HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-10-24, Page 3Atithorixed as s econd. _Cf1V$6' mall. by the Pest Office Department, Ottavva, and for IiiiYmen co' peStaao in cast-4 YOUR MASSEY DEA LEH A Cpmplete Use Of New and Uteri Fenn Equipment PHONE 5 fiftUSSELS, ONT. WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP ALITY SERVICE Open Every Your Guarantee for CRAFTSMANSHIP Week Day Over 35 Years of GL,'METERY LETTEING i=10X 156 WINGI1AM JOHN MALLICK CRAWFORD; SHEPI-117.RD St MILL J. H. eFtAinfiChilli, N. A, SHEPHERD. A. R. M. MILL ILA., L. L. B. and WINOHAM Phone 120 Phone 357.511110 ••••••••• . wievav4.. 0. A. RANN FURNITURE STORE Occurred Funerai. Director and Embalmer r•HONIE 35 or lb !BRUSSELS, ONT. vusa ON7J'Aft1 THritSDAY, OCT, 24th, 11)68 THE 1311)SSELS POST 1?4,, Kktokryt, Puttlishtf Published at 13r0sSels, Ontario, every 46.orkiday Box bo, Brussels, Ontario, AimpaumPlimunisolimplausaninsiuminulinivi "A HE WicKILLOP MUTUAL fIRE JNSUR.A.NCE COMPANY Office .— Main Street SEAVORTH Tumidly, Thursday, Friday. Saturday A.M. Thurceley Evening STAFF CHANGES ANNOUNCED' IN AGRICULTURE AND FOOD Nvvreti laiptity Minister in the Ontario .12epartutent, of Agrienilare and Food, hub, an- nottnee(1 tile following start vhanges in it't Department, I), 11 lilts been nrobtoied from zkg.ric(il Lira) Relresentativi; Unroll County, to Farm thitsilles$ Sillanagement Consultant in: the l'evento (!'face of the Extension Branch. Mr Miles has 2i years of service with the Department, having woCeod tor Len years as Agricultural' tiepteseatntive Jn Prontenac County and far the past 11 years in Huron County. N, tsun h as h ew ,: nopo ia t ,, cal Agricultural Representative itr 'Icent County, effective Novell*, or 1, to succeed Al, Rutherford, who has resigned from the De- Partition. Mr, Watson transfers from Northumberland County, where he has liven Agricultural Representative since 196'. Prey- ;trusty he served as Summer As- sistant in Dittierin County, and Assistant and A.-isociate Agricul- tural Representative in Waterloo and Northumberland Counties. young bus been promoted Odin Associate k.gricuitural reit- i,!isentative, Grey County, to Agricultural Representaive, North, rtinfierland County succeeding Mr, Watson. tie has served, ti ve and a half years as Assistant and As- sociate Agricultural Represent- olive in the Counties of Victoria n a Grey, and in 1067 received Master's Degree in Extension Extheation 'from the University of Guelph, Air, Young's appointment is effective November 1. Ells suc- cessor• will 1)0 announced later. S, Pullen has 'been promitted from Associate ,Agrieultural Itep- resenta tine, Huron. County. to Agricultural Representative, Run on to succeed Air. Miles. Tits iffg- t (listen. experience includes sunr- mor employment in Wellington, Duffer-In, and Perth Counties, and five years as Assistant and Assoc- into Agr'ieu1tu,rill Rep resell tiv for Duren County. A: successor for 'Mr, Pullen will ha announced at a later date, E. Chamberlain has beet pro- moted from Assistant Snperviser, Junior Extension, to the position of Assistant General Manager (Sales) in the Crop insurance rommi so inn, Mr Marnborla in:1S oNnoriono0 in the Department in. eludes Extension service in Haldi.: Weer,* * Town Dwellings * All Clagles of Farm Properrt3 * Summer Cottages * Churches, Schools, Halle Extended coverage ektfled, smoke. water damage, falling obJeoto, etc.) le also available county for two and a half years:, will bo returning to the Extension Branch on January 1, 111139, from studies in Business Admini- Assistant Agricultural Represent- stration. at McMater rniversity, SUPPORT THE CNIS CAMPAIGN Last year, the Iiiorary fir The Canadian National Institut:1 for the Blind servo(( 5,1i! "rea(1ers". They received books wit tape or long way records,and in Braille, Many in this area received CNIB library servies, undid, Renfrew and Engin Count• les, and nearly three years in the A.dmitiistratilto office of the r!lx- telision Branch. W, ,liottg has been promoted from Assistant Agricultural Rep- resentative, Waterloo County, to succeed Mr, Chamberlain as ASsistant Supervisor, Junior plx- teusion, Mr, koag has served in. Waterloo since his graduation from Ontario Agricultural College in 1066, T. it Craig has been appointed active; Waterloo County, Mr. Craig, Who serves as Assistant, 4ricall Bird Representative in , Kent J. L. IAJNGSTAFF OPTOMOT fl I III T 5 EAF 0 F,T H MEDICAL CENTRE 527-1140 GUNTON OFFICE. 10 ISSAC STIFIEVI Monday and Wednesday 482-7010 Call Either Office Far Appointment AGENTS. dames Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V. J. Lane, RR 5, &Worth, Wrn. Leiper, Jr. Londeaboro: Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Karel'. Sql1Vddr, Ciinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Seaforth WeCkting Invitations . Tlassassosagraval NAM, tasyssmsa) and eassinient eamotinceateete, birth annum** nonts, imitatioes. Wan lad silver saniversati magassmaatia, • rum-en ving AMID et Ise bk. fiast bead eaoravhsi Tbibesess sad individuality oak as Sam gm* am ma& Iliemimm•aegrinial owsso -rairmassi$ ass• awe Ulf al mesh bead atipaarg.ilseeim' els Emir aissiimapppw pima siss Mks' baud pairiviss ssapasims OM ITS 111ADY MUM Tin 1,111MIL El amps psi ass.wits wasniiiint aisimion willmabi at 'or Ow 10110606 caned mit IMO fut ntell eld dm*. Nit OUR OttOLAY The Brutiet* Oast GET EXTRA CASH FAS, WITH CLASSIFIED AOC I N BRUSSELS POST