purl 110 0t119.1.) '01,11'o 010 jo 0111 pr. ••),o; 0‘0\ Wu. sttort.tt 911.1 ,)pay queStion. True then• is the right colltlie of gents Illat could stand a little improvemelm, fob Fran('(' Warwieic .Ves, we had a wonderful time and I only wish there w01.'0 111(00 people like our friends ill New Liskeard, now.. Next week my col• be Santa Claus, Truthfully Pye col- umn "'II VILLAGE Or. bRUSEi_g Clerk's Notice of the First Posting of Voters; List 'voters' List. 16681 viiiadg of Brussels, County of Huroil Na.t.ice is hereby u; [64 f, ;,it ;"'"'t oterw List Art, and that hovo posted op :11 my office,at Ontario, on Ole 91.1i day 1t113, Iho Its( iii` ill itorsons entitled 1)0 vote ill the ;it 1111IniCiptil tio ii s lulu that ;ill 011 liltI lig thcre for inspection , .\;‘11 Ilion all voters to Italie immediate proecod- ings to !have ally onunissiens or errors correc-ted according to law, Ilse 10st. Oily for appeal bring Ilia 23rd (lay of Mtvotobpr, Mato( 'this Nil nay of November 1193,5, ging Clerk, 'Village of krussols (Lis -1'11111 tta lett. I ea 11.. 1 inks itii(1 111:r' thanks, I pl 1.•tricti tli9s "rip la).4t 0)) to a rahlii. '('hen lie told .A.ugust, over a pint 01. 1312.)ek nie these yarn', 'Pont was selling :n(1 io ,of% di:I a drink do nior(' good,