HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-06-17, Page 1THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. ;
New Advertisements.
Cane bust -This Ofilee.
Nuns Wanted- ilia Ohlce.
Property for dale -U. Sheppanl.
Fine Stationery -T. J. Moorhuuae.
Implements for Sale -J. C. ('urrie.
Servant Wanted -Mrs. Orseme Cameron.
Dlssolutloo of Partnership -O. fit M. S. Levy.
Travail's' inside.
Vasa. Ellis. Stmz'd. )t(lid.
(ioderlch.Lv 7.00sm .ltMpm. 3.15pin . 9.00am
`le•torth . 7.40 " .. 1.10 • ..4.45 ' 10.50 "
Stratford.Ar 8.45em 2.15pm 6.20pin 1.00 "
Pas. Exp's. Mii d. .illi d.
Strattord.Lv 1.81Mm 7.50pni 7.00am.-3.L5pm
Seaforth .. .. 2.17 " _8.55 " 9.15 " .. S.SO '
Ooderleb.Ar 3.15pm..9.50pm m 11.00a7.15pam
Exp's. Mail. Enps.
Clinton going north...9.3asm .L tlpum 6.26pm
" suing south 3.51yym .8.t7an. _7.24 "
I.noksow Stage Idailyt arr. l0.1Sem dep /pm
KLnosM1N " " "ft"' lam
Bemnller " (W edne day and
3aturdav)arrives 9 00a.. "9.1.5 "
TIST. °thee and resideaue.WentStreet.
three doors below Bank of Montreal, Gode-
rteb 1762
She People's Column.
respectable family. Apply atthis omee.
V vent in a faintly of two. Apply for two
weeks, before eleven a. m.. to MRs. ORAHME
C'A.ERON, East Street. 1791.
X1!11 reaping machine. mowing machine. 1
double waggon, 1 single wagirou• 1 bugp 1
plough. 1 sett bob sleighs and a good working
marefor sale cheap, enquire at Currie's Auc-
tion dart. Kingston Street. 179145.
handle, name engraved. The finder will
be rewarded. the thief prosecuted. For either
purpose call at this office.
drews street, opposite St. Andrews
Church. It contains six rooms, snd has both
hard and soft water on the premises. Will
be put in neat order for a good tenant For
further particulars apply to Rev. Chas notch -
et. Ooderich. 1789-11.
••A chiefs amang ye, takin' notes,
An' faith hell peat it."
"A Life for a Life" will be concluded
next week.
The small boy rattling the bones is
one of thotown nuisances.
He who would sell to the best advan-
tage should advertise.
Wild strawberries sold in Goderich on
Tuesday at 15 cents a quart.
The big strawberry, you will observe,
like the big boy at school, is bound to
keep the little fellows under.
BACK vow Qrrasc.-Mr. Wm. Mc-
Lean, the drover, returned from Quebec
on Saturday.
We are sorry to learn that Mr. James
Watson, the grocer, is laid up by a
severe attack of illness.
Mr. M. Twuomey, an old-time Gode-
rich merchant, revisited Goderich this
Miss S. Kirkbride purposes spending
a few weeks in Michigan for the im-
provement of her health.
Tam Cown. -The pound has been full
of t week.
The vagrant
public streets have net so clean
and inviting for a long while.
McMicking was one of the Huron re-
presentatives at the recent meeting of
the above named body in Toronto.
CONVALE.•H'ENT. -We are happy to
state thit Mrs. H. H..Smith is recover-
ing from a most severe illness, being
now considered fully out of dan-
LOOT. -On Friday, 3rd inst., between
the station and Mr. John Hillier's, a
caddy of tobacco, marked "H," Goderich,
in black letters. The finder will be re-
warded on leaving it at this office.
It is reported that our townsman, Mr.
Palmer, who drives Lucy. the trotter,
has got her speed down to 2;17, and that
the suis of $19,000 has been offered for
her and been refused.
PAnvr.-Mr. J. L. Sturdy, haker,has
patented an invention to be used in work-
nut snow plows. Mr. Sturdy should go
west, if last winter's weather is to be re-
peated in the prairie States.
good substantial story and a half house.
containing 6 rooms and kitchen. Oarden ex-
cellent soil. well planted with choice fruit trees,
good stable, corner lot, in one of the best lo-
calities in Goderich. As the property mast be
disposed of it will be sold cheap: only a part
of the purchase money required down. Apply
W Oga. SHEPPARD. Iluron School Book depot.
