The Brussels Post, 1968-11-07, Page 6SAVE MONEY READ THEADSO IN HOPPE Qn tliuhway 57 at Wroxcter MRS. CRAWFORD GIBSON, PROP. ETHEL Ethel UCW Meeting . ausseli • witilee wit,: the ilotte1,14- tor the meeting of t1113 Ethel United Women: liewitt conduee sal the devotion?!. MrS -Alex -Pearson presented an utteresliug -topic cm the work being done by her 'son - in Colum- bia. Sonia America. •. The :roll Pall "Whitt relit thank- ful for". was .answered by fifteen tnembers. • Mrs. John t'onley. •who president .at annuli, Was 1.11 rho rat' of Alio hastily :4v poriod. It was timitted to have no***tingti on . ithp Thursday • of each .- I :t!tsnt.1.ratilli.incetlags to - be held - In . t i. (411t Mrs- Earl Mills • tiosisted the less in :serving lunch .%-•; nve a jolts )4) a yralut 111 • II '.•me iwyr ;id. tried lo ceinEftr, lie put . hie . arm round :.ser asked, "Isn't tiicyy.attylitinp I (-Ai fin ` Maki% you s:op yryh;;;" ' 'Tin afraid not e!' !de :ehhr!i. "tr.'s .hay fe't sr Vat anyway." Bow, Line Good to ge.deedtft. kse expensive. OW beautilpt &lulu* itiviker . z. linoprOves.. o t this..with the most exquistie *,,:t3nrs. type ruCcis.'-ond_ wor kmanship- you could feotores Thermegroving-rich raised lettersit.1.-...i.:••sisse as tho finest -craftsmanship - yet COsting fleo .9Uryfiljs00$ selection. ff YIP two wfie. ebvcrAy. dlii OV It NEW 4ATALttlkilai R SSEL 10 ST Ti11111,81.}Alt, NOV. 7th, 1968 REPORT DECLINE IN NATIONAL ACCIDENT 'FATALITY RATE • The: national aveidint fatality -rate showed a decline in. 1987 as 'compared with 1961I even though 'lump people were killed in ae. kiidents in. the past year, Nation- al .Safety League General Man- ager p.G. McLaren reported to the Leagues annual meeting in Ot- tawa. There .• was a total • of 11,596 people killed in 1967, but the rate of fatalities- per 10iValci popula.. tion -dropped from- 57.3 to 56.8 he `Of this total. 5, 744 deaths sic•7. sNirred in non-transpontation ac- cidents' with 3,505 .of -them ac- counted. for by .. home aeeidentFi And drownings alone. As a re- sult, . said. Mr. McLaren, "the League is placing more and more. emphasis on safety education in these areas." .. its the field of water' safety special attention is being paid to younger people since 65.6 per cent of all drownings ud people under the age of 24. tireatter emphasse is al.su to be placed .on general child safety, *with the: possibility that Child Safety .Day- may be expanded to fullweek. Moro'e -than 2,1M chill-Wen :under. tlw a:re ttf 1.Zi died las.t rear in aceidentr and more than halt' a -were injured. • Ileereation . Safety (with em- ))hasii, safety-. uprooting ;..more.' Important, .he so3'11.: • ••1 1;4 tOtr( • 11011r).4 become itTger :mai 4.4.4 inerease. •• • .0as , •!mplirtsint aid o tb.c.! Lea- gue indite work !'s the growing in- volvement of youth In the safky movement, . Invisicm .t'. nu! It.C, Safer; :las led artive part In 'he: (.711k 7 -1.1th !no way in th!:-. •110141 itaking to unal eonfereneet and -similar groups are growing in other .)iror. • 11r, .Mel.nrc keted- thaw`. more erfeetive work could be .dono .ila all hinds if the League could 1j given increased financial aid. Last yoar,- 1,791; histai Canaditues received-tritiniut; in Crafts,. Braille reading and writing; typing,. cook- lag nil white cane travelling. TiWy were taught by 40 blind Home Teac:-:ers from The Comm Ian National institute. Blind.Many in hits titer, rtsceived this service, gessIbie your donations le. the °NIB. ALTON 0,41ton w,L, Quett.i Ftotn DiStl:et :;ire. Thi. Alit:411 lit s' '11411.', 1.11lttkPilli.).:4 St *4 .4 t Ntilltni1111.415, fat,: '. 