The Brussels Post, 1968-11-07, Page 7$250 for each $100. That's what you can get with this year's Canada Savings Bonds: Here s how. The new Bonds have fourteen reaular annual interest' coupons which can be cashed each year as they come due. The first pays 5.75%; the second, 6.50`X): the next three, 6:757 each, and the last nine a big 7.00% each. Total regular annual interest amounts to $95.50 on each $100 Bond. if you choose you may hold all these regular annual interest coupons uncashed until your Bond matures. If you do, you will then get interest on your interest totalling an additional $54.50 on each $100 Bond. At maturity; therefore, you can get back total interest of $150 plus your original $100 investment. This way each $100 Canada Savings Bond becomes worth $250. Other denominations can grow at the same exciting rate. Adults, children, businesses and institutions—all may buy Canada Savings Bonds. They are avail- able in convenient amounts of $50 up to $50,000 for cash or on instalments, wherever you work, bank or invest, And, as always, Canada Savings Bonds are cashable any time at full face value plus earned interest. Few investments are !:o profitable. None builds more surely for the future. Buy Canada Savin gs Bonds and make your savings really grow. 1311.1.J$S1411.1$ ()Nrl'AILIO • r1.'ll,OUS.1)4Y, NOV. 7t11, • FOAM CROP INSULATION From the Office of Robert E. Mcl<inley, M.P., Huron llosoarch sei onl isi r are eon- 1.051S on a rtIon) 1141 Will:V.11 gill. iliSil eXponsiVe orops :142:al.11St VIIrly and 'kite Season frost damage, The Dopy( menr of ‘grioult tire :mil the Department of Indusry in ceopertill ion with a loyal manufaci. (!mic entrates aro exprossing optimism fol- lowing field trials conducted over tile past two yaars on foam com- pounds ;1 1111 mechanical f mon zil)Plicatnrs developed by the company, TVAts eondutpit ID . (tale indicato that foam applicant', tractor-dm-Iv:IL is capable of pro- ducing and laying a foam blarticor that. will give Hut per cent Pro- t-Potion to 01-eit the most i- !C'O crops, al overnight ;caliper- mires as low 11 5 ilot-trees. The history ef the de) ph,plat,:lt oi the foam ond inechinical moar,-; of applica 11', is a good p..lnip.le of jeederal 1 ,nve1'nincii1 and pri- vate industry cooperation. •Dr, Daxia Simitiovitch nr the Von a (10 I )(Tart motif of Agrical- titre's Cell Itiol.ogy Researeh. ill tit Ito hall originally onnsidered roam V0111 '0011 nth; (IS frOSt irt8111. a 101's in 1'•1;17 but active research was mid commenced until three. year s ago. 'Working hi cooperation with )r... W, L. Pall of the' Doparlinent. 0°' National Health. and \l'ellare and .1, \\'. Butler, Research Direetar of (.4n-1.mM-rates special 1'a:1m Was fortitalarmi in early 1.9Gt; that provides l'he desir- ed. frost. protective qualities, Re- oontly the company. developed ;I me(ihanionl traotor-drawn ;applica- tor, has porl'ormedsatisfact- • ari1y during this year's lost 10'6- grains. • Since the grottp published their first result two year:, ;1 f), tbey 'flax(' received enquiries from 97,111. ope, Ithigland, Israel South Amer-. ion, J‘iistralin and Jap•an and have been literally swamped )vith mail from (In na n and United States 'c'ove's indicating the widespread interest in their discovery anti the 00 0 (1 for a suitable menus to pr)'- voift fraat dalllage(1 c rolls. 1)1'. SilnilloVitell is already isriecl t the fon m will prevent frost injury to row crops. T110 re- 30arch group is continuing the pogram to deViSV .. and methods or oppiying the fonill4-to fruit trees etc. Mehl tests contlItototl at the Central f.:xprimental lourni nl Ottawa. this ..-0.;•rr by f)r. Sloan- ()vile!). '5 group were Ini.4o(1 on eas ily spring anpliontion foaln to strawberry plants ;is well as to spring and fa 11 prol cel km or lc- 0141 to plants, both mature ph; lits and soodlings. Dr. Sim .inovitch is eottridon)t tha.t. foam van he used to -protect any vegetable crop and ilk group is continuing their work to'‘vards this end. tests conducted hollt ill 11)67 •a1111 vatted that ball young and mature plants subjected to frost worn destroyed, \virile identical plants m adjoining rows, vovereti by tbo roam during frost. periods, Nver; complotely unharmed. Colored and 1:u11peralltre recordings vividly ptstriroy the degree or pro- tection afforded the planIts, widen were coveiteil by .1 layer or rortin dio.ing, a. period or rrost., ‘viton eompai'ed to 'the total frost kill of the unprotected plants. De. Stalin. ovitob 11011h:tit-1t.!. ;t scientirie papor that. will elaborato 111(0'' /11113' on 14•'.1 procciturer; and re• corded seiettlific Dr. $iininovitcli suin-csit: '11.11 leis resozir(•:t t > 11011• Inc ilto distinct possibilily .tf earlipr planting of crops. This could nut ho att,,...te.ptecl before tine to till' erlir/•••.(,ni frost and SnlISV(I'llent, crop (larn. age. Itoeogniv.ing ilesirahilily providing frost proteetion fo citraS and other 111111 bearing Id'''ly, the amnaravior,r's or till' rozoo uorroilt researching methods of applying the frost "VetiVe fon11.1S to 1)1% lb. t wc are just beginning to di;-;eaver fal'ran Pit.'111 tfl r,1.1111 i1.111111'.• ,V1 1 11113 cliviry. 1 t 1Va;...: I/1.1, .1,1 .d0r• inoy carrirr It+: Ili 'i4:''illt',-. Lind postleide:6 to provide ilrilt vontrol. II ;.; . , noiunis and inerli.i1i0.11 applicat- •.rs will avoilable in Canada, and the tjau ea states ;or early spring itoplic.,Iton, WHERE'S THE DRIVER minor 1;,111(.10 iliat in is lo 0,;(-1, car Ott tile road contained an avorage or 3..2 person ,, lit 1:15o, oceilltalleY hod devlined BUY YOUR NEW 1968 CANADA SAVING BONDS front SELWYN BAKER AGENT FOR: NESBITT THOMPSON CO„ LTD„ KI PHONE: 4 or 79 1i 1'11i1t, tilt' average was down .11>orsons per ear, 1 11,ly' :innike! if we project ;nose :oolistio , In 1:70-In, ovpry third oar when a woman. IMSWers the door," II will !MVO IllthOdy i11 i•r.t Nst.' neat savoy Newsletter }Till ' mother in?." Itn o11 aver oar, of 2.1 pArntilis per "To what do you owe your extra- ardinitry sucvess ;IS at /10IISe-t()- 1•(0115P salesman?" ask a friend. answored the- salesman. ift "rl'o the first five .words 1 tittor