1791 -It.
Dress and Mantle maker, would inti-
mate to the ladies of Goderich that she has
begun th' business of dressmaking at her re-
sidenoe on the Cambria !toed. next to
Smeath's planing mill. Alt work done in the
newest and most fashionable styles. Agent
for Cornwell's patterns. 1780-3m.
Notice is hereby given that the partnership
heretofore existing between the undersigned
as farmers, on the 61b con.. Colborne was on
the Et m of April. 1451, dissolved by mutual con -
Sent. George bevy will collect all debts and
settle all accounts. GEORnE LEv Y.
George Cox. wine++. M. S. I.Evv.
Ooderfeb. June 901. ltSl. 1791-31.
Fos C1n&Aoo.-The Misses N. A.
Dark, N. Logan, Angie Dance and Mc-
Pherson left last week on a tnp to Chi-
cago and other poiuta.
CROWDED OUT. -Oar report, of the M.
E. Sunday School convention has been
crowded out this week. It will appear
next week.
Mr. Austin, who superintended the
construction of the . harbor during the
euntpletion ut Mr. Moore's contract, was
in town on Wednesday last.
We learn that Mr. J. A. McDonagh,
of Smith's Hill, arrived at Quebec on
Tuesday eveuing, un his way home from
the Old Country.
Foe THE SYNOD. -Ven. Archdeacon
Elwood, Rev. R. Hicks, and Mean.
Deacon and Sheppard, of SL George's
Church, will attend the Huron Synod to
be held at London next week.
PASSED. -We are pleased to be able
to announce that Mr. John McGillivray,
son of Rev. A. McGillivray, passed suc-
cessfully at the recent University exam-
inations. His Greek paper was mislaid,
hence his name did not appear in the
tint list of successful students sent out
by the examiners.
CAMP Mirrnvo.-Gederich District
Camp Meeting will eumalence on Thurs-
day next at 2 p. m. , in Ashfield, near
Lucknow, and will continue a week.
Services each day at 10 a.m. , 2 p.m.,
and 7 p.m. Every arrangement has been
made for the accommodation of all who
may attend.
Real Estate.
Lake Range. Ashfield,Huron County.
181 scree, 13) cleared and ighly Improved,
balance standing timber. Good orchard, new
frame house. born 40x0D and all necessary
stabling, two wells. For particulars address
CHAS. MCLEAN. amberly. 1790-3m.
Mrs. James, of Brantford, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Conductor Crawford, of
this town.
LARUE CATytsa.-Wm. Ellerd, while•
fishing at the mouth of the river, suc-
ceeded in landing a catfish which weighed
124 lbs.
Bea Flys.-Mr. Alex. Craigie brought
in the biggest fish of the season in his
boat on Wednesday. It was a salmon
about five feet in length, snd weighed
57 lbs. Two men had to carry the mon-
s,er off the boat.
Cos.azertoe.-Our correspondent who
wrote the account of the recent literary
contest at S. S. No. 1, Colborne, was in
error as to the side which preyed victo-
rious. It was the side led by Miss
Mary Robinson and C. C. Oke which
came out ahead.
Paasozw.-Mr. R. McNair, of Gode-
rich, a student of Knox College, preach-
ed in the Presbyterian Church last Sun-
day, at the request of the managers. It
was at Leeburn Church that Mr. Mc-
Nair, about a year ago. preached his
maiden sermon.
festival will be held in the North -street
Methodist church, on Tuesday evening
next, at 8 o'clock, under the auspices of
the Ladies' Aid Society. Strawberries
and cream, readings and music, and a
good social time expected. Admission
15 cents.
The Toronto World of Friday last had
the following :-"Deputy-sheriff Robert-
son was on his way from Goderich to
Kiheston yesterday with Matthias Tho-
mas, who is sentenced to ten years in the
penitentiary for rape. Ttsoy were delay-
ed by the smash up, and Thomas had to
be detained in the gaol here."
lic meeting has been called by the Mayor
for this evening, in response to a re-
quisition; for the purpose of taking steps
to celebrate the lat of July in Goderich.
As the time is short, whatever is to be
done should be done quickly. Let an
attractive programme be arranged, and
let the matter be well advertised, and
with special rates oil the G. T. R.., the
town should be filled with visitors.
