The Brussels Post, 1968-10-17, Page 7Ti4 13.11it.M411;LS POST, t31tiJg844$, ONTARIO (9 QT, 17th, 1013/1 L. GENTLEMEN'S cLur, NEWS ITEMS . The iithet III rtini the plume rant; and On unrefined and uncouth rOji't' him would you like to .11111.0 With II1( to God- this 11111111111., \Veil, 1 Says, go to (Ioderich but It -won't be this morning. Tlii• morning is aver at 7 o'clock, V%rell says Buzz Stiles, I'll y, it ..p Now, says I to myself, The last. tint(' 1 Went "with }limn if IVarl 10 SllOW hiln \\",lv.- CirSt tililu. I. Went 110 ert1S11,0(1.•011'00 (min(') in tile dour jam, tt cost 101' three jole,., rol;;I plus ci groat, deal or disoonam•t. and, in, dignalion. Now I says to myself, 1 uionder what it is this time. Clod- orich, l have it, (Pie of his heinous crimes lois been disem.iired and he \vants 100 to go his bail. That's It alright, hot, what particular crime has been discovered. I'll het its crinlinttl asSoUll ;nu) insult, and, battery to ;1 felnalh. 1'eS, No? It could ho perjury because he it. the quicke.st thinking liar 1)etwo-. Ella•bore and salt I.alteoxeoPI-. Borne (..}.1" thorn euchre plity(irs out around Milto)1. It wouldn't he in- decent exposure becoLlati 110 liaS 11.0 M 1,1S CleS to show and I.,have ' — oisliftwolofteserftimosoftwOontrreoft.nrengerot. BERG Sales - Service Installation FREE ESTIMATES . • Barn Cleaners e Bunk Feeders O Stabling DONALD G. IVES R.R. 2, BLYTH Phone Brussels 443w4 more hair (IL pty upper lip t;hllti on his WIWI(' body, hcaa in- cluded. .1 11 an neviir stopped in Goderich, when he i'.tit •.top had 10 wail 2 illinnt0S for thain't.a turn rod. .11110:, 114:51 Cwilorich 1. v,liy didnt you loll nte it wag Ilrand fiend •and tiot Doder- ich? fie russ.•11 101' • ''I t , 11 1)1.1,'.4 ,11111 hlrlied into a garage. They didn't know him Vcry. ))'tall, eallSo they called him \I r, Stiles. Ile kepi me wailing a couple Of hours and finally chime out with a I.Jrake drum. It cost 111111 $60 • If" could have got it front Bridge or Jack AlcCutcloion for • 1''. or 1`.:.50, whi.0 wo go1 cc going I says, now, look ;t bury guilt f want coffee, so hd pulled into a nice little cafe. It was just an ordinary 'iestall,r- ant but i111 waitrOMS was very pretty and plump its n 11,'rtri,1:.;e. could see Buzz ,,vos trying to make an impression. He talked to Me real loud so she could iear, about contrail 4. (',Titers hies, etc. 1 says io mysalf, Ill spoil his immoral ideas. I'll put a primp in 1)15 sinful plang, bigger than an atomic bomb. Ile says to me, let's got going, I tiaTe to i m prs,1 0 W the mayor of Tdrolal and sign that contract for the new subway and out he goes. Be left ii huge. lip, bigger than Bel) Fraser It',4t at tho Drown Derby for that, rod hood, I pocketed the wholo Ming and left a penny (ono cent) then got a tiiecte of paper and put his name on it. In a few minutes out earn() the Waltr0SS: She moot have been going to the rink that CallSO 1 IlKird bee Soy son e' thing about a cheap skate, She says to mo, who is that character any ,,vity. I gays, he's just , poor labourer with an, old truck. He hag eight. kids. Pour of them are smart Rids. They took after tbeir mother. The other fOlir talte after Choir thud and I shook my. head ;Hid heaved a big sigh, and I continued, it is rumored. he has a Oalarod inistresS in Chatham. Well, j. Says, tPood Ludt. 1 11111K b She says, it you aro ever 1..i.r1 r his way again drop 131. I. sitys, 1 11 1.4, going through hero newt iltiuday nile about seven, Isn't that nieenience uo,ty she, UM 4.)4.11: dully soY1;, provos it you arca a gentleman, oven it mature zpitiltiman, and a yoU can hayi.; friends than it trucker Loot au. gentli,1111111. Truthfully )(oars T, LC. F. • SUPPORT THE C'NIB CAMPAIGN Last yea l', tuts lihraity of 'file Cainadian :National Institho for the Hind served :1,1.14"reader;", Tkey received books om tall(' 10.014. Pia5" rocordS.krbd in Braille. -.Alany area reeeiYed ONIB library set .it's_ S FASHION SHuPPE • Locritee on Highway 87 at Wroxeter DRESSES, SPORTSWEAR, UNIFORMS, FOUNDATION GARMENTS, NYLONS CONIE IN AND SEE OUR COLLECTION If you don't see what you are looking fOr , . We will get it for you. HOURS: TUESDAY to SATURDAY * 10 a.m. to 6 p.rn, — Closed — — Open —• Ail Day Monday Wednesday Evos. 9 . 0!...410 •RESPIRATORY .".. *rialt tiritain's doctors do not smoke cigars:ties. Their quitting rate is, s..s. cuss believes, use ore any ,grutip or 04ases in toe world. Idritisla are also, he said, the only group which has ina,xxagei'i to cut clown on the rate ok cteaths tram iung oancer. The history of the British doctors was one of the few encouraging facts related at a plenary session cif the Canadian Tuberculosis Association oaring its an- nual meeting in Vancouver, by Dr. Bass, chief physi- cian of the 'Good Hope Hospital, Birtningliam, Eng- land, as he urged all those interested in reducing chest disease to work harder at persuading patients to give up cigarette smoking. It was conspicious, said Dr. Bass, that the patients of doctors who have given up smoking seem to have less trouble in stopping than those , whose doctors still smoke. Illuestrating his lecture with slides, the ll'irrn- inghon physician showed pictures of patients suffer- ing- from a variety of conditions promoted by cigarette smoking gangrene, gastric ulceration, "tobacco an- gina", coronary artery disease, coronary thrombosis and emphysema and of course, lung cancer. His last slide was a jet airliner. "If I were wealthy, he said, "I might invite you to come with me on such a place to some resort Sup- pose that as we were going iro to the enibarkation gate it is announesed that one in eight of these ;panes crashes and that there are no survivors! Would you fly? Yet the stati5ti.ts shc4w that for those snicking 20 cigarettes a day for 20 yearg, one in eight dies of lung cancer." CHR!ISTMA.1 SEALS FP7 HT TB AND OTHER AE SP RATOR D SEASES ThiS Advertisernent is Published hv The Huron County' Tuberculosis Association THE DORIS DAY SHOW Doris Day portrays an attractive widow who returns with her two young children to live on her father's form, „following the death of her husband in Viet Warn. The Doris Day Show is seen MinIday eirenintis an Ol5C-TV CHECK YOUR LOCAL LISTING. iikaapm ila.4.11.311101f." aielawadar4,aireIsfii.a1111110.11101444,til