HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-10-24, Page 6ion in the Coe licensed inspec.:11o11 mocha nics. V PHONE 199 BRUStiEbi, 0Ni% THURSDAY, OCT. 24th, 190 - • "THE BEST FOR 09"' $0.1 THE.: NEW FORDS, FAIRLAN ES, FALCONS, ,IVIUOTANGS AND FORD TRUCKS ON DISP LAY 1967 FORD LTD 4D H.T. flatly wquipped 1966 FORD CUSTOM 41) VS auto. 1.966 COMET 4D VS auto, 1964 FORD FALCON 4D 1963 MERCURY 4D V8 auto. SEVERAL OTHER MODELS 1961 19612 1963 SEAFORTH MAN GETS THREE YEAR TERM llrila Monv,io. ' ii'iilii1, was smitinivod tct Ihrie years in .• ('onlin; Bay, isonitentlary, Ion. after pleading guilty to three ellargetj Of possessing stolen goods. • A. •pre-sentence report showed Mennen had a record dating back to April,. 11)04. SeafOrth police arrested Men- nail Sept. 23, in a car stolen free Kenneth White, hit .1, Brussels kla pleaded guilty le possessing' tools eigarei '5. and allot:oh! to bars. 1 t);out fruit the !Sunoco Ser- vice Station, tAearortii: possession of stolen licence plates and 'nos-, session of a stolen ear. FASHIONSittOPPE Located on. Hiuhway fl7 at Wrosafer DRESSES, SPORTSWEAR, UNITOYINIS, FOLINUAl GARMENTS, NYLONS COME IN AND SEE OUR COLLECTION If you don't see what you trio looking for , . We will get It for you. HOURS TUEiDAY to SATURDAY odn, to 6 p.m. — Closed — - Open.— All Day Monday Wednesday Evgs, 9 vac BRUSWALS, PORT, BRIT/META ONTARIO BRIDGE MOTORS... OUR MUSTANG, FALCON, FA IRLANE FORD and THUN DERBIRD DEALER BRUSSELS PHONE 249 WINGHAIVI P HO N E 357-3460 (III thousands of times by means of these firearm. 'accidents. It is of public information media,. All- the responsibility of the parents to parently it .renal be repeated protect thetn, ini.iny more times before the, owners of firearms in ()Iliad() come Ion full rnalrha lion of their realOossi e.eirem, responsibility for the sale hand- ling of guns in the hoine, BERG Privatesales will now he a ffeci ed by this iogisl a 1 i01.1 and used 11101 or vehicles sold privat- ely and through dealers will be, subject to the new standards of inspection, Ilaikett staled] Hutt more. than. S00,000 used motor vehicles are sold annually in Ontario. Befects in vehicles 111.'6 ii contri- .1%'.1(r,)ttioirccls, bitting eause in only a small p A er- centage of collisions, Authorities' Itev: Mtn Congram, estimat OS Very from 2 to 10% Of Ill vangelism xG Social Action, Rev, all motor vehicles involved to D. G. ,\1, ,5:e11 collisions in Ontario last year, 11(1v ) u.1,6y„ were III aPli'ircmiLlY -geed lieu. condition, Some of the renininder suffered from defects that Were higAst .‘ Tt.1(.1.1esi(!)104y1 ;11.(.')1111.1;;.(;;Itle0 .11)1 yg ri:;..eui:s' not a contributing factor. \Vanillin Dr, G. V. Mills, Mayor of The aim ref the new Th.gispition floderich, and Rev. J. D. Mac-is not so lunch to put vehicles oft Donald or the ministerial ASSOC- the road but to get defeats cor. rooted for safer driving. • T.116 • 0 nt ark) Departmen. of Transport !has prepared a manual ;is guide for licensed mechanics who will be doing the net a I n- spoct ion s and meetings are being planned across 1110. province 1.0 disr!liss 111e new insPectinn Pro- redures with them. The Depart- :nen is also cooperating W in) 1110 C.0111;011 Ilia .' (;allege 0 •fl jl.0.1 cl \.11's and Technology in Toronto in designing a COM'Sr , of insi.rnct- prcuc • HAMILTON, LONDON SYNOD • OF PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 'TO MEET IN GODERICH • Some lint Preshyorion ministers and •on ortual. number of ruling elders have been summoned attend the Meeting of the. Synod of Hamilton and Loond on in Knox Church, Goderich from October twenty-eighth to thirtieth. Synod will be constituted by tin, Moderator, tlw Rev. R. II. strong, riumillon, on Monday even- ing when a new in odorai or -will be elected. Ile will