The Canadian Mush -ate(' efew, last
week was a capital number. The illus-
trations being on the London disaster,
were well executed, and the engraving
generally was well up to the mark.
Foe DEraorr.-Miss Ferguson and
Miss Davis took passage for Detroit on
the Ontario, on Tuesday. They each
intend to remain for a month or two,
visiting friends in the land of the Stars
and Stripes.
RsrtRNltD.-After a residence of some
eleven months in Manitoba, Mrs. John
Payne returned home on Tuesday, much
improved in health. Her father, Mr.
Johnston, is permanently located in
Deputy Sheriff Robertson returned on
Monday from Kingston, whither he had
gone in charge of Matthias Thomas, who
was recently sentenced to the peneten-
tiary for ten years for rape upon the
person of his own daughter.
Ts. of Colborne, oontalni 112 acres 30
acres cleared. balance excellen timber. toil
a good clay loan. A. this p perty adjoins
the Point Farm It is In aoneequence most
eliebl attuated. For particulars apply to J.
J. W ht, IT;R tfP'
Marc 1st 1441.
Dungannon, 12 miles from Goderich.
consisting of Of an acre of land. well fenced;
a frame house, a good well and pump are also
on the premises. The lot has been well im-
proved. Terms reasonable. Particulars can
be had from Mr. J. M. ROBERT, Merchant.
Dungannon. or It. E. BROWN, Nile P.0. tt
78 corner of Victoria and Est streta, in
the town of Goderich, for Bale cheap. or will be
exchanged for farm property. Por particulars
spply to Jae, Sulam', Architect, oMce Crabb's
Block. or J. C. Cystitis, auctioneer.
A7 vale 6o acres. 50 acres cleared and well
tended. Brick Cottage 26z20. stone cellar fell
size of house. A large creek runs through
the lot no wade land on the creek, A very
hne orchard sternends the house. Good tarn
and other build inks. Terms very Nisi. Appl
to R. T. RAYNER. Int 16 Lake Shore None. t o1.
bonne Township. or to OARwnw it PROUDpie
N.w NH,„ 4.„,P.eaaelllen „d Others I:.Nerleh limber Dark wellepen tensor 1.
Woad a Vessel al the Owner's Mases.
Enjoyed Themselves Friday Evening.
On Friday evening last a gladsome
gang, composed of County Councillors,
Town Councillors, household counsellors,
newspaper men (public counsellors), and
a number who were neither councillors
nor counsellors, and probably never would
be either, availed themselves of the kind
offer of Mr. Joseph Kidd, and took part
in the excursion on the "Josephine Kidd.'
Shortly after eight o'clock the steamer
left her moorings with as lively a cargo
as she ever bore. The town band, under
the leadership of Mr. Ben Armstrong,
struck up a lively air, and the passengers
took seats and turned their eyes toward
the "deep." Some of the eyes didn't
stay long turned in that direction, for
whispeenugs got out that the Goderich
Reeves had provided refreshments for
the company, and in a short time the
eyes followed the graceful form of Mr.
Fred Johnston, the Purveyor -General un
the occasion, and shortly afterward a
number of entire bodies rose up and
followed the redoubtable Fred into the
cabin, where "lemonade,' cigars and
other etceteras were "dished" out to all
and sundry who desired to be refreshed.
Dave Currie a lit the lemons on the
occasion and did it in style, too.
Then the band stopped their serenade
and visited the cabin to "lemonade."
During the intermission of the band for
refreshments, Harry Smith's choir tilled
the breach, and "Annie Lurie," "Rule
Britannia." "Fair Canada," "One more
River to Cross," and other choice selec-
tions from the old roasters (and the new,
also) were wafted from the forward part
of the boat. The mel.ely was delightful.
the weather was bracing, and same of
the excursionists didn't have their over -
coati.' on; and that was the reason, some
folks say, why no difficulty was experi-
enced during the days that have inter-
vened, in discovering the "sweet warblers"
on the "Josephine Kidd," or the- lightly
clad gentlemen who attended the levee
HONORS. -In the list of University
honors given in last issue, the full wing
was accidental• omitted: -Alex. F. Mc-
Kenzie, of �1 ingham, son of a fermor
townsman, Geo. McKenzie Esq:, and a
former H. S. pupil, passed his 1st. year
examination in medicine with honors
standing lat in the 1st class in anatomy,
and 1st in 2nd class in chemistry and
natural philosophy.
