The Brussels Post, 1968-10-31, Page 2BUY YOUR NEW 1968 CANADA SAVING BONDS from. SELWYN BAKER AGENT FOR: NESBITT THOMPSON 00., LTD„ KITCHLNER PHONE: 4 or 79 H.R. 2, BLYTH Phone Brussels 443w4 versify stmleals. Althoup.11 their !mines zinc, in 'Toronto ri,ght Choy tome from ail over Ishe prov- ince. JEAN'S FASHION Located on Highway 37 at Wroxeter THE BEST FOR 69" SEE 'THE NEW FORDS, MUSTANGS AND FORD * * FAIRLAN ES, FALCONS, TRUCKS ON DISPLAY 1967 FORD LTD 4LJ H.T. fully equipped 1966 FORD CUSTOM 4D VS auto. 1966 COMET 41) VS auto. 1964 FORD FALCON 4D 1963 MERCURY 4D VS auto. SEVERAL OTHER MODELS 1961 — 19612 1963 BRI ORS I OUR MUSTANG, FALCON, FA IRLANE FORD and THU N DERBIRD DEALER BRUSSELS PHONE 249 WINGFIAM PHONE 357.3460 Tq- ONE. 11151 BRUSSELS, ONT. ot4 BRUSSPILS, POST, 13RUSSIC.,5 ONTARIO TuungnAy, ocT, 31st, 1908 .EGG PRICE SUPPORT PROGRAM Front the office of E. McKinley, All, Huron A deficiency payment or tenth; • of a. cent per dozen of eggs was announced October 21st, 1968, by the Agricultural Stabilization Board. The payment applies to egg:, -Marketed in the 1907-68 support year which ended Septemliev 3u, 1968. The weighted national average price received by produers for Grade A Large size eggs in the support year was .13.6 cents per dozen - four tenths of a cent be- loW . the the :support price of 34 cents. Total payments to producers will amount to approximately $500,000. The Board noted that the sur- lus egg purchase program carried out in 1967-68 under the Agricul- tural Products Baird vGt has played a major role ill stabliziug producer returns during the year. These purchases, in the form of egg powder, are to be used by the Government in external aid pro. .groms.. To be eligible for the deficiency BERG Sales - Service Installation FREE ESTIMATES • Barn Cleaners • Bunk Feeders • Stabling DONALD G. IVES payment, producers 1010.1 be reg.' istercd with the Rtahlization iloaril and havesold eggs through li'llroved egg grading stations, In be registered pri)dricers who do own grading and sell directly la retail outlets. Payment applies to Grade Extra Large, Grade \. Large, and Grade A :Medium size eggs, to a maximum of 10,000 dox e lt . Producers shippin:2, loss than 1,0ini dozen eggs in the support year are Ind eligible, The Stoldi:.:ation Board is inuil• in- to all r:-.2:i•-,,A ,red producers a claim form with instructions on for payment. Producers not registered with ihe Board may apply for reg.iS- tratiou by completing' a section nl the claim form available from ev:g grading stations or from District Superviscors of the Poultry 'Div- ision. 1'onada 1)upartnten,r of Agri- culture, STUDENTS HELP BUILD BARN Connitunity spirit hasn't disap- peared as rf. C. Hemingway roc- en tly ' discovered. What WaS more encouraging the community came from all over,,Ontorio. In May Mr. Hemingway's barn on coricc.,ssion 12 of Grey Town- •ship was hUrned: He thod recently built al new foundation and wiis PreParing to put up the frame- Work when his son, David, came lime with some help. David is a student at Centen, vial College, Toronto, and a Mem- ber of a sorority nt the college. .Seven members of the sorority decided to themselves use- ful when they heard David's lath- er neudea .1.H111): Alnong the helpers were five girls and two boys --- nurses, teachers. high school and uni- HURON. COUNTY HOSPITALS REPORT Huron County's five public hospita Is ireitINI 7,1130 patients during the past year. with an op- 4.kruting budget of $: ,S';'1 -:' County was told The information WaS reeelYi'd 1.0 re• ports of the County rt'presc rl- tati wes On the VariOUS. ii0;111.1S. Po LINO days numbered 92.70:.!, trite 31.2 beds were in use in the five institutions located ii Wine - in, Goderich, Clinton, Sia[orth and 1.:koier. Total staid' wi;:, ti•per;;ed fidlims: NVingham, tidministra- livo loll deparitnen'sl, nurs- ing, supervisory, four, IlN 22 1;NA 52. tither staff Goderich, ithninis.r:itive, eight, nursing sup- crvisory, IZN. 2 RNA dl whet. sta , strotive, part-time, one, lows- lug supervisory five, ItN. 22, part- time 'MA. 