HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-10-31, Page 4MILEY'S HAVEN at the
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Sectional Meetings of Mait-
land Presbyterian of the W.M.S.
of the Presbyterian Church in
Canada were held on October
24t and 25th, The first was called
for 2 p.m., October 21th al South
Kinloss. This church has an old,
world setting; Situated in the
Kirkyard at the northern limits of
the village of Lucknow, peaceful
with the rich autumn colors
all about, and the sun filtering
through stained glass windOwS.
There was a good attendance. Mrs,
Bernard Thomas, Bluevale, 3rd
Vice-President presided. Mrs,
Sparks, South Kinloss, was organ-
ist. The theme, Faith, The Way,
The Truth and the Life, The meet-
ing commenced with a Call to
Worship and prayer by Mrs.
Thomas. The Worship. Service.
based on Thanksgiving, was
taken by Mrs. W, Thompson,
Kincardine, reading the Scrip-
tur, Psalm 93; Mrs, Riohard West.
Ashfield, the meditation — the
origin of national thanksgiving
days; Mrs, R. McAllister, Dungan-
non, led in prayer. 'Greetings and
a word of welcome were given by
Mrs, Harry LaVis, South Kinies;:.
Mrs. W. D. Campbell, Molesworth,
Recording Secretary, gave the
Roll Call. Mrs. Howard f-Tarris.
Molesworth, was monitor of a
Panel discussion the "New ap-
proach to Missions", the topic, of
the 19(39 Study Book. Three' of the
Ladies on the panel bad attended
Belleville Training Centre in.
July. Assuming a "coffee party"
setting, they folloWed the outline
of one evening's programme. The
topic "Missions in e changing
world". Mrs. F., Beard, Wingham,
discussed Revolution; Mrs. E.
R. HaWkes, ,Bluevale, Urban prob-
lems, concluding with a poem en-
titled "Who Cares". Mrs. R. Mc,
Dungannon, Biter-racial
problems: Mrs. C. MacAUley„
Ripley, assisted by Choral grout),
Christian Elduc,ation. Mrs A. Mutt-
doll, Bluevale, Caro of the Sick,
Hospital visitors, Indian Schools,
Training of na tive people. DismiS-
Stens were interesting and thought
provoking. All present participat-
ed in a Litany on the Lord'sPray-
er. Me offering Was received.
Mrs, Gordon Wall, Langside, gave
the dedication 'prayer. Comments
on the recent Synodical meeting
were given by Mrs. George Sutt•
erland , Ripley, President. A duet.
Teach me to pray" sung by 'Mrs,
Ron Forster and Mrs. Gibson Of
Lucknow was very much enjoyed
Mrs. D. R. MacKenzie, Ashfield,
gaVe the treasurer's report. Airs.
Staten, Kitiough, thanked all who
had arranged and participated in
the progtanithe. The closing pray-
er was given by Mrs. McKinnon
Of Ripley. Following the meeting
the hospitality of the South Kin ,
MSS ladies was very much enjoyed
Otti appreciated.
The seond Sectional Was 11041 On
Cot. 25tli at 8 p.m. in illuevals
Presbyterian church school-roonti.
The weather was chilly with rain.
neverless there was a good attend -
once. Borittets of tate gard611
blooms were very beautiful
Mrs. Ted English, Winglinni, 2no
Vtde-PreSident, chaired the meet-
ing', Mts. Keith 'Moffatt was
pianist. The Meeting Cntnnicnined
with a. Call to Wotsbip and Prayer
by Mrs. English, The Devotions
Were given by Mrs. C. GibsOn,
Gerrie, Scripthre ftoM Matthew
otiapter 181 Mrs. MatheFieti
Meditat1011; Mrs. JOItti-t
51011 Conn, Whitecinti.on, Litany
on. the Lord's Prayer — an expos-
ition on the ".N.ew forms of "Mis.
Mon". Mrs. Burns Moffatt- Blue-
vale, welcomed the visiting memb-
ers. Roll Call wits given by Mrs.
W. D. Campbell, and the 'Treasur
er's report by Mrs. Mundell in the
absence of Airs. MacKenzie. rrho
offering Was received. Mrs, FL
Stewart, Carrie gave the dedica-
tion. A dnet by Mrs, Murray Count
and Mrs, dim English, accom-
panied by Mrs. j, Conn, was much
enjoyed. Panel discussions as
sou th Ki tt i oss wore reuea L e d, w ith
a bit more freedom of ONprossion.
Mrs. Mundell explained that due
to the rising tide of tintionalism
in today's world, missionaries aro
being denied, entry or re-entry
to foreign lands, thus the need
1'ov new forms of mission. .A. word
of appreciation Wits expressed by
Miss L. Currie, Winghant, to all
'whu had taken part in the. meet-
ing, M Walter Ballagh, Tees-
water, led in the closing prayer,
,a0eiai time was enjoyed at the
einst- whoa ali cily0ed the hos-
pitality• of the illuovale
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