WHO ARE THEY ?-An exchange says:
"A Godertch firm are preparing to yank
a salt well at Pt. Frank, and last week
landed a quantity of their machinery at
Thedford. Mr. R. Prittie and a gang
of men from Arkona, moved the machin-
ery from there to the port. One piece,
a large holler of 80 horse power capa-
city, kept them a week on the road,
about seven miles."
• EYE, EAR AND THROAT. -We under-
stand that Dr. Proudfoot, oculist and
sunlit of Montreal, who was advertised
to be at the British Exchange Hotel,
Goderich, from Wednesday until Friday,
was detained in Seaforth by the nu-
merous operations he had to performthere, and did not arrive in town until
last evening. Ho can be consulted for
any disease of the eye, ear or throat.
Capt. Robertson, the gentlemanly
commander of the Ontario, kindly
"showed es through" the steamer on
Tuesday. The new compound engines
are now working admirably, and the
}oat is well-equipped in every respect.
In reply to questions about the prosper-
ity of the ports in the North-West, Capt.
Robertson informed us that "The Land-
ing" is very quiet, but that the was sur-
prised at the wonderful change for the
better in Duluth. He hardly recog-
nized the zenith city, so rapidly has it
shot ahead of late.
Mrs. Hazlitt, of Port Huron, the well-
known temperance orator, is the guest
of Hon. John Hibbard. Mrs. Hazlitt
has given much time, money and energy
to forward the cause of temperance, and
is highly thought of by all who have the
honor of her acquaintance.
Qrorr4INo CHALLENGE. -We understand
that Messrs. H. Martin and W. Potts, of
Saltford, have challenged Messrs. E.
Martin and P. Holt, of Goderich to a
game of quoits, and that the iron circlets
will be pitched by the above named gen-
tlemen at Saltford on Saturday.
Turnbull preached a special sermon to
young people in Knox Cnurch on Sun-
day evening, taking for his text the
words "Remember now thy Creater in
the days of thy youth." There was a
large attendance, and the discourse was
an able one.
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Considerable excitement reigned along
the wharves early thiaweek, when it was
announced that men employed to "trim"
cargoes of-grainrefused to work at. the
wages offered by the captain of the
Edward Blake.
On Thursday morning a representa-
tive of THE Stu NAL went du'vn to the
scene of the strike, and tried to get at
the bottom of the affair. After intro-
ducing ourselva ti the captain of the
schooner, and being. invited to a seat
in the cabin, that gentleman told his
story in a rather forcible manner.
We led off by remarking that we under-
stood that he had had a little ditticuty
with sane of the trimmers.
"There haint been no difficulty en my
part," returned Capt. Brooke; for• a
"difficulty" conveys to the mind of the
average lake Captain, a popping of re-
volvers, a drawing of knives, and the
shedding of gore.
"But we were told that you had some
trouble with the trimmers --that they
wouldn't work for your figures, and you
would not come dowh to theirs."
-Well, you just bet I won't. I won't
pay $2 a thousand for getting my vowel
trimmed here, when at every othes port
in Canada they charge only $1,50, and
sometimes under. These high charges
are enough to kill this port. I'll be
d -------d if 1'11 bring auother cargo here.
I offered theist $1.50 a thousand, and
they refused. Then I offered them 25e
an flour, and they wanted 50c. Why
that's tive dollars a day. 'Well' say. I,
'if yon won't take sty offer, 1'11 get my
crew to do it themselves.' This morning
spume of the men front town came
down to work, but a lot of therm fel-
lows threatened them orf. I'll get my
beat unloaded though, but d --n mo
if I feel like coming here again.
"And you find their prices higher
than in other Canadian. ports 1" we e-
q sired. without
without making suitable prevision for " les, I du. They want $2 s thousand
cool weather. for taking it out, and the trimmers who
But hilarity reigned supreme, and when Put it in charge only $1.25 at a port
any of the passengers got coa.ol forward, where they can get 60c. an hour. Its all
There were 72 trains forwarded and 72 he strolled aft to see Dave slice the
shovelling putting it in, but its not
trains received at Stratford station on Inner s for the other fellows, and so en, I so hard trimming out."