he. a.ssisted in the conduct or 'Worship by the Minister. "of Knox Church, 11ev. 0. L. Royal, After the Sacrament on Tuesday morning the. Synod will divide, in- to five groups for discussiou led by the nnijm! committees-. Camp The Ontario Safety League i hints the; cause of these Wu. nevessary tragedies is careless storage of guns and ammunition, in thi• firsi putter, a loaned fire- arm should never lit' taken into as hunt camp or dWelling. Shells should lie removed from Pie maga• %hie an. chamber, and the action left open before carrying:, the fire- arm inside. The gun should thou be stored in a rack or cabinet which can be locked, ainumnii- 101.l should be stored separately in another area which can 1)0 SCenred Wi lock and key. 1"Intonuna rely • ,•hildren are fre,luently the victims laigillwiroOmilmliftwillomft00.111•0411 ipom NEW INSPECTION STANDARDS FOR USED MOTOR VEHICLES 'JR•egulaitions, incorporating now 'And specific inspeCtion standards '.r.o assure, the mechanical fitness :or all used motor vehicles, sold either privately as well as through dealers, for operation on Ontario highways, were announced Oct, 1.S by Transport Minister Irwin. HrLskett. Effective, NoveMber 1, any used motor vehicle will need a cer ti- ficate of Mechanical fitne‘s before the purchaser can have it register. !ed in his name and operate it on a highway, Inspection of the vehicle must be carried out 'by a licensed mechanic or a licensed dealer and 'certification of the vehicle will be based on the specifications spelled out in the new regulation announced Oct. 1,8, If a used motor velliole is :sold without such a certificate. the per- son applying for a transfer must su Prender the licence Ida t es to the Deporment of Transport and an unfit vehicle permit will be iSsued. !Regist ra ion plates for time vehicle will he issued ns soon as a valid corilficale of mechanical fitness N produced. Certificates are valid for a period of 30 days Tnesday oven in:; and 1Vrnir.es• day morning the. Synod will deal with the reports of Pin commit- tees whose r'nfll'011Uni are lisIed a beve and the following: Loyal Addresses, 11ev, 11T. D. 11r•Nabb. Pori Elgin.: Synodical Womo.11's 11issionarY Society: Prosby I 'inn 11 Alen; History. Rev. 'N. If, Eaton, fOrmorly Inncritip Town & Cm: 1 ry, 11ev, T. ,h Lewis. 1Voiordown: Articles of Palth Rev. Frank Lawson, Southampton: Students & Colleges. Rev, II, II. Armstrong. TI omit ton: ['my f 'on 1 re, AValt er Oldham. Paris; Nontina ting, Rev, R. .A. Currie, !Walla coin' rg: Finance, Rev. F. ,T,]lath, Sarnia: Pensions. Rev. 1). ill a chines, Ridge- town: lions, Rev. P. it. (-Ionia?. Loudon. 1')l R1,1% •I ;Ind t 4:1 mad formerly of fit , '1']1 ( ,1111;,,, (-`101* Or Synod and .1. I1. Foot o, of F.,ontion. treasurer: R"1'. Daryl?, CI) ippa wa is convenor of be i ;HSI nr•;:r Corninil tee. 011(1 Mrs, Cinvior, goderich is in charge of billeting the Synod: The synod or Tiamilt.on and Tent ,l-n pie-itt Annually and in. Preshyteriou Churches south and west of a lino joining 1-fanlilion, I lin orki p and Owen :;nand., including the Niagara Bruce liytiocl mot in NVingifain last Oct ober. "REc1FIEATION TIPS" Th,rp are ln fleuldPfltS. With rirozi 1.'111S in the holm! than in tin! field. This fact bust boe,11 Sales - Service installation FREE ESTIMATES • Barn Cleaners • Bunk. Feeders • Stabling. DONALD G. IVES . R.R. 2, BLYTH Phone Brussels 443w4 LANG' OF MARE S.ELIEVE Fuh, action, Make.belieVe and learning are aiTioel the iliorkii- ents to be •Found rei CEllt.TVIs week-mornInti 0c-school, toilet Mr, i:IreSS.Up. Ernie Coombs is the remarkable Mr. brebs-14), who live: in a 'connytUnity' fashioned from the own world of linagination acid expeidende.. Each day 110 is ,.joined by his ]lappet fricHds Bnsey and Fin,hegaii, and his special helper Susan,