The Brussels Post, 1968-10-17, Page 5Tlitilf,S1,14Y, PCT. 171,11, 68 ONTA.1t.O. You are invited to the 107th ANA' liERSARA'RVICES Of TI O) POST, i.:HE UNITE!) CHURCI-1 ))9.a.! F-r,„0 Cfavoll School THE CANADIAN .' NATIONAL: INSTITUTE FOR THE KIND rs, Crnic%. \VI/A..11am MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BRUSSELS • ON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20th At 11 and 7,30 P.M. ANNUAL FINANCIAL APPEAL GUEST PREACHER HE REV. CAPT. PAUL McCARROLL B.A B. D. UNDER WAY NQW MEIN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister • REV,„ C, A. McCAPHIMA ...Organist; Ant's. Nora Moffat 1 u : tltr A:AL Church. k4cheol ,ANNINTEI*L',10* .!om 2s..2,1.. and 7::14) P.M.• ENTERTAINMENT AT TiE NEW AMERICAN HOTEL TOMMY PARKER.Atid THE HILLBILLIES FRIDAY and • SATURDAY ,., IN THE "RAINBOW ROOM" FEATURE-5 Mriday — • upore kliA and Sauerkiiaat Roast Turkey, Giant Hanibtirooel kiaturday tl'Outivottiztied Chickori, • Fish And Qlatit Hamburtpirt FOP PALL PLOW-DOWN —fall-applied phosphorus and potash, plowed.down, puts needed fertility in the root zone witikout danger of over-winter leaching; and you viii tinily guarantee—earlier seeding (most important tor orn)—a laced spring work-load—iilereased yields at lower fertilizer cost. There arc a dozen or more advantages in fall plow-clown for spring- seeded crops , and they're all yours.. BROCKVILLE . . 1 Contervi. yr n e ouaril,‘-' DE00 ((VILLA: Si It IR-(A A dealer ., QP tiervico eoulre for vil r.)u r . /oil krtiii,,!or ?mt. iz'onento ' ETHEL Neclywecla Honorod mast of his house Innis' t, others in fliffieulty, has 0 pretty wife and three, children, lie probably sounds like the man next door. This In 11 OA door is 1' modern 'blind 1111111. in: April. 11163. Hank Ogden's army career came to au and when a container of ly.e exploded In his. face, The dahiage was .se.vere, Ms right COy was removed, and he lost Most of die sight in the left eye. • . Mail Your Donation T • MR, R. B, cousIrqs,, Brussels, Ont. ,m.p%.kmppu„,,,orirm.,0A6,ii.mwAftigRwtp.qmzaeoA.vza.„_ "1 HE MODERN t,rnodwoi k —to inai,71:71 BLIND MAN teri4y, and other skills. t o lain, iluize the handicap. He plays golf, has rem•aielled In the sununer of Iflip;. 1 i ;a1;; took an X-ray techni.dan's course iilso offered by CN11; iit 'i'orunb' c•ompletion or tails course, (1\-,i , lihnoloyment Officers a ppronelnq. „St. Joseph's llospi.al in London and ;isked them if they v,(,h id L. int,orusted (want oying 11::11:, :lister Marie Celeste, who is in charge of the X-ray Departmeh said, "My own experience ..vit.„ blind people was limited, But knew that St.. Michae.'s ul onto had blind darkroom worl:, and that they were most. sac kial. So we decided to venturi and 'we. gained. Bank niiA.es the different solutions needed, fur Ni-ray films development, procebse,1: tho and keeps the mac1ine.4 corner. in order, ''[[is keen bearing often. discovers Mil dittl b 1«lown4 before any of us are aware of them", Sister lidded, "And ot course, Hank receives etrual pay for equal work," didn't become a different man, But his friends iliought he would lose . In. 19L3 1 ilk took the Adiust•ment ['raining ' mrse offered by The flainolion National institute for the 131mi in . Toronto. —.rho :fact tlutt .1 ;was doing something arid. not• just silting rirmiud was On- Inntant.", flank said, '"The eta change of ideas with other. 