Tuesday, the 14th. and four million you know. "Are those some of the men who refus-
pounds of coal loaded on engines for fuelYoung, of Colborne, was in his best ad to work," we asked,. pointing to a
that day. All this business was done mood; Walker of Tuckersinith strutted number of old fellows who lolled about
without one minute's detention topas like n. roster in borrowed plumage, the vessel, lazily watching the toiling
everc cre
senger trains. This is considered the I snugly encased in the oat of Capt "w feeding the elevator with wheat.
Yes they hang around here, won't
biggest day's work ever done at any tet- ..Traunch; Rogers of Brussels, was as I work, and won't let any Other fellows but
as a claim
urinal station on the G. T. R. happy, and talked ,f salt, and
Scapa ,L BOARD. -The -Beard of iron bridges
dges and other matters deur to the creat work. If they come around too
School Trustees met un Monday even- I the hearts of Goderich people.. Tom Bell, thick, I'll put them std the vowel. I
t put them on the dock either; but
ing last. There were present -Chair- Hennings and Black of Turnherry, and aura
ratan Crabb, and Messrs. Cook, Mc w Currie, of East Wawanosh, were remind- I'll just drug thein over the other side,
and letthem reach the dock the best way
Ferguson and Buchanan. Principal y [ 1
Miller's monthly report was reed.
Total number attending Public schools
761, of whom 407 were boys and 354
girls. Average attendance 609; per
tentage of attendance. 80, Mr. Buch-
anan was empowered to purchase some
ladders. The grant required from the
town for the Publics School purposes
this year is $4,300. . Board then ad-
CRICKET MATCH. -The first match of
the season was played on the grounds of
the Goderich cricket club on Friday
last, the 11th inst, between the clubs of
Clinton and Goderich respectively-. The
latter won the toss and sent their oppon-
ents to bat at 11 p. in. A large number
of spectators witnessed the game. So
excellent was the bowling and fielding
of the home team that the visitors were
retired for a total of 74 runs. On Gode-
rich taking the willow the runs began
to bound upward, Stark, Duneford and
Armstrong totling 60 runs between them
before they went to grass. The inning of
Goderich closed for 132. The Clinton
men on again talking the bat succeeded
in getting 40 on their , score, but as
Goderich had a plurality of 18,no second
inning was participated in by the latter.
The beautiftd new broom which the visi-
tors brought to town was left at Pulley's
stable, as they had no use for it after
the game was over. The thatch was ably
and satisfactorily umpired by Mr. W.
Jackson, of Clinton, and 'Messrs W.
Welsh and J. Mooaely, of Goderich. The
following are the .cores;
STRAWBE.RRIEN.-Mr. John Stewart,
of Benmiller,the well known fruit raiser,
and floriculturist, has our thanks for a
number of baskets of as choice straw-
berries as we ever put sugar and cream
upon. Mr. Stewart has about four acres
yielding this year, but informs us that
Rhe cru is not expected to be a large
one. There is one thing Mr. Stewart
does not do with his strawberries -he
doesn't put the biggest on the top. Our
boxes were not specially picked for us,
and the berries were big all through.
Mr. Stewart is ready to fill orders for
the season, lyy the box, or by the score
at cheapest rates. VI a predict a rapid
sale for is entire crop.
THE ECLIPSE. -- The total eclipse of the
moron occurred early on Sunday morning,
according to the predictions of the as-
tronomers, and was witnessed by mahy
citizens, as the lighted windows of many
residences throughout the town testified.
The first streak, so to speak, of the eclipee
became visible at 11.40 p.m. on Saturday
night, and while the earth's shadow was
ELE.-rloN or Omcasa.-At the re- passing over the moon, its (the earth's)
pular meeting of No. 152, A. F. and A. circular shape was distinctly seen. At
M. held on 'Thursday evening at Mason- 12.38 a. nm the moon was wholly within
is Hall, the following officers were elect- the shadow, and the total eclipse began,
ed: W. M., R. Radcliffe; S. W., W. slid from which the moon emerged at
Rhynes; J. W., J. Green; 'Chan., A. 457 on Sunday morning. The magni-
Kirby: Secy., H. Clucas; Treas. F. F. tilde of the eclipwe equalled 1.365 of the
Lawrence: Tyler, Malcolm McPhail. moon's diameter. That is, the diameter
of the earth's shadow at the point when
the moon crossed it is more than one and
three -tenths tirhes greater than the diam-
eter of the moon.