'nine, part-time ier iii; adminis.,rative, seven, lwrVi.orr rotio, other staff, 15; .1.,:xetcr. .1dptini:nrath.. four nursing sup- ervisory. five, [tN 10. RNA. 10. ha ul mol 17istr1c,! 'Hospital reported that of 101 beds Sql were active and 18 ehronio; that pa,lents admitted v,'ore inadc .: up or 571 urban. 511.1 rural kind .irt from outside the connty,. and that • en, again tile hosr11:11. is operaIng all full copocity with no e: It IWdti ;Ind wnitiug .Mexander Morink• tienocal 'Hospital, rlodorich, said that i(''(t, vempi•ise act..b,•i• :ind 12 :ro ui e • 101. 1,55;4 patients ad- mitted, no record was kept of t,Iieh pi llo w, 01 u' Current pro,-rain includes renovation •if laundry, tun: roue- vo:ien of elevator $5,(;15, • Clinton Public I fospitill roport- ed 51 active beds and. chronic, 403 urban pation1S. 1,040 rip-al, rind 511 r :( inn tY. Sea Collin y stat tea 111Q1'0 W(.1*(. :35 mctive 110f .k 1211.1 ton chronic beds, 119 patients from the town, 428 from "1,, and 50`7 .0'01n out Sid.0 the county. Current Cal)' lint I) l'OL2,l'a 111 lo complete. air conditioning System at cost. of $45.000, two-thirds, covered by OHSC. South Huron Hospital. roportod .14 active. eight chronic betla, 5111 urban patients, 3(10 rural. and 120 outsido the county. "Ai. the present time, no capital pro.. gram is ill progress." Of the 7,010 patients treated in !lie County lost. yo•tr. 1Vingliont had 2 191, Goderich 1,558 Clinton Senforth 1.210 907. Patient-days were divided s \1"lin.gliar1. 30 ,5181, God- , • en. •:[[. !Ill Clinton 18,797, Sea- rorth 1 ,,Ixeior 1,1,12N. ,n11(11 n'l t3EAFOPTH 0 L T 4.1.: -V Centre Strosit gar 1•11 kindt of upholoterl ReorectontatIve: SELtArYN EL Phone 4 or 79 Brussels NOTICE: Tit(' I tvlbl ngwa y Chiropractic Office, is now lat'ated at 290 Il;trl;4troet, Listowel, betIld0 -Cho howlitlV DRESSES, SPORTSWEAR, UNIFORMS, FOt.q.IDATit N GARMENTS, NYLONS COME IN AND SEE OUR COLLECTION If you don't see what you are looking for We will get 'it for you. HOURS: TUESDAY to SATURDAY — 10 a.m. to 0 p.m. -- Closed — -- Open — Ail Day Monday Wednesday Evgs, 'til ANNUAL CONVENTION OF ONTARIO FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE The 32nd Annual twvention of the outario Federation ot: Agri- it now format and (p'il'e' of purpose whpu it open.,.i for three days at ;1(,.. York liotel in Toronto nl Monday November 4. The theme of the gathering I s -One .1,°:wat Organization in 190:0." The highlight of the convention will be the presentation Alonday and Tuesday of the special six- man committee report. on the join- ing of • the Toederation and tin , Ontario Farmers' Union into agri;ailtural body repa- si ,nting entire proVince. The 'number of guest Speakers has been, tcept a minimum to al- low the record number of dele- gates to discuss fully the import- ant decisions at hand. • On discussing the report on unity, representatives of market- ing boards, co-operattives, and the spacial committee studying farm twomo are all invited 10 a.etively participate. The 'one organization' committee. composed of three rep- resent:Ai V(.!:1 of each body, has heon meeting since early June. The invocation at 11 a.m. Mon day will he delivered byMiss i11 1)(,VrOd A;.,,,..(,)Cin reC to 1'. .191- the, Na.tinnal C011.1111iS- siou Vlcumenis Canadian Ga,i 1101 ii' COnl'erenee. be followed filmed- lately by Lionel Sorel,- President of t'aion Cathelique Ottiti- v:Iteurs of Quebec. Tri ustla y evening there will be [be .Aunual :Members' Mee,ting :11(1 the election of officers. 'Wed- 08(laY Will hi? given. entirely to comnitree reports, resolutions and the budget, Information con- corning a banquot speaker P:•,.t• Monday night, will he released • later, HALLOWE'EN, MONSTERS \Ye wonder what makes "Hal. lowe'en nionsterS" 'Where con the Ile laid? What causes some otherwise, very nice youngsters. young people, and not so young people. to go berserk, aide turn to destruction and damage to celebrate hal. lowe'en. hi !tinny cries elderly persons are (he vic,tims of thoughtless pranks that could lead 11) acci- dents, and they are not able be- cause or 11001' hottifh to clean up tints!' the young hooligans, Let have tun and frolic thR4 hallowelen hut keep it safe for all,