1141.; 167441. • t`titgi„tlittrti .t111 ` 1111'.41 ire.: Willi. .1 001.'111 I ittV. 1.1.11;‘, a. Cay•-..111*, iniartt* -v1• r••...l •11 .-was is.tis 1.* Ili 1', 1I. • ,;;;Ioil -iisstai. .:111 iitt ti • .1 sin Novt.t,iter :(1 r 'red front it mt.. of 1 .rusr.i.1, ;i tile, t. 4 be held of asa flail : -1.1 4.ettkt 41 ray ,. I..;. .:11:1 Mrs. Torrance .Dunclas :•gave a report of the meeting. of the auX-. iliary at HureirvieW :whtch she attended with Mrs. Allan McCall and vt-n.. Margaret Humphries: Mrs. Jan Van Viet and Mrs. Harold Bolger will attend the Huroview meeting on November 25h.- 'Walton wreath will be placed by Mrs.. Margaret -Hnm- phries; at the Brussels Cenotaph at .ttc Remembranee .Day 'service on .NoV'ember 11th. ,•The area -convention at Guelph will be attended by Mrs. Kenneth 14(4)yritild.. A five dollar donation will he sent to CAtt.t.. 'hostess for next month's meet. ing Will he. Mrs.. Prank Walt. era. Mrs. Ray Nuether. Mrs. Fart 'Watson and Mrs. -Allan Mrs. David . Watson and Mrs Citordon McOnvin Will.. he renven era ter the Agriculture and Pan, adieu Industries prograrn. Mrs. Wm, Humphries 'present. • ed an account of The County 'Rally held recently in Cranbroolt. -Mrs, Aerb Traviris wad 'Mrs. Graham Sholdite Were In charge of the HiSitoriettl Research and rnrrent t:vents. A poem " Waste lint, Want Not" was read by Mrs Travis;. .Than Bennett; Aoyee Make presented ;1 "Untiring Twenties" dance to piano aceom- paniernont by Mrs. Ray rfuether. Mrs, flrahmn Sholdice- conduct- ed a true or false iaintest. Mrs Leo Deltner. who Was the ruest speaher for . the. evening. Pave an interesting and.-infortna- tiVri triserisajon and. demonstration rift firiftWooil, and driftwood plant- ers The speaker was 'thanked and • presented a gift by Mrs. Graham ShoIdice, Priz6s winnt.tis were; Nearest wedding anniversary. Mrs. -(leraId Ryan; most .pennies in purse. Mrs. Mac Scott Seatorth: permit wear'• ing her birthstone, Mrs. Tom Me. Marlene, Who% mother who dres- sed :1v on Iast nalIowe'en. and went. obi, with her children, Mrs,. 1.tric Anderson, Dentleithoro; birth. dws pflitpA -114111110Wok • Mrs, 1c.pratz. PROCLAIVIATLON VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS REMEIVIBRANCE DAY MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11th, 1968 declared A PUBLIC HOLIDAY All citizens are askew to observe it, as such J. C- IcRAUTER REEVE DRESSES. SPORTSWEAR. UNIFORMS, FOUNDATION GARMENTS, NYL.ONS IN ..‘btre : it you don't see what -You are looking tor . We will get it for you. HOURS: TUESDAY to SATURDAY - 10 J.M. to 0 pdn. Closed - Open All Day Monday Wednesday Eves. 9 ,...anwraommilnat mw. A lantn7. zlitelhat at'ractod :.3tuai number of pairona. 1,11m .b wa it sory,,d by Ai rs. )avid Watsea.- 1,1N,Tat N1 *-S. Guinan. : .tan van Viie:. .1r.. Mr.- .lann•!•1 Frit:,..• Aire. Demild 71, - D.Ambl and ie Wilbur . "aersonala . Mrs Tboinas Lei•tilitux beet- witRini in tilielo14.1Luidie • .:11b%.: • gnsan 114.11 and • a rrii ,ati. ai;,rtoo wisre visitors With- :'Ir. :11$1 Mrs. Remain. , . lored bat-. bei.qi c-on. 14i..ifortit. Itospital. •-.1n. Roy Itetiuett dap. in Orrillta. 111tritte • of .:London lito;" mitt her paryttts for '' 'buys after 3 recent Nev., *Cr v...ent it-A.11w tinlin;•;,11. kti10 &Aught:- Citiutver: .^ a tz.*arqe.): lospital The ME'S 0.! ,t! Ave ti..! •;; uJr. roeeiv.. (1 X111 !It I it P1444. is, (tpbtluiba inlu;:iist:(, Tax untufsam, FO$? BRUSSMIA MAU. 1451C21.,