EmTaaVAOANT.-Newspaper business
don't pay, and yet one of our town edi-
tors tart afford to wear two neckties on
Sunday. One at a time brother. --(News.
it most hare been the result of Friday MoON1.tnite Exrraatow. ---The first
evening's disiipation, or, mayhap•, one moonlight excursion of the season was
of time town scribes ha been seeing held on board the Josephine Kidd nn
double lately. Thursday evening under the auspices of
Knox Church S. S. Bible Chas. The
excursionists were accompanied by the
bras hand, which discoursed sweet
masic, and state of the instruments
joined in the hymns sung by the excur-
sionists. We never accompanied a more
delighted party. Mr. J. R Miller, the
>seitis► Cehtabia, • dilllns• c some teacher of the Bible Claw, who wa very
Bras hundred milesI attentive too all on board, ha our thanks
for complimentary tickets. He alar de -
The W inwham Tiwva says :-"Dr. Mac- serves credit for carrying nn the excur-
doaald leaves nn nett week for a tour sten in the face of certain croaking,' a to
awns* the Prairie Province. Me will the nns!rwnrt.hiness of the batt; but he
be away about • month. Dtseieg Itis ahs Md the fullest confidence in the •tannoh-
s rase his practice will b doodad ole nevi of the craft, as, indeed. all who have
Dr. Daman, graduate of Torn $o been • 4n t oani her also have. Mould
wonky, 1laiMrb• College, N Y , Limb the Blas have another excursion nett
tiaM d the College of Physicians slid month, r e trust that it will be more
Beirgoine, iJ4it and the winner of tits largely patronized end he as orderly and
"Tfil and "Warr- gold metab -' as tespwetable as the first one
Orr War. -The Beaton, M. T., Re-
cord, records the presence of a survey-
ing part of forty-two. udder the super-
visies o Mr. P. C. Hindman, at one
t et Gouda. Their work will be
the seem el n mike km the summit
of the Rosltbs to Kmalesp' Lake, in
ed h the appearance oearance of the lake of the
majestic spread of the Maitland at Rock-
hey's pond, Wingham ; Strachan, of Grey,
let his soul flit to days gone by, and in
the fulness of his heart lilted a Gaelic
song for the special edification of Meir,
of Howick. Hutchison was in his glory,
and took pleasure froto the enjoyment of
the rest of the boys.
All was not peace, but everything was
merry, and nothing seemed to detract
from the merriment, not even when some
of the number went aft to"lemonade." If.
you ask any member of the County Council
of 1881 where he ever experienced true
happiness he will tell you it was on the
"Josephine Kidd," on the evening of
the 10th of June, A. D. 1881.
Along by the aunt skipped the ".Jos-
ephine.' and into the cabin occasionally
skipped come of the passengers. It was
ditticult to knew which was in best trim
-the taut little craft or the living
freight. The steamer seemed a thing of
life, and was full of animation; the pass-
engers were also full of life, and ani-
mation and -and -but language fails us
to depict the liveliness of the scene.
But now we have hail a magnificent
passage.- it is time the bow of the hoat
should turn toward home. Mr. Joseph
Kidd, the genial proprietor, who seems
a commodore, every inch of him, (and
there are a good many inchea of him,
too,) suggests that we make Kincardine
before returning. But his geneswity
intuit not be imposed upon; we may be
glad to accept such a kind offer from
him on a future occasion; and besides
many eyes are watching in Goderich fur
the return of the "Josephine Kidd,"
this evening; and so she turns home-
Congratulation all around .,n the suc-
cess of the trip. and the praises of Mr.
Kidd are loud and long. Finally John-
ston of Goderich, prop.,sesaveteofthanks
and wishes increased wealth and
prosperity t.. Mr. Kidd, in a few
words RicNillan the shod -
1st /nfliepa."Rd Inninpa.