'blind people was • a great thing". On the three month course, n ta .3„ "Frank learned taw skills needed by a Modern blind man — Braille •typ- •ing, travel with. a white Cane, \N'li en. bl ludo ess ocurred, llank $25.00 3 peeial Mrs. William Ppper, Listowel„ Jack Pot Consolation & Blonus Kesso, HistoWel. nta sto Nirel Mrs, Anne Yeoman, Wroxeter; :am Ferg Winghani; Margaret Riley, WI gh am, Next Bingo on, Friday, October t25th Jackpot. $90,00 in 62 calls. I would like io•thank neighbours and frieuds who Sent. card.S. boxes' Door Prizes. N 0 TI C cm Nov, 1th, ion Of Federation itj 1,Voinert Te.tchers' Association o[ Ontario is tscl:'11'alltlnt; CLIO Anuiver- sdry of its orgunizolion it s ban- in Myth Cliuroli. ion, Fortner ;e0chers of this are al k'difl 1 7,:‘' rrliOSe, kJ tit contact Al fl'oorge Blyth Public ..:71t.i.tool by October ...19111, CARDS OF THANKS sincer4 gratitude is here. e\pressed for the cards find tails, to all those who • so kindly r.i..1‘,-mbered . me while L was a tia wilt in hospital: Your thoughtfulness has been It )ll rravated., Jack Ritchie and treats; also those who helped di many other y I was unable to perforM these tiotios 'Nils was all appreciated very Ialeen McFarlane 1.S'e wish to sincerely thank our many friends, and neighbours in the C011.11/1,1111i, for remembering us \vsth lovely gifts, before we left for our home in Bohnore, also to those who arranged the pres,-. matition. These pleasant 'memories will always be remembered. lire and Mrs. Sellah Breckenridgo GOLDEN WORDS AUTUMN ROSARY I count the last. few autumn days Like beads Upon a rosary; I see the smoky purple haze Anti store. it in my memory, 'Cho moray diflercut JIMA and shuttles Arodiko the colored bonds T hold paeili day Until it 'fades Just like T hold each bead,. prayer. And the winter Clay's tire ("hilt Tell Walk ap,•ohi down memory lane Ana on no again I'll feel that thrill Ana relive tiny aVrin, Count evert" vile, a Port Aist like bonds on rosary, A,11(1 therfoll hr Put/lulu tl Jill heart, lAst r tinvi r-Idt hit', and Mrs ter, newlyweds, were honored at a rmon at ion and dance held is tiro. Ethel Community Hall on Fri- day t tug, Aii :,ddres was read by Robert Cur,inugham and a purse of money was presented to the by Bruce :-7'eetrari, Nil. and. Ml's'. It ran t cr replied, thanking every- ono for their kindness, Lunch was served by the committee in ethargre. Bride-Elect Showered hiss Elaine Bateman was the. guest of honour at a mistelianeous shower wit:14 'Mrs. David Kerr and Mrs. 1..ayton Smith as hostesses, hi the United Church Sunday School room, • 'rifts bride, seated in a. decorated chair, 'was -Assistt d. in opening her gifts by her mother and Miss her bridesmaid. Contests were conducted, and lunch served'. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Moncrieff United Church SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27th at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. EST SPEAKER: REV, GEORGE SIM of St., Jacobs his sense of Immo tr and hecome bitter, They soon learned that 'Hank was nor going' to in, a Plank's ritturo is secure, but there are many blind people in this area who need, thu training 1i received. 'Volt provide the training for them when you sup- port the (1N113 campaign underway now. Mail your donations to: Mr. R. [3. COUSINS, 13.111 ELS COMING EVENTS IZebeltali fail ..Varle"! t'•ia ire held. the 1..0.0 l lodge ;'oonis. HOWICK LIONS BINGO WINNERS Regular Games: ..mrs. Fred Sayer and, ...Vim Wil- fred Henry; Wingleam; Mrs: Irene Leitch. liinc:o•dine; Mrs, Formos0; Amnia Wahl, iListewel .; Mrs, Turner, Lorra:.,,e Hyde, Kin- cardine; Hill Austin, Seafortfc , Wing'ham. ry Adonis, Wroxoter, Mrs. Harvey 11Indt, Wroxeter; Mrs. Ed, Seat, List:owe!: Mrs, Fred Ohm, Winglmm and Mrs, Lyle Geiger; ".Wroxeter; Mrs. Fred Sawyer, Wingham: Mrs, owes; Jean 'Larose, Kincardine; 'Mrs. [lilies. Kincardine; Cindy Cooke, Winghani. Share the Wealth Volley Tomatt, Kitchener &- Mrs. Ohio, Wingham: ('lare Wis- tioni Kitchener.