O Knox, b Roes... . 3 (1 Knox. o Roes, h
AMcKowencDuns- McDougall... 1I
ford, b Ross.. .. 22 A McKowen b Roes 0
T Fowler, b Roes .. 0 'f Fowler, c McDou-
H Dennish Ross.. 4 gall. h Roes..... 0
J H Raneford,bRoss 0 T Johnston. c and h
T Johnston- h inc... 6 Roes •
.1 l.uham, h Row.. 0.1 ieanam. b Ross0
J Harland, o Row b ) Forrester. e Mo-
Maclk'rmett .. ..11 1Mwga11• b Rose6
H Beavis. b McDon-
1) Forrester. h RA.w. 5 gs11 0
G McTakEart, Rot Gro eTaltsarthHow 1
out 5 �t H Raasford,►lie
ibappll . .. S
J Crabb, a Meflou- J Har1aai. c Row b
gall. b Macfter- McDougall.. ... 2
mott e l t'rstb wit eat.. .. e
byre . A Le[ Lyes 0
W en... . 6 t4' des . 2
Total 71 'Mal ...... •
tat t- --a
wbwsted'o�1sa�1s� 14
LbAli�iwahtd. .. ���. t7
And Capt. Brooks, who is a powerful
man, with a pugnacious cast of counte-
nance, hooked as if he meant every word
he said.
"There are other captains besides
rate who will not come to this harbor and
pay such charges for trimming," he
One of the malcontents was interview-
ed, who said that $2 a thousand was tittle
enough for trimming a vessel. He had
often worked for less than 25c. an hour,
and was quite willing to work for 25c.
now; but it any man worked he would
never get the end of it from the other
'The other fellows' loafed around the
wharves or roosted on the Mews of the
vessels in port all day, while their fami-
lies at home, with perhaps empty cup-
buards, waited their return with the
money for the next meal. If it be true
that dock laborers charge higher prices
here than elsewhere, and captains and
shippers say they do, then the business
done at the harbor will not increase, and
the men ,will be standing in their own
light. Our town authorities end busi-
ness men should look into the 'natter,
and while the laboring men is not to be
imposed upon, yet the interests of ship-
pers and carriers, and the business gene-
rally of the town must not suffer on their
4•. a,.•.. n• a.. •. .•. ••r.wow-.a-.W.A..•."est .....-.l..l_* Net tarn. T.. •
T. W. Wart. b
.tt.tt ! •lll.r"
�[aaa � 1lsaais.
b ltaasfesdEass sed 4
chat Eseltewte■1 Mit attack at • Deets
et tome Feet.
Sje'-iret fo tit( Signet. -
BRt'a++EL4, June pith, 2.40 p.m.- Tho
drillers at work at the salt well "f Mr.
F. C. R. open, Reeve of this village, struck
salt this afternoon at a depth of 1.000 ft
They have already gone through three
feet of pure salt. and are still drilling.
choice The. iitnett excitement prevails in the
ing representative of Hullett, sec- village. as the discovery of salt in this
onds the resolution in a short but vicinity. completely ups'ts the theory of
stirring speech. Three rimes three rings `tterry Hunt and others regarding the 1..-
the aster, and "No's a tion of 41M Mit district.
fellow" rifles from the gathering, cheek -
ed by three times than w ff. emir-
sion. A response front )k. Kidd is now
in order. and he makes it, and makes it
well. The hilarity is infectious. other
toasts follow, and chew upon cheer
the air
But we are nearing Ooderieh: the hog -
cin light rises full helot.. us: the hand
strikes up "Auld Lang Syne," the ,as. it111+.11L1t.
a•All •RY Or WATrs.---4iwing to the
want of heavy ram.. several wails and
all the creeks at Millburn havers
Many fanners hate to drive their cattle
to water.
C. wagers rein in the beautiful, old time -
t week's re-
l. We Deno M e LaskarR.. M twnR; and the cruise . ( the "Josephine � WIse rt a presume
his place,ur is"frost-bitten•"
Kidd" is brought t., a chair.
1; At the wharf there is more cheering:' and afflicted with"matrimonial fever'
�. 5 a procession is formed, marshalled hy' of the worst kiwi. and in his madness
Hutchison. the hand leads the way, and Unite met all the ",lents and 'ladies.'
Toots) 1b the march to the Square is made. • in the same predicament as himself. We
At Curries' a halt is called, an invite- sincerely hope the disease in his case is
- 1s 110 tion is extended to all to enrer, end the "typhus.' .rad fatal, as there is hilt little
Oedeieh. M tantntni • - - • • ..... . . 12+1 Ialtacesdinrs of the Peening are hronght hope of him ever becoming oanraleecen'
MaJoi Ity for Ooderieh to close with t..ast. song and sentiment. 1-Outatnst.
N. Oaistta
aft mit.
Clh.ton• tat Innings
6•10/. • r "r, *imp, •..►f+.+•- • •• •. ...lin • • ••• w.,ayn„i